1000 resultados para Holocene palaeoclimate


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In the southern Duero Basin of central Spain, there are vast areas of aeolian sand sheets and dune fields. A comprehensive survey of the sand quarries in this area identified a number of palaeosols in sedimentary sequences. The identification and AMS radiocarbon dating of soil charcoal fragments collected in these palaeosols indicate the persistence of Pinus pinaster in this area throughout most of the Holocene. Although potential natural vegetation models have usually considered the Pinus pinaster forests in this inland area of artificial origin, soil charcoal analysis provides firm evidence of a natural origin. Our data fit perfectly with the pattern of Holocene vegetation development for inland areas of Iberia, which are characterised by stability of pine forests throughout the Holocene. Finally, the growing body of palaeobotanical evidence from Iberia (macrofossils and pollen) is contributing to improve our knowledge of P. pinaster ecology, showing that this species has been present in most Iberian regions during the Holocene, where it has inhabited areas characterised by a very diverse set of climatic and soil conditions.


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Información paleoecológica relativa a la distribución de táxones arbóreos durante el holoceno, basado en restos fósiles leñosos.


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Interacciones entre la vegetación del Holoceno, el fuego y el clima en el oeste de España, ejemplo con datos de la turbera del Maíllo.


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Se presentan los resultados de la investigación pedoantracológica en una catena del macizo dcentral de Gredos


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The study of 39 Pinus canariensis Holocene fossil woods from the Caldera de Taburiente is presented


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A long-standing question in Quaternary paleontology is whether climate-induced, population-level phenotypic change is a result of large-scale migration or evolution in isolation. To directly measure genetic variation through time, ancient DNA and morphologic variation was measured over 2,400 years in a Holocene sequence of pocket gophers (Thomomys talpoides) from Lamar Cave, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Ancient specimens and modern samples collected near Lamar Cave share mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences that are absent from adjacent localities, suggesting that the population was isolated for the entire period. In contrast, diastemal length, a morphologic character correlated with body size and nutritional level, changed predictably in response to climatic change. Our results demonstrate that small mammal populations can experience the long-term isolation assumed by many theoretical models of microevolutionary change.


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Throughout the last glacial cycle, reorganizations of deep ocean water masses were coincident with rapid millennial-scale changes in climate. Climate changes have been less severe during the present interglacial, but evidence for concurrent deep ocean circulation change is ambiguous.


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A 7000-year-long sequence of environmental change during the Holocene has been reconstructed for a central Pacific island (Mangaia, Cook Islands). The research design used geomorphological and palynological methods to reconstruct vegetation history, fire regime, and erosion and depositional rates, whereas archaeological methods were used to determine prehistoric Polynesian land use and resource exploitation. Certain mid-Holocene environmental changes are putatively linked with natural phenomena such as eustatic sea-level rise and periodic El Niño-Southern Oscillation events. However, the most significant changes were initiated between 2500 and 1800 years and were directly or indirectly associated with colonization by seafaring Polynesian peoples. These human-induced effects included major forest clearance, increased erosion of volcanic hillsides and alluvial deposition in valley bottoms, significant increases in charcoal influx, extinctions of endemic terrestrial species, and the introduction of exotic species.


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The Australian southern continental margin is the world’s largest site of cool-water carbonate deposition, and the Great Australian Bight is its largest sector. The Eyre Peninsula is fringed by coastal beaches with aeolianites and marks the eastern edge of the Great Australian Bight. Five shoreline transects of varying lengths spanned a 150km longitudinal distance and at each the intertidal, beach, dune and secondary dune environments were sampled, for a total of 18 samples. Sediments are a mixture of modern, relict, and Cenozoic carbonates, and quartz grains. Carbonate aeolianites on the western Eyre Peninsula are mostly composed of modern carbonate grains: predominantly molluscs (23-33%) and benthic foraminifera (10-26%), locally abundant coralline algae (3-28%), echinoids (2-22%), and bryozoans (2-14%). Cenozoic grain abundance ranges from 1-6% whereas relict grain abundance ranges from 0-17%. A southward increase in bryozoan particles correlates with a nutrient element abundance and decrease in temperature due to a large seasonal coastal upwelling system that drives 2-3 major upwelling events per year, bringing cold, nutrient rich, Sub-Antarctic Surface Water (<12°C) onto the shelf. In southern, mostly wind protected locations, the beach and dune sediment compositions are similar, indicating that wind energy has successfully carried all sediment components of the beach into the adjacent dunes. In northern, exposed locations, the composition is not the same everywhere, and trends indicate that relative wind energy has the ability to impact grain composition through preferential wind transport. Aeolianite composition is therefore a function of both upwelling and the degree of coastal exposure.