995 resultados para Hilduin, 770?-842?


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In the last years there was an exponential growth in the offering of Web-enabled distance courses and in the number of enrolments in corporate and higher education using this modality. However, the lack of efficient mechanisms that assures user authentication in this sort of environment, in the system login as well as throughout his session, has been pointed out as a serious deficiency. Some studies have been led about possible biometric applications for web authentication. However, password based authentication still prevails. With the popularization of biometric enabled devices and resultant fall of prices for the collection of biometric traits, biometrics is reconsidered as a secure remote authentication form for web applications. In this work, the face recognition accuracy, captured on-line by a webcam in Internet environment, is investigated, simulating the natural interaction of a person in the context of a distance course environment. Partial results show that this technique can be successfully applied to confirm the presence of users throughout the course attendance in an educational distance course. An efficient client/server architecture is also proposed. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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Studies on the distribution of plantar pressure between the sole of the foot and the ground were developed before the 19th century. Currently, the most often employed plantar pressure measurement systems are Pedar® and FScan®, which have restrictions such as operational difficulty and high cost. In the present study, a device was constructed from two pressure plates capable of measuring plantar forces in discreet areas of the feet at a low cost, using strain-gages attached to sixteen strategic points of the mechanical elements. Sixteen prismatic beams were soldered to each frame, for which the free extremity of each beam represented a specific point of the foot. Two strain gauges were attached to each beam - one near the upper fixed extremity and the other near the lower fixed extremity. Using a Wheatstone bridge electric circuit, the gauges were used to measure the force acting on the extremity of the beam. Precision and accuracy of the prototype was about 10%. In some measurements, accuracy was 2%. The low precision and accuracy were mainly due to the restrictions of the available equipment, which only permitted four measurements at a time. Thus, it was necessary for participants to stand on the plates four separate times, which signified possible changes in the position of the feet on the pressure plates. Despite some limitations, the aim was achieved. The prototype has been used in some studies and represents a contribution to biomechanics, demonstrating the viability of using strain gauges.


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The objective of this study was to analyze changes in stroke rate (SR), stroke length (SL) and stroke phases (entry and catch, pull, push and recovery) when swimming at (MLSS) and above (102.5% MLSS) the maximal lactate steady state. Twelve endurance swimmers (21±8 year, 1.77±0.10m and 71.6±7.7kg) performed in different days the following tests: (1) 200- and 400-m all-out tests, to determine critical speed (CS), and; (2) 2-4 30-min sub-maximal constant-speed tests, to determine the MLSS and 102.5% MLSS. There was significant difference among MLSS (1.22±0.05ms-1), 102.5% MLSS (1.25±0.04ms-1) and CS (1.30±0.08ms-1). SR and SL were maintained between the 10th and 30th minute of the test swum at MLSS and have modified significantly at 102.5% MLSS (SR - 30.9±3.4 and 32.2±3.5cyclesmin-1 and SL - 2.47±0.2 and 2.38±0.2mcycle-1, respectively). All stroke phases were maintained at 10th and 30th minute at MLSS. However, the relative duration of propulsive phase B (pull) increased significantly at 102.5% MLSS (21.7±3.4% and 22.9±3.9%, respectively). Therefore, the metabolic condition may influence the stroke parameters (SR and SL) and stroke strategy to maintain the speed during swim tests lasting 30min. © 2010 Sports Medicine Australia.


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Leaves from Carpolobia lutea (Polygalaceae) were screened to establish the antiulcer ethnomedicinal claim and to quantitatively isolate, elucidate the active compounds by semi-preparative HPLC. The anti-nociceptive effects of Carpolobia lutea (CL) G. Don (Polygalaceae) organic leaf extracts were tested in experimental models in mice. The anti-nociceptive mechanism was determined using tail-flick test, acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions, formalin-induced hind paw licking and the hot plate test. The fractions (ethanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, n-hexane) and crude ethyl acetate extract of CL (770 mg/kg, i.p.) produced significant inhibitions of both phases of the formalin-induced pain in mice, a reduction in acetic acid-induced writhing as well as and an elevation of the pain threshold in the hot plate test in mice. The inhibitions were greater to those produced by indomethacin (5 mg/kg, i.p.). Ethyl acetate fraction revealed cinnamic and coumaric acids derivatives, which are described for the first time in literature. These cinnamalglucosides polyphenols characterised from CL may in part account for the pharmacological activities. These findings confirm its ethnomedical use in anti-inflammatory pain and in pains from gastric ulcer-associated symptoms. © 2011 Springer Basel AG.


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A voltammetric method for the determination of ethyl acetate in ethanol fuel using a Fe3+/Nafion®-coated glassy carbon electrode (GCE) is proposed. The ethyl acetate present in the ethanol fuel was previously converted to acetohydroxamic acid via pretreatment with hydroxylamine chloride. The acetohydroxamic acid promptly reacted with the iron (III) present in the film, producing iron (III) acetohydroxamate, which presents a well-defined voltammetric peak current at -0.02 V. Optimization of the voltammetric parameters for the cyclic, linear sweep, square wave, and differential pulse modalities was carried out for this chemically-modified electrode. Square wave voltammetry afforded the best response for acetohydroxamic acid detection. The analytical curve for this species was linear from 9 to 100 μmol L 1 according to the following equation: ip (μA) = 0.27 + 2.55Cacetohydroxamic acid (μmol L 1), with linear correlation coefficient equal to 0.993. The technique presented limit of detection equal to 5.3 μmol L 1 and quantification limit of 17.6 μmol L 1. The proposed method was compared to the official method of ethyl acetate analysis (Gas Chromatography), and a satisfactory correlation was found between these techniques. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The widespread use of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) in the active layers of organic solar cells indicates that it possesses chemical stability and solubility suitable for such an application. However, it would be desirable to have a material that can maintain these properties but with a smaller bandgap, which would lead to more efficient energy harvesting of the solar spectrum. Fifteen P3HT derivatives were studied using the Density Functional Theory. The conclusion is that it is possible to obtain compounds with significantly smaller bandgaps and with solubility and stability similar to that of P3HT, mostly through the binding of oxygen atoms or conjugated organic groups to the thiophenic ring. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Several mushroom species have been pointed out as sources of antioxidant compounds, in addition to their important nutritional value. Agaricus blazei and Lentinus edodes are among the most studied species all over the world, but those studies focused on their fruiting bodies instead of other presentations, such as powdered preparations, used as supplements. In the present work the chemical composition (nutrients and bioactive compounds) and antioxidant activity (free radical scavenging activity, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition) of dried powder formulations of the mentioned mushroom species (APF and LPF, respectively) were evaluated. Powder formulations of both species revealed the presence of essential nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, they present a low fat content (<2 g/100 g) and can be used in low-calorie diets, just like the mushrooms fruiting bodies. APF showed higher antioxidant activity and higher content of tocopherols and phenolic compounds (124 and 770 μg/100 g, respectively) than LPF (32 and 690 μg/100 g). Both formulations could be used as antioxidant sources to prevent diseases related to oxidative stress. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Relative to the Er3 +:gold-nanoparticle (Er3 +:Au-NP) axis, the polarization of the gold nanoparticle can be longitudinal (electric dipole parallel to the Er3 +:Au-NP axis) or transverse (electric dipole perpendicular to the Er3 +:Au-NP axis). For longitudinal polarization, the plasmon resonance modes of gold nanoparticles embedded in Er3 +-doped germanium-tellurite glass are activated using laser lines at 808 and 488 nm in resonance with radiative transitions of Er3 + ions. The gold nanoparticles were grown within the host glass by thermal annealing over various lengths of time, achieving diameters lower than 1.6 nm. The resonance wavelengths, determined theoretically and experimentally, are 770 and 800 nm. The absorption wavelength of nanoparticles was determined by using the Frohlich condition. Gold nanoparticles provide tunable emission resulting in a large enhancement for the 2H11/2 → 4I13/2 (emission at 805 nm) and 4S 3/2 → 4I13/2 (emission at 840 nm) electronic transitions of Er3 + ions; this is associated with the quantum yield of the energy transfer process. The excitation pathways, up-conversion and luminescence spectra of Er3 + ions are described through simplified energy level diagrams. We observed that up-conversion is favored by the excited-state absorption due to the presence of the gold nanoparticles coupled with the Er3 + ions within the glass matrix. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.