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In recent years there has been a great effort to combine the technologies and techniques of GIS and process models. This project examines the issues of linking a standard current generation 2½d GIS with several existing model codes. The focus for the project has been the Shropshire Groundwater Scheme, which is being developed to augment flow in the River Severn during drought periods by pumping water from the Shropshire Aquifer. Previous authors have demonstrated that under certain circumstances pumping could reduce the soil moisture available for crops. This project follows earlier work at Aston in which the effects of drawdown were delineated and quantified through the development of a software package that implemented a technique which brought together the significant spatially varying parameters. This technique is repeated here, but using a standard GIS called GRASS. The GIS proved adequate for the task and the added functionality provided by the general purpose GIS - the data capture, manipulation and visualisation facilities - were of great benefit. The bulk of the project is concerned with examining the issues of the linkage of GIS and environmental process models. To this end a groundwater model (Modflow) and a soil moisture model (SWMS2D) were linked to the GIS and a crop model was implemented within the GIS. A loose-linked approach was adopted and secondary and surrogate data were used wherever possible. The implications of which relate to; justification of a loose-linked versus a closely integrated approach; how, technically, to achieve the linkage; how to reconcile the different data models used by the GIS and the process models; control of the movement of data between models of environmental subsystems, to model the total system; the advantages and disadvantages of using a current generation GIS as a medium for linking environmental process models; generation of input data, including the use of geostatistic, stochastic simulation, remote sensing, regression equations and mapped data; issues of accuracy, uncertainty and simply providing adequate data for the complex models; how such a modelling system fits into an organisational framework.
The Alborz Mountain range separates the northern part of Iran from the southern part. It also isolates a narrow coastal strip to the south of the Caspian Sea from the Central Iran plateau. Communication between the south and north until the 1950's was via two roads and one rail link. In 1963 work was completed on a major access road via the Haraz Valley (the most physically hostile area in the region). From the beginning the road was plagued by accidents resulting from unstable slopes on either side of the valley. Heavy casualties persuaded the government to undertake major engineering works to eliminate ''black spots" and make the road safe. However, despite substantial and prolonged expenditure the problems were not solved and casualties increased steadily due to the increase in traffic using the road. Another road was built to bypass the Haraz road and opened to traffic in 1983. But closure of the Haraz road was still impossible because of the growth of settlements along the route and the need for access to other installations such as the Lar Dam. The aim of this research was to explore the possibility of applying Landsat MSS imagery to locating black spots along the road and the instability problems. Landsat data had not previously been applied to highway engineering problems in the study area. Aerial photographs are better in general than satellite images for detailed mapping, but Landsat images are superior for reconnaissance and adequate for mapping at the 1 :250,000 scale. The broad overview and lack of distortion in the Landsat imagery make the images ideal for structural interpretation. The results of Landsat digital image analysis showed that certain rock types and structural features can be delineated and mapped. The most unstable areas comprising steep slopes, free of vegetation cover can be identified using image processing techniques. Structural lineaments revealed from the image analysis led to improved results (delineation of unstable features). Damavand Quaternary volcanics were found to be the dominant rock type along a 40 km stretch of the road. These rock types are inherently unstable and partly responsible for the difficulties along the road. For more detailed geological and morphological interpretation a sample of small subscenes was selected and analysed. A special developed image analysis package was designed at Aston for use on a non specialized computing system. Using this package a new and unique method for image classification was developed, allowing accurate delineation of the critical features of the study area.
The research compares the usefullness of four remote sensing information sources, these being LANDSAT photographic prints, LANDSAT computer compatible tapes, Metric Camera and SIR-A photographic prints. These sources provide evaluations of the catchment characteristics of the Belize and Sibun river basins in Central America. Map evaluations at 1:250,000 scale are compared to the results of the same scale, remotely sensed information sources. The values of catchment characteristics for both maps and LANDSAT prints are used in multiple regression analysis, providing flood flow formulae, after investigations to provide a suitable dependent variable discharge series are made for short term records. The use of all remotely sensed information sources in providing evaluations of catchment characteristics is discussed. LANDSAT prints and computer compatible tapes of a post flood scene are used to estimate flood distributions and volumes. These are compared to values obtained from unit hydrograph analysis, using the dependent discharge series and evaluate the probable losses from the Belize river to the floodplain, thereby assessing the accuracy of LANDSAT estimates. Information relating to flood behaviour is discussed in terms of basic image presentation as well as image processing. A cost analysis of the purchase and use of all materials is provided. Conclusions of the research indicate that LANDSAT print material may provide information suitable for regression analysis at levels of accuracy as great as those of topographic maps, that the differing information sources are uniquely applicable and that accurate estimates of flood volumes may be determined even by post flood imagery.
Enzyme technology is widely regarded as an exciting new technology possessing great opportunities for commercial interests and is one of a small group of key technologies singled out by the Science Research Councils during the 1960's as worthy of special support. In this thesis I outline the basic characteristics of this technology analysing the nature of the Government's policy towards it. The approach I have chosen requires an in depth analysis of the innovation process for enzymes which forms the basis for a model. This model is then used to focus on aspects of the UK science policy towards innovation in enzyme technology, assessing its impacts, and appraising the usefulness of this approach for future policy initiatives.
This research employs econometric analysis on a cross section of American electricity companies in order to study the cost implications associated with unbundling the operations of integrated companies into vertically and/or horizontally separated companies. Focusing on the representative sample average firm, we find that complete horizontal and vertical disintegration resulting in the creation of separate nuclear, conventional, and hydro electric generation companies as well as a separate firm distributing power to final consumers, results in a statistically significant 13.5 percent increase in costs. Maintaining a horizontally integrated generator producing nuclear, conventional, and hydro electric generation while imposing vertical separation by creating a stand alone distribution company, results in a lower but still substantial and statistically significant cost penalty amounting to an 8.1 % increase in costs relative to a fully integrated structure. As these results imply that a vertically separated but horizontally integrated generation firm would need to reduce the costs of generation by 11% just to recoup the cost increases associated with vertical separation, even the costs associated with just vertical unbundling are quite substantial. Our paper is also the first academic paper we are aware of that systematically considers the impact of generation mix on vertical, horizontal, and overall scope economies. As a result, we are able to demonstrate that the estimated cost of unbundling in the electricity sector is substantially influenced by generation mix. Thus, for example, we find evidence of strong vertical integration economies between nuclear and conventional generation, but little evidence for vertical integration benefits between hydro generation and the distribution of power. In contrast, we find strong evidence suggesting the presence of substantial horizontal integration economies associated with the joint production of hydro generation with nuclear and/or conventional fossil fuel generation. These results are significant because they indicate that the cost of unbundling the electricity sector will differ substantially in different systems, meaning that a blanket regulatory policy with regard to the appropriateness of vertical and horizontal unbundling is likely to be inappropriate.
Strain and thermal sensitivities of germanate and tellurite glass fibres were measured using a fibre Fabry-Perot (FFP) interferometer and fibre Bragg gratings (FBG). The strain phase sensitivity for germanate and tellurite fibre were 5900×103 rad/m and 5600×103 rad/m respectively at a central wavelength of 1540nm using FFP interferometer, which is consistent with the value of 1.22pm/µepsilon obtained for a germanate fibre FBG. The Young's modulus for germanate and tellurite fibre were also measured to be 58GPa and 37GPa. The thermal responses of germanate fibre were examined as 24.71 and 16.80 pm/°C at 1540nm and 1033nm wavelength using the FBG.
A new experimental technique is presented for making measurements of biaxial residual stress using load and depth sensing indentation (nanoindentation). The technique is based on spherical indentation, which, in certain deformation regimes, can be much more sensitive to residual stress than indentation with sharp pyramidal indenters like the Berkovich. Two different methods of analysis were developed: one requiring an independent measure of the material's yield strength and the other a reference specimen in the unstressed state or other known reference condition. Experiments conducted on aluminum alloys to which controlled biaxial bending stresses were applied showed that the methods are capable of measuring the residual stress to within 10-20% of the specimen yield stress. Because the methods do not require imaging of the hardness impressions, they are potentially useful for making localized measurements of residual stress, as in thin films or small volumes, or for characterization of point-to-point spatial variations of the surface stress.
The methods and software for integration of databases (DBs) on inorganic material and substance properties have been developed. The information systems integration is based on known approaches combination: EII (Enterprise Information Integration) and EAI (Enterprise Application Integration). The metabase - special database that stores data on integrated DBs contents is an integrated system kernel. Proposed methods have been applied for DBs integrated system creation in the field of inorganic chemistry and materials science. Important developed integrated system feature is ability to include DBs that have been created by means of different DBMS using essentially various computer platforms: Sun (DB "Diagram") and Intel (other DBs) and diverse operating systems: Sun Solaris (DB "Diagram") and Microsoft Windows Server (other DBs).
Modification of human islets prior to transplantation may improve long-term clinical outcome in terms of diabetes management, by supporting graft function and reducing the potential for allo-rejection. Intragraft incorporation of stem cells secreting beta (β)-cell trophic and immunomodulatory factors represents a credible approach, but requires suitable culture methods to facilitate islet alteration without compromising integrity. This study employed a three-dimensional rotational cell culture system (RCCS) to achieve modification, preserve function, and ultimately influence immune cell responsiveness to human islets. Islets underwent intentional dispersal and rotational culture-assisted aggregation with amniotic epithelial cells (AEC) exhibiting intrinsic immunomodulatory potential. Reassembled islet constructs were assessed for functional integrity, and their ability to induce an allo-response in discrete T-cell subsets determined using mixed islet:lymphocyte reaction assays. RCCS supported the formation of islet:AEC aggregates with improved insulin secretory capacity compared to unmodified islets. Further, the allo-response of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and purified CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets to AEC-bearing grafts was significantly (p < 0.05) attenuated. Rotational culture enables pre-transplant islet modification involving their integration with immunomodulatory stem cells capable of subduing the allo-reactivity of T cells relevant to islet rejection. The approach may play a role in achieving acute and long-term graft survival in islet transplantation.
Strain and thermal sensitivities of germanate and tellurite glass fibres were measured using a fibre Fabry-Perot (FFP) interferometer and fibre Bragg gratings (FBG). The strain phase sensitivity for germanate and tellurite fibre were 5900×103 rad/m and 5600×103 rad/m respectively at a central wavelength of 1540nm using FFP interferometer, which is consistent with the value of 1.22pm/µepsilon obtained for a germanate fibre FBG. The Young's modulus for germanate and tellurite fibre were also measured to be 58GPa and 37GPa. The thermal responses of germanate fibre were examined as 24.71 and 16.80 pm/°C at 1540nm and 1033nm wavelength using the FBG.