982 resultados para III-V NITRIDE


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In this study we describe the electrochemical behavior of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2'-aminophenylporphyrin)manganese(III) chloride supported on a glassy carbon electrode, as well as the electrochemical preparation and characterization of thin films based on pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid. The electrocatalytic action of the electrode modified with the Mn(III) porphyrin toward an azo dye was tested, and the characteristic strong interaction between the incorporated metalloporphyrin and RR120 dye was verified. Copyright (c) 2006 Society of Porphyrins & Phthalocyanines.


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The binding of the cations thallium(I), calcium(II) and terbium(III) to methyl methacrylate-methacrylic acid copolymers with different fractions of acid groups (x) has been studied in aqueous solution at, various pH values using the fluorescence of covalently bonded 9-vinyl anthracene as a probe. In all cases, the extent of binding increases as a function of the charge of the polymer with either increasing fraction of carboxylic acids or of pH. However, differences are observed in the behavior of the three cations, With Tl(I), quenching of the anthracene group fluorescence is observed. indicating that the thallium(I) approaches the probe and suggesting that the alkylanthracene is probably in a relatively polar region. Binding constants have been determined from anthracene quenching data and from studies with the fluorescent-probe sodium pyrenetetrasulfonate, Good agreement is obtained between the two methods, and values for the binding constants increase from 250 to 950 M-1 as x increases from 0.39 to 1. It is suggested that the cation is held in the polyelectrolyte domain, partly by Debye-Huckel effects and partly by more specific interactions. Stronger binding is found with calcium(II) and terbium(III), and in this case increases in fluorescence intensity are observed on complexation due to the anthracene group being in a more hydrophobic region, probably as a result of conformational changes in the polymer chain. In the former case the stoichiometry of the interaction was determined from the fluorescence data to involve two carboxylate groups bound per calcium. Association constants were found using murexide as an indicator of free calcium to vary from 8400 to 37 000 M-1 as x increases from 0.39 to 1. It is suggested that in this case specific calcium(II)-carboxylate interactions contribute to the binding. With terbium(III), a greater increase in the probe fluorescence intensity was observed than with calcium, and it is suggested that the interaction with the polymer is even stronger, leading to a more pronounced conformational change in the polymer. It is proposed that the terbium(III) interacts with sis carboxylic groups on the polymer chain, with three being coordinated and three attracted by electrostatic interactions.


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This work reports on the photoluminescent properties of the complex diequatris(thenoyltrifluoroacetonate) europium(III), which was adsorbed or supported on tubes of modified surface silica matrix. The luminescence data and the experimental intensity parameter results evidence the existence of high interactions between the complex [Eu(tta)(3)(H2O)(2)] and the modified surface matrix. The anchored complex on macroporous silica shows higher intensity parameter values suggesting that the Eu-0 bond becomes more covalent than the adsorbed one. Therefore, the hypersensitive character of the D-5(0) --> F-7(2) transition increases evidencing a high contribution of the dynamic coupling mechanism possibly due to highly polarizable chemical environments occupied by europium(III) ion. The lifetimes of the complex on silica matrices were measured. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The flat-panel-display's (FPD) market and demand for highly efficient and colored luminescent films have been growing quickly. In this work, thin films were obtained from Pechini's solution by dip-coating. The green films were thermally treated at 873 K in order to get ZnO:Eu 1 at% thin film. A Schott(R) glass plate hydrothermally treated was used as substrate. The films have a mosaic shaped feature that was observed by optical microscopy. That feature is a result of substrate thermal treatment. The film deposition decreases the substrate transmittance in the visible range. When the F-7(0) -->L-5(6) (392nm) Eu3+ transition is excited, it is possible to detect emission from D-5(0) --> F-7(J) (J = 1, 2, 3 and 4) transitions. The D-5(0) --> F-7(2) transition is also observed by using ZnO excitation wavelengths indicating energy transfer from ZnO to Eu3+ ion. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. (USA). All rights reserved.


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A structural study of the thermal evolution of Ni0.69Cr0.31(OH)(2)(CO3)(0.155)(.)nH(2)O into NiO and tetragonal NiCr2O4 is reported. The characteristic structural parameters of the two coexisting crystalline phases, as well as their relative abundance, were determined by Rietveld refinement of powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns. The results of the simulations allowed us to elucidate the mechanism of the demixing process of the oxides. It is demonstrated that nucleation of a metastable nickel chromite within the common oxygen framework of the parent Cr-III-doped bunsenite is the initial step of the cationic redistribution. The role that trivalent cations play in the segregation of crystalline spinels is also discussed.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was immobilized in cubes of polyurethane foam and the ability of this immobilized material to separate Sb(III) and Sb(V) was investigated. A method based on sequential determination of total Sb (after on-line reduction of Sb(V) to Sb(III) with thiourea) and Sb(Ill) (after on-line solid-liquid phase extraction) by hydride generation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry is proposed. A flow system assembled with solenoid valves was used to manage all stages of the process. The effects of pH, sample loading and elution flow rates on solid-liquid phase extraction of Sb(III) were evaluated. Also, the parameters related to online pre-reduction (reaction coil and flow rates) were optimized. Detection limits of 0.8 and 0.15 mu g L-1 were obtained for total Sb and Sb (III), respectively. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of river water and effluent samples. The results obtained for the determination of total Sb were in agreement with expected values, including the river water Standard Reference Material 1640 certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Recoveries of Sb(III) and Sb(V) in spiked samples were between 81 19 and I I I 15% when 120 s of sample loading were used. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The triply chloro-bridged binuclear complexes [Ph3X=O...H...O=XPh3][Ru2Cl7(XPh3)(2)].0.5(CH2Cl2) (H2O) (X = As or P) were obtained from [RuCl3(XPh3)(2)DMA].DMA (DMA = dimethylacetamide) CH2Cl2/Et2O solution. The structures were characterized by X-ray diffraction studies. The complexes are formed from two Ru atoms bridged by three chloride anions. The two ruthenium atoms are also coordinated to two non-bridging Cl atoms and an AsPh3 or PPh3 ligand respectively. As an interesting feature, the cations of these complexes are protons, trapped in a very short hydrogen bond between two triphenylarsine or triphenylphosphine oxide molecules.


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The local environment of Er3+ ions in microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 and in synthetic narsarsukite and glassy materials obtained by calcination of ETS-10 has been investigated by EXAFS, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies. Er L-III-edge EXAFS studies of Er3+-doped ETS-10 support the view that the exchanged Er3+ ions reside close to the (negatively charged) TiO6 octahedra. In ETS-10, Er3+ is partially bonded to framework oxygen atoms and hydration water molecules. The Er...Ti distance (3.3 Angstrom) is similar to the Na...Ti distances (3.15-3.20 Angstrom) reported previously for Na-ETS-10. Although the exact location of the ErO6 units within the host structure of Er3+-doped synthetic narsarsukite is still an open question, it is most likely that Er3+ substitutes Ti4+ rather than Na+ ions. EXAFS spectroscopy indicates that no significant clustering of erbium atoms occurs in the titanosilicate samples studied. Evidence for the insertion of Er3+ ions in the framework of narsarsukite has been obtained by Raman spectroscopy. This is indicated by the increasing full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the 775 cm(-1) peak and the increasing intensity of the anatase peaks as the erbium content increases. In addition, as the narsarsukite Er3+ content increases a band at ca. 515 cm(-1) firstly broadens and subsequently a new peak appears at ca. 507 cm(-1).Er3+-doped narsarsukite exhibits a characteristic local vibrational frequency, (h) over bar omega ca. 330 cm(-1), with an electron-phonon coupling, g ca. 0.2, which constitutes additional evidence for framework Er3+ insertion. The number of lines in the infrared emission spectrum of synthetic narsarsukite indicates the presence of two optically-active erbium centres with very similar local environments and an average I-4(13/2) lifetime of 7.8 +/- 0.2 ms.


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This work deals with the synthesis and thermal decomposition of complexes of general formula: Ln(beta-dik)(3)L (where Ln=Tb(+3), beta-dik=4,4,4-trifluoro-1-phenyl-1,3butanedione(btfa) and L=1,10-fenantroline(phen) or 2,2-bipiridine(bipy). The powders were characterized by melting point, FTIR spectroscopy, LTV-visible, elemental analysis, scanning differential calorimeter(DSC) and thermogravimetry(TG). The TG/DSC curves were obtained simultaneously in a system DSC-TGA, under nitrogen atmosphere. The experimental conditions were: 0.83 ml.s(-1) carrier gas flow, 2.0 +/- 0.5 mg samples and 10 degrees C.min(-1) heating rate. The CHN elemental analysis of the Tb(btfa)(3)bipy and Tb(btfa)(3)phen complexes, are in good agreement with the expected values. The IR spectra evinced that the metal ion is coordinated to the ligands via C=O and C-N groups. The TG/DTG/DSC curves of the complexes show that they decompose before melting. The profiles of the thermal decomposition of the Tb(btfa)3phen and Tb(btfa)3bipy showed six and five decomposition stages, respectively. Our data suggests that the thermal stability of the complexes under investigation followed the order: Tb(btfa)(3)phen < Tb(btfa)(3)bipy.


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We studied how solvent, stirring method, PhIO/MnP molar ratio, presence of water and axial ligand affect the catalytic activities of Mn(TPP)Cl, Mn(MNPP)Cl, Mn(TDCPP)Cl and Mn(TFPP)Cl in the oxidation of cyclohexane by PhIO. A study of the catalytic intermediates in the reaction between Mn(TPP)Cl or Mn(TDCPP)Cl and PhIO was also carried out by UV-Vis and EPR spectroscopies. The reaction of Mn(TPP)Cl with PhIO showed the formation of a mixture of species Mn-IV(OP+ and Mn-V(O)P as intermediates, which were confirmed by the deconvolution of the UV-Vis spectra. Addition of imidazole as cocatalyst favoured the formation of the intermediate species Mn-V(O)P, evidenced by the UV-Vis band at 408 nm. The corresponding EPR spectra gave evidence that in the presence of imidazole, Mn-IV(OP+ species are formed only in very low amounts. For Mn(TDCPP)Cl the dominating intermediate species is Mn-IV(OP+. Addition of imidazole to halogen-substituted MnP systems does not result in increase of the C-ol yields because very stable bis-imidazole-MnP complexes are formed. Anchoring of such MnP on imidazole propyl gel (IPG) results in better catalytic activity because in this case, the catalyst is mono-coordinated to the support and imidazole favours the formation of the intermediate species Mn-V(O)P.


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Piratoxins (PrTX) I and III are phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) or PLA(2) homologue myotoxins isolated from Bothrops pirajai snake venom, which also induce myonecrosis, bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli, disruption of artificial membranes, and edema. PrTX-III is a catalytically active hemolytic and anticoagulant Asp49 PLA(2), while PrTX-I is a Lys49 PLA, homologue, which is catalytically inactive on artificial substrates, but promotes blockade of neuromuscular transmission. Chemical modifications of His, Lys, Tyr, and Trp residues of PrTX-I and PrTX-III were performed, together with cleavage of the N-terminal octapeptide by CNBr and inhibition by heparin and EDTA. The lethality, bactericidal activity, myotoxicity, neuromuscular effect, edema inducing effect, catalytic and anticoagulant activities, and the liposome-disruptive activity of the modified toxins were evaluated. A complex pattern of functional differences between the modified and native toxins was observed. However, in general, chemical modifications that significantly affected the diverse pharmacological effects of the toxins did not influence catalytic or membrane disrupting activities. Analysis of structural changes by circular dichroism spectroscopy demonstrated significant changes in the secondary structure only in the case of N-terminal octapeptide cleavage. These data indicate that PrTX-I and PrTX-III possess regions other than the catalytic site, which determine their toxic and pharmacological activities. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Hybrid organic - inorganic nanocomposites doped with Fe-II and Fe-III ions and exhibiting interesting magnetic properties have been obtained by the sol - gel process. The hybrid matrix of these ormosils ( organically modified silicates), classed as di-ureasils and termed U( 2000), is composed of poly( oxyethylene) chains of variable length grafted to siloxane groups by means of urea crosslinkages. Iron perchlorate and iron nitrate were incorporated in the diureasil matrices, leading to compositions within the range 80 greater than or equal to n greater than or equal to 10, n being the molar ratio of ether-type O atoms per cation. The structure of the doped diureasils was investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). For Fe-II-doped samples, SAXS results suggest the existence of a two-level hierarchical structure. The primary level is composed of spatially correlated siloxane clusters embedded in the polymeric matrix and the secondary, coarser level consists of domains where the siloxane clusters are segregated. The structure of Fe-III-doped hybrids is different, revealing the existence of iron oxide based nanoclusters, identified as ferrihydrite by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, dispersed in the hybrid matrix. The magnetic susceptibility of these materials was determined by zero-field-cooling and field-cooling procedures as functions of both temperature and field. The different magnetic features between Fe-II- and Fe-III-doped samples are consistent with the structural differences revealed by SAXS. While Fe-II-doped composites exhibit a paramagnetic Curie-type behaviour, hybrids containing Fe-III ions show thermal and field irreversibilities.


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Oxycellulose (OXICEL) was packed in a glass column to pre-concentrate metal cations from aqueous solutions. The pre-concentrated metal cations are directly eluted from the column using 5.0 mL of 1.0 mol L(-1) hydrochloric acid. The optimum pre-concentration conditions are given and the retention efficency achieved is higher than 95%. The enrichment factor is 10 for sample volumes of 50 mL.