935 resultados para H-1 NMR spectroscopic


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The research work reported in this Thesis was held along two main lines of research. The first and main line of research is about the synthesis of heteroaromatic compounds with increasing steric hindrance, with the aim of preparing stable atropisomers. The main tools used for the study of these dynamic systems, as described in the Introduction, are DNMR, coupled with line shape simulation and DFT calculations, aimed to the conformational analysis for the prediction of the geometries and energy barriers to the trasition states. This techniques have been applied to the research projects about: • atropisomers of arylmaleimides; • atropisomers of 4-arylpyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines; • study of the intramolecular NO2/CO interaction in solution; • study on 2-arylpyridines. Parallel to the main project, in collaboration with other groups, the research line about determination of the absolute configuration was followed. The products, deriving form organocatalytic reactions, in many cases couldn’t be analyzed by means of X-Ray diffraction, making necessary the development of a protocol based on spectroscopic methodologies: NMR, circular dichroism and computational tools (DFT, TD-DFT) have been implemented in this scope. In this Thesis are reported the determination of the absolute configuration of: • substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines; • compounds from enantioselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation-acetalization cascade of naphthols with α,β-unsaturated cyclic ketones; • substituted 3,4-annulated indoles.


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La tesi si occupa dell’integrazione di misure NMR e microscopiche per la descrizione quantitativa degli effetti di stress esterni su colture cellulari. Una maggiore comprensione dei dati ricavati tramite NMR potrebbe consentire di interpretare la vitalità e funzionalità cellulare attraverso la localizzazione spaziale degli idrogeni. L'ipotesi di partenza è che la compartimentazione degli idrogeni (associati a molecole di acqua) nel citoplasma possa fornire una stima del numero di cellule vitali (e quindi in grado di mantenere l'acqua al proprio interno mediante processi attivi). I risultati NMR, prodotti dal gruppo di ricerca del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell’Università di Bologna della Prof.ssa Fantazzini, sono stati comparati con le informazioni acquisite dal candidato tramite metodologie di conteggio cellulare (sia vive che morte) presenti in un campione sottoposto a forte e prolungato stress (assenza di terreno di coltura e di bilanciamento del sistema tampone tramite CO2 per 400 ore). Cellule da una linea di glioblastoma multiforme (T98G) mantenute in condizioni di coltura standard sono state preparate secondo lo stesso protocollo per entrambe le tecniche di indagine, e monitorate per intervalli di tempo paragonabili. Le immagini delle cellule ottenute al microscopio ottico in modalità “contrasto di fase” sono state acquisite e utilizzate per l’analisi. Una volta definito un metodo di conteggio sperimentale, è stato possibile dedurre il comportamento delle concentrazioni di cellule sopravvissute in funzione del tempo di campionamento. Da una serie ripetuta di esperimenti è stato caratterizzato un andamento nel tempo di tipo esponenziale decrescente per il numero di cellule vive, permettendo la stima della costante di decadimento in buon accordo tra i vari esperimenti. Un analogo modello esponenziale è stato utilizzato per la descrizione dell'aumento del numero di cellule morte. In questo caso, la difficoltà nell'individuare cellule morte integre (per la frammentazione delle membrane cellulari dopo la morte) ha contribuito a determinare una sistematica sottostima nei conteggi. Il confronto dei risultati NMR e microscopici indica che la diminuzione del numero di cellule vive corrisponde ad una analoga diminuzione degli H1 compartimentalizzati fino ad un tempo specifico di circa 50-60 ore in tutti gli esperimenti. Oltre questo tempo, i dati di NMR mostrano invece un incremento di H1 compartimentalizzati, quando invece il numero di cellule vive continua a diminuire in modo monotono. Per interpretare i risultati ottenuti, è stato quindi ipotizzato che, a partire da cellule morte frammentate, strutture micellari e liposomiali formate dai lipidi di membrana in soluzione possano intrappolare gli H1 liberi, aumentando il segnale di risposta della componente compartimentalizzata come evidenziato in NMR.


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Nowadays, in developed countries, the excessive food intake, in conjunction with a decreased physical activity, has led to an increase in lifestyle-related diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, type -2 diabetes, a range of cancer types and arthritis. The socio-economic importance of such lifestyle-related diseases has encouraged countries to increase their efforts in research, and many projects have been initiated recently in research that focuses on the relationship between food and health. Thanks to these efforts and to the growing availability of technologies, the food companies are beginning to develop healthier food. The necessity of rapid and affordable methods, helping the food industries in the ingredient selection has stimulated the development of in vitro systems that simulate the physiological functions to which the food components are submitted when administrated in vivo. One of the most promising tool now available appears the in vitro digestion, which aims at predicting, in a comparative way among analogue food products, the bioaccessibility of the nutrients of interest.. The adoption of the foodomics approach has been chosen in this work to evaluate the modifications occurring during the in vitro digestion of selected protein-rich food products. The measure of the proteins breakdown was performed via NMR spectroscopy, the only techniques capable of observing, directly in the simulated gastric and duodenal fluids, the soluble oligo- and polypeptides released during the in vitro digestion process. The overall approach pioneered along this PhD work, has been discussed and promoted in a large scientific community, with specialists networked under the INFOGEST COST Action, which recently released a harmonized protocol for the in vitro digestion. NMR spectroscopy, when used in tandem with the in vitro digestion, generates a new concept, which provides an additional attribute to describe the food quality: the comparative digestibility, which measures the improvement of the nutrients bioaccessibility.


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Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is an advanced clinical and research application which guarantees a specific biochemical and metabolic characterization of tissues by the detection and quantification of key metabolites for diagnosis and disease staging. The "Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica (AIFM)" has promoted the activity of the "Interconfronto di spettroscopia in RM" working group. The purpose of the study is to compare and analyze results obtained by perfoming MRS on scanners of different manufacturing in order to compile a robust protocol for spectroscopic examinations in clinical routines. This thesis takes part into this project by using the GE Signa HDxt 1.5 T at the Pavillion no. 11 of the S.Orsola-Malpighi hospital in Bologna. The spectral analyses have been performed with the jMRUI package, which includes a wide range of preprocessing and quantification algorithms for signal analysis in the time domain. After the quality assurance on the scanner with standard and innovative methods, both spectra with and without suppression of the water peak have been acquired on the GE test phantom. The comparison of the ratios of the metabolite amplitudes over Creatine computed by the workstation software, which works on the frequencies, and jMRUI shows good agreement, suggesting that quantifications in both domains may lead to consistent results. The characterization of an in-house phantom provided by the working group has achieved its goal of assessing the solution content and the metabolite concentrations with good accuracy. The goodness of the experimental procedure and data analysis has been demonstrated by the correct estimation of the T2 of water, the observed biexponential relaxation curve of Creatine and the correct TE value at which the modulation by J coupling causes the Lactate doublet to be inverted in the spectrum. The work of this thesis has demonstrated that it is possible to perform measurements and establish protocols for data analysis, based on the physical principles of NMR, which are able to provide robust values for the spectral parameters of clinical use.


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Il rilascio di detriti d’usura metallici è una grave problematicità connessa ai sistemi protesici, e principalmente riguarda le protesi d’anca ad accoppiamento metallo su metallo in lega CoCr. La presenza di un livello di ioni Co nel siero che supera la soglia di tossicità è correlata a metallosi periprotesica eal fallimento del l’impianto. Recentemente è emersa un’altra casistica, presumibilmente connessa alla distribuzione e accumulo di questi ioni in tessuti di organi anche lontani dall’impianto, che si manifesta con una sintomatologia sistemica analoga a casi noti di avvelenamento da Cobalto. Nel contesto di questa nuova patologia sarebbe di grande interesse la possibilità di monitorare in-vivo la distribuzione del Cobalto rilasciato da protesi articolari, in organi o tessuti di pazienti che manifestano alti ivelli ionici di Co nel siero utilizzando metodiche non invasive come l’NMR. L’ipotesi sperimentale di applicabilità prende spunto dalle proprietà magnetiche che alcuni composti del Cobalto possono presentare nell’organismo. In questo lavoro sperimentale, nato dalla collaborazione tra il laboratorio NMR del DIFA dell’Università di Bologna e l’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (IOR) di Bolgna, si presentano i risultati relativi allo studio di fattibilità condotto con diverse metodiche di rilassometria NMR su campioni biologici in presenza di Co. L’obiettivo riguarda la caratterizzazione delle proprietà di rilassamento con elettromagnete a temperatura ambiente e fisiologica, e la valutazione delle dinamiche molecolari dai profili NMRD ottenuti alle basse frequenze con metodica Fast Field Cycling, dei nuclei 1H di tali sistemi in presenza di Co.


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Una nuova ed originale tecnica è stata messa a punto, finalizzata alla realizzazione di una procedura per la diagnosi dell’osteoporosi, mediante l’utilizzo di scanner low field single-sided NMR. Tre differenti scanner (NMR MOLE, MOUSE PM 10 e MOUSE PM5) sono stati usati per determinare il Bone Volume-to-Total Volume ratio (BV/TV), parametro che fornisce indicazioni sulla microstruttura dell’osso. I risultati sono stati confrontati con le analisi micro-CT. Gli esperimenti sono stati condotti nel Lab. NMR del dipartimento DIFA di UNIBO e nel Lab. NMR della Victoria University di Wellington (NZ), durante un periodo di visita di cinque mesi, supportato da una borsa di studio della “Facoltà di Scienze” di UNIBO. Le analisi micro-CT sono state condotte presso il Lab. di Tecnologie Mediche dell’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna. La ricerca è stata parzialmente finanziata dalla “Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna”. La caratterizzazione dell’osso trabecolare di campioni animali e dei tessuti che lo circondano (come cartilagine e muscolo) è stata condotta tramite mappe di correlazione T1-T2 e D-T2 , dove T1 e T2 sono, rispettivamente, il tempo di rilassamento longitudinale e trasversale del nucleo 1H, e D è il coefficiente di autodiffusione molecolare. E’ stata sviluppata una sequenza di impulsi (Diffusion-Weighted T1-T2) per ottenere mappe T1-T2 pesate in diffusione. I risultati hanno consentito di mettere a punto una procedura che elimina il segnale NMR proveniente da cartilagine e muscolo, rendendo più realistico lo scenario di applicazione in-vivo. I tre diversi dispositivi NMR hanno dato risultati consistenti tra loro e con le immagini micro-CT. L’intera catena di esperimenti condotti ha mostrato che dispositivi NMR single-sided possono essere usati per valutare il BV/TV di ossa trabecolari, con il vantaggio di essere portatili, a basso costo e non invasivi, permettendo campagne di screening della popolazione a rischio osteoporosi.


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In questo lavoro di tesi è presentato un metodo per lo studio della compartimentalizzazione dell’acqua in cellule biologiche, mediante lo studio dell’autodiffusione delle molecole d’acqua tramite uno strumento NMR single-sided. Le misure sono state eseguite nel laboratorio NMR all’interno del DIFA di Bologna. Sono stati misurati i coefficienti di autodiffusione di tre campioni in condizione bulk, ottenendo risultati consistenti con la letteratura. È stato poi analizzato un sistema cellulare modello, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, allo stato solido, ottimizzando le procedure per l’ottenimento di mappe di correlazione 2D, aventi come assi il coefficiente di autodiffusione D e il tempo di rilassamento trasversale T2. In questo sistema l’acqua è confinata e l’autodiffusione è ristretta dalle pareti cellulari, si parla quindi di coefficiente di autodiffusione apparente, Dapp. Mediante le mappe sono state individuate due famiglie di nuclei 1H. Il campione è stato poi analizzato in diluizione in acqua distillata, confermando la separazione del segnale in due distinte famiglie. L’utilizzo di un composto chelato, il CuEDTA, ha permesso di affermare che la famiglia con il Dapp maggiore corrisponde all’acqua esterna alle cellule. L’analisi dei dati ottenuti sulle due famiglie al variare del tempo lasciato alle molecole d’acqua per la diffusione hanno portato alla stima del raggio dei due compartimenti: r=2.3±0.2µm per l’acqua extracellulare, r=0.9±0.1µm per quella intracellulare, che è probabilmente acqua scambiata tra gli organelli e il citoplasma. L’incertezza associata a tali stime tiene conto soltanto dell’errore nel calcolo dei parametri liberi del fit dei dati, è pertanto una sottostima, dovuta alle approssimazioni connesse all’utilizzo di equazioni valide per un sistema poroso costituito da pori sferici connessi non permeabili. Gli ordini di grandezza dei raggi calcolati sono invece consistenti con quelli osservabili dalle immagini ottenute con il microscopio ottico.


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Aim of the study was to determine distribution and depletion patterns of intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) in leg muscles before and after two types of standardized endurance exercise. ¹H-magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging was performed (1) in the thigh of eight-trained cyclists after exercising on an ergometer for 3 h at 52 ± 8% of maximal speed and (2) in the lower leg of eight-trained runners after exercising on a treadmill for 3 h at 49 ± 3% of maximal workload. Pre-exercise IMCL contents were reduced postexercise in 11 out of 13 investigated upper and lower leg muscles (P < 0.015 for all). A strong linear correlation with a slope of ∼0.5 between pre-exercise IMCL content and IMCL depletion was found. IMCL depletion differed strongly between muscles. Absolute and also relative IMCL reduction was significantly higher in muscles with predominantly slow fibers compared to those with fast fibers. Creatine levels and fiber orientation were stable and unchanged after exercise, while trimethyl-ammonium groups increased. This is presented in the accompanying paper. In conclusion, a systematic comparison of metabolic changes in cross sections of the upper and lower leg was performed. The results imply that pre-exercise IMCL levels determine the degree of IMCL depletion after exercise.


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Carnitine (Car) buffers excess acetyl-CoA through the formation of acetylCar (AcCar). AcCar's acetyl group (AG-AcCar) gives rise to a peak at 2.13 ppm in ¹H MR spectra of skeletal muscle, whereas the trimethylammonium (TMA) groups of both, AcCar and Car, are thought to contribute to the TMA peak at 3.23 ppm. Surprisingly, in previous studies both resonances, AG-AcCar and TMA, increased after exercise. The aim of this study was to assess if the exercise-related TMA increase correlated with AcCar production. Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (pulse repetition time/echo time = 1200/35 ms) was performed before and after prolonged exercise in the lower leg and thigh of eight runners and eight cyclists, respectively. TMA and AG-AcCar increased after exercise (P < 0.001). TMA's increase correlated with the AG-AcCar increase (R² = 0.73, P < 0.001, lower leg; R² = 0.28, P < 0.001, thigh). The correlation of ΔTMA with ΔAG-AcCar suggests that the TMA increase is due to AcCar formation. As total Car (Car + AcCar) remains unchanged with exercise, these findings suggest that the contribution of free Car to the TMA peak is limited and, therefore, is partly invisible in muscle ¹H MR spectra. This indicates that the biochemically relevant cytosolic content of free Car is considerably lower than the overall concentration determined by radioisotopic assays, a potentially important result with respect to regulation of substrate oxidation.


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(1)H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy was applied to apple tissue samples deriving from 3 different cultivars. The NMR data were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal component analysis (PCA), and partial least-squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The intra-apple variability of the compounds was found to be significantly lower than the inter-apple variability within one cultivar. A clear separation of the three different apple cultivars could be obtained by multivariate analysis. Direct comparison of the NMR spectra obtained from apple tissue (with HR-MAS) and juice (with liquid-state HR NMR) showed distinct differences in some metabolites, which are probably due to changes induced by juice preparation. This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility of (1)H HR-MAS NMR in combination with multivariate analysis as a tool for future chemometric studies applied to intact fruit tissues, e.g. for investigating compositional changes due to physiological disorders, specific growth or storage conditions.


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We report dramatic sensitivity enhancements in multidimensional MAS NMR spectra by the use of nonuniform sampling (NUS) and introduce maximum entropy interpolation (MINT) processing that assures the linearity between the time and frequency domains of the NUS acquired data sets. A systematic analysis of sensitivity and resolution in 2D and 3D NUS spectra reveals that with NUS, at least 1.5- to 2-fold sensitivity enhancement can be attained in each indirect dimension without compromising the spectral resolution. These enhancements are similar to or higher than those attained by the newest-generation commercial cryogenic probes. We explore the benefits of this NUS/MaxEnt approach in proteins and protein assemblies using 1-73-(U-C-13,N-15)/74-108-(U-N-15) Escherichia coil thioredoxin reassembly. We demonstrate that in thioredoxin reassembly, NUS permits acquisition of high-quality 3D-NCACX spectra, which are inaccessible with conventional sampling due to prohibitively long experiment times. Of critical importance, issues that hinder NUS-based SNR enhancement in 3D-NMR of liquids are mitigated in the study of solid samples in which theoretical enhancements on the order of 3-4 fold are accessible by compounding the NUS-based SNR enhancement of each indirect dimension. NUS/MINT is anticipated to be widely applicable and advantageous for multidimensional heteronuclear MAS NMR spectroscopy of proteins, protein assemblies, and other biological systems.


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Two new HgCl2 complexes of tridentate nitrogen ligands were characterized by X-ray crystallography, proton NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS. The five-coordinate complex [Hg(BMPA)Cl-2] (1) (BMPA = bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine) crystallized from acetonitrile/m-xylene by slow evaporation in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 8.3896(8) , b = 12.8020(13) , c = 13.3526(13) , alpha = 90A degrees, beta A = 90.480(2)A degrees, gamma A = 90A degrees and z = 4. The square pyramidal structure (tau = 0.009) has approximate C (s) symmetry. Despite comparable Hg-N bond lengths in 1, inversion of the central nitrogen was rapid on the chemical shift time scale in dilute solution except at very low temperatures. The related complex [Hg(BEPA)Cl-2] (2) (BEPA = bis(2-{pyrid-2-yl}ethyl)amine) crystallized from acetonitrile/ethyl acetate/hexanes by slow diffusion in the orthorhombic space group Pnma with a = 13.424(3) , b = 14.854(3) , c = 8.118(2) , alpha = 90A degrees, beta A = 90A degrees, gamma A = 90A degrees and z = 4. The mixed geometry structure (tau = 0.56) also has crystallographic mirror symmetry as well as C (s) point group symmetry. In dilute acetonitrile solution, 1 was stable while 2 slowly converted to a more thermodynamically stable complex.


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The vibrational excitation of CO2 by a fast-moving O atom followed by infrared emission from the vibrationally excited CO2 has been shown to be an important cooling mechanism in the upper atmospheresof Venus, Earth and Mars. We are trying to determine more precisely the efficiency (rate coefficient) of the CO2-O vibrational energy transfer. For experimental ease the reverse reaction is used, i.e. collision of a vibrationally excited CO2 with atomic O, where we are able to convert to the atmospherically relevant reaction via a known equilibrium constant. The goal of this experiment was to measure the magnitudes of rate coefficients for vibrational energy states above the first excited state, a bending mode in CO2. An isotope of CO2, 13CO2, was used for experimental ease. The rate coefficients for given vibrational energy transfers in 13CO2 are not significantly different from 12CO2 at this level of precision. A slow-flowing gas mixture was flowed through a reaction cell: 13CO2 (vibrational specie of interest), O3(atomic O source), and Ar (bath gas). Transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy was used to monitor thechanging absorption of certain vibrational modes of 13CO2 after a UV pulse from a Nd:YAG laser was fired. Ozone absorbed the UV pulse in a process which vibrationally excited 13CO2 and liberated atomic O.Transient absorption signals were obtained by tuning the diode laser frequency to an appropriate ν3 transition and monitoring the population as a function of time following the Nd:YAG pulse. Transient absorption curves were obtained for various O atom concentrations to determine the rate coefficient of interest. Therotational states of the transitions used for detection were difficult to identify, though their short reequilibration timescale made the identification irrelevant for vibrational energy transfer measurements. The rate coefficient for quenching of the (1000) state was found to be (4 ± 8) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 which is the same order of magnitude as the lowest-energy bend-excited mode: (1.8 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1. More data is necessary before it can be certain that the numerical difference between the two is real.


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Dynamic core-shell nanoparticles have received increasing attention in recent years. This paper presents a detailed study of Au-Hg nanoalloys, whose composing elements show a large difference in cohesive energy. A simple method to prepare Au@Hg particles with precise control over the composition up to 15 atom% mercury is introduced, based on reacting a citrate stabilized gold sol with elemental mercury. Transmission electron microscopy shows an increase of particle size with increasing mercury content and, together with X-ray powder diffraction, points towards the presence of a core-shell structure with a gold core surrounded by an Au-Hg solid solution layer. The amalgamation process is described by pseudo-zero-order reaction kinetics, which indicates slow dissolution of mercury in water as the rate determining step, followed by fast scavenging by nanoparticles in solution. Once adsorbed at the surface, slow diffusion of Hg into the particle lattice occurs, to a depth of ca. 3 nm, independent of Hg concentration. Discrete dipole approximation calculations relate the UV-vis spectra to the microscopic details of the nanoalloy structure. Segregation energies and metal distribution in the nanoalloys were modeled by density functional theory calculations. The results indicate slow metal interdiffusion at the nanoscale, which has important implications for synthetic methods aimed at core-shell particles.