989 resultados para Houston


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Objective. To investigate the association of the three major genetic groups of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in clustered and non-clustered TB cases in the Houston area. ^ Study design. Secondary analysis of an ambi-directional study. ^ Study population. Three hundred fifty-eight confirmed cases of tuberculosis in the Houston that occurred between October 1995 and May 1997, who had been interviewed by the Houston T13 Initiative staff at Baylor College of Medicine, and whose isolates have had their DNA fingerprint and genetic group determined. ^ Exclusions. Individuals whose mycobacterial genotype was unknown, or whose data variables were unavailable. ^ Source of data. Laboratory results, patient interviews, and medical records at clinics and hospitals of the study population. ^ Results. In clustered cases, the majority of both, pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB cases were caused by genetic group 1. Independent factors were assessed to determine the interactions that may influence the site of infection or increase the risk for one site or another. HIV negative males were protected against extra-pulmonary TB compared to HIV negative females. Individuals ages 1–14 years were at higher risk of having extra-pulmonary TB. Group 3 organisms were found less frequently in the total population in general, especially in extra-pulmonary disease. This supports the evidence in previous studies that this group is the least virulent and genetically distinct from the other two groups. Group 1 was found more frequently among African Americans than other ethnic groups, a trend for future investigations. ^ Among the non-clustered cases, group 2 organisms were the majority of the organisms found in both sites. They were also the majority of organisms found in African Americans, Caucasians, and Hispanics causing the majority of the infections at both sites. However, group 1 organisms were the overwhelming majority found in Asian/Pacific Islander individuals, which may indicate these organisms are either endemic to that area, or that there is an ethnic biological factor involved. This may also be due to a systematic bias, since isolates from individuals from that geographic region lack adequate copies of the insertion sequence IS6110, which leads to their placement in the non-clustered population. ^ The three genetic groups of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were not found equally distributed between sites of infection in both clustered and non-clustered cases. Furthermore, these groups were not distributed in the same patterns among the clustered and non-clustered cases, but rather in distinct patterns. ^


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The specific aims of this study were to: (1) To determine the incidence of congenital syphilis (CS) for the 1993-96 birth cohorts in Houston/Harris County, based on the newly revised 1989 CS surveillance definition in Houston/Harris County, Texas; (2) To study the distribution of selected variables listed in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Congenital Syphilis Case Investigation and Report Form for the reported cases of CS; (3) To ascertain the relationships of maternal demographic factors, geographic distribution, and provision and utilization of prenatal care, associated with reported congenital syphilis delivery.^ This was a descriptive study analyzing reported cases of congenital syphilis in Houston/Harris, County, TX during the years 1993-96 using the data recorded on the CDC's Congenital Syphilis Case Investigation and Report forms. The population included infants delivered during 1993-96 who were diagnosed with congenital syphilis, using the revised 1990 criteria of the CDC. This study examined the risk factors associated with the occurrence of congenital syphilis in Harris County where the prevalence of maternal syphilis infection (13.7/100,000/1995) is high. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) causes significant morbidity and mortality in infants of developing countries and is the most common cause of diarrhea in travelers to these areas. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections are commonly caused by ingestion of fecally contaminated food. A timely method for the detection of ETEC in foods would be important in the prevention of this disease. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay which has been successful in detecting the heat-labile and heat-stable toxins of ETEC in stool was examined to determine its utility in foods. This PCR assay, preceded by a glass matrix and chaotropic DNA extraction, was effective in detecting high numbers of ETEC in a variety of foods. Ninety percent of 121 spiked food samples yielded positive results. Samples of salsa from Guadalajara, Mexico and Houston, Texas were collected and underwent DNA extraction and PCR. All samples yielded negative results for both the heat-labile and heat-stable toxins. Samples were also subjected to oligonucleotide probe analysis and resulted in 5 samples positive for ETEC. Upon dilution testing, it was found that positive PCR results only occurred when 12,000 to 1,000,000 bacteria were present in 200 mg of food. Although the DNA extraction and PCR method has been shown to be both sensitive and specific in stool, similar results were not obtained in food samples. ^


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Approximately 10 to 15% of breast cancer patients develop a primary cancer in the contralateral breast. This study examined differences between women with unilateral compared with bilateral primary breast cancer. It focused on hormonal factors and family history, and evaluated the prevalences of invasive lobular histology and the replication error phenotype in the tumors. ^ Cases (n = 82) were patients at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, Texas diagnosed with primary breast cancer in each breast between 1985 and 1994 inclusive. Controls (n = 82) were MDACC patients with primary cancer in a single breast diagnosed during the same interval, individually matched to cases. Data were obtained by in-person and/or telephone interview with the patient and/or proxy. Replication error phenotype was determined from archival tissue. ^ Diagnosis of breast, but not ovarian, cancer in a female first-degree relative (FFDR) was a strong risk factor for bilateral cancers. Cases had a significantly 3-fold higher excess of familial breast cancer than did controls (cases: O/E = 2.65, 95% CI = 1.85–3.69; controls: 0.86, 0.46–1.47; homogeneity: p = 0.00). Risk did not vary with menopausal status of the patient, but was greatest if a relative was diagnosed before age 45 (O/E = 38.9; 95% CI = 21.7–64.1). By implication, young first-degree relatives of patients with bilateral breast cancer are at very high risk of breast cancer themselves. Cases also had significantly fewer siblings than did controls. ^ Earlier menarche, and parity in the absence of lactation, were associated with bilateral cancers; age at menopause and parity with lactation were not. A history of alcohol consumption, particularly if heavy, carried a 3.4-fold risk (p = 0.03). The data suggested a slightly different pattern in risk factors according to menopausal status and interval between cancers. ^ Replication error phenotype was available for 59 probands. It was associated with bilateral cancers (particularly if diagnosed within one year of each other), increased age (p = 0.02) and negative nodal status. Invasive lobular histology was associated with bilateral disease but numbers were small. ^ These data suggest bilateral breast cancer arises in the context of a combination of familial and hormonal factors, and alcohol consumption. The relative importance of each factor may vary by age of the patient. ^


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The Personal Response System Program at Huffington Center on Aging, Baylor College of Medicine, provides emergency call systems for elderly people living independently in Houston, Texas. The goal of the project was to complete a formative evaluation of the Personal Response System Program. The specific aims of the evaluation were three-fold. One aim was to evaluate participant health status and level of disability. The second aim was to develop a health care cost estimation strategy. Finally, a preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis was completed to evaluate the program's impact on health care costs and health status among the elderly target population. ^ The evaluation was a longitudinal, randomized experimental design. After the screening of 120 volunteers for eligibility, clients were asked to complete a written questionnaire and a monthly health service contact diary. Volunteers were contacted by telephone interviewers to collect health status information from 100 eligible clients (83%) on three occasions during the six months of follow-up. ^ Initially, volunteers were randomized to two experimental groups. The two groups were found to be comparable at the beginning of the study. No significant differences were detected related to health status, level of disability, or history of physician visits at baseline. However, the group with the Personal Response System (PRS) device had more adverse health events, higher IADL scores, more frequent use of walkers, lower average health status scores, and fewer community volunteers hours than the usual care comparison group. ^ The health care costs were estimated based on an algorithm adapted from the American Medical Association guidelines. Average total health care costs for the group with the PRS device ($912) were greater than the usual care group ($464). However, median health care values for the PRS group ($263) were similar to the usual care comparison group ($234). The preliminary findings indicated that the use of the PRS device was not associated with health care cost savings. ^ In the preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis, use of the personal response system was found to be associated with increased mental health status among elderly clients. The cost-effectiveness evaluation indicated that the associated cost for six months was $710 per unit increase in mental component score when the $150 PRS subscription was included. However, clients with the PRS device were found to have a greater decline in physical health status during the six-month follow-up. The beneficial effect on mental health status was found to be in contrast to negative findings associated with changes in physical health status. The implications for future research relate to the need to identify risk factors among geriatric populations to better target groups that would most likely benefit from PRS Program enrollment. ^


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European forests have varied in their composition, structure, and extent over the last 5 million years or more in response to global climate changes. European forests have also undergone very major changes due to the alternating glacial-interglacial cycles of the Quaternary (last 2.6 million years). European forests have greatly changed in their extent and structure in the last 5 000 years due to human activities (the Homo sapiens phase) in the current Holocene interglacial in which we live. Contemporary ecologists and foresters can learn from ‘lessons from the past’ about forest responses and resilience to environmental changes in the past.


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Most European firs occur predominantly in small to medium-sized populations in the Mediterranean region, sometimes with fragmented and limited distributions, except for silver fir (Abies alba). They all are genetically closely related and can easily hybridise, perhaps as a consequence of late speciation during the late Quaternary. Circum-Mediterranean firs occur principally in mountain areas with medium to high precipitations rates which are mostly concentrated during the winter period. The species are able to tolerate long droughts in summer and tend to form pure stands when in optimal habitats. In the past firs have been extensively logged for construction and fire wood and their stands were replaced by other more disturbance adapted species or converted into rural areas. Nowadays with the exception of silver fir and Caucasian fir (Abies nordmanniana), circum-Mediterranean firs do not have a wide commercial interest. In Turkey they are still exploited for timber wood, while other firs have an ornamental use in gardening. Great importance is given to their preservation, especially to those populations which have very limited areas and specimens, with the creation of protected reserves and conservation programmes. Wild fires, livestock grazing and genetic drift represent actually their main threats.


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Silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) are short-lived, relatively small broadleaved trees that occur throughout most of Europe, particularly in northern regions. In southern Europe, birch trees are confined to mountainous areas, as they do not tolerate prolonged summer drought. Birch has a light canopy of small serrated leaves, and characteristic smooth, white to grey bark. In northern regions, birch trees can dominate the landscape up to the tree-line, whereas in the centre of their range they often occur early in secondary succession because of their abundant seed production, low demands on soil quality, and intolerance of shade. Birch trees provide the predominant hard wood source in northern Europe, and some varieties of Betula pendula produce highly priced veneers, while Betula pubescens is mostly used for pulp and fire wood. Other rarer species of birch are endemic to Europe contributing to the continental biodiversity even at high elevations and latitudes.


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The sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is the only native species of the genus in Europe. The broad diffusion and active management by man resulted in the establishment of the species at the limits of its potential ecological range, which makes it difficult to trace its original natural area. The present distribution ranges from North-Western Africa (e.g. Morocco) to North-Western Europe (southern England, Belgium) and from south-western Asia (e.g. Turkey) to Eastern Europe (e.g. Romania), the Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia) and the Caspian Sea. In Europe the main chestnut forests are concentrated in a few countries such as Italy, France and the Iberian Peninsula. The sweet chestnut has a remarkable multipurpose character, and may be managed for timber production (coppice and high forest) as well as for fruit production (traditional orchards), including a broad range of secondary products and ecosystem services.


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Common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) is a medium-sized deciduous tree with large compound leaves that develop relatively late in spring. It flowers before leaf-buds burst and trees can carry male, female, or hermaphrodite flowers, or different combinations of the flower types. It grows throughout the European temperate zone, but is absent from the driest Mediterranean areas because it does not tolerate extended summer drought, and from the northern boreal regions, with its seedlings in particular being vulnerable to late spring frost. Soils exert a strong control on common ash distribution locally. The species grows best on fertile soils where soil pH exceeds 5.5. It rarely forms pure stands, more often it is found in small groups in mixed stands. Ash trees produce high quality timber that combines light weight, strength, and flexibility. Before the mass use of steel, it was used for a wide range of purposes, from agricultural implements to construction of boat and car frames. Today


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The European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) is a pioneer, very long-lived, fast-growing coniferous tree, which occurs in the central and eastern mountains of Europe, forming open forests or pasture woods at the upper tree limits. Larch is the only deciduous conifer in Europe as an adaptation to continental alpine climates. In fact, it is able to tolerate very cold temperatures during winter and, by losing its needles, avoids foliage desiccation. It is a transitional species, colonising open terrain after natural disturbances. It forms pure stands but more often it is found with other alpine tree species, which tend to replace it if no other disturbances occur. Thanks to its adaptability and the durability of its wood, the European larch represents an important silvicultural tree species in the alpine regions, planted even outside its natural ranges. Its wood is largely used for carpentry, furniture and pulp for paper. In lower altitudes or with high precipitation rates, larch is more susceptible to fungal diseases. Outbreaks of insect defoliators, principally caused by the larch bud moth (Zeiraphera diniana), can limit tree development, with economic losses in plantations, but they rarely lead to the death of the trees.


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Among the coniferous species, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) is one of the most important trees in Europe both for economic and ecological aspects, with a long tradition of cultivation. It can be a big tree, reaching 50-60 m in height with a straight and regular trunk, particularly used for timber constructions, pulpwood for paper and furniture. This widespread species dominates the Boreal forests in Northern Europe and the subalpine areas of the Alps and Carpathian Mountains. Thanks to its high performances in different site conditions, it can also be found outside its natural distribution on lower elevations in more temperate forests. Norway spruce has been massively planted up to its niche limits, where it is particularly susceptible to heat and drought, due to its shallow root system. For this reason it is expected to be severely affected under global warming conditions. Disturbed and weakened plants can be easily attacked by rot fungi such as Heterobasidion annosum and Armillaria, or by the bark beetles Ips typographus, one of the most destructive spruce forest pests.


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Juglans regia L., commonly known as common, English or Persian walnut, is an economically very important tree species, prized both for its nuts and for its attractive high-quality timber. It is the most widespread nut tree worldwide.