982 resultados para HUMAN CEREBRAL-CORTEX


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Diabetes Mellitus may lead to alterations in the eyes, kidneys, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, ears etc. The cognitive function, also, seems to be compromised in subjects presented with Diabetes Mellitus, since the cortical and subcortical structures responsible for this function are hindered in some insulin-dependent patients. The cognitive potential P300 has been used as an objective procedure to assess cerebral cognitive functions. Objective: Analyze the sensitivity of P300 cognitive potential for the detection of alterations on the auditory cortex secondary to Diabetes Mellitus. Study design: transversal cohort. Material and Method: Sixteen diabetic subjects of both genders aged 7 to 71 years, and seventeen non-diabetic individuals at the same age range participated in this study, the evaluation procedures were pure tone audiometry (PTA) and P300 cognitive potential. Glycemia of the group presented with Diabetes was assessed prior to applying the P300. Results: No statistically significant difference was shown for the PTA results. A statically significant difference was observed between groups when analyzing the latency of the P300 component measured in Fz. there was a correlation between glycemia and the latency and amplitude of P300. Conclusion: The investigation of the cognitive potential of P300 is an important procedure for the prevention and early diagnosis of neurological changes in individuals presented with Diabetes Mellitus.


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This study presents the findings of a record review that evaluated the prevalence of dental trauma in patients with cerebral palsy and evaluated its possible relationship with age, type of palsy, and epilepsy. The dental records of 2,200 patients with special needs admitted to the special care clinic of the School of Dentistry of Araçatuba/UNESP, Brazil, between 1998 and 2003 were reviewed. Of the records that were analyzed, 500 patients who had cerebral palsy were selected for this study. Information regarding age, gender, type of palsy and dental trauma was collected and statistically analyzed. It was observed that 10.6% of the subjects (n = 53) had sustained dental trauma. The number of traumatized teeth was 84. Enamel or enamel/dentin fractures were the most frequent types of traumatic injury (84.9%). The permanent maxillary central incisors were the most commonly affected teeth (50%). The frequency of traumatic injuries showed no significant correlation (p>.05) with the type of cerebral palsy or gender and they were more frequent in subjects between the ages of 0 and 12 years. Having epilepsy was not a statistically significant risk factor (p>.05) for dental trauma. © 2008 Special Care Dentistry.


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The improvement of oral health and quality of life is closely related to transdisciplinary dialogue, technological development and social responsibility. In patients with cerebral palsy, the lesion of motor areas of the brain compromises the development and function of the craniofacial complex. Considering all the ethiopathogenic conditions, the treatment of such patients involves great difficulties. The dentist and other professionals related to their rehabilitation need to deal with difficulty in chewing, respiration, phonation, besides the poor oral hygiene resulted from abnormal involuntary movements of facial and masticatory musculature, tongue, and upper limb. It is also relevant the lack of understanding about the importance of oral health care due to mental deficits of these individuals. This study aims to review some aspects of oral health in patients with cerebral palsy proposing rehabilitation associated to technology. Few studies concerned about the effectiveness of therapies for oral rehabilitation in patients with cerebral palsy. Laser therapy, electromyography, electrostimulation and LED therapy should be analyzed as options for treatment of patients with cerebral palsy. Following research projects should focus more attention on the dynamic and oral function of these patients to achieve positive repercussions in their overall health. © ArquiMed, 2010.


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Objective: To make individual assessments using automated quantification methodology in order to screen for perfusion abnormalities in cerebral SPECT examinations among a sample of subjects with OCD. Methods: Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) was used to compare 26 brain SPECT images from patients with OCD individually with an image bank of 32 normal subjects, using the statistical threshold of p < 0.05 (corrected for multiple comparisons at the level of individual voxels or clusters). The maps were analyzed, and regions presenting voxels that remained above this threshold were sought. results: Six patients from a sample of 26 OCD images showed abnormalities at cluster or voxel level, considering the criteria described above, which represented 23.07%. However, seven images from the normal group of 32 were also indicated as cases of perfusional abnormality, representing 21.8% of the sample. Conclusion: The automated quantification method was not considered to be a useful tool for clinical practice, for analyses complementary to visual inspection.


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This study aimed to determine the influence of flexibility of the chair seat surface on the pressure peak and on the contact area during the execution of a task of handling an object on the seated position by individuals with spastic cerebral palsy. Ten individuals of both genders with diagnosis of spastic cerebral palsy, who had some control to voluntarily move the body and the upper limbs, participated in this study. Quantification of data was carried out in two experimental situations: (1) execution of a task of fitting with upper limbs, and with the individual placed on an adapted canvas seat; (2) execution of a task of fitting with the participant positioned on an adapted wooden seat. Data obtained were submitted to a non-parametric and descriptive statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon test. Results indicated that the use of canvas seat increased the contact area and decreased the pressure peak and the medio-lateral displacement of centre pressure on the seated posture. © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.


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Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) presents changes in posture and movement as a core characteristic, which requires multiprofessional clinical treatments during childrens habilitation or rehabilitation. Besides clinical treatment, it is fundamental that professionals use evaluation systems to quantify the difficulties presented to the individual and their families in their daily lives. We aimed to investigate the functional capacity of individuals with CP and the amount of assistance required by the caregiver in day-to-day activities. Methods. Twenty patients with CP, six-year-old on average, were evaluated. The Pediatric Evaluation Inventory of Incapacities was used (PEDI - Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory), a system adapted for Brazil that evaluates child's dysfunction in three 3 dimensions: self-care, mobility and social function. To compare the three areas, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. Results: We found the following results regarding the functional capacity of children: self-care, 27.4%, ±17.5; mobility, 25.8%, ±33.3 and social function, 36.3%, ±27.7. The results of the demand of aid from the caregiver according to each dimension were: self-care, 9.7%, ±19.9; mobility, 14.1%, ± 20.9 and social function, 19.8%, ±26.1. Conclusion: We indicated that there was no difference between the performance of the subjects in areas of self-care, mobility and social function considering the functional skills and assistance required by the caregiver. © 2013 Monteiro et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Introduction. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis has a highly variable clinical presentation. Four major syndromes had been described in patients with cerebral venous thrombosis: isolated intracranial hypertension, focal neurological deficits, focal or generalized seizures and disturbances of consciousness and cognitive dysfunction. Method. We describe five consecutive patients admitted to our service with a diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis, highlighting the different possibilities of clinical presentation and prognosis. Discussion. The diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis should be considered in patients with acute, subacute or chronic headache, with or without signs of intracranial hypertension or focal deficits, even in the absence of cerebrovascular risk factors. Treatment should be started as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed and consists of reversal of the underlying cause when known, control of seizures and intracranial hypertension, and antithrombotic therapy.


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O vírus Morumbi é membro do sorogrupo Phlebotomus fever (família Bunyavírídae: gênero Phlebovírus) nativo da Região Amazônica. Seu vetor é desconhecido, mas supõem-se ser transmitido por flebotomíneos. Foi isolado em 1988 de ser humano apresentando quadro febril agudo. Este arbovírus, quando inoculado em camundongo por via cerebral, demonstrou viscerotropismo, induzindo inclusive lesões no fígado do animal inoculado. Com os objetivos de: i) estabelecer as características anátomo-patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas em fígado de camundongos albinos Swíss recém-nascidos experimentalmente infectados pelo vírus Morumbi; ii) verificar se o vírus apresenta hepatotropismo diferenciado na dependência de inoculação pelas vias cerebral, peritoneal ou subcutânea; iii) caracterizar detalhadamente os padrões anátomo-patológicos sequenciais no fígado; iv) demonstrar a localização do antígeno viral no tecido hepático ao longo da infecção experimental; v) estudar possíveis inter-relações entre os achados anátomo-patológicos e os imuno-histoquímicos. Foram estudados experimentalmente 71 camundongos Swíss recém-nascidos (dois e três dias), distribuídos ao final do experimento como segue: 21 animais inoculados por via intracerebral (IC), 21 por via intraperitoneal (IP) e 29 animais inoculados por via subcutânea (SC). Utilizou-se a dose infectante 5,0DL 50 /0,02ml de suspensão de vírus. Outros trinta, animais que não receberam inóculos, foram utilizados como grupo controle. Subgrupos de oito animais (seis inoculados e dois do grupo controle) foram sacrificados diariamente a intervalos de 24 em 24 horas, até 96 horas para os grupos IC e IP e até 120 horas para o grupo SC. Fragmentos de fígado de todos os animais foram fixados em solução de formalina neutra a 10%, incluídos em parafina, de onde foram obtidos cortes de 5 mm que foram corados pela técnica de hematoxilina-eosina para análise morfológica e, cortes adicionais, foram submetidos à técnica de imuno-histoquímica (Sistema Envision, DAKO, USA), utilizando a fosfatase alcalina e soro hiperimune do vírus Morumbi preparado em camundongos jovens, para detecção de antígeno viral. Foram estudados seis parâmetros de lesão em áreas portais e nove outros nos lóbulos, que foram semiquantificados numa escala que variou de zero (0) a três cruzes (+++), onde zero significou ausência de lesão e três cruzes lesão intensa. À microscopia óptica, ficou evidente que o vírus Morumbi inoculado em camundongos por três diferentes vias induz lesões em áreas portais e lobulares, caracterizando uma hepatite aguda com presença de corpúsculos acidófilos, semelhantes aos corpúsculos de Councilman -Rocha Lima, de distribuição irregular nos lóbulos, cujo aparecimento foi observado 24 horas pós-inoculação (p.i.) e atingiu o máximo de intensidade às 72 horas p.i. em animais inoculados por via IP. O exame imuno-histoquímico mostrou presença leve de antígeno viral a partir de 24 horas p.i. no grupo IC e a partir de 48 horas p.i. nos grupos IP e SC, havendo certo paralelismo em relação a intensidade de lesão morfológica, tendo- se observado o máximo de detecção de antígeno viral em animais inoculados por via IP e sacrificados às 72 horas p.i. A distribuição geral de antígeno foi observada especificamente nos lóbulos hepáticos, no citoplasma de hepatócitos íntegros e necrosados e no interior de células de Kupffer, não havendo preferência por nenhuma das três zonas do lóbulo. Concluiu-se que: i) o modelo de infecção experimental em camundongos foi excelente para o estudo das lesões causadas pelo vírus Morumbi, podendo ser selecionada a via IP como referencial; ii) em todas as vias utilizadas (IP, IC e SC) se confirmou a infecção pelo vírus Morumbi com marcante detecção de seu antígeno, no tecido hepático de camundongos Swiss; iii) a presença de antígeno do vírus Morumbi no fígado desses camundongos associou-se ao aparecimento de hepatite aguda, com necrose focal; iv)hepatite intensa pôde ser observada em fígado de camundongos sacrificados 72 h p.i. com o vírus Morumbi por via IP, o que não foi verificado com as outras duas vias; v) a hepatite aguda mostrou-se limitada, neste experimento, tendendo a desaparecer na maioria dos camundongos inoculados, com avançar das horas; vi) colestase não alteração freqüente na hepatite experimental pelo vírus Morumbi, quando inoculada por via IC, IP e SC; vii) o antígeno do vírus Morumbi teve predominância pela localização intracitoplasmática, padrão granular, nos hepatócitos e células de Kupffer; viii) antígeno viral foi detectado em fragmento hepático de animais experimentalmente inoculados com o vírus Morumbi, a partir das 24 horas via IC e a partir de 48 horas nas vias IP e SC.


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Estudos sobre a sintática da comunicação têm revelado que tanto a repertório verbal como a não-verbal produzem modificações significativas na interação social, e, portanto, no desenvolvimento humano. A fala, por exemplo, tem sido vista como uma modalidade comunicativa socialmente exigida para a construção de relações nos diferentes contextos e culturas. Entretanto, essa modalidade nem sempre é o recurso mais disponível principalmente para aqueles que apresentam alterações no seu desenvolvimento. Diante disso, é comum que a pessoa com deficiência tente buscar formas compensatórias para expressar seus desejos, pensamentos e frustrações, por meio das expressões faciais, do movimento ocular e/ou de piscada e de movimentos intencionais como o apontar. Nesse sentido, os recursos e estratégias de comunicação alternativa tem sidosão utilizados como ferramentas úteis para que o indivíduo possa alcançar maior participação social nos diversos contextos em que se apresenta. No entanto, a literatura tem destacado que, no ambiente escolar, os entraves de comunicação entre o professor e o aluno com deficiência podem acarretar prejuízos ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Por isso, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a interação professor-aluno com paralisia cerebral antes e após a introdução dessas ferramentas. Para tanto, realizou-se estudo de caráter qualitativo, do tipo estudo de caso com pesquisa intervenção. As etapas principais deste estudo foram: filmagens dos episódios interativos sem os recursos de comunicação alternativa, capacitação dos professores na escola e filmagem dos episódios interativos com os recursos de comunicação alternativa. Os dados foram analisados de forma qualitativa, considerando as quatro dimensões do modelo bioecológico de desenvolvimento humano proposto por Bronfenbrenner (1998): Processo, Pessoa, Contexto e Tempo. Dentre os resultados desta pesquisa destacam-se: maior engajamento mútuo no desenvolvimento dos episódios, com aumento na extensão de elos comunicativos; melhor percepção da professora acerca das habilidades de comunicação da aluna e tendência desta educadora para a utilização dessas ferramentas com finalidade de ensino. A partir disso, concluiu-se que esses recursos dinamizaram as interações entre a professora e a aluna com paralisia cerebral. Contudo, a implementação de tais recursos no cotidiano escolar requer a interdependência positiva de diversos fatores, dentre os quais os atributos pessoais desenvolvimentalmente geradores e maior base de tempo regular com o uso dessas ferramentas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Because GABA(A) receptors containing alpha 2 subunits are highly represented in areas of the brain, such as nucleus accumbens (NAcc), frontal cortex, and amygdala, regions intimately involved in signaling motivation and reward, we hypothesized that manipulations of this receptor subtype would influence processing of rewards. Voltage-clamp recordings from NAcc medium spiny neurons of mice with alpha 2 gene deletion showed reduced synaptic GABA(A) receptor-mediated responses. Behaviorally, the deletion abolished cocaine`s ability to potentiate behaviors conditioned to rewards (conditioned reinforcement), and to support behavioral sensitization. In mice with a point mutation in the benzodiazepine binding pocket of alpha 2-GABA(A) receptors (alpha 2H101R), GABAergic neurotransmission in medium spiny neurons was identical to that of WT (i.e., the mutation was silent), but importantly, receptor function was now facilitated by the atypical benzodiazepine Ro 15-4513 (ethyl 8-amido-5,6-dihydro-5-methyl-6-oxo-4H-imidazo [1,5-a] [1,4] benzodiazepine-3-carboxylate). In alpha 2H101R, but not WT mice, Ro 15-4513 administered directly into the NAcc-stimulated locomotor activity, and when given systemically and repeatedly, induced behavioral sensitization. These data indicate that activation of alpha 2-GABA(A) receptors (most likely in NAcc) is both necessary and sufficient for behavioral sensitization. Consistent with a role of these receptors in addiction, we found specific markers and haplotypes of the GABRA2 gene to be associated with human cocaine addiction.


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Background: Reelin is under epigenetic control and has been reported to be decreased in cortical regions in schizophrenia. Methods: To establish if expression of reelin is altered in specific cortical, hippocampal or thalamic regions of schizophrenia patients, we measured gene expression of reelin in a postmortem study of elderly patients with schizophrenia and non-affected controls in both hemispheres differentiating between gray and white matter. We compared cerebral postmortem samples (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex BA9 and BA46, superior temporal cortex BA22, entorhinal cortex BA28, sensoric cortex BA1-3, hippocampus, CA4, mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus) from 12 schizophrenia patients with 13 normal subjects investigating gene expression of reelin in the gray and white matter of both hemispheres by in situ-hybridization. Results: The left prefrontal area (BA9) of schizophrenia patients revealed a decreased expression of reelin-mRNA of 29.1% in the white (p = 0.022) and 13.6% in the gray matter (p = 0.007) compared to the control group. None of the other regions examined showed any statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Since reelin is responsible for migration and synapse formation, the decreased gene expression of reelin in the left prefrontal area of schizophrenia patients points to neurodevelopmental deficits in neuronal migration and synaptic plasticity. However, our study group was small, and results should be verified using larger samples. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Serotonin reuptake inhibitors and cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) are considered first-line treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, little is known about their modulatory effects on regional brain morphology in OCD patients. We sought to document structural brain abnormalities in treatment-naive OCD patients and to determine the effects of pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral treatments on regional brain volumes. Treatment-naive patients with OCD (n = 38) underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging scan before and after a 12-week randomized clinical trial with either fluoxetine or group CBT. Matched-healthy controls (n = 36) were also scanned at baseline. Voxel-based morphometry was used to compare regional gray matter (GM) volumes of regions of interest (ROIs) placed in the orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate and temporolimbic cortices, striatum, and thalamus. Treatment-naive OCD patients presented smaller GM volume in the left putamen, bilateral medial orbitofrontal, and left anterior cingulate cortices than did controls (p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). After treatment with either fluoxetine or CBT (n = 26), GM volume abnormalities in the left putamen were no longer detectable relative to controls. ROI-based within-group comparisons revealed that GM volume in the left putamen significantly increased (p<0.012) in fluoxetine-treated patients (n = 13), whereas no significant GM volume changes were observed in CBT-treated patients (n = 13). This study supports the involvement of orbitofronto/cingulo-striatal loops in the pathophysiology of OCD and suggests that fluoxetine and CBT may have distinct neurobiological mechanisms of action. Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 37, 734-745; doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.250; published online 26 October 2011


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The effects of three types of global ischemia by occlusion of carotid artery on motor and exploratory behaviors of Gerbils were evaluated by the Activity Cage and Rota rod tests. Animals were divided based on two surgical criteria: unilateral (UNI) or bilateral (BIL) carotid occlusion, with (REP) or without (OCL) reperfusion; and their behavior was evaluated on the fourth (4) or sixth (6) day. There was reduction of cell number in striatum, motor cortex M1 area, and hippocampal CA1 area in all groups in comparison to control animals. For M1 area and striatum, the largest reduction was observed in UNI6, UNI4, and BIL4 groups. Neuronal loss was also observed in CA1 area of BIL4 rodents. There was a decrease in crossings and rearings in all groups in activity cage test, compared to control. Reperfusion, unilateral and bilateral occlusion groups showed decrease in crossings. Only the BIL4 showed a decrease of rearing. In the Rota rod test, except the UNIOCL6, the groups showed a decrease in the balance in comparison to control. Both groups with REP4 showed a major decrease in balance. These findings suggest that both unilateral and bilateral carotid occlusions with reperfusion produce impairments of motor and exploratory behavior. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the differences in the resting state corticolimbic blood flow between 20 unmedicated depressed patients and 21 healthy comparisons. Resting state cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured with H215O PET. Anatomical MRI scans were performed on an Elscint 1.9 T Prestige system for PET-MRI coregistration. Significant changes in cerebral blood flow indicating neural activity were detected using an ROI-free image subtraction strategy. In addition, the resting blood flow in patients was correlated with the severity of depression as measured by HAM-D scores. Depressed patients showed decreases in blood flow in right anterior cingulate (Brodmann areas 24 and 32) and increased blood flow in left and right posterior cingulate (Brodmann areas 23, 29, 30), left parahippocampal gyrus (Brodmann area 36), and right caudate compared with healthy volunteers. The severity of depression was inversely correlated with the left middle and inferior frontal gyri (Brodmann areas 9 and 47) and right medial frontal gyrus (Brodmann area 10) and right anterior cingulate (Brodmann areas 24, 32) blood flow, and directly correlated with the right thalamus blood flow. These findings support previous reports of abnormalities in the resting state blood flow in the limbic-frontal structures in depressed patients compared to healthy volunteers. Hum Brain Mapp, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.