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BACKGROUND: Angiogenesis is a key hallmark of tumourigenesis and its inhibition is a proven strategy for the development of novel anti-cancer therapeutics. An important aspect of early angiogenesis is the co-ordinated migration and invasion of endothelial cells through the hypoxic tumour tissue. Cathepsin S has been shown to play an important role in angiogenesis as has vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). We sought to assess the anti-angiogenic effect of Fsn0503, a novel cathepsin S inhibitory antibody, when combined with anti-VEGF on vascular development.

METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Cathepsin S expression and secretion from endothelial cells was characterised using RT-PCR and western blotting. We further show that cathepsin S promotes pericellular hydrolysis of extracellular matrix components in the tumour microenvironment and facilitates endothelial invasion. The cathepsin S inhibitory antibody, Fsn0503, blocks extracellular proteolysis, inhibiting endothelial invasion and tube formation in cell-based assays. The anti-angiogenic effects of Fsn0503 were also shown in vivo where it significantly retarded the development of vasculature in human xenograft models. Furthermore, when Fsn0503 was combined with an anti-VEGF antibody, a synergistic inhibition of microvascular development was observed.

CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, this data demonstrates that the antibody-mediated targeting of cathepsin S represents a novel method of inhibiting angiogenesis. Furthermore, when used in combination with anti-VEGF therapies, Fsn0503 has the potential to significantly enhance current treatments of tumour neovascularisation and may also be of use in the treatment of other conditions associated with inappropriate angiogenesis.


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Single-cell recording studies have provided vision scientists with a detailed understanding of motion processing at the neuronal level in non-human primates. However, despite the development of brain imaging techniques, it is not known to what extent the response characteristics of motion-sensitive neurons in monkey brain mirror those of human motion sensitive neurons. Using a motion adaptation paradigm, the direction aftereffect, we recently provided evidence of a strong resemblance in the response functions of motion-sensitive neurons in monkey and human to moving dot patterns differing in dot density. Here we describe a series of experiments in which measurements of the direction aftereffect are used to infer the response characteristics of human motion-sensitive neurons when viewing transparent motion and moving patterns that differ in their signal-to-noise ratio (motion coherence). In the case of transparent motion stimuli, our data suggest suppressed activity of motion-sensitive neurons similar to that reported for macaque monkey. In the case of motion coherence, our results are indicative of a linear relationship between signal intensity (coherence) and neural activity; a pattern of activity which also bears a striking similarity to macaque neural activity. These findings strongly suggest that monkey and human motionsensitive neurons exhibit similar response and inhibitory characteristics.


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Mammalian cells respond to nutrient deprivation by inhibiting energy consuming processes, such as proliferation and protein synthesis, and by stimulating catabolic processes, such as autophagy. p70 S6 kinase (S6K1) plays a central role during nutritional regulation of translation. S6K1 is activated by growth factors such as insulin, and by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which is itself regulated by amino acids. The Class IA phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase plays a well recognized role in the regulation of S6K1. We now present evidence that the Class III PI 3-kinase, hVps34, also regulates S6K1, and is a critical component of the nutrient sensing apparatus. Overexpression of hVps34 or the associated hVps15 kinase activates S6K1, and insulin stimulation of S6K1 is blocked by microinjection of inhibitory anti-hVps34 antibodies, overexpression of a FYVE domain construct that sequesters the hVps34 product PI(3) P, or small interfering RNA-mediated knock-down of hVps34. hVps34 is not part of the insulin input to S6K1, as it is not stimulated by insulin, and inhibition of hVps34 has no effect on phosphorylation of Akt or TSC2 in insulin-stimulated cells. However, hVps34 is inhibited by amino acid or glucose starvation, suggesting that it lies on the nutrient-regulated pathway to S6K1. Consistent with this, hVps34 is also inhibited by activation of the AMP-activated kinase, which inhibits mTOR/S6K1 in glucose-starved cells. hVps34 appears to lie upstream of mTOR, as small interfering RNA knock- down of hVps34 inhibits the phosphorylation of another mTOR substrate, eIF4E-binding protein-1 (4EBP1). Our data suggest that hVps34 is a nutrient-regulated lipid kinase that integrates amino acid and glucose inputs to mTOR and S6K1.


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The spacer structure of homobivalent quinazolinimes acting as potent acetyl-(AChE)- and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) inhibitors was chemically modified introducing tertiary amine and acyl-amide moieties, and the activities at both ChEs were evaluated. Molecular docking was applied to explain the data and probe the capacity of the mid-gorge site of both ChEs. The novel spacer structures considerably alter the biological profile of bivalent quinazolinimines with regard to both inhibitory activity and selectivity. Mutual interaction of binding to the various sites of the enzymes was further investigated by applying also different spacer lengths and ring sizes of the alicycle of the tricyclic quinazolinimines. In order to achieve selectivity toward BChE and to improve inhibitory activities, the spacer structure was optimized and identified a highly potent and selective BChE inhibitor. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Identification of immune modifiers of inherited cancer syndromes may provide a rationale for preventive therapy. Cowden disease (CD) is a genetically heterogeneous inherited cancer syndrome that arises predominantly from germline phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) mutation and increased phosphoinositide 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin (PI3K/mTOR) signalling. However, many patients with classic CD diagnostic features are mutation-negative for PTEN (PTEN M-Neg). Interferon (IFN)-gamma can modulate the PI3K/mTOR pathway, but its association with PTEN M-Neg CD remains unclear. This study assessed IFN-gamma secretion by multi-colour flow cytometry in a CD kindred that was mutation-negative for PTEN and other known susceptibility genes. Because IFN-gamma responses may be regulated by killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and respective human leucocyte antigen (HLA) ligands, KIR/HLA genotypes were also assessed. Activating treatments induced greater IFN-gamma secretion in PTEN M-Neg CD peripheral blood lymphocytes versus healthy controls. Increased frequency of activating KIR genes, potentially activating KIR/HLA compound genotypes and reduced frequency of inhibitory genotypes, were found in the PTEN M-Neg CD kindred. Differences of IFN-gamma secretion were observed among PTEN M-Neg CD patients with distinct KIR/HLA compound genotypes. Taken together, these findings show enhanced lymphocyte secretion of IFN-gamma that may influence the PI3K/mTOR CD causal molecular pathway in a PTEN mutation-negative CD kindred.


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Lymphocytes have long been established to play an important role in the regulation of hematopoiesis and produce many cytokines that act on hematopoietic progenitor cells. Previous studies by our group have shown that normal, unstimulated lymphocytes produce a protein that inhibits normal bone marrow GM colony formation. Adiponectin is an adipokine that has been demonstrated to act as a negative regulator of hematopoiesis and immune function. This study aimed to determine if the inhibitory molecule that we described previously was adiponectin. Here, we show transcription, translation, and secretion of adiponectin from lymphocytes and demonstrate that its receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2, are expressed by bone marrow MNCs. We show that although the adiponectin expression is low in lymphocytes, it is sufficient to induce a significant inhibitory effect on GM precursors (CFU-GM) and activate the AMPK pathway in these cells. The regulation of adiponectin production by lymphocytes and its detailed function in suppressing GM colony formation need to be elucidated now. Our findings suggest a functional role for adiponectin as a negative regulator of granulopoiesis. J. Leukoc. Biol. 88: 807-811; 2010.


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Ligand-induced activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAIR gamma) inhibits proliferation in cancer cells in vitro and in vivo; however, the downstream targets remain undefined. We report the identification of a peroxisome proliferator response element in the promoter region of the Na+/ H transporter gene NHE1, the overexpression of which has been associated with carcinogenesis. Exposure of breast cancer cells expressing high levels of PPAR gamma to its natural and synthetic agonists resulted in downregulation of NHE1 transcription as well as protein expression. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of activated PPAR gamma on tumor colony-forming ability was abrogated on overexpression of NHE1, whereas small interfering RNA-mediated gene silencing of NHE1 significantly increased the sensitivity of cancer cells to growth-inhibitory stimuli. Finally, histopathologic analysis of breast cancer biopsies obtained from patients with type II diabetes treated with the synthetic agonist rosiglitazone showed significant repression of NHE1 in the tumor tissue. These data provide evidence for tumor-selective downregulation of NHE1 by activated PPAR gamma in vitro and in pathologic specimens from breast cancer patients and could have potential implications for the judicious use of low doses of PPAR gamma ligands in combination chemotherapy regimens for an effective therapeutic response. [Cancer Res 2009;69(22):8636-44]


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Structure-based modeling methods have been used to design a series of disubstituted triazole-linked acridine compounds with selectivity for human telomeric quadruplex DNAs. A focused library of these compounds was prepared using click chemistry and the selectivity concept was validated against two promoter quadruplexes from the c-kit gene with known molecular structures, as well as with duplex DNA using a FRET-based melting method. Lead compounds were found to have reduced effects on the thermal stability of the c-kit quadruplexes and duplex DNA structures. These effects were further explored with a series of competition experiments, which confirmed that binding to duplex DNA is very low even at high duplex:telomeric quadruplex ratios. Selectivity to the c-kit quadruplexes is more complex, with some evidence of their stabilization at increasing excess over human telomeric quadruplex DNA. Selectivity is a result of the dimensions of the triazole-acridine compounds; and in particular the separation of the two alkyl-amino terminal groups. Both lead compounds also have selective inhibitory effects on the proliferation of cancer cell lines compared to a normal cell line, and one has been shown to inhibit the activity of the telomerase enzyme, which is selectively expressed in tumor cells, where it plays a role in maintaining telomere integrity and cellular immortalization.


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A small library of pyrrolidinesulphonylaryl molecules has been synthesized via an efficient 4-step route, and members evaluated for their ability to inhibit IL-6 signalling. One molecule (6a) was found to have promising activity against IL-6/STAT3 signalling at the low micromolar level, and to selectively inhibit phosphorylation of STAT3 (but not STAT1) in IL-6 stimulated MDA-MB-231 breast cancer and HeLa cell lines. It was also selectively cytostatic in MDA-MB-231 (STAT3-dependent) versus A4 (STAT3-null) cells suggesting STAT3-specific inhibitory properties.


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We found that procaspase 8 was overexpressed in non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) compared with matched normal tissues. The caspase 8 inhibitor FLICE-inhibitory protein (FLIP) was also overexpressed in the majority of NSCLCs. Silencing FLIP induced caspase 8 activation and apoptosis in NSCLC cell lines, but not in normal lung cell lines. Apoptosis induced by FLIP silencing was mediated by the TRAIL death receptors DR4 and DR5, but was not dependent on ligation of the receptors by TRAIL. Furthermore, the apoptosis induced by FLIP silencing was dependent on the overexpression of procaspase 8 in NSCLC cells. Moreover, in NSCLC cells, but not in normal cells, FLIP silencing induced co-localization of DR5 and ceramide, and disruption of this co-localization abrogated apoptosis. FLIP silencing supra-additively increased TRAIL-induced apoptosis of NSCLC cells; however, normal lung cells were resistant to TRAIL, even when FLIP was silenced. Importantly, FLIP silencing sensitized NSCLC cells but not normal cells to chemotherapy in vitro, and silencing FLIP in vivo retarded NSCLC xenograft growth and enhanced the anti-tumour effects of cisplatin. Collectively, our results suggest that due to frequent procaspase 8 overexpression, NSCLCs may be particularly sensitive to FLIP-targeted therapies.


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Purpose: We previously found that cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP), caspase 8, and tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor 2 (DR5) are major regulators of cell viability and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer. In this study, we determined the prognostic significance of c-FLIP, caspase 8, TRAIL and DR5 expression in tissues from patients with stage II and III colorectal cancer.

Experimental Design: Tissue microarrays were constructed from matched normal and tumor tissue derived from patients (n = 253) enrolled in a phase III trial of adjuvant 5-fluorouracil–based chemotherapy versus postoperative observation alone. TRAIL, DR5, caspase 8, and c-FLIP expression levels were determined by immunohistochemistry.

Results: Colorectal tumors displayed significantly higher expression levels of c-FLIP (P < 0.001), caspase 8 (P = 0.01), and DR5 (P < 0.001), but lower levels of TRAIL (P < 0.001) compared with matched normal tissue. In univariate analysis, higher TRAIL expression in the tumor was associated with worse overall survival (P = 0.026), with a trend to decreased relapse-free survival (RFS; P = 0.06), and higher tumor c-FLIP expression was associated with a significantly decreased RFS (P = 0.015). Using multivariate predictive modeling for RFS in all patients and including all biomarkers, age, treatment, and stage, we found that the model was significant when the mean tumor c-FLIP expression score and disease stage were included (P < 0.001). As regards overall survival, the overall model was predictive when both TRAIL expression and disease stage were included (P < 0.001).

Conclusions: High c-FLIP and TRAIL expression may be independent adverse prognostic markers in stage II and III colorectal cancer and might identify patients most at risk of relapse.


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Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis causes paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in ruminants in most countries. Historical data suggest substantial differences in culturability of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates from small ruminants and cattle; however, a systematic comparison of culture media and isolates from different countries and hosts has not been undertaken. Here, 35 field isolates from the United States, Spain, Northern Ireland, and Australia were propagated in Bactec 12B medium and Middlebrook 7H10 agar, genomically characterized, and subcultured to Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ), Herrold's egg yolk (HEY), modified Middlebrook 7H10, Middlebrook 7H11, and Watson-Reid (WR) agars, all with and without mycobactin J and some with sodium pyruvate. Fourteen genotypes of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis were represented as determined by BstEII IS900 and IS1311 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. There was no correlation between genotype and overall culturability, although most S strains tended to grow poorly on HEY agar. Pyruvate was inhibitory to some isolates. All strains grew on modified Middlebrook 7H10 agar but more slowly and less prolifically on LJ agar. Mycobactin J was required for growth on all media except 7H11 agar, but growth was improved by the addition of mycobactin J to 7H11 agar. WR agar supported the growth of few isolates. The differences in growth of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis that have historically been reported in diverse settings have been strongly influenced by the type of culture medium used. When an optimal culture medium, such as modified Middlebrook 7H10 agar, is used, very little difference between the growth phenotypes of diverse strains of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was observed. This optimal medium is recommended to remove bias in the isolation and cultivation of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis.


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Lipoxygenases (LOX) contribute to vascular disease and inflammation through generation of bioactive lipids, including 12-hydro(pero)xyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-H(P)ETE). The physiological mechanisms that acutely control LOX product generation in mammalian cells are uncharacterized. Human platelets that contain a 12-LOX isoform (p12-LOX) were used to define pathways that activate H( P) ETE synthesis in the vasculature. Collagen and collagen-related peptide (CRP) (1 to 10 mug/mL) acutely induced platelet 12-H(P)ETE synthesis. This implicated the collagen receptor glycoprotein VI ( GPVI), which signals via the immunoreceptor-based activatory motif (ITAM)-containing FcRgamma chain. Conversely, thrombin only activated at high concentrations (> 0.2 U/mL), whereas U46619 and ADP alone were ineffective. Collagen or CRP-stimulated 12-H( P) ETE generation was inhibited by staurosporine, PP2, wortmannin, BAPTA/AM, EGTA, and L-655238, implicating src-tyrosine kinases, PI3-kinase, Ca2+ mobilization, and p12-LOX translocation. In contrast, protein kinase C (PKC) inhibition potentiated 12-H( P) ETE generation. Finally, activation of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM)-containing platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM-1) inhibited p12-LOX product generation. This study characterizes a receptor-dependent pathway for 12-H(P) ETE synthesis via the collagen receptor GPVI, which is negatively regulated by PECAM-1 and PKC, and demonstrates a novel link between immune receptor signaling and lipid mediator generation in the vasculature.


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We have compared the roles of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), thromboxanes and the integrin alpha(2)beta(1) in the activation of washed platelets by collagen in the presence of the alpha(IIb)beta3 antagonist lotrafiban. The stimulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation by a collagen suspension is markedly delayed in the presence of the above inhibitors but shows substantial recovery with time. In comparison, activation of phospholipase C (PLC), Ca2+ elevation and dense granule secretion are more severely suppressed by the above inhibitors. blockade has a slightly greater inhibitory effect on all of the above responses than a combination of ADP receptor antagonists and cyclooxygenase inhibitor. Platelets exposed to a collagen monolayer show robust elevation of Ca2+ that is delayed in the presence of the above inhibitors and which is accompanied by of-granule secretion. These results demonstrate that secondary mediators and alpha(2)beta(1) modulate collagen-induced intracellular signaling but have negligible effect on GPVI signaling induced by the specific agonist convulxin. This work supports the postulate that the major role of of alpha(2)beta(1) is to increase the avidity of collagen for the platelet surface and by doing so enhance activation of GPVI. Therefore we propose an important role of secondary mediators in collagen-induced signaling is the indirect regulation of GPVI signaling via activation of alpha(2)beta(1).


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Natriuretic peptides are common components of reptile venoms and molecular cloning of their biosynthetic precursors has revealed that in snakes, they co-encode bradykinin-potentiating peptides and in venomous lizards, some co-encode bradykinin inhibitory peptides such as the helokinestatins. The common natriuretic peptide/helokinestatin precursor of the Gila Monster, Heloderma suspectum, encodes five helokinestatins of differing primary structures. Here we report the molecular cloning of a natriuretic peptide/helokinestatin precursor cDNA from a venom-derived cDNA library of the Mexican beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum). Deduction of the primary structure of the encoded precursor protein from this cloned cDNA template revealed that it consisted of 196 amino acid residues encoding a single natriuretic peptide and five helokinestatins. While the natriuretic peptide was of identical primary structure to its Gila Monster (H. suspectum) homolog, the encoded helokinestatins were not, with this region of the common precursor displaying some significant differences to its H. suspectum homolog. The helokinestatin-encoding region contained a single copy of helokinestatin-1, 2 copies of helokinestatin-3 and single copies of 2 novel peptides, (Phe)(5)-helokinestatin-2 (VPPAFVPLVPR) and helokinestatin-6 (GPPFNPPPFVDYEPR). All predicted peptides were found in reverse phase HPLC fractions of the same venom. Synthetic replicates of both novel helokinestatins were found to antagonize the relaxing effect of bradykinin on rat tail artery smooth muscle. Thus lizard venom continues to provide a source of novel biologically active peptides. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.