980 resultados para Hybrid effect


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T cell cytokine profiles and specific serum antibody levels in five groups of BALB/c mice immunized with saline alone, viable Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 25586, viable Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277, F. nucleatum followed by P. gingivalis and P. gingivalis followed by F nucleatum were determined. Splenic CD4 and CD8 cells were examined for intracytoplasmic interleukin (IL)-4, interferon (IFN)-gamma and IL-10 by dual colour flow cytometry and the levels of serum anti-F. nucleatum and anti-P. gingivalis antibodies determined by an ELISA. Both Th1 and Th2 responses were demonstrated by all groups, and while there were slightly lower percentages of cytokine positive T cells in mice injected with F. nucleatum alone compared with the other groups immunized with bacteria., F nucleatum had no effect on the T cell production of cytokines induced by P gingivalis in the two groups immunized with both organisms. However, the percentages of cytokine positive CD8 cells were generally significantly higher than those of the CD4 cells. Mice immunized with F nucleatum alone had high levels of serum anti-E nucleatum antibodies with very low levels of P. gingivalis antibodies, whereas mice injected with P gingivalis alone produced anti-P. gingivalis antibodies predominantly. Although the levels of anti-E nucleatum antibodies in mice injected with E nucleatum followed by P. gingivalis were the same as in mice immunized with F nucleatum alone, antibody levels to P. gingivalis were very low. In contrast, mice injected with P. gingivalis followed by F nucleatum produced equal levels of both anti-P. gingivalis and anti-F nucleatum antibodies, although at lower levels than the other three groups immunized with bacteria, respectively. Anti-Actinobacillus actitiomycetemcomitans, Bacteroides forsythus and Prevotella intermedia serum antibody levels were also determined and found to be negligible. In conclusion, F nucleatum immunization does not affect the splenic T cell cytokine response to P. gingivalis. However, F nucleatum immunization prior to that of P. gingivalis almost completely inhibited the production of anti-P gingivalis antibodies while P. gingivalis injection before F. nucleatum demonstrated a partial inhibitory effect by P. gingivalis on antibody production to F. nucleatum. The significance of these results with respect to human periodontal disease is difficult to determine. However, they may explain in part differing responses to P. gingivalis in different individuals who may or may not have had prior exposure to F. nucleatum. Finally, the results suggested that P. gingivalis and F. nucleatum do not induce the production of cross-reactive antibodies to other oral microorganisms.


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Previous studies have shown that Epstein-Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is uniquely able to up-regulate the expression of the peptide transporters (referred to as TAP-1 and TAP-2) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I in Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cell lines. This up-regulation is often accompanied by a restoration of antigen-presenting function as measured by the ability of these cells to present endogenously expressed viral antigen to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here we show that the expression of LMP1 resulted in up-regulation and nuclear translocation of RelB that were coincident with increased expression of MHC class I in BL cells. Deletion of the C-terminal activator regions (CTARs) of LMP1 significantly impaired the abilities of LMP1 to translocate RelB into the nucleus and to up-regulate the expression of antigen-processing genes. Further analysis with single-point mutations within the CTARs confirmed that the residues critical for NF-kappaB activation directly contribute to antigen-processing function regulation in BL cells. This LMP1-mediated effect was blocked following expression of either dominant negative IkappaBalpha S32/36A, an NF-kappaB inhibitor, or antisense RelB. These observations indicate that upregulation of antigen-presenting function in B cells mediated by LMP1 is signaled through the NF-kappaB subunit RelB. The data provide a mechanism by which LMP1 modulates immunogenicity of Epstein-Barr virus-infected normal and malignant cells.


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To evaluate the passage of cytokines through the gastrointestinal tract, we investigated the digestion of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα), in vitro and in vivo, and their propensity to induce intestinal inflammation. We serially immuno-assayed IL-8 and TNFα solutions co-incubated with each of three pancreatin preparations at pH 4.5 and pH 8. We gavaged IL-8, TNFα and marker into 15 Wistar rats, and measured their faecal cytokine concentrations by ELISA and histologically examined their guts. IL-8 immunoreactivity was extinguished by all pancreatin preparations after 1 h of incubation at 37 °C. TNFα concentration progressively fell from 1 to 4 h with all enzyme preparations. Buffer control samples maintained their cytokine concentrations throughout incubation. No IL-8 or TNFα was detected in any rat faecal pellets. There was no significant proinflammatory effect of the gavaged cytokines on rat intestine. IL-8 and TNFα in aqueous solution could well be fully digested in the CF gut when transit time is normal and exogenous enzymes are provided, although cytokines swallowed in viscous sputum may be protected from such digestion. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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A model is introduced for two reduced BCS systems which are coupled through the transfer of Cooper pairs between the systems. The model may thus be used in the analysis of the Josephson effect arising from pair tunneling between two strongly coupled small metallic grains. At a particular coupling strength the model is integrable and explicit results are derived for the energy spectrum, conserved operators, integrals of motion, and wave function scalar products. It is also shown that form factors can be obtained for the calculation of correlation functions. Furthermore, a connection with perturbed conformal field theory is made.


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A two-dimensional numerical simulation model of interface states in scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) measurements of p-n junctions is presented-In the model, amphoteric interface states with two transition energies in the Si band gap are represented as fixed charges to account for their behavior in SCM measurements. The interface states are shown to cause a stretch-out-and a parallel shift of the capacitance-voltage characteristics in the depletion. and neutral regions of p-n junctions, respectively. This explains the discrepancy between - the SCM measurement and simulation near p-n junctions, and thus modeling interface states is crucial for SCM dopant profiling of p-n junctions. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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In this study we use region-level panel data on rice production in Vietnam to investigate total factor productivity (TFP) growth in the period since reunification in 1975. Two significant reforms were introduced during this period, one in 1981 allowing farmers to keep part of their produce, and another in 1987 providing improved land tenure. We measure TFP growth using two modified forms of the standard Malmquist data envelopment analysis (DEA) method, which we have named the Three-year-window (TYW) and the Full Cumulative (FC) methods. We have developed these methods to deal with degrees of freedom limitations. Our empirical results indicate strong average TFP growth of between 3.3 and 3.5 per cent per annum, with the fastest growth observed in the period following the first reform. Our results support the assertion that incentive related issues have played a large role in the decline and subsequent resurgence of Vietnamese agriculture.


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The interaction between natural and sexual selection is central to many theories of how mate choice and reproductive isolation evolve, but their joint effect on the evolution of mate recognition has not, to my knowledge, been investigated in an evolutionary experiment. Natural and sexual selection were manipulated in interspecific hybrid populations of Drosophila to determine their effects on the evolution of a mate recognition system comprised of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). The effect of natural selection in isolation indicated that CHCs were costly for males and females to produce. The effect of sexual selection in isolation indicated that females preferred males with a particular CHC composition. However, the interaction between natural and sexual selection had a greater effect on the evolution of the mate recognition system than either process in isolation. When natural and sexual selection were permitted to operate in combination, male CHCs became exaggerated to a greater extent than in the presence of sexual selection alone, and female CHCs evolved against the direction of natural selection. This experiment demonstrated that the interaction between natural and sexual selection is critical in determining the direction and magnitude of the evolutionary response of the mate recognition system.


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The Green-striped burrowing frog. Cyclorana alboguttata survives extended drought periods by burrowing underground and aestivating. These frogs remain immobile within cocoons of shed skin and Mucus during aestivation and emerge from their burrows upon heavy rains to feed and reproduce. Extended periods of immobilisation in mammals typically result in muscle atrophy and a decrease in muscle performance. We examined the effect of aestivation and hence prolonged immobilisation, on skeletal Muscle mass. in vitro muscle performance, and locomotor performance in C. alboguttata. Frogs were aestivated in soil for 3 months and were compared with control animals that remained active, were fed, and had a continual supply of water. Compared to the controls, the wet mass of the gastrocnemius. sartorius, gracilus major. semimembranosus. peroneus, extensor cruris, tibialis posticus and tibialis anticus longus of aestivators remained unchanged indicating no muscle atrophy. The in-vitro performance characteristics of the gastroenemius muscle were maintained and burst swimming speed Was Unaffected, requiring no recovery from the extended period of immobilisation associated with aestivation. This preservation of muscle size, contractile condition and locomotor performance through aestivation enables C. alboguttata to compress their life history into unpredictable windows of opportunity, whenever heavy rains occur.


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Rheodytes leukops is a bimodally respiring turtle that extracts oxygen from the water chiefly via two enlarged cloacal bursae that are lined with multi-branching papillae. The diving performance of R. leukops was compared to that of Emydura macquarii, a turtle with a limited ability to acquire aquatic oxygen. The diving performance of the turtles was compared under aquatic anoxia (0 mmHg), hypoxia (80 mmHg) and normoxia (155 mmHg) at 15, 23, and 30degreesC. When averaged across all temperatures the dive duration of R. leukops more than doubled from 22.4 +/- 7.65 min under anoxia to 49.8 +/- 19.29 min under normoxic conditions. In contrast, aquatic oxygen level had no effect on the dive duration of E. macquarii. Dive times for both species were significantly longer at the cooler temperature, and the longest dive recorded for each species was 538 min and 166 min for R. leukops and E. macquarii, respectively. Both species displayed a pattern of many short dives punctuated by occasional long dives irrespective of temperature or oxygen regime. Rheodytes leukops, on average, spent significantly less time (42 +/- 2 sec) at the surface per surfacing event than did E. macquarii (106 +/- 20 sec); however, surface times for both species were not related to either water temperature or oxygen level.


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We consider the possibility that the electrons injected into organic field-effect transistors are strongly correlated. A single layer of acenes can be modeled by a Hubbard Hamiltonian similar to that used for the κ-(BEDT-TTF)2X family of organic superconductors. The injected electrons do not necessarily undergo a transition to a Mott insulator state as they would in bulk crystals when the system is half-filled. We calculate the fillings needed for obtaining insulating states in the framework of the slave-boson theory and in the limit of large Hubbard repulsion U. We also suggest that these Mott states are unstable above some critical interlayer coupling or long-range Coulomb interaction.


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The cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus affected the pigmented monogenean parasite Benedenia lolo on the fish Hemigymnus melapterus (Labridae) held in aquaria. The effect of cleaner fish varied with the size class of fish; only small fish [a posteriori size class < 11-5 cm standard length (L-S)] exposed to cleaner fish had fewer monogeneans compared with fish not exposed to cleaner fish. The abundance of monogeneans on large fish (a posteriori size class > 11-5 cut L-S) was not affected by cleaner fish. The size-frequency distributions of monogeneans on both size-classes of H. melapterus were affected by cleaner fish. Fish exposed to cleaner fish had fewer large (> 3 mm) and more small (< 1 mm) monogeneans than fish not exposed to cleaner fish, suggesting cleaner fish selectively removed larger monogeneans. This difference was more pronounced on large fish. In the absence of cleaner fish, small fish had almost as many monogeneans as large fish; they also had more small monogeneans than the large fish, suggesting small fish were more vulnerable to infection by monogeneans than larger fish. This suggests that the cleaner fish L. dimidiatus has the potential to control benedeniine monogeneans on captive fish and highlights the importance of taking into account fish size in studies of the effect of cleaner fish on ectoparasites. (C) 2002 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aims: The physiological examination of amylase production by Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 and identification of the mechanism of regulation. Methods and Results: Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636 was grown with single, then dual carbon sources; the growth cycle was followed and amylase activity throughout was monitored. The levels of cAMP, a known secondary messenger for the regulatory gene crp, were also examined. Amylase activity was regulated by catabolite repression. Physiological studies revealed that JMP636 exhibited both diauxic growth, with two carbon sources, and the 'acid toxicity' effect on glucose. The crp gene was cloned, expressed and inactivated from the JMP636 chromosome. Catabolite repression of amylase production and the 'acid toxicity' effect both require crp and were linked to cAMP levels. Conclusions: Regulation of amylase production was predicted to follow the model CRP-mediated cAMP-dependent Escherichia coli catabolite regulation system. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work provides an understanding of the physiology of the opportunistic pathogen Aer. hydrophila through identification of the mechanism of catabolite repression of amylase production and the existence of crp within this cell. It also provides a broader knowledge of global gene regulation and suggests regulatory mechanisms of other Aer. hydrophila gene/s.


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The use of maternal epidural analgesia in labor may be associated with nonreassuring fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns. Fetal oxygen saturation (FSpO(2)) monitoring may improve assessment of fetal well-being during this time. Mean FSpO(2) values were compared over seven 5-minute epochs: 5 minutes prior to an epidural event (combined insertion of epidural/top-up epidural analgesia and infusion pump bolus), to 30 minutes following the event, including possible effects of maternal position and FHR pattern on FSpO(2) values. Mean FSpO(2) values were significantly different between the 5 minutes prior (49.5%) versus 16-20 minutes (44.3%, p