991 resultados para Gynecologic-oncology-group


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This study analyses the characteristics of members leaving a Spanishunion federation – Catalonia branch of Workers’ Commissions(CCOO-Catalonia), together with their reasons for leaving using avariety of data sources. Our findings indicate that higher union attritionamong members in instable employment (i.e. casual employment andlow seniority). In general, union leavers confirm that their job situationis an important reason for leaving the union. We therefore concludethat efforts made by the union to retain members in vulnerable labormarket positions are important in reducing high rates of union attritionin Spain.


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Invasive opportunistic fungal diseases (IFDs) are important causes of morbidity and mortality in paediatric patients with cancer and those who have had an allogeneic haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT). Apart from differences in underlying disorders and comorbidities relative to those of adults, IFDs in infants, children, and adolescents are unique with respect to their epidemiology, the usefulness of diagnostic methods, the pharmacology and dosing of antifungal agents, and the absence of interventional phase 3 clinical trials for guidance of evidence-based decisions. To better define the state of knowledge on IFDs in paediatric patients with cancer and allogeneic HSCT and to improve IFD diagnosis, prevention, and management, the Fourth European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia (ECIL-4) in 2011 convened a group that reviewed the scientific literature on IFDs and graded the available quality of evidence according to the Infectious Diseases Society of America grading system. The final considerations and recommendations of the group are summarised in this manuscript.


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BACKGROUND: CD44 represents a heterogeneous group of surface glycoproteins involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. CD44H is the major receptor for hyaluronate, and most if not all CD44H known functions are attributed to its ability to recognize hyaluronate. We have previously demonstrated a lack of CD44 expression in high stages and NMYC-amplified tumors and further have shown that NMYC-amplified cell lines either did not express CD44 at all or expressed a nonfunctional receptor. On the other hand, nonamplified cells constitutively expressed an active receptor, suggesting that absence of CD44-mediated hy aluronate binding could be related to increased malignancy in human neuroblastoma. PROCEDURE: In the present study we have compared the glycosylated structure of CD44 expressed by NMYC amplified vs. nonamplified cell lines in relation to their adhesive properties for hyaluronate. These adhesive properties were measured after modifications of the carbohydrate structure with enzymes and inhibitors of N- or O-linked glycosylation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that increased sialylation, defective N-linked glycosylation, and substitution of the CD44 glycoprotein with keratan sulfate glycosaminoglycan might include modifications observed on neuroblastoma cells that could account for the inability of the receptor to bind hyaluronate.


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Glioblastoma (GBM) is a morphologically heterogeneous tumor type with a median survival of only 15 months in clinical trial populations. However, survival varies greatly among patients. As part of a central pathology review, we addressed the question if patients with GBM displaying distinct morphologic features respond differently to combined chemo-radiotherapy with temozolomide. Morphologic features were systematically recorded for 360 cases with particular focus on the presence of an oligodendroglioma-like component and respective correlations with outcome and relevant molecular markers. GBM with an oligodendroglioma-like component (GBM-O) represented 15% of all confirmed GBM (52/339) and was not associated with a more favorable outcome. GBM-O encompassed a pathogenetically heterogeneous group, significantly enriched for IDH1 mutations (19 vs. 3%, p = 0.003) and EGFR amplifications (71 vs. 48%, p = 0.04) compared with other GBM, while co-deletion of 1p/19q was found in only one case and the MGMT methylation frequency was alike (47 vs. 46%). Expression profiles classified most of the GBM-O into two subtypes, 36% (5/14 evaluable) as proneural and 43% as classical GBM. The detection of pseudo-palisading necrosis (PPN) was associated with benefit from chemotherapy (p = 0.0002), while no such effect was present in the absence of PPN (p = 0.86). In the adjusted interaction model including clinical prognostic factors and MGMT status, PPN was borderline nonsignificant (p = 0.063). Taken together, recognition of an oligodendroglioma-like component in an otherwise classic GBM identifies a pathogenetically mixed group without prognostic significance. However, the presence of PPN may indicate biological features of clinical relevance for further improvement of therapy.


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In hybrid zones, endogenous counter-selection of hybrids is usually first expressed as reduced fertility or viability in hybrids of the heterogametic sex, a mechanism known as Haldane's rule. This phenomenon often leads to a differential of gene flow between sex-linked markers. Here, we address the possibility of a differential gene flow for Y chromosome, mtDNA and autosomal markers across the hybrid zone between the genetically and chromosomally well-differentiated species Sorex antinorii and Sorex araneus race Vaud. Intermarker comparison clearly revealed coincidental centre and very abrupt clines for all three types of markers. The overall level of genetic differentiation between the two species must be strong enough to hinder asymmetric introgression. Cyto-nuclear mismatches were also observed in the centre of hybrid zone. The significantly lower number of mismatches observed in males than in females possibly results from Y chromosome-mtDNA interactions. Results are compared with those previously reported in another hybrid zone between S. antinori and S. araneus race Cordon.


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PURPOSE: From February 2001 to February 2002, 946 patients with advanced GI stromal tumors (GISTs) treated with imatinib were included in a controlled EORTC/ISG/AGITG (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Italian Sarcoma Group/Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group) trial. This analysis investigates whether the response classification assessed by RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors), predicts for time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Per protocol, the first three disease assessments were done at 2, 4, and 6 months. For the purpose of the analysis (landmark method), disease response was subclassified in six categories: partial response (PR; > 30% size reduction), minor response (MR; 10% to 30% reduction), no change (NC) as either NC- (0% to 10% reduction) or NC+ (0% to 20% size increase), progressive disease (PD; > 20% increase/new lesions), and subjective PD (clinical progression). RESULTS: A total of 906 patients had measurable disease at entry. At all measurement time points, complete response (CR), PR, and MR resulted in similar TTP and OS; this was also true for NC- and NC+, and for PD and subjective PD. Patients were subsequently classified as responders (CR/PR/MR), NC (NC+/NC-), or PD. This three-class response categorization was found to be highly predictive of further progression or survival for the first two measurement points. After 6 months of imatinib, responders (CR/PR/MR) had the same survival prognosis as patients classified as NC. CONCLUSION: RECIST perfectly enables early discrimination between patients who benefited long term from imatinib and those who did not. After 6 months of imatinib, if the patient is not experiencing PD, the pattern of radiologic response by tumor size criteria has no prognostic value for further outcome. Imatinib needs to be continued as long as there is no progression according to RECIST.


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Introduction: The Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) mechanism is a significant prognostic factor for longer survival in patients with GBM, irrespective of age. The reasons for this are unknown. We considered two possibilities; firstly that ALT identifies a subset of less aggressive GBMs, or alternatively, a group of tumours that respond more favourably to adjuvant therapy. Methods: ALT was determined by staining for ALT Associated PML Bodies (APBs) in archival tissue in a retrospective analysis of 573 GBM patients. IDH1 mutation was determined by immunohistochemistry in a subset of these. Results: We identified the presence of the telomerase-independent ALT in 15% of GBM patients and found that it correlated with survival (22% of ALT patients survive more than 2 years compared to 9% for non-ALT). This survival advantage was independent of surgery type (biopsy or full resection) and treatment (radiotherapy and chemotherapy). Interestingly ALT conferred a significant survival advantage for patients who only received surgery (13.3 months compared to 5.5 months) (19% vs 1% .2 year survival). This survival benefit was also observed in GBM patients who received surgery and radiotherapy (18.5% vs 2.4%. 2 year survival), but less so for chemotherapy (21% vs 17% . 2 year survival). For the ALT patients the fraction surviving more than 2 years did not improve significantly with adjuvant therapy. IDH1 mutation also associated with ALT. Conclusions: These data indicate ALT+ tumours are biologically distinct and associated with improved patient survival, probably due to less aggressive/invasive growth. However they respond poorly to current adjuvant treatment and therefore new therapies are urgently needed for this group.


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About a third of obese adolescents also suffer from some kind of eating disorders which have to be recognized and included in the therapeutic frame. Besides this co-morbidity, most of these patients also require a psychological support. The group approach represents an adequate response to these problems, in providing a space for exchanges and an opportunity for mutual support. The group approach may even prove more beneficial than an individual treatment. Involving the parents too reinforces the improvement that adolescents can get from their participation in such groups.


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We sequenced 998 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b and 799 bp of nuclear gene BRCA1 in the Lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens group) over its geographic range from Portugal to Japan. The aims of the study were to identify the main clades within the group and respective refugia resulting from Pleistocene glaciations. Analyses revealed the Asian lesser white-toothed shrew (C. shantungensis) as the basal clade, followed by a major branch of C. suaveolens, subdivided sensu stricto into six clades, which split-up in the Upper Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene (1.9-0.9 Myr). The largest clade, occurring over a huge range from east Europe to Mongolia, shows evidence of population expansion after a bottleneck. West European clades originated from Iberian and Italo-Balkanic refugia. In the Near East, three clades evolved in an apparent hotspot of refugia (west Turkey, south-west and south-east of the Caucasus). Most clades include specimens of different morphotypes and the validity of many taxa in the C. suaveolens group has to be re-evaluated.


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The growing demand and the degree of patient care in oncological outpatient services, as well as the complexity of treatment have had an impact on the workload of nurses. This study aimed at measuring the workload and productivity of nurses in an oncological outpatient service. An observational study using a work sampling technique was conducted and included seven nurses working in an oncological outpatient service in the south-eastern region of Brazil. A total of 1,487 intervention or activity samples were obtained. Nurses used 43.2% of their time on indirect care, 33.2% on direct care, 11.6% on associated activities, and 12% on personal activities. Their mean productivity was 88.0%. The findings showed that nurses in this service spend most of their time in indirect care activities. Moreover, the productivity index in this study was above that recommended in the literature.


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Objective: To investigate practical teaching of nurse residents in a multidisciplinary residency in oncology. Method: A qualitative descriptive study grounded in the problematization methodology and its steps, represented by the Maguerez Arch. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Potentiating and limiting elements of the residency guided the design of a practical teaching protocol from the perspective of residents, structured in three stages: Welcoming and ambience; Nursing care for problem situations; and, Evaluation process. Conclusion: Systematization of practical teaching promoted the autonomy of individuals and the approximation of teaching to reality, making residency less strenuous, stressful and distressing.


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The shrews of the Sorex araneus group, characterized by the sexual chromosome complex XY1, Y2 have been intensively studied by morphological, karyotypical, and biochemical analyses. Nevertheless, the phylogenetic relationships among the species belonging to the araneus complex are still under debate, as different approaches gave often contradictory results. In this paper, partial nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene (1011 bp) were determined for 6 species of the araneus group from Eurasia and North America. We also included in the data set the sequences of Sorex samniticus, whose relationships with the araneus group remain controversial. Three other species representing two major karyological groups were also examined. Both parsimony and distance trees strongly support the monophyly of the araneus group. Sorex sumniticus is significantly more closely related to the araneus complex than to the other species included in the analysis. Based on the branching pattern within the araneus group, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the colonization history of the Holarctic region.


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The study aimed to describe how violence is revealed in the production of the Research Group on Gender, Health and Nursing. This is a historical research of qualitative approach, which evaluated the production of the Research Group, through content analysis. The results show gender as a central category in determining violence and health practices. This aspect determines limitations on professional practices of coping, such as the invisibility of the problem. The female autonomy, the use of alcohol and drugs and social vulnerability play an important relation with the phenomenon and the bond is revealed as potentiality of health practices to address the problem. Conclusion: The gender perspective in nursing research is an innovative field and counter-hegemonic, a possibility to assume a meaning of praxis by transforming potential of understanding and modes of intervention in the phenomenon of gender violence.


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This study seeks to perform a survey of patterns of practice among the different physicians involved in the bone metastases management, with special focus on external beam radiotherapy (EBRT).A questionnaire about bone metastases based on clinical cases and supplemented with general questions, including medical therapies, EBRT and metabolic radiotherapy strategies, surgery, and supportive care approaches, was sent to 4,706 French-speaking physicians in Belgium, France, Luxemburg, and Switzerland.Overall, 644 questionnaires were analyzed. Twenty-eight percent concerned the radiotherapy approach and were judged adequate to respond to the part dedicated to EBRT. Sixty-nine percent of physicians used a total dose irradiation of 30 Gy delivered in ten fractions. A large majority (75%) used two opposed fields prescribed at mid-depth (30%), or with non-equally weighted fields (45%). Seventy percent irradiated also above and below the concerned vertebra. A dosimetry planning treatment was done in 85% and high-energy megavoltage photons were used in 42%. Moreover, 54% physicians used short course radiotherapy in routine.Radiotherapy remains the mainstay of treatment of bone metastases, but there is substantial heterogeneity in clinical practice. Guidelines and treatment protocols are required to improve the treatment quality.