922 resultados para Hemiptera - Filogenia
Geastraceae is a monophyletic family included in the gomphoid-phalloid clade, it is composed only by two genus: Geastrum and Myriostoma. These genus are closely related in their morphology and phylogeny, both showing angiocarpic basidiomata, apical stoma, basidiospores passively released by the bellows mechanism and exoperidium dehiscent in rays, these genus are distinct by the number of stomas and pedicels. Because of dehiscense of exoperidium they are popularly known as “earthstars”. Usually they occur on decomposing leaf-litter and decaying wood. They are, thus, saprophytic, with rare exceptions of ectomycorrhizal species. Geastrum is the most diverse gasteroid genus in Brazil, with an estimated 51 records. However, there are large gaps in the geographic distribution and systematics studies about the Geastrum in this country, especially because of the characteristics found in the Brazilian territory (megadiverse, hotspots and continental size), which makes it a priority area for species inventory. Thus, this work was aimed at realizing inventory of species of Geastrum, which occur in Caatinga and Northeastern Atlantic Rainforest. At least two field expeditions were realized, during about four days on rainy season of 2013 and 2014 in the areas: Reserva Biológica de Guaribas, located in Atlantic Rainforest domain, Paraíba State and Reserva Ecológica Estadual Mata do Pau Ferro, located on “Brejos Paraibanos”, Paraíba State. Furthermore, specimens deposited in the Herbarium of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, which were collected in Parque Nacional Vale do Catimbau, Caatinga of Pernambuco State, were analyzed. The specimens were identified according to analysis of macro and micro morphology based on specific literature. Approximately 400 basidiomata, distributed in 73 exsiccates were analyzed. 21 species were identified, 19 are in specie level, which two are proposed to new species. (Geastrum magnosporum sp. nov. e G. pusillupilosum sp. nov.) and two in genera level (sp. e aff.). We emphasize one new record for Brazil, 12 new records for Paraíba State, four new records for semiarid region in Brazil and six new records to Atlantic Rainforest relicts “Brejo de Altitude”. So, the results improved the knowledge about Geastrum in Paraíba State by 200%, 24 % in Brazilian semiarid region and 55% in Atlantic Rainforest relicts “Brejo de Altitude”, evincing that Northeastern Brazil has high species richness.
Symbiotic relationships between insects and beneficial microbes are very common in nature, especially within the Hemiptera. The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål, harbors a symbiont, Pantoea carbekii, within the fourth region of the midgut in specialized crypts. In this dissertation, I explored this insect- microbe relationship. I determined that the brown marmorated stink bug is heavily reliant on its symbiont, and that experimental removal of the symbiont from the egg mass surface prior to nymphal acquisition led to lower survival, longer development, lower fecundity, and aberrant nymphal behavior. Additionally, I determined that even when the symbiont is acquired and housed in the midgut crypts, it is susceptible to stressors. Stink bugs reared at a higher temperature showed lower survival, longer development, and a cease in egg mass production, and when bugs were screened for their symbiont, fewer had successfully retained it while under heat stress. Finally, with the knowledge that the stink bug suffers decreases in fitness when its symbiont is missing or stressed, I wanted to determine if targeting the symbiont was a possible management technique for the stink bug. I tested the efficacy of a number of different insecticidal and antimicrobial products to determine whether prevention of symbiont acquisition from the egg mass was possible, and results indicated that transmission of the symbiont from the egg mass to the newly hatched nymph was negatively impacted when certain products were applied (namely surfactants or products containing surfactants). Additionally, direct effects on hatch rate and survival were reported for certain products, namely the insect growth regulator azadirachtin, which suggests that nymphs can pick up residues from the egg mass surface while probing for the symbiont. I conclude that P. carbekii plays a critically important role in the survival of its host, the brown marmorated stink bug, and its presence on the egg mass surface before nymphal hatch makes it targetable as a potential management technique.
The species psaroniocompsa incrustata (Lutz, 1910) was studied in relation to its abundance in different and seasonal periods, the physico-chemical of the breending ground and the fauna predation added to the immature of the species. The study was developed during eight months, from April to July, 2005 (rainy season) and from October, 2005 to January, 2006 (drought season), in one natural breending ground situated in the Pium river, that is part of the hydrographical basin of the Pirangi river in Rio Grande do Norte. The immature of Simuliidae were collected manually in vegetal substrate. At the same place, it was made one sampling of the associated fauna using Suber collectors and the measurement of the environment variants. It was also made one analysis of the stomach content of possible enemies of the simulídeos, to observe the predation of the associated fauna. It was collected 7.713 samples, all from de species P. Incrustata, it was observed a bigger abundance in the drought season, and the entomologic fauna associated totalizing 20.1314 species, distributed in the kinds: Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, e Hemiptera, with a bigger representativity of Dipteros. The analysis of the stomach content of the species from the families Libellulidae and Hydropsychidae showed the presence of the simulídeos in only 4% of the material analysed, therefore it was not confirmed the presence of one efficient biological control of the simulídeos in this breending ground
Phylogenetic inference consist in the search of an evolutionary tree to explain the best way possible genealogical relationships of a set of species. Phylogenetic analysis has a large number of applications in areas such as biology, ecology, paleontology, etc. There are several criterias which has been defined in order to infer phylogenies, among which are the maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. The first one tries to find the phylogenetic tree that minimizes the number of evolutionary steps needed to describe the evolutionary history among species, while the second tries to find the tree that has the highest probability of produce the observed data according to an evolutionary model. The search of a phylogenetic tree can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, which aims to find trees which satisfy simultaneously (and as much as possible) both criteria of parsimony and likelihood. Due to the fact that these criteria are different there won't be a single optimal solution (a single tree), but a set of compromise solutions. The solutions of this set are called "Pareto Optimal". To find this solutions, evolutionary algorithms are being used with success nowadays.This algorithms are a family of techniques, which aren’t exact, inspired by the process of natural selection. They usually find great quality solutions in order to resolve convoluted optimization problems. The way this algorithms works is based on the handling of a set of trial solutions (trees in the phylogeny case) using operators, some of them exchanges information between solutions, simulating DNA crossing, and others apply aleatory modifications, simulating a mutation. The result of this algorithms is an approximation to the set of the “Pareto Optimal” which can be shown in a graph with in order that the expert in the problem (the biologist when we talk about inference) can choose the solution of the commitment which produces the higher interest. In the case of optimization multi-objective applied to phylogenetic inference, there is open source software tool, called MO-Phylogenetics, which is designed for the purpose of resolving inference problems with classic evolutionary algorithms and last generation algorithms. REFERENCES [1] C.A. Coello Coello, G.B. Lamont, D.A. van Veldhuizen. Evolutionary algorithms for solving multi-objective problems. Spring. Agosto 2007 [2] C. Zambrano-Vega, A.J. Nebro, J.F Aldana-Montes. MO-Phylogenetics: a phylogenetic inference software tool with multi-objective evolutionary metaheuristics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. En prensa. Febrero 2016.
A través de estudios genómicos comparamos locus que por sintenia parecen ser regiones prometedoras para el desarrollo de marcadores moleculares específicos de Candida parapsilosis, una levadura oportunista cuya incidencia va aumentando y que ha registrado altas tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad a nivel mundial. C. parapsilosis junto a C. orthopsilosis y C. metapsilosis comprenden un grupo de estrecha filogenia pero diferente virulencia denominado complejo parapsilosis. A pesar de su importancia como patógenos emergentes las técnicas de identificación microbiológicas y moleculares se han visto limitadas no sólo entre el complejo, sino además entre otras especies de importancia médica como lo son C. guillermondi, C. lusitaniae y C. glabrata. Gracias a la disponibilidad de secuencias genómicas y mediante programas bioinformáticos de alta capacidad como Geneious, Symap y prfectBLAST, comparamos los genomas completos de C. albicans, C. parapsilosis y C. orthopsilosis; ubicando bloques colineales sinténicos y analizando una de las familias génicas de proteasas, encontramos eventos de expansión de genes en C. parapsilosis y C. orthopsilosis Para cada una de estas duplicaciones se diseñaron sondas específicas, obteniendo así 9 diferentes marcadores moleculares; dos de estos han sido utilizados para la identificación de dos de las tres especies que conforman el complejo parapsilosis: C. parapsilosis y C. orthopsilosis. Los oligonucleótidos fueron denominados 420 y 830 con amplicones de 1000 y 900pb respectivamente. Además de ser validados en cepas ATCC, ha sido probados en 35 aislados clínicos que fueron identificados de la siguiente manera; 19 cepas como C. parapsilosis, 1 cepa como C. orthopsilosis, mientras que las 15 cepas restantes mostraron alta similitud con C. glabrata, C. guillermondi y C. lusitaniae al ser identificadas mediante secuenciación del fragmento ITS1 e ITS2 de la secuencia de DNA ribosomal 18S.
Artrópodos associados à copa de árvores, principalmente palmeiras, são pouco conhecidos no Cerrado. Para descrever a estrutura da comunidade de artrópodos à copa de Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) foram amostradas 150 palmeiras em seis veredas” do Distrito Federal, de áreas silvestres, rurais e periurbanas na estação chuvosa. Os artrópodos presentes nos ninhos abandonados de aves, refúgios de mamíferos, folhas e matéria orgânica foram coletados manualmente, fixados em etanol 70% e separados em ordem, família, morfoespécie e guildas alimentares. As características das palmeiras medidas foram altura da estipe, diâmetro da copa, número de folhas e de ninhos de aves nas palmeiras. Foram coletados 3.862 indivíduos, pertencentes a 15 ordens, 45 famílias e 135 morfoespécies. As ordens mais abundantes foram Coleoptera (28,6%), Blattodea (21,8%), Collembola (11,4%) e Hemiptera (10,2%). As famílias Blaberidae, Tenebrionidae, Entomobryidae, Reduviidae, Oniscidae, Staphylinidae, Carabidae e Formicidae representaram 82,1% de todos os indivíduos coletados. A maioria das morfoespécies foi pouco abundante, 71 (52,6%) apresentaram uma abundância média igual ou menor que 1 indivíduo/palmeira. Coleoptera compreendeu o maior número de morfoespécies (43,7%) seguida de Araneae (20,0%). A análise das guildas alimentares mostrou prevalência de predadores e hematófagos (36,0%). A riqueza e a abundância de artrópodos foram menores no ambiente periurbano. O número de ninhos de aves apresentou correlação positiva com abundância e riqueza, o que não ocorreu com as medidas das palmeiras. A importância de M. flexuosa para a manutenção da artropodofauna nas “veredas” no bioma Cerrado é discutida. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2016.
A infuência da temperatura no desenvolvimento dos insetos é fundamental para a tomada de decisão relacionada à estratégia de controle biológico de pragas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a necessidades de graus-dias acumulados entre a oviposição e a eclosão de adultos do psilídeo-de-concha Glycaspis brimblecombei (Hemiptera: Psillydae) em resposta às temperaturas máxima e mínima diárias, observadas em condições de sala de criação do Laboratório de Quarentena ?Costa Lima? da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, em Jaguariúna-SP. Três gaiolas com a mesma quantidade inicial de adultos (preservadas a razão fêmea: macho de 1,06) foram monitoradas até o aparecimento da primeira geração e mortalidade total dos adultos introduzidos. Durante todo o período foram registradas as temperaturas máxima e mínima (em ºC) e a umidade relativa (em %) diárias. Posteriormente foram realizados os cálculos dos graus-dias pelo método da senóide horizontal, considerando a temperatura base de desenvolvimento do inseto de 9,26 ºC . Os cálculos foram realizados utilizando programa eletrônico da Universidade da Califórnia - Davis (UC-IPM). Como resultado, obteve-se uma necessidade média de 377,49 ± 16,09 GD acumulados entre a oviposição e a eclosão de adultos do inseto, bem como de 350,40 ± 18,62 GD para atingir a morte total de todos os adultos introduzidos.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2015.
The species psaroniocompsa incrustata (Lutz, 1910) was studied in relation to its abundance in different and seasonal periods, the physico-chemical of the breending ground and the fauna predation added to the immature of the species. The study was developed during eight months, from April to July, 2005 (rainy season) and from October, 2005 to January, 2006 (drought season), in one natural breending ground situated in the Pium river, that is part of the hydrographical basin of the Pirangi river in Rio Grande do Norte. The immature of Simuliidae were collected manually in vegetal substrate. At the same place, it was made one sampling of the associated fauna using Suber collectors and the measurement of the environment variants. It was also made one analysis of the stomach content of possible enemies of the simulídeos, to observe the predation of the associated fauna. It was collected 7.713 samples, all from de species P. Incrustata, it was observed a bigger abundance in the drought season, and the entomologic fauna associated totalizing 20.1314 species, distributed in the kinds: Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, e Hemiptera, with a bigger representativity of Dipteros. The analysis of the stomach content of the species from the families Libellulidae and Hydropsychidae showed the presence of the simulídeos in only 4% of the material analysed, therefore it was not confirmed the presence of one efficient biological control of the simulídeos in this breending ground
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Na literatura científica atual são encontrados artigos que utilizam diferentes nomes científicos para o babaçu, principalmente Orbignya phalerata e Attalea speciosa, mas também O. speciosa, O. martiana, entre outros. Esta multiplicidade de nomes ocasiona uma grande confusão na comunidade científica que permite a propagação sucessiva de erros. Este artigo de opinião objetiva esclarecer aspectos deste problema, revisando a história da nomenclatura da espécie, desde a primeira descrição por Martius, em 1826, e evidenciando as sucessivas mudanças de nome que ocorreram. São também brevemente discutidas as consequências da fusão dos quatro gêneros relacionados, de recentes trabalhos de filogenia e das últimas mudanças em classificação de palmeiras para a nomenclatura da espécie. Adicionalmente, os resultados de buscas em Índices de Nomes de Plantas são apresentados. Como conclusão, recomendamos a adoção do nome Attalea speciosa Mart ex. Spreng como o mais adequado para o babaçu e frisamos a forte necessidade de uma ampla revisão taxonômica do grupo.
O Vale do São Francisco, Nordeste do Brasil, é uma importante área produtora de goiaba (Psidium guajava L.). A expansão desta cultura tem provocado a alteração no agroecossistema e propiciado condições favoráveis ao surgimentos de novas pragas. Triozoida sp (Hemiptera, Psylliidae) é a praga principal na região. Através da implementação do manejo integrado, os estudos, foram conduzidos para o controle do Psilideo, implicando estratégias de amostragem para o monitoramento, números de amostras de árvores por área, nível de ação, plantas invasoras hospedeiras, seletividade e efeitos dos inseticidas e seus inimigos naturais.
O feijão-de-metro é uma hortaliça amplamente cultivada nos municípios da região metropolitana de Belém. Diversas doenças podem comprometer a sua produtividade, dentre elas as viroses. Recentemente, foi detectado o Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) em vagens de feijão-de-metro provenientes do município de Castanhal-PA. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o subgrupo do CMV detectado em vagens de feijão-de-metro, por meio de RT-PCR, sequenciamento do ácido nucléico e análise utilizando o programa Blast, ClustalW e MEGA 7.0. Para isso, foi feita a extração de ácidos nucleicos total a partir de folhas de fumo inoculado com o isolado. Posteriormente, foi realizado o RT-PCR utilizando os primers específicos (CMV-CPR e CMV-CPF). A partir da análise da filogenia foi observado que o isolado formou um clado com os acessos do subgrupo IB de CMV.