995 resultados para Illustrations


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Foram estudados os grãos de pólen de 12 gêneros e 41 espécies de Solanaceae ocorrentes na Reserva do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga: Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schlecht., Athenaea picta (Mart.) Sendtn., Brunfelsia latifolia Benth., Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. & Schlecht.) Benth., Capsicum flexuosum (L.) Sendtn., Capsicum villosum (L.) Sendtn., Cestrum amictum (L.) Schlecht., Cestrum corymbosum (L.) Schlecht., Cestrum lanceolatum (L.) Miers, Cestrum schlechtendalii (L.) G. Don, Cestrum sendtnerianum (L.) Mart. ex Sendtn., Cyphomandra diploconos Sendtn., Cyphomandra velutina Sendtn., Dyssochroma viridiflora (Sims) Ducke, Nicotiana langsdorffii (Weinm.) Roem. & Schult., Physalis peruviana L., Physalis viscosa L., Sessea brasiliensis Tol., Solandra grandiflora Sw, Solanum americanum Mill., Solanum atropurpureum Schrank., Solanum bullatum Vell., Solanum capsicoides Allion., Solanum cernuum Vell., Solanum concinnum Schott ex Sendtn., Solanum didynum Dun., Solanum diflorum Vell., Solanum excelsum St. Hil. ex Dun., Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dun., Solanum hoehnei Morton, Solanum inaequale Vell., Solanum inodornum Vell., Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. ex Dun., Solanum mauritianum Scop., Solanum paniculatum L., Solanum rufescens Sendtn., Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., Solanum swartzianum Roem. & Schult., Solanum vaillantii Dun., Solanum variabile Mart., Solanum viarum Dun. São apresentadas descrições para todas as espécies estudadas, ilustrações, observações e seis chaves polínicas.


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The focus of this thesis is the discussion of stories from the fairy tales genre in reading classes of Children´s Literature. Its main purpose is to investigate the argumentative action in the mediation pedagogic process.The evidence from this study is that the argumentative action is a fundamental component of teacher´s mediation as far as story discussion is concerned. The concept of mediation in this thesis comes from principles of interacionist Psychology articulated with THE theory of argumentation. It is understood that argumentative action is a process that objectives to obtain and to intensify the interlocuter´s adhesion through speech. The analysis of the story discussion activity is based on Psycholinguistic, particularly on the study of prevision ability; on the Theory of reception with special reference to the theory of the aesthetic effect, which considers the reader´s reactions and reader´s replies to the text; and on sociocognitive conflict study highlighting conflicts modalities brought up by the discussion of texts. The corpus analysed is composed by discussion episodes of stories from reading classes of Children´s Literature realized through participative observation.The subjects were children aged five-six years old from a public pre-school located in Natal-RN, Brazil. The study highlights mediation acts of argumentative nature such as direct question; illustrations from the book; rereading that were used by the teacher-researcher in story discussion. Among its conclusions it is revealed that argumentative action in stories discussion favors and intensifies the agreement of children´s to the activity. It increases the interaction between text and reader; it favours children´s organization and explicitation of their thoughts. The analysed material shows children´s exposing their ability to argue when having adequade scaffolding by an argumentative mediator the teacher


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The objective of this study was to describe and illustrate the morphological characteristics of some species of Brazilian Fidicinoides to aid in their identification. Descriptions and illustrations are given of the head, thorax, abdomen, right forewing and the last urostemite of the male of the Fidicinoides besti, Fidicinoides brunnea, Fidicinoides duckensis, Fidicinoides pseudethelae and Fidicinoides sucinalae species. The main diagnostic characteristics of these species are markings on pronotum and/or mesonotum and male stemite VIII characteristics.


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The predators were collected in mate crop in Cascavel and São Mateus do Sul, Paraná, Brazil and some other additional specimens in coffee and maize crops in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Illustrations obtained by SEM are given by the first time to the principal structures. Three species of Hemerobius were identified: H. bolivari Banks, 1910; H. domingensis Banks, 1941 and H. gaitoi Monserrat, 1996. H. domingensis is recorded for the first time to Brazil.


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To investigate in practice of the Wheelchair Dancesport (WDS), the mathematics of the characteristic isometric movements of the dance of ChaChaCha was the generating subject of this study. The subjects and the locus of the research were the athletes dancers of the Associação Baiana de Dança em Cadeira de Rodas (ABDCR). Referred him study aimed at to describe reflections concerning the athletes' practicing dancers of the technical acting Wheelchair Dancesport, using the inherent mathematical knowledge to the isometric movements executed in the ChaChaCha. For that, I stimulated in the athlete dancer the need to be investigating of his/her own practice, motivating him/it to be searching of information that they collaborate with his/her technical refinement, proposing like this roads to make possible his/her growth, while dancer and, also, promoting of their own movements. To reach my objectives I dialogued with some specialists to understand, to the light of their theories as, Espaçonumerática, Sociology of the mathematics, Etnomathematical, Dance and Symmetry, as those spaces they interact with the atmosphere of the Wheelchair Dancesport and that contributions could supply to the study. However, two authors of the Dancesport for walking , Ried e Laird, they brought contributions that aided in the creation of a prototype for the study of isometric movements in practice of the modality promoting the interface between the theory and the practice. The study showed to be possible to navigate still with the Mathematical Education in an universe little known as the one of the Wheelchair Dancesport. And it is in this adapts that propose a more attentive glance to the illustrations executed by the athlete dancer wheelchair and walking , in the dance of the ChaChaCha, verifying and proposing an analysis with focus investigate, looking for mathematical tracks concerning the symmetry that you/they characterize some of their illustrations


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Este texto tem por objetivo ressaltar um aspecto que não tem sido tratado com a devida profundidade na literatura que estuda a formalização da Teoria Geral do Emprego, dos Juros e da Moeda de John Maynard Keynes (1936). Mais precisamente, o texto destaca a estratégia de formalização adotada por David G. Champernowne em seu artigo intitulado Unemployment, Basic and Monetary: the classical analysis and the keynesian, publicado em 1935-36 na Review of Economic Studies. Chamamos a atenção para o fato dele distinguir a teoria clássica da teoria de Keynes não apenas pelos pressupostos adotados por cada teoria, mas principalmente pela construção de subsistemas a partir de um sistema geral, com características recursivas (relações de causalidade) distintas. As explicações em prosa, a descrição algébrica das funções comportamentais e condições de equilíbrio e a ilustração por meio de diagramas, além da escolha de conjuntos específicos de variáveis para representar cada uma das teorias e suas diferentes versões são aspectos deste artigo de Champernowne que merecem uma análise mais minuciosa.


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The status of the Lauxaniidae genus Rhabdolauxania Hendel, 1925 is reevaluated and is synonymized under Neogriphoneura Malloch, 1924. Three new combinations, N. immaculata (Hendel, 1933), comb. nov., N. laevifrons (Hendel, 1925), comb. nov., and N. schnusei (Hendel, 1925), comb. nov. are proposed. Two lectotypes are designated. Three new species of Neogriphoneura are described: N. bispoi sp. nov., from Santa Catarina, Brazil, N. pacata sp. nov., from La Paz, Bolivia, and N. corrugata sp. nov. from British Virgin Islands. Illustrations of the head, wing, male and female terminalia are provided for the new species. This raises the number of species in the genus from the present five to eleven. A key is provided for the species of the genus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Leguminosae is the third largest family of angiosperms with about 19.325 species and 727 genera, and it is pantropically distributed. Papilionoideae is the most diverse of the three legume subfamilies, with around 13.800 species (71%), 478 genera, and 28 tribes. Papilionoid legumes include herbs, shrubs, lianas or trees with pinnate, trifoliolate, unifoliolate or simple leaves, flowers frequently papilionate with descending imbricate petal aestivation, the petals highly differentiated into standard, keel, and wings, androecium usually diplostemous, and seeds without pleurogram, with conspicuous hilum, and the embryo radicle usually curved. The current study aims to carry out a taxonomic account of the Papilionoideae from Atlantic Forest remnants in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, across the herbaria data surveys, collections of field samples and morphological analysis of the collected specimens and/or herbaria materials. Identification key, descriptions, diagnostic characters, illustrations, and geographic distribution of the 68 species and 32 genera within the following tribes Phaseoleae (11 genera/24 species), Dalbergieae (9/20), Swartzieae (3/3), Millettieae (2/4), Sophoreae (2/2), Abreae (1/1), Crotalarieae (1/3), Desmodieae (1/7), Indigofereae (1/3), and Sesbanieae (1/1). The most species-rich genera were Desmodium Desv. (7 species), Centrosema (DC.) Benth. (5), Stylosanthes Sw. (5), Aeschynomene L. (4) and Macroptilium (Benth.) Urb. (4). Concerning to the habit, the herbaceous and shrubby has predominated with 60% (41 spp.), following by the vine and lianas with 28% (19 spp.) and the woody with only 12% (8 spp.). Thirty two species and the following genera are newly recorded for the flora of Rio Grande do Norte: Chaetocalyx, Cochliasanthus, Crotalaria, Galactia, Geoffroea, Macroptilium, Rhynchosia, Swartzia, Trischidium, and Vigna


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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of two different preventive oral hygiene education and motivation programmes on the plaque and gingival index, as well as denture hygiene of patients provided with removable partial denture (RPD) during a 12-month follow-up.A total of 53 partially edentulous patients were recruited for this study. The presence or absence of plaque and gingival bleeding by gentle probing was scored on all tooth surfaces at the preliminary visit. The plaque and gingival indexes were measured using the Loe index. Following treatment, the patients were randomly divided into three groups. In Control Group I, subjects were instructed to continue their personal oral hygiene routine. In Group II, participants were given verbal instructions and a self-educational manual on oral hygiene without illustrations. In Group III, oral hygiene guidance was delivered using a combination of verbal instructions and a self-teaching manual. To evaluate the effect of the different modes of instruction, the presence or absence of plaque and gingival bleeding was scored on all tooth surfaces (day zero examination) and re-examined 7, 15 and 30 days, 3, 6 and 12 months following RPD placement. The state of denture hygiene was evaluated 7, 15 and 30 days and 3, 6 and 12 months following rehabilitation. Parametric statistics was applied to dental plaque and gingival indexes. For accumulation of plaque and calculus on the RPD, non-parametric statistic was applied.The frequency of plaque found during the preliminary visit was higher than that found in the other periods. With regard to gingival index, significant difference was found between the preliminary visit examination and other periods. There was a significant difference in the plaque accumulation on the denture surface between groups I and III.The different methods of oral hygiene instruction used in this study indicate that the type of education was not of significant importance.


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No presente trabalho, foram estudados os polinários de nove gêneros e 16 espécies de Asclepiadaceae ocorrentes na Reserva do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga: Asclepias curassavica L., Blepharodon nitidum (Vell.) J F. Macbr., Ditassa burchellii var. vestita (Malme) Fontella, Ditassa hispida (Vell.) Fontella, Ditassa tomentosa (Decne.) Fontella, Gomphocarpus physocarpus E. Mey., Gonianthela axillaris (Vell.) Fontella & E.A. Schwarz, Matelea glaziovii (E. Fourn.) Morillo, Orthosia urceolata E. Fourn., Oxypetalum appendiculatum Mart., Oxypetalum capitatum subsp. capitatum Mart., Oxypetalum insigne (Decne.) Malme, Oxypetalumpachyglossum Decne., Oxypetalumpedicellatum Decne., Oxypetalum wightianum Hook. & Arn., Tassadia subulata var. subulata (Vell.) Fontella & E.A. Schwarz. São apresentadas descrições e ilustrações para todas as espécies estudadas, bem como chaves para identificação das espécies dos gêneros Ditassa e Oxypetalum tomando como base a morfologia dos polinários.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A new species of the genus Ronderosia Cigliano 1997 is described. Color illustrations of the female and male, drawings of female and male external genitalia as well as drawings of its phallic structures and photographs of the chromosomes are included.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Several factors render carotenoid determination inherently difficult. Thus, in spite of advances in analytical instrumentation, discrepancies in quantitative results on carotenoids can be encountered in the international literature. A good part of the errors comes from the pre-chromatographic steps such as sampling scheme that does not yield samples representative of the food lots under investigation; sample preparation which does not maintain representativity and guarantee homogeneity of the analytical sample; incomplete extraction; physical losses of carotenoids during the various steps, especially during partition or washing and by adsorption to glass walls of containers; isomerization and oxidation of carotenoids during analysis. on the otherhand, although currently considered the method of choice for carotenoids, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is subject to various sources of errors, such as: incompatibility of the injection solvent and the mobile phase, resulting in distorted or split peaks; erroneous identification; unavailability, impurity and instability of carotenoid standards; quantification of highly overlapping peaks; low recovery from the HPLC column; errors in the preparation of standard solutions and in the calibration procedure; calculation errors. Illustrations of the possible errors in the quantification of carotenoids by HPLC are presented.