964 resultados para Hydraulic jump.


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This paper reports on an investigation into fuel design choices of a pressurized water reactor operating in a self-sustainable Th- 233U fuel cycle. In order to evaluate feasibility of this concept, two types of fuel assembly lattices were considered: square and hexagonal. The hexagonal lattice may offer some advantages over the square one. For example, the fertile blanket fuel can be packed more tightly reducing the blanket volume fraction in the core and potentially allowing to achieve higher core average power density. The calculations were carried out with Monte-Carlo based BGCore code system and the results were compared to those obtained with Serpent Monte-Carlo code and deterministic transport code BOXER. One of the major design challenges associated with the SB concept is high power peaking due to the high concentration of fissile material in the seed region. The second objective of this work is to estimate the maximum achievable core power density by evaluation of limiting thermal hydraulic parameters. The analysis showed that both fuel assembly designs have a potential of achieving net breeding. Although hexagonal lattice was found to be somewhat more favorable because it allows achieving higher power density, while having breeding performance comparable to the square lattice case. © Carl Hanser Verlag München.


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We analyze the local equilibrium assumption for interfaces from the perspective of gauge transformations, which are the small displacements of Gibbs' dividing surface. The gauge invariance of thermodynamic properties turns out to be equivalent to conditions for jumps of bulk densities across the interface. This insight strengthens the foundations of the local equilibrium assumption for interfaces and can be used to characterize nonequilibrium interfaces in a compact and consistent way, with a clear focus on gauge-invariant properties. Using the principle of gauge invariance, we show that the validity of Clapeyron equations can be extended to nonequilibrium interfaces, and an additional jump condition for the momentum density is recognized to be of the Clapeyron type. © 2012 Europhysics Letters Association.


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Shortly after the loading of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) core, the axial power distribution in fresh fuel has already attained the characteristic, almost flat shape, typical of burned fuel. At beginning of cycle (BOC), however, the axial distribution is centrally peaked. In assemblies hosting uniform burnable boron rods, this BOC peaking is even more pronounced. A reduction in the axial peaking is today often achieved by shortening the burnable boron rods by some 30 cm at each edge. It is shown that a two-zone grading of the boron rod leads, in a representative PWR cycle, to a reduction of the hot-spot temperature of approximately 70 °C, compared with the nongraded case. However, with a proper three-zone grading of the boron rod, an additional 20 °C may be cut off the hot-spot temperature. Further, with a slightly skewed application of this three-zone grading, an additional 50 °C may be cut off. The representative PWR cycle studied was cycle 11 of the Indian Point 2 station, with a simplification in the number of fuel types and in the burnup distribution. The analysis was based on a complete three-dimensional burnup calculation. The code system was ELCOS, with BOXER as an assembly code for the generation of burnup-dependent cross sections and SILWER as a three-dimensional core code with thermal-hydraulic feedback.


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A thorium-based fuel cycle for light water reactors will reduce the plutonium generation rate and enhance the proliferation resistance of the spent fuel. However, priming the thorium cycle with 235U is necessary, and the 235U fraction in the uranium must be limited to below 20% to minimize proliferation concerns. Thus, a once-through thorium-uranium dioxide (ThO2-UO2) fuel cycle of no less than 25% uranium becomes necessary for normal pressurized water reactor (PWR) operating cycle lengths. Spatial separation of the uranium and thorium parts of the fuel can improve the achievable burnup of the thorium-uranium fuel designs through more effective breeding of 233U from the 232Th. Focus is on microheterogeneous fuel designs for PWRs, where the spatial separation of the uranium and thorium is on the order of a few millimetres to a few centimetres, including duplex pellet, axially microheterogeneous fuel, and a checkerboard of uranium and thorium pins. A special effort was made to understand the underlying reactor physics mechanisms responsible for enhancing the achievable burnup at spatial separation of the two fuels. The neutron spectral shift was identified as the primary reason for the enhancement of burnup capabilities. Mutual resonance shielding of uranium and thorium is also a factor; however, it is small in magnitude. It is shown that the microheterogeneous fuel can achieve higher burnups, by up to 15%, than the reference all-uranium fuel. However, denaturing of the 233U in the thorium portion of the fuel with small amounts of uranium significantly impairs this enhancement. The denaturing is also necessary to meet conventional PWR thermal limits by improving the power share of the thorium region at the beginning of fuel irradiation. Meeting thermal-hydraulic design requirements by some of the microheterogeneous fuels while still meeting or exceeding the burnup of the all-uranium case is shown to be potentially feasible. However, the large power imbalance between the uranium and thorium regions creates several design challenges, such as higher fission gas release and cladding temperature gradients. A reduction of plutonium generation by a factor of 3 in comparison with all-uranium PWR fuel using the same initial 235U content was estimated. In contrast to homogeneously mixed U-Th fuel, microheterogeneous fuel has a potential for economic performance comparable to the all-UO2 fuel provided that the microheterogeneous fuel incremental manufacturing costs are negligibly small.


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Recent theoretical frameworks such as optimal feedback control suggest that feedback gains should modulate throughout a movement and be tuned to task demands. Here we measured the visuomotor feedback gain throughout the course of movements made to "near" or "far" targets in human subjects. The visuomotor gain showed a systematic modulation over the time course of the reach, with the gain peaking at the middle of the movement and dropping rapidly as the target is approached. This modulation depends primarily on the proportion of the movement remaining, rather than hand position, suggesting that the modulation is sensitive to task demands. Model-predictive control suggests that the gains should be continuously recomputed throughout a movement. To test this, we investigated whether feedback gains update when the task goal is altered during a movement, that is when the target of the reach jumped. We measured the visuomotor gain either simultaneously with the jump or 100 ms after the jump. The visuomotor gain nonspecifically reduced for all target jumps when measured synchronously with the jump. However, the visuomotor gain 100 ms later showed an appropriate modulation for the revised task goal by increasing for jumps that increased the distance to the target and reducing for jumps that decreased the distance. We conclude that visuomotor feedback gain shows a temporal evolution related to task demands and that this evolution can be flexibly recomputed within 100 ms to accommodate online modifications to task goals.


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Cement-bentonite (CB) cutoff walls have long been used to control ground water flow and contaminant migration at polluted sites. Hydraulic conductivity and unconfined compressive strength are two short-term properties often used by industry and owners in CB specification and are important parameters discussed in this paper. For polluted sites, long-term compatibility is also an important issue. These properties are coupled to a number of external factors including the mix design, construction sequence, presence/absence of contaminants at the site. Additional short-term properties for engineering assessment include the stressstrain characteristics in both drained and undrained shear in both with and without confinement as well as one-dimensional consolidation properties. Long term CB properties are affected by aging, reaction chemistry, drying, in situ stress state, and interaction with the polluted environment. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.


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During strong earthquakes, significant excess pore pressures can develop in saturated soils. After shaking ceases, the dissipation of these pressures can cause significant soil settlement, creating downward-acting frictional loads on piled foundations. Additionally, if the piles do not support the full axial load at the end of shaking, then the proportion of the superstructure's vertical loading carried by the piles may change as a result of the soil settlement, further altering the axial load distribution on piles as the soil consolidates. In this paper, the effect of hydraulic conductivity and initial post-shaking pile head loading is investigated in terms of the changing axial load distribution and settlement responses. The investigation is carried out by considering the results from four dynamic centrifuge experiments in which a 2 × 2 pile group was embedded in a two-layer profile and subjected to strong shaking. It is found that large contrasts in hydraulic conductivity between the two layers of the soil model affected both the pile group settlements and axial load distribution. Both these results stem from the differences in excess pore pressure dissipation, part of which took place very rapidly when the underlying soil layer had a large hydraulic conductivity.


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Shallow foundations built on saturated deposits of granular soils in seismically active areas are, regardless of their static bearing capacity, critical structures during seismic events. A single centrifuge experiment involving shallow foundations situated atop a liquefiable soil deposit has been performed to identify the mechanisms involved in the interaction between liquefaction-induced effects on neighboring shallow foundations. Centrifuge test results indicate that liquefaction causes significant settlements of footings, which are affected by the presence of neighboring foundations and can be extremely damaging to the superstructure. The understanding of these interaction effects is very important, mainly in densely populated urban areas. The development of high excess pore-pressures, localized drainage in response to the high transient hydraulic gradients, and earthquake-induced vertical motions to the footings are also important effects that are discussed to assist in enhancing current understanding and ability to predict liquefaction effects on shallow foundations. © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group.


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A high-speed path-following controller for long combination vehicles (LCVs) was designed and implemented on a test vehicle consisting of a rigid truck towing a dolly and a semitrailer. The vehicle was driven through a 3.5 m wide lane change maneuver at 80 km/h. The axles of the dolly and trailer were steered actively by electrically-controlled hydraulic actuators. Substantial performance benefits were recorded compared with the unsteered vehicle. For the best controller weightings, performance improvements relative to unsteered case were: lateral tracking error 75% reduction, rearward amplification (RA) of lateral acceleration 18% reduction, and RA of yaw rate 37% reduction. This represents a substantial improvement in stability margins. The system was found to work well in conjunction with the braking-based stability control system of the towing vehicle with no negative interaction effects being observed. In all cases, the stability control system and the steering system improved the yaw stability of the combination. © 2014 by ASME.


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Micro-nano bubbles (MNBs) are tiny bubbles with diameters on the order of micrometers and nanometers, showing great potential in environmental remediation. However, the application is only in the beginning stages and remains to be intensively studied. In order to explore the possible use of MNBs in groundwater contaminant removal, this study focuses on the transport of MNBs in porous media and dissolution processes. The bubble diameter distribution was obtained under different conditions by a laser particle analyzer. The permeability of MNB water through sand was compared with that of air-free water. Moreover, the mass transfer features of dissolved oxygen in water with MNBs were studied. The results show that the bubble diameter distribution is influenced by the surfactant concentration in the water. The existence of MNBs in pore water has no impact on the hydraulic conductivity of sand. Furthermore, the dissolved oxygen (DO) in water is greatly increased by the MNBs, which will predictably improve the aerobic bioremediation of groundwater. The results are meaningful and instructive in the further study of MNB research and applications in groundwater bioremediation.


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The notch and strain rate sensitivity of non-crimp glass fibre/vinyl-ester laminates subjected to uniaxial tensile loads has been investigated experimentally. Two sets of notch configurations were tested; one where circular holes were drilled and another where fragment simulating projectiles were fired through the plate creating a notch. Experiments were conducted for strain rates ranging from 10-4 s-1 to 102 s-1 using servo hydraulic machines. A significant increase in strength with increasing strain rate was observed for both notched and un-notched specimens. High speed photography revealed changes in failure mode, for certain laminate configurations, as the strain rate increased. The tested laminate configurations showed fairly small notch sensitivity for the whole range of strain rates. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The notch and strain rate sensitivity of non-crimp glass fibre/vinyl-ester laminates subjected to uniaxial tensile loads has been investigated experimentally. Two set of notch configurations were tested; one where circular holes were drilled and another where fragment simulating projectiles were fired through the plate creating a notch. Experiments were conducted for strain rates ranging from 10-4/s to 102/s using servo hydraulic machines. A significant increase in strength with increasing strain rate was observed for both notched and unnotched specimens. High speed photography revealed changes in failure mode, for certain laminate configurations, as the strain rate increased. The tested laminate configurations showed fairly small notch sensitivity for the whole range of strain rates.


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Hydraulic fracturing in clayey soils can be triggered by either tensile or shear failure. In this paper, the physical meanings of various equations to predict fracture initiation pressure proposed in the past are discussed using the cavity expansion theory. In particular, when fracturing pressure is plotted against initial confining pressure, published laboratory test results as well as analytical models show a linear relationship. When the slope is close to 2, fracture is initiated by tensile failure of the clay, whereas when the slope is close to 1, it is initiated by shear failure of the clay. In this study, the analytical models, validated only on laboratory test data to date, were applied to unique data from field grouting work in which extensive soil fracturing was carried out to improve the mechanical characteristics of the soft silty clay underlying a bell tower in Venice, Italy. By a careful assessment of initial confining pressure in the field, the variation in recorded injection pressures with confining pressure was examined. Results suggest that the fractures at this site were likely to be initiated by shear failure of the clay, and the values were similar to what was predicted by the model with the shear failure criterion. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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This work initiated the development of operating envelopes for stabilised/solidified contaminated soils. The operating envelopes define the range of operating variables for acceptable performance of the treated soils. The study employed a soil spiked with 3,000 mg/kg each of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, and 10,000 mg/kg of diesel. The binders used for treatment involved Portland cement (CEMI), pulverised fuel ash (PFA), ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and hydrated lime (hlime). The specific binder formulations were CEMI, CEMI/PFA = 1:4, CEMI/GGBS = 1:9 and hlime/GGBS = 1:4. The water contents employed ranged from 13 % to 21 % (dry weight), while binder dosages ranged from 5 % to 20 % (w/w). We monitored the stabilised/solidified soils for up to 84 days using different performance tests. The tests include unconfined compressive strength (UCS), hydraulic conductivity, acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) and pH-dependent leachability of contaminants. The water content range resulted in adequate workability of the mixes but had no significant effect on leachability of contaminants. We produced design charts, representing operating envelopes, from the results generated. The charts establish relationships between water content, binder dosage and UCS; and binder dosage, leachant pH and leachability of contaminants. The work also highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the different binder formulations. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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A comparative study was conducted to reveal the differentiate effects of eight different filter media including gravel, zeolites, anthracite, shale, vermiculite, ceramic filter media, blast furnace steel slag and round ceramsite. The study mainly related to the eight different filter media's removal performances of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus in the vertical flow constructed wetland simulated system, which treating wastewater at hydraulic loading rate of 1000-2500 mm/d. The results indicated that the removal effects were closely related to the physical and chemical properties of medium materials. Anthracite-filled system had the highest removal rate for the total organic carbon (TOC), up to 70%, and the removal rates of other systems ranged from 20% to 30%. As for the five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), anthracite-filled and steel slag-filled systems had the highest removal rates, also up to 70%, as well as other systems all exceeded 50%. At the same time, for the total nitrogen (TN) and NH4(+)-N, the zeolites-filled and ceramic-filled systems had the best performances with the removal rates of more than 70%, the other way round, the removal rates of other systems were only about 20%. The distinguishable effects were also observed in removal performances of total phosphorus (TP) and total dissoluble phosphorus (TDP). The removal rates of TP and TDP in steel slag-filled systems were more than 90%, a much higher value, followed by that of the anthracite-filled system, more than 60%, but those of other systems being the less. Our study provided a potential mechanism to optimize the filter media design for the vertical flow constructed wetlands.