968 resultados para Incomplete Intestinal Metaplasia
BACKGROUND: Galectins are involved at different stages in inflammation. Galectin-3, although mostly described as proinflammatory, can also act as an immunomodulator by inducing apoptosis in T cells. The present study aims to determine galectin-3 expression in the normal and inflamed intestinal mucosa and to define its role in T cell activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Galectin-3 was detected by quantitative polymerase chain reaction with total RNA from endoscopic biopsies and by immunohistochemistry. Biopsies and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated in vitro and were used to assess the functional consequences of inhibition or exogenous addition of galectin-3. RESULTS: Galectin-3 is expressed at comparable levels in controls and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients in remission. In the normal mucosa, galectin-3 protein was mainly observed in differentiated enterocytes, preferentially at the basolateral side. However, galectin-3 was significantly downregulated in inflamed biopsies from IBD patients. Ex vivo stimulation of uninflamed biopsies with tumor necrosis factor led to similar galectin-3 messenger RNA downregulation as in vivo. When peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were analyzed, galectin-3 was mainly produced by monocytes. Upon mitogen stimulation, we observed increased proliferation and decreased activation-induced cell death of peripheral blood T cells in the presence of galectin-3-specific small interfering RNA. In contrast, exogenous addition of recombinant galectin-3 led to reduced proliferation of mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood T cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that downregulation of epithelial galectin-3 in the inflamed mucosa reflects a normal immunological consequence, whereas under noninflammatory conditions, its constitutive expression may help to prevent inappropriate immune responses against commensal bacteria or food compounds. Therefore, galectin-3 may prove valuable for manipulating disease activity.
Glucocorticoids are steroid hormones with important functions in development, immune regulation, and glucose metabolism. The adrenal glands are the predominant source of glucocorticoids; however, there is increasing evidence for extraadrenal glucocorticoid synthesis in thymus, brain, skin, and vascular endothelium. We recently identified intestinal epithelial cells as an important source of glucocorticoids, which regulate the activation of local intestinal immune cells. The molecular regulation of intestinal glucocorticoid synthesis is currently unexplored. In this study we investigated the transcriptional regulation of the steroidogenic enzymes P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme and 11beta-hydroxylase, and the production of corticosterone in the murine intestinal epithelial cell line mICcl2 and compared it with that in the adrenocortical cell line Y1. Surprisingly, we observed a reciprocal stimulation pattern in these two cell lines. Elevation of intracellular cAMP induced the expression of steroidogenic enzymes in Y1 cells, whereas it inhibited steroidogenesis in mICcl2 cells. In contrast, phorbol ester induced steroidogenic enzymes in intestinal epithelial cells, which was synergistically enhanced upon transfection of cells with the nuclear receptors steroidogenic factor-1 (NR5A1) and liver receptor homolog-1 (NR5A2). Finally, we observed that basal and liver receptor homolog-1/phorbol ester-induced expression of steroidogenic enzymes in mICcl2 cells was inhibited by the antagonistic nuclear receptor small heterodimer partner. We conclude that the molecular basis of glucocorticoid synthesis in intestinal epithelial cells is distinct from that in adrenal cells, most likely representing an adaptation to the local environment and different requirements.
Intestinal macrophages, preferentially located in the subepithelial lamina propria, represent in humans the largest pool of tissue macrophages. To comply with their main task, i.e. the efficient removal of microbes and particulate matter that might have gained access to the mucosa from the intestinal lumen while maintaining local tissue homeostasis, several phenotypic and functional adaptations evolved. Most notably, microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP) receptors, including the lipopolysaccharide receptors CD14 and TLR4, but also the Fc receptors for IgA and IgG are absent on most intestinal Mø. Here we review recent findings on the phenotypic and functional adaptations of intestinal Mø and their implications for the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects on intestinal oxygen supply, and mucosal tissue oxygen tension during haemorrhage and after fluid resuscitation with either blood (B; n=7), gelatine (G; n=8), or lactated Ringer's solution (R; n=8) in an autoperfused, innervated jejunal segment in anaesthetized pigs. METHODS: To induce haemorrhagic shock, 50% of calculated blood volume was withdrawn. Systemic haemodynamics, mesenteric venous and systemic acid-base and blood gas variables, and lactate measurements were recorded. A flowmeter was used for measuring mesenteric arterial blood flow. Mucosal tissue oxygen tension (PO(2)muc), jejunal microvascular haemoglobin oxygen saturation (HbO(2)) and microvascular blood flow were measured. Measurements were performed at baseline, after haemorrhage and at four 20 min intervals after fluid resuscitation. After haemorrhage, animals were retransfused with blood, gelatine or lactated Ringer's solution until baseline pulmonary capillary wedge pressure was reached. RESULTS: After resuscitation, no significant differences in macrohaemodynamic parameters were observed between groups. Systemic and intestinal lactate concentration was significantly increased in animals receiving lactated Ringer's solution [5.6 (1.1) vs 3.3 (1.1) mmol litre(-1); 5.6 (1.1) vs 3.3 (1.2) mmol litre(-1)]. Oxygen supply to the intestine was impaired in animals receiving lactated Ringer's solution when compared with animals receiving blood. Blood and gelatine resuscitation resulted in higher HbO(2) than with lactated Ringer's resuscitation after haemorrhagic shock [B, 43.8 (10.4)%; G, 34.6 (9.4)%; R, 28.0 (9.3)%]. PO(2)muc was better preserved with gelatine resuscitation when compared with lactated Ringer's or blood resuscitation [20.0 (8.8) vs 13.8 (7.1) mm Hg, 15.2 (7.2) mm Hg, respectively]. CONCLUSION: Blood or gelatine infusion improves mucosal tissue oxygenation of the porcine jejunum after severe haemorrhage when compared with lactated Ringer's solution.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the in vitro effects of bethanechol on contractility of smooth muscle preparations from the small intestines of healthy cows and define the muscarinic receptor subtypes involved in mediating contraction. SAMPLE POPULATION: Tissue samples from the duodenum and jejunum collected immediately after slaughter of 40 healthy cows. PROCEDURES: Cumulative concentration-response curves were determined for the muscarinic receptor agonist bethanechol with or without prior incubation with subtype-specific receptor antagonists in an organ bath. Effects of bethanechol and antagonists and the influence of intestinal location on basal tone, maximal amplitude (A(max)), and area under the curve (AUC) were evaluated. RESULTS: Bethanechol induced a significant, concentration-dependent increase in all preparations and variables. The effect of bethanechol was more pronounced in jejunal than in duodenal samples and in circular than in longitudinal preparations. Significant inhibition of the effects of bethanechol was observed after prior incubation with muscarinic receptor subtype M(3) antagonists (more commonly for basal tone than for A(max) and AUC). The M(2) receptor antagonists partly inhibited the response to bethanechol, especially for basal tone. The M(3) receptor antagonists were generally more potent than the M(2) receptor antagonists. In a protection experiment, an M(3) receptor antagonist was less potent than when used in combination with an M(2) receptor antagonist. Receptor antagonists for M(1) and M(4) did not affect contractility variables. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bethanechol acting on muscarinic receptor sub-types M(2) and M(3) may be of clinical use as a prokinetic drug for motility disorders of the duodenum and jejunum in dairy cows.
We consider inference in randomized studies, in which repeatedly measured outcomes may be informatively missing due to drop out. In this setting, it is well known that full data estimands are not identified unless unverified assumptions are imposed. We assume a non-future dependence model for the drop-out mechanism and posit an exponential tilt model that links non-identifiable and identifiable distributions. This model is indexed by non-identified parameters, which are assumed to have an informative prior distribution, elicited from subject-matter experts. Under this model, full data estimands are shown to be expressed as functionals of the distribution of the observed data. To avoid the curse of dimensionality, we model the distribution of the observed data using a Bayesian shrinkage model. In a simulation study, we compare our approach to a fully parametric and a fully saturated model for the distribution of the observed data. Our methodology is motivated and applied to data from the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial.
Digestion of starch requires activities provided by 6 interactive small intestinal enzymes. Two of these are luminal endo-glucosidases named alpha-amylases. Four are exo-glucosidases bound to the luminal surface of enterocytes. These mucosal activities were identified as 4 different maltases. Two maltase activities were associated with sucrase-isomaltase. Two remaining maltases, lacking other identifying activities, were named maltase-glucoamylase. These 4 activities are better described as alpha-glucosidases because they digest all linear starch oligosaccharides to glucose. Because confusion persists about the relative roles of these 6 enzymes, we ablated maltase-glucoamylase gene expression by homologous recombination in Sv/129 mice. We assayed the alpha-glucogenic activities of the jejunal mucosa with and without added recombinant pancreatic alpha-amylase, using a range of food starch substrates. Compared with wild-type mucosa, null mucosa or alpha-amylase alone had little alpha-glucogenic activity. alpha-Amylase amplified wild-type and null mucosal alpha-glucogenesis. alpha-Amylase amplification was most potent against amylose and model resistant starches but was inactive against its final product limit-dextrin and its constituent glucosides. Both sucrase-isomaltase and maltase-glucoamylase were active with limit-dextrin substrate. These mucosal assays were corroborated by a 13C-limit-dextrin breath test. In conclusion, the global effect of maltase-glucoamylase ablation was a slowing of rates of mucosal alpha-glucogenesis. Maltase-glucoamylase determined rates of digestion of starch in normal mice and alpha-amylase served as an amplifier for mucosal starch digestion. Acarbose inhibition was most potent against maltase-glucoamylase activities of the wild-type mouse. The consortium of 6 interactive enzymes appears to be a mechanism for adaptation of alpha-glucogenesis to a wide range of food starches.
Evidence of native starch degradation with human small intestinal maltase-glucoamylase (recombinant)
Action of human small intestinal brush border carbohydrate digesting enzymes is thought to involve only final hydrolysis reactions of oligosaccharides to monosaccharides. In vitro starch digestibility assays use fungal amyloglucosidase to provide this function. In this study, recombinant N-terminal subunit enzyme of human small intestinal maltase-glucoamylase (rhMGAM-N) was used to explore digestion of native starches from different botanical sources. The susceptibilities to enzyme hydrolysis varied among the starches. The rate and extent of hydrolysis of amylomaize-5 and amylomaize-7 into glucose were greater than for other starches. Such was not observed with fungal amyloglucosidase or pancreatic alpha-amylase. The degradation of native starch granules showed a surface furrowed pattern in random, radial, or tree-like arrangements that differed substantially from the erosion patterns of amyloglucosidase or alpha-amylase. The evidence of raw starch granule degradation with rhMGAM-N indicates that pancreatic alpha-amylase hydrolysis is not a requirement for native starch digestion in the human small intestine.
Epithelial cells in the human small intestine express meprin, an astacin-like metalloprotease, which accumulates normally at the brush border membrane and in the gut lumen. Therefore, meprin is targeted towards luminal components. In coeliac disease patients, peptides from ingested cereals trigger mucosal inflammation in the small intestine, disrupting epithelial cell differentiation and function. Using in situ hybridisation on duodenal tissue sections, we observed a marked shift of meprin mRNA expression from epithelial cells, the predominant expression site in normal mucosa, to lamina propria leukocytes in coeliac disease. Meprin thereby gains access to the substrate repertoire present beneath the epithelium.
Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) potently amplifies acute inflammatory responses by enhancing degranulation and secretion of proinflammatory mediators. Here we demonstrate that TREM-1 is also crucially involved in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Myeloid cells of the normal intestine generally lack TREM-1 expression. In experimental mouse models of colitis and in patients with IBD, however, TREM-1 expression in the intestine was upregulated and correlated with disease activity. TREM-1 significantly enhanced the secretion of relevant proinflammatory mediators in intestinal macrophages from IBD patients. Blocking TREM-1 by the administration of an antagonistic peptide substantially attenuated clinical course and histopathological alterations in experimental mouse models of colitis. This effect was also seen when the antagonistic peptide was administered only after the first appearance of clinical signs of colitis. Hence, TREM-1-mediated amplification of inflammation contributes not only to the exacerbation of acute inflammatory disorders but also to the perpetuation of chronic inflammatory disorders. Furthermore, interfering with TREM-1 engagement leads to the simultaneous reduction of production and secretion of a variety of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF, IL-6, IL-8 (CXCL8), MCP-1 (CCL2), and IL-1beta. Therefore, TREM-1 may also represent an attractive target for the treatment of chronic inflammatory disorders.
BACKGROUND: Stent thrombosis may occur late after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation, and its cause remains unknown. The present study investigated differences of the stented segment between patients with and without very late stent thrombosis with the use of intravascular ultrasound. METHODS AND RESULTS: Since January 2004, patients presenting with very late stent thrombosis (> 1 year) after DES implantation underwent intravascular ultrasound. Findings in patients with very late stent thrombosis were compared with intravascular ultrasound routinely obtained 8 months after DES implantation in 144 control patients, who did not experience stent thrombosis for > or = 2 years. Very late stent thrombosis was encountered in 13 patients at a mean of 630+/-166 days after DES implantation. Compared with DES controls, patients with very late stent thrombosis had longer lesions (23.9+/-16.0 versus 13.3+/-7.9 mm; P<0.001) and stents (34.6+/-22.4 versus 18.6+/-9.5 mm; P<0.001), more stents per lesion (1.6+/-0.9 versus 1.1+/-0.4; P<0.001), and stent overlap (39% versus 8%; P<0.001). Vessel cross-sectional area was similar for the reference segment (cross-sectional area of the external elastic membrane: 18.9+/-6.9 versus 20.4+/-7.2 mm2; P=0.46) but significantly larger for the in-stent segment (28.6+/-11.9 versus 20.1+/-6.7 mm2; P=0.03) in very late stent thrombosis patients compared with DES controls. Incomplete stent apposition was more frequent (77% versus 12%; P<0.001) and maximal incomplete stent apposition area was larger (8.3+/-7.5 versus 4.0+/-3.8 mm2; P=0.03) in patients with very late stent thrombosis compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: Incomplete stent apposition is highly prevalent in patients with very late stent thrombosis after DES implantation, suggesting a role in the pathogenesis of this adverse event.
The formation of an intestinal stoma is one of the most frequent operations in visceral surgery. Despite new operative techniques and a more restrictive use of the stoma, the stoma formation remains an often necessary surgical procedure, which results to a dramatic change in the patients' life. The stoma formation and its later closure are associated with a high morbidity. Many complications, such as stoma necrosis, stoma retraction or stoma prolapse, are related to surgical mistakes made during stoma formation. These complications are therefore largely avoidable. The stoma formation needs careful planning together with a professional stoma nursing team. Moreover, it is mandatory that the stoma formation is made with great care and that it meticulously follows the well established surgical principles. A perfectly placed, technically correctly fashioned and easy to care for stoma is essential for a good patients'quality of life.