993 resultados para Hepatic regeneration


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Using data derived from peptide sequencing of p68/70, a protein doublet induced during optic nerve regeneration in goldfish, we have isolated cDNAs that encode RICH (regeneration-induced CNPase homolog) from a goldfish regenerating retina cDNA library. The predicted RICH protein comprises 411 amino acids, possesses a pI of 4.48, and shows significant homology to the mammalian myelin marker enzyme 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase; EC The mRNA encoding RICH was demonstrated, by both Northern blot analysis and RNase protection assays, to be induced as much as 8-fold in regenerating goldfish retinas at 20 days after nerve crush. Analysis of total RNA samples from various tissues showed a broad distribution of RICH mRNA, with the highest levels observed in gravid ovary. The data obtained strongly suggest that RICH is identical or very similar to p68/70. The molecular cloning of RICH provides the means for a more detailed analysis of its function in nerve regeneration. Additionally, the homology of RICH and CNPase suggests that further investigation may provide additional insight into the role of these proteins in the nervous system.


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Cell differentiation, tissue formation, and organogenesis are fundamental patterns during the development of multicellular animals from the dividing cells of fertilized eggs. Hence, the complete morphogenesis of any developing organism of the animal kingdom is based on a complex series of interactions that is always associated with the development of a blastula, a one-layered hollow sphere. Here we document an alternative pathway of differentiation, organogenesis, and morphogenesis occurring in an adult protochordate colonial organism. In this system, any minute fragment of peripheral blood vessel containing a limited number of blood cells isolated from Botrylloides, a colonial sea squirt, has the potential to give rise to a fully functional organism possessing all three embryonic layers. Regeneration probably results from a small number of totipotent stem cells circulating in the blood system. The developmental process starts from disorganized, chaotic masses of blood cells. At first an opaque cell mass is formed. Through intensive cell divisions, a hollow, blastula-like structure results, which may produce a whole organism within a short period of a week. This regenerative power of the protochordates may be compared with some of the characteristics associated with the formation of mammalian embryonal carcinomous bodies. It may also serve as an in vivo model system for studying morphogenesis and differentiation by shedding more light on the controversy of the "stem cell" vs. the "dedifferentiation" theories of regeneration and pattern formation.


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Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into hepatocytes in vivo results in long-term gene expression. Limitations include the need to remove two-thirds of the liver and the relatively low frequency of gene transfer. To increase gene transfer without surgical hepatectomy, mouse hepatocytes were transduced in vivo with a recombinant adenovirus that transiently expressed urokinase, resulting in high rates of asynchronous liver regeneration. During the regenerative phase, in vivo retroviral-mediated gene transfer in hepatocytes resulted in 5- to 10-fold greater transduction efficiencies than that obtained by conventional partial hepatectomy. In 3-4 weeks, the architecture and microscopic structure of the recipient livers were normal. The two-viral system of achieving permanent transgene expression from hepatocytes in vivo offers an alternative approach to current ex vivo and in vivo gene-transfer models.


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Regeneration of eye tissues, such as lens, seen in some urodeles involves dedifferentiation of the dorsal pigmented epithelium and subsequent differentiation to lens cells. Such spatial regulation implies possible action of genes known to be specific for particular cell lineages and/or axis. Hox genes have been the best examples of genes for such actions. We have, therefore, investigated the possibility that such genes are expressed during lens regeneration in the newt. The pax-6 gene (a gene that contains a homeobox and a paired box) has been implicated in the development of the eye and lens determination in various species ranging from Drosophila to human and, because of these properties, could be instrumental in the regeneration of the urodele eye tissues as well. We present data showing that pax-6 transcripts are present in the developing and the regenerating eye tissues. Furthermore, expression in eye tissues, such as in retina, declines when a urodele not capable of lens regeneration (axolotl) surpasses the embryonic stages. Such a decline is not seen in adult newts capable of lens regeneration. This might indicate a vital role of pax-6 in newt lens regeneration.


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Two endocytic receptors, the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR) and the LDLR-related protein (LRP), are thought to act in concert in the hepatic uptake of partially metabolized dietary lipoproteins, the chylomicron remnants. We have evaluated the role of these two receptors in the hepatic metabolism of chylomicron remnants in normal mice and in LDLR-deficient [LDLR (-/-)] mice. The rate of chylomicron remnant removal by the liver was normal up to 30 min after intravenous injection of chylomicrons into LDLR (-/-) mice and was unaffected by receptor-associated protein (RAP), a potent inhibitor of ligand binding to LRP. In contrast, endocytosis of the remnants by the hepatocytes, measured by their accumulation in the endosomal fraction and by the rate of hydrolysis of component cholesteryl esters, was dramatically reduced in the absence of the LDLR. Coadministration of RAP prevented the continuing hepatic removal of chylomicron remnants in LDL (-/-) mice after 30 min, consistent with blockade of the slow endocytosis by a RAP-sensitive process. Taken together with previous studies, our results are consistent with a model in which the initial hepatic removal of chylomicron remnants is primarily mediated by mechanisms that do not include LDLR or LRP, possibly involving glycosaminoglycan-bound hepatic lipase and apolipoprotein E. After the remnants bind to these alternative sites on the hepatocyte surface, endocytosis is predominantly mediated by the LDLR and also by a slower and less efficient backup process that is RAP sensitive and therefore most likely involves LRP.


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Immunization of rodents and humans with irradiation-attenuated malaria sporozoites confers preerythrocytic stage-specific protective immunity to challenge infection. This immunity is directed against intrahepatic parasites and involves T cells and interferon gamma, which prevent development of exoerythrocytic stages and subsequent blood infection. The present study was undertaken to determine how protective immunity is achieved after immunization of rodent hosts with irradiated Plasmodium berghei sporozoites. We present evidence that irradiated parasites persist in hepatocytes of rats and mice for up to 6 months after immunization. A relationship between the persistence of parasites and the maintenance of protective immunity was observed. Protective immunity was abrogated in irradiated-sporozoite-immunized rats following the application of chemotherapy to remove preexisting liver parasites. Additionally, protective immunity against sporozoite challenge was established in rats vaccinated with early and late hepatic stages of irradiated parasites. These results show that irradiation-attenuated sporozoites produce persistent intrahepatic stages in vivo necessary for the induction and maintenance of protective immunity.


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Type 1 diabetes mellitus is caused by severe insulin deficiency secondary to the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. Patients need to be controlled by periodic insulin injections to prevent the development of ketoacidosis, which can be fatal. Sustained, low-level expression of the rat insulin 1 gene from the liver of severely diabetic rats was achieved by in vivo administration of a recombinant retroviral vector. Ketoacidosis was prevented and the treated animals exhibited normoglycemia during a 24-hr fast, with no evidence of hypoglycemia. Histopathological examination of the liver in the treated animals showed no apparent abnormalities. Thus, the liver is an excellent target organ for ectopic expression of the insulin gene as a potential treatment modality for type 1 diabetes mellitus by gene therapy.


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Aberrant expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) has been implicated in a number of disease processes, particularly those involving fibrotic and inflammatory lesions. To determine the in vivo effects of overexpression of TGF-beta 1 on the function and structure of hepatic as well as extrahepatic tissues, transgenic mice were generated containing a fusion gene (Alb/TGF-beta 1) consisting of modified porcine TGF-beta 1 cDNA under the control of the regulatory elements of the mouse albumin gene. Five transgenic lines were developed, all of which expressed the Alb/TGF-beta 1 transgene selectively in hepatocytes. The transgenic line 25 expressing the highest level of the transgene in the liver also had high (> 10-fold over control) plasma levels of TGF-beta 1. Hepatic fibrosis and apoptotic death of hepatocytes developed in all the transgenic lines but was more pronounced in line 25. The fibrotic process was characterized by deposition of collagen around individual hepatocytes and within the space of Disse in a radiating linear pattern. Several extrahepatic lesions developed in line 25, including glomerulonephritis and renal failure, arteritis and myocarditis, as well as atrophic changes in pancreas and testis. The results from this transgenic model strongly support the proposed etiological role for TGF-beta 1 in a variety of fibrotic and inflammatory disorders. The transgenic model may also provide an appropriate paradigm for testing therapeutic interventions aimed at neutralizing the detrimental effects of this important cytokine.


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La ricerca di nuove strategie per la rigenerazione ossea rappresenta un focus di interesse centrale per migliorare la gestione di casi clinici complessi nell’ambito della chirurgia orale e maxillo-facciale. Uno degli approcci più utilizzati in tale contesto si basa sull’utilizzo di molecole con proprietà osteoinduttive e molte sostanze sono state fino ad oggi sperimentate. E’ noto in letteratura che gli androgeni svolgono un ruolo chiave nella regolazione della morfogenesi ossea e nel mantenimento della sua omeostasi durante il corso della vita. Questo lavoro di tesi nasce dall’ipotesi che la somministrazione locale di tali ormoni, eventualmente combinata a materiali da innesto, possa favorire la guarigione di difetti ossei. Stando a questa premessa, sono stati valutati gli effetti dello steroide sintetico Stanozololo sulla rigenerazione ossea in diversi settings sperimentali. La tesi è strutturata secondo un percorso che segue le fasi della ricerca, attraverso sperimentazioni in vitro e in vivo; ogni capitolo può essere approcciato come uno studio a sé stante, corrispondente ad una determinata tappa dell’iter sperimentale. Sulla base di questi intenti, viene fornito inizialmente un quadro d’insieme circa gli effetti degli androgeni sull’osso. A seguire, è presentata una sperimentazione in vitro nella linea cellulare SaOS-2. Infine, è proposta un’innovativa metodologia di analisi per lo studio della rigenerazione ossea nel modello di ratto, ove viene testata la somministrazione locale di Stanozololo combinato a materiale da innesto.


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The active phase Ce0.5Pr0.5O2 has been loaded on commercial substrates (SiC DPF and cordierite honeycomb monolith) to perform DPF regeneration experiments in the exhaust of a diesel engine. Also, a powder sample has been prepared to carry out soot combustion experiments at laboratory. Experiments performed in the real diesel exhaust demonstrated the catalytic activity of the Ce–Pr mixed oxide for the combustion of soot, lowering the DPF regeneration temperature with regard to a counterpart catalyst-free DPF. The temperature for active regeneration of the Ce0.5Pr0.5O2-containing DPF when the soot content is low is in the range of 500–550 °C. When the Ce0.5Pr0.5O2-containing DPF is saturated with a high amount of soot, pressure drop and soot load at the filter reach equilibrium at around 360 °C under steady state engine operation due to passive regeneration. The uncoated DPF reached this equilibrium at around 440 °C. Comparing results at real exhaust with those at laboratory allow concluding that the Ce0.5Pr0.5O2-catalysed soot combustion in the real exhaust is not based on the NO2-assisted mechanism but is most likely occurring by the active oxygen-based mechanism.


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Soil enzymes are critical to soil nutrient cycling function but knowledge on the factors that control their response to major disturbances such as wildfires remains very limited. We evaluated the effect of fire-related plant functional traits (resprouting and seeding) on the resistance and resilience to fire of two soil enzyme activities involved in phosphorus and carbon cycling (acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase) in a Mediterranean shrublands in SE Spain. Using experimental fires, we compared four types of shrubland microsites: SS (vegetation patches dominated by seeder species), RR (patches dominated by resprouter species), SR (patches co-dominated by seeder and resprouter species), and IP (shrub interpatches). We assessed pre- and post-fire activities of the target soil enzymes, available P, soil organic C, and plant cover dynamics over three years after the fire. Post-fire regeneration functional groups (resprouter, seeder) modulated both pre- and post-fire activity of acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase, with higher activity in RR and SR patches than in SS patches and IP. However, we found no major differences in enzyme resistance and resilience between microsite types, except for a trend towards less resilience in SS patches. Fire similarly reduced the activity of both enzymes. However, acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase showed contrasting post-fire dynamics. While β-glucosidase proved to be rather resilient to fire, fully recovering three years after fire, acid phosphatase showed no signs of recovery in that period. Overall, the results indicate a positive influence of resprouter species on soil enzyme activity that is very resistant to fire. Long-lasting decrease in acid phosphatase activity probably resulted from the combined effect of P availability and post-fire drought. Our results provide insights on how plant functional traits modulate soil biochemical and microbiological response to fire in Mediterranean fire-prone shrublands.


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Pneumococcal meningitis (PM) causes neurological sequelae in up to half of surviving patients. Neuronal damage associated with poor outcome is largely mediated by the inflammatory host response. Dexamethasone (DXM) is used as an adjuvant therapy in adult PM, but its efficacy in the treatment of pneumococcal meningitis in children is controversially discussed. While DXM has previously been shown to enhance hippocampal apoptosis in experimental PM, its impact on hippocampal cell proliferation is not known. This study investigated the impact of DXM on hippocampal proliferation in infant rat PM. Eleven-day-old nursing Wistar rats (n = 90) were intracisternally infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae to induce experimental meningitis. Treatment with DXM or vehicle was started 18 h after infection, concomitantly with antibiotics (ceftriaxone 100 mg/kg of body weight twice a day [b.i.d.]). Clinical parameters were monitored, and the amount of cells with proliferating activity was assessed using in vivo incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and an in vitro neurosphere culture system at 3 and 4 d postinfection. DXM significantly worsened weight loss and survival. Density of BrdU-positive cells, as an index of cells with proliferating activity, was significantly lower in DXM-treated animals compared to vehicle controls (P < 0.0001). In parallel, DXM reduced neurosphere formation as an index for stem/progenitor cell density compared to vehicle treatment (P = 0.01). Our findings provide clear evidence that DXM exerts an antiproliferative effect on the hippocampus in infant rat PM. We conclude that an impairment of regenerative hippocampal capacity should be taken into account when considering adjuvant DXM in the therapeutic regimen for PM in children.