980 resultados para Gulf Coast (La.)--Aerial views--Early works to 1800.
L'espace public (1962) de Jürgen Habermas est souvent lu comme le premier ouvrage de sa carrière. Notre mémoire tâche de porter un éclairage différent sur celui-ci, de lire L'espace public comme point d'aboutissement de la pensée habermassienne des années 1950. Par l'exploration d'un certain nombre d'écrits mineurs et majeurs pré-1962, L'espace public se révèle une sorte de théorie critique de la société, encore fortement empreinte de marxisme, faisant figure de synthèse partielle des écrits de jeunesse.
S'estudia l'obra filològica d' Antoni de Bastero i Lledó (1675-1737), des d'una perspectiva de conjunt, per tal de concretar I'activitat d'aquest estudiós en els camps de la lingüística, la filologia o la crítica literària, i fer-ne una valoració adequada als coneixements actuals sobre I'exercici d'aquestes disciplines durant la primera meitat del segle XVIII. La tesi inclou un estudi biogràfic, absolutament necessari per establir moltes de les circumstancies vitals del canonge Bastero, que ens resultaven obscures i que són decisives per explicar el propi interès per la filologia, les relacions amb determinats cercles acadèmics, la datació aproximada dels diversos projectes iniciats, la interpretació correcta de la seva activitat. S'inclou, així mateix, un catàleg exhaustiu de tots els manuscrits conservats d'Antoni de Bastero i que tenen alguna relació amb el seu treball filològic. En total es tenen en compte 69 volums manuscrits, actualment escampats per diversos arxius i biblioteques de Barcelona i Girona, alguns dels quals eren fins ara desconeguts. D'aquests 69 volums, 48 contenen pròpiament obres de Bastero o altres materials publicables, i la resta són materials de treball. En conseqüència, l' obra filològica del canonge es pot concretar en: la producció d'una gramàtica italiana i d'una gramàtica francesa, en català, que va deixar inacabades; la realització de La Crusca provenzale, un magne diccionari etimològic i d'autoritats que recull una gran quantitat d'hipotètics provençalismes italians -només es va publicar el primer volum d'aquesta obra a Roma, l'any 1724, però n'he localitzat pràcticament tot el contingut; l'elaboració d'una extensa antologia de poesies trobadoresques, copiades amb gran rigor d'alguns còdexs de la Biblioteca Vaticana; el plantejament d'una Història de llengua catalana, que havia de ser una gran compilació dels mèrits i les excel·lències d'aquesta llengua -que l'autor identifica amb la provençal- i la seva literatura, i que es va poder desenvolupar nomes de forma parcial. Precisament, la part central de la tesi l'ocupa l'estudi particular i l'edició crítica de les parts redactades d'aquesta obra, que suposa la concreció de la particular percepció lingüística i literària que Bastero havia anat perfilant al llarg dels seus anys d'estudi. Es tracta d'una edició molt complexa, perquè l'obra ens ha arribat només en un esborrany, que presenta múltiples correccions i esmenes i evidencia diferents estadis redaccionals; els manuscrits inclouen, així mateix, nombrosos papers amb anotacions o fragments que, o no pertanyen al cos de l'obra, o bé s'han hagut de resituar en el lloc que els correspon. EI resultat és, tanmateix, un text prou coherent que comprèn quasi la totalitat del Llibre primer -sobre l'origen, el naixement i els diversos noms de la llengua, i sobre el nom de Catalunya- i un capítol del Llibre tercer -sobre la primitiva extensió del català per tot Espanya. EI més rellevant d'aquesta obra és el fet que s'hi basteix una original teoria sobre la formació de les diverses llengües romàniques que té el català com a eix central -proposa la identificació del català provençal amb la lingua romana dels documents alt medievals, en una operació que s'avança quasi cent anys a François Raynouard, que propugnava això mateix, referint-se nomes al provençal, amb un àmplia aprovació de la comunitat científica del seu temps. Destaquen també un excepcional rigor històric i documental, i una notable sensibilitat vers l'oralitat lingüística, que és objecte d'algunes anotacions ben interessants. Tanquen la tesi un seguit d'annexos documentals on es transcriuen diversos documents relacionats amb els aspectes tractats anteriorment.
The aim of this thematic study is to examine how the water motif is used in Marguerite Duras’s literary work. The study shows that water has multiple functions in these texts: it is linked to major themes and creates an enigmatic atmosphere by its association with the unknown, the inexplicable and the unconscious. The strong presence of water in Duras’s texts is striking. References to the water element can be found in several titles throughout her career, from early works such as Un barrage contre le Pacifique (1950) to La mer écrite (1996), published just after her death. Almost all of her fiction take place near water – and the rain or the sound of waves serve as leitmotifs in specific novels. The water motif can play a metonymic as well as a metaphoric role in the texts and it sometimes takes on human or animalistic characteristics (Chapter 4). Several emblematic Durassian characters (e.g. the beggar-woman, Anne-Marie Stretter and Lol V. Stein) have a close relationship to water (Chapter 5). The water motif is linked to many major Durassian themes, and illustrates themes with positive connotations, for example, creation, fecundity, maternity, liberty and desire, as well as themes with negative connotations such as destruction and death (Chapter 6). A close reading of three novels, La vie tranquille (1944), L’après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas (1962) and La maladie de la mort (1982), shows that the realism of the first novel is replaced by intriguing evocations of the sea and the pond in the second text, motifs which resist straightforward interpretation. The enigmatic feeling persists in the last novel, in which the sea illustrates the overall sombre mood of the story (Chapter 7). Finally, the role of the water element in psychoanalytic theory is discussed (Chapter 8), and a parallel is drawn between the Jungian concept of the mother archetype and the water motif in Duras’s texts. The suggestion is made in this last chapter that water is used to illustrate an oriental influence (Taoist or Buddhist) of some of the female characters in Duras’s work.
Synchrotron Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT) relies on the spatial fractionation of the synchrotron photon beam into parallel micro-beams applying several hundred of grays in their paths. Several works have reported the therapeutic interest of the radiotherapy modality at preclinical level, but biological mechanisms responsible for the described efficacy are not fully understood to date. The aim of this study was to identify the early transcriptomic responses of normal brain and glioma tissue in rats after MRT irradiation (400Gy). The transcriptomic analysis of similarly irradiated normal brain and tumor tissues was performed 6 hours after irradiation of 9 L orthotopically tumor-bearing rats. Pangenomic analysis revealed 1012 overexpressed and 497 repressed genes in the irradiated contralateral normal tissue and 344 induced and 210 repressed genes in tumor tissue. These genes were grouped in a total of 135 canonical pathways. More than half were common to both tissues with a predominance for immunity or inflammation (64 and 67% of genes for normal and tumor tissues, respectively). Several pathways involving HMGB1, toll-like receptors, C-type lectins and CD36 may serve as a link between biochemical changes triggered by irradiation and inflammation and immunological challenge. Most immune cell populations were involved: macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer, T and B lymphocytes. Among them, our results highlighted the involvement of Th17 cell population, recently described in tumor. The immune response was regulated by a large network of mediators comprising growth factors, cytokines, lymphokines. In conclusion, early response to MRT is mainly based on inflammation and immunity which appear therefore as major contributors to MRT efficacy.
Esta Tesis Doctoral viene a cubrir el vacío existente referido a la arquitectura religiosa de Luis Cubillo de Arteaga, arquitecto conocido fundamentalmente por su aportación a la vivienda social madrileña en los años 50 y 60, pero con una abundante obra sacra. Para ello se ha estudiado la totalidad de su producción, que abarca desde 1954 hasta 1974. La Tesis analiza su arquitectura religiosa desde varios puntos de vista, que incluyen la implantación de los edificios y sus aspectos formales, constructivos y tipológicos, estos últimos especialmente destacados tras las directrices emanadas del Concilio Vaticano II. Previamente se analizan cuatro ámbitos relevantes en la arquitectura religiosa de Cubillo. En primer lugar se estudia la labor de la Dirección General de Asuntos Eclesiásticos, a la que estaba adscrito el arquitecto y para la que realizó sus primeros trabajos. Dentro de ella se expone la evolución del modelo de Seminario entre los años 40 y 60, para analizar la relevancia de la propuesta de Cubillo para el Seminario de Castellón. A continuación se trata la participación de Cubillo en la construcción de la periferia de Madrid, aunque no referida a sus conocidos trabajos sobre vivienda social, sino a los edificios dotacionales. Así mismo se expone una iniciativa hasta ahora inédita de la Comisaría de Ordenación Urbana de Madrid para dotar de centros parroquiales a los nuevos barrios. Un tercer bloque estudia un tema recurrente a finales de los años 50, la integración de las artes en la nueva arquitectura religiosa, propiciada principalmente por José Luis Fernández del Amo. En el caso de Cubillo, las colaboraciones más notables y objeto de estudio en esta Tesis, fueron las realizadas con los artistas Arcadio Blasco y José Luis Sánchez. Por último se describe la situación de la iglesia madrileña posconciliar y su plan de construcción de nuevos templos, en el que jugó un papel muy destacado Cubillo, convertido en arquitecto de confianza de la Oficina Técnica del Arzobispado-------------------------ABSTRACT------------------------------ This Doctoral Thesis fills the emptiness of knowledge about the religious architecture of Luis Cubillo de Arteaga, architect mainly known for his contribution to Madrid's social housing in the 50s and 60s, but with a wide sacred work. To this end it have been studied his entire production, ranging from 1954 to 1974. The thesis discusses his religious architecture from several points of view, including the implementation of the buildings and their formal, constructive and typological aspects, the latter especially important by following the guidelines issued by Vatican II. Previously, four relevant areas in Cubillo’s religious architecture are analyzed. First of all, it’s studied the work of the Department of Ecclesiastical Affairs, to which the architect was assigned and for whom he made his early works. As a part of it, is exposed the evolution of Seminar model between 40s and 60s, to discuss the relevance of Cubillo’s design for the Seminar of Castellón. Next, it´s studied the participation of Cubillo in the construction of the outskirts of Madrid, although not referring to his well known work on social housing, but to the design of the comunitary buildings. It’s also explained an unpublished initiative from Commissariat for Urban Planning of Madrid to provide parish centers to new neighborhoods. A third section examines a recurring theme in the late 50s, the integration of the arts in the new religious architecture, mainly leaded by José Luis Fernández del Amo. For Cubillo, the most notable collaborations, studied in this thesis, were with the artists Arcadio Blasco and José Luis Sánchez. Finally, it´s described the situation of the post-conciliar church in Madrid and its plan to build new temples, with a prominent role of Cubillo, that became in trusted architect of the Technical Office of the Archbishop.
Debido al gran interés existente en el ahorro y recuperación de energía, y en el deseo de obtener productos que permitan usos beneficiosos del fango procedente de la depuración del agua residual, la digestión anaerobia es el proceso de estabilización de uso más extendido. El tiempo de retención de sólidos es un factor clave en el proceso de digestión anaerobia. En base al tiempo de retención de sólidos, se dimensiona el volumen de los digestores anaerobios para así obtener la reducción de materia orgánica deseada, con la correspondiente producción de biogás. La geometría del digestor y su sistema de agitación deben ser adecuados para alcanzar el tiempo de retención de sólidos de diseño. Los primeros trabajos sobre la agitación de los digestores realizaban únicamente experimentos con trazadores y otros métodos de medición. En otros casos, la mezcla era evaluada mediante la producción de biogás. Estas técnicas tenían el gran hándicap de no conocer lo que sucedía realmente dentro del digestor y sólo daban una idea aproximada de su funcionamiento. Mediante aplicación de la mecánica de fluidos computacional (CFD) es posible conocer con detalle las características del fluido objeto de estudio y, por lo tanto, simular perfectamente el movimiento del fango de un digestor anaerobio. En esta tesis se han simulado mediante CFD diferentes digestores a escala real (unos 2000 m3 de volumen) agitados con bomba/s de recirculación para alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: establecer la influencia de la relación entre el diámetro y la altura, de la pendiente de la solera, del número de bombas y del caudal de recirculación en dichos digestores, definir el campo de velocidades en la masa de fango y realizar un análisis energético y económico. Así, es posible conocer mejor cómo funciona el sistema de agitación de un digestor anaerobio a escala real equipado con bomba/s de recirculación. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que una relación diámetro/altura del digestor por encima de 1 empeora la agitación del mismo y que la pendiente en la solera del digestor favorece que la masa de fango esté mejor mezclada, siendo más determinante la esbeltez del tanque que la pendiente de su solera. No obstante, también es necesario elegir adecuadamente los parámetros de diseño del sistema de agitación, en este caso el caudal de recirculación de fango, para obtener una agitación completa sin apenas zonas muertas. En el caso de un digestor con una geometría inadecuada es posible mejorar su agitación aumentando el número de bombas de recirculación y el caudal de las mismas, pero no se llegará a alcanzar una agitación total de la masa de fango debido a su mal diseño original. Anaerobic digestion is the process for waste water treatment sludge stabilization of more widespread use due to the huge interest in saving and recovering energy and the wish to obtain products that allow beneficial uses for the sludge. The solids retention time is a key factor in the anaerobic digestion. Based on the solids retention time, volume anaerobic digester is sized to obtain the desired reduction in organic matter, with the corresponding production of biogas. The geometry of the digester and the stirring system should be adequate to achieve the design solid retention time. Early works on digesters stirring just performed tracer experiments and other measurement methods. In other cases, mixing was evaluated by biogas production. These techniques had the great handicap of not knowing what really happened inside the digester and they only gave a rough idea of its operation. By application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), it is possible to know in detail the characteristics of the fluid under study and, therefore, simulate perfectly the sludge movement of an anaerobic digester. Different full-scale digesters (about 2000 m3 of volume) agitated with pump/s recirculation have been simulated by CFD in this thesis to achieve the following objectives: to establish the influence of the relationship between the diameter and height, the slope of the bottom, the number of pumps and the recirculation flow in such digesters, to define the velocity field in the mass of sludge and carry out an energy and economic analysis. Thus, it is possible to understand better how the agitation system of a full-scale anaerobic digester equipped with pump/s recirculation works. The results achieved show that a diameter/height ratio of the digester above 1 worsens its stirring and that the slope of the digester bottom favors that the mass of sludge is better mixed, being more decisive the tank slenderness than the slope of its bottom. However, it is also necessary to select properly the design parameters of the agitation system, in this case the sludge recirculation flow rate, for a complete agitation with little dead zones. In the case of a digester with inadequate geometry, its agitation can be improved by increasing the number of recirculation pumps and flow of them, but it will not reach a full agitation of the mass of sludge because of the poor original design.
On verso: Ivory Photo, Ann Arbor
My research attempts to demonstrate how Sábato’s essays have pursued a progressive path that reflects the evolving process of his vision. In light of his essays, I will delineate the themes of solitude, death, desperation, robotization of man, and finally, hope as the antithesis. In my analysis I examine the model created in Sartre’s Existentialism. I also visit the model followed by Nicholas Berdyaeff, who at least offers the possibility of salvation in a world conceived by and for Nothingness. I investigate how these and other tendencies had an initial influence on the essays studied in my research. I concentrate on those essays whose discourse is conditioned by the philosophical foundations of a being that inquires and discerns, discovers and denounces, and finally struggles with the impossibility of reaching the absolute. This foresight, at times apocalyptic, at times utopian, is already present in Sábato’s early works. In my study I attempt to establish how Sábato, in oscillating between the demonic and the romantic, the infernal and utopian, constructs his vision of the world through the symbiotic intertwining of both the fictional and essayistic genres. I focus on an author compromised by a constant debate with the paradoxes and dichotomies that, according to Sábato himself, define Modernity.
My research attempts to demonstrate how Sábato’s essays have pursued a progressive path that reflects the evolving process of his vision. In light of his essays, I will delineate the themes of solitude, death, desperation, robotization of man, and finally, hope as the antithesis. In my analysis I examine the model created in Sartre’s Existentialism. I also visit the model followed by Nicholas Berdyaeff, who at least offers the possibility of salvation in a world conceived by and for Nothingness. I investigate how these and other tendencies had an initial influence on the essays studied in my research. I concentrate on those essays whose discourse is conditioned by the philosophical foundations of a being that inquires and discerns, discovers and denounces, and finally struggles with the impossibility of reaching the absolute. This foresight, at times apocalyptic, at times utopian, is already present in Sábato’s early works. In my study I attempt to establish how Sábato, in oscillating between the demonic and the romantic, the infernal and utopian, constructs his vision of the world through the symbiotic intertwining of both the fictional and essayistic genres. I focus on an author compromised by a constant debate with the paradoxes and dichotomies that, according to Sábato himself, define Modernity.
In Costa Rica, the documentary check is carried out, is insufficient, the increase in book production, making it difficult to keep track of document production in different formats or themes.Therefore it is necessary to have a documentary Control of Marine Biodiversity of the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, including from 1882 to early 2006, to serve as a contribution to cultural and scientific heritage, benefiting users and researchers concerned in the issue of marine biodiversity.This control will help to rescue the national and individual identity, being a contribution to national and universal document control, performed with standards set at national, regional or international helps to have the information, properly systematized, it is also a legacy to research in marine sciences and coastal favor the National University of Costa Rica currently has two stations in marine biology and coastal area at the sole attraction the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica.
Con el inicio del periodo Post-Guerra Fría el Sistema Internacional comienza a experimentar un incremento en el fortalecimiento de su componente social; la Sociedad de Estados alcanza un mayor nivel de homogenización, el estado, unidad predominante de esta, comienzan atravesar una serie de transformaciones que obedecerán a una serie de cambios y continuidades respecto al periodo anterior. Desde la perspectiva del Realismo Subalterno de las Relaciones Internacionales se destacan el proceso de construcción de estado e inserción al sistema como las variables que determinan el sentimiento de inseguridad experimentado por las elites estatales del Tercer Mundo; procesos que en el contexto de un nuevo y turbulento periodo en el sistema, tomara algunas características particulares que darán un sentido especifico al sentimiento de inseguridad y las acciones a través de las cuales las elites buscan disminuirlo. La dimensión externa del sentimiento de inseguridad, el nuevo papel que toma la resistencia popular como factor determinante del sentimiento de inseguridad y de la cooperación, así como del conflicto, entre los miembros de la Sociedad Internacional, la inserción como promotor de estrategias de construcción de Estado, son alguno de los temas puntuales, que desde la perspectiva subalterna, parecen salir a flote tras el análisis del sistema en lo que se ha considerado como el periodo Post-Guerra Fría. En este sentido Yemen, se muestra como un caso adecuado no solo para poner a prueba las postulados de la teoría subalterna, veinte años después de su obra más prominente (The third world security Predicament), escrita por M. Ayoob, sino como un caso pertinente que permite acercarse más a la comprensión del papel del Tercer Mundo al interior de la Sociedad Internacional de Estados.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is part of the geographic region known as the Middle East. With a land mass of 82,000 square kilometres, predominantly desert and mountains it is bordered by Oman, Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf. The UAE is strategically located due to its proximity to other oil rich Middle Eastern countries such as Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. The UAE was formed from a federation of seven emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Ajman, Fujuriah, and Um Al Quain) in December 1971 (Ras Al Khaimah did not join the federation until 1972) (Heard-bey, 2004, 370). Abu Dhabi is the political capital, and the richest emirate; while Dubai is the commercial centre. The majority of the population of the various Emirates live along the coast line as sources of fresh water often heavily influenced the site of different settlements. Unlike some near neighbours (Iran and Iraq) the UAE has not undergone any significant political instability since it was formed in 1971. Due to this early British influences the UAE has had very strong political and economic ties with first Britain, and, more recently, the United States of America (Rugh, 2007). Until the economic production of oil in the early 1960’s the different Emirates had survived on a mixture of primary industry (dates), farming (goats and camels), pearling and subsidies from Britain (Davidson 2005, 3; Hvit, 2007, 565) Along with near neighbours Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the UAE is part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), a trading bloc. (Hellyer, 2001, 166-168).
In 1967 Brisbane Repertory Theatre made a decision that was to change the city's cultural landscape in a significant and lasting way. Faced with crippling theatre rental costs, Brisbane Rep. found a realistic solution by converting one of its properties - an old Queenslander - into a unique theatre space. The theatre-in-the box that emerged, aptly called La Boite, opened on 23 June 1967 with a production of John Osborne's Look Back in Anger. This experimental space excited the imagination of a new, younger audience not previously interested in Brisbane Rep's essentially conservative fare. It attracted a new group of directors and actors keen to be part of a changing repertoire that embraced more radical, non-mainstream productions, some of which were of Australian plays. The decade after 1967 was a period of change and development unprecedented in La Boite's history. Since then the company has sustained and grown its commitment to Australian plays and the commissioning of new works. To what extent was this most significance moment in La Boite's transformational journey influenced by southern 'new waves' of change? With the benefit of hindsight, it is now time for a re-consideration of Brisbane's distinctive contribution to the New Wave.
NOBEL prize-winning British writer Harold Pinter is best known for his social commentaries and for dark, sometimes violent "comedies of menace" that capture the cruelty at the heart of human relationships. It has been a while since a Pinter play was on the Brisbane stage, and it is exciting to see one of his lesser known early works, Betrayal, as part of Queensland Theatre Company's session. Betrayal moves backwards from a potentially scandalous moment. In a pub one night, Emma tells Jerry that his best friend Robert is divorcing her. Robert has been unfaithful. And, what's more, Robert now knows about their lengthy affair. What follows is a series of scenes that look back at the stages of that affair and the secrets that have lain unspoken at the heart of their comfortable middle-class lives for so long. Betrayal is characterised by the sparsity of action and language, dark humour, and sudden outbreaks of seemingly excessive cruelty that are a trademark of Pinter's writing for the theatre.
A planner’s view of the purpose of their actions, the role they play, the focus of their work and in whose interest they operate greatly influence their approach to planning and the outcome of their work. However there is no common and established understanding within the profession on these themes. Contemporary planning theory, practice and education is characterised by the parallel existence of multiple, often contradictory schools of thought. What values and perspectives are held by the next generation of planning professionals as they emerge from contemporary planning programs? This preliminary investigation seeks to identify the views and perspectives of early career planners on the purpose and role of planning, the degree to which planning is oriented on the future and the nature of the public interest, using various schools of planning thought as a thematic framework. In the current phase of a larger project, extant students and recent graduates from planning courses at three Queensland universities were surveyed electronically to ascertain their views, with plans to undertake a broader study of similar populations across Australia. Within the current pilot, students and graduates did not identify strongly with a single school of planning thought, but favoured contrasting rational and collaborative definitions of the role and purpose of planning and the public interest and pragmatic concepts of partial knowledge of the future and the value of experience in managing present issues.