982 resultados para Glycosidic linkage


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The thermooxidative degradtion of ethylene oxide and tetra-hydrofuran (EO-THF) co-polyether has been studied by electron spin resonance (ESR), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The initial degradation site was found to be at the a-carbon of the ether bond. Two free radicals which derived from dehydrogenation and oxygen addition were successfully detected by spin-trapping technique which used alpha -phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone(PBN) as spin trap. Both FT-IR and NMR have been used to follow structural changes of the copolyether during degradation. Nearly 20 product fragments including formate, carbonate, methyl, alcohol, methylene-dioxy, hydroperoxide and semiformal have been characterized by D-1 and D-2 NMR. The thermooxidtion of co-polyether preferred to occur on the THF units especially at the alternating linkage of EO and THF. Antioxidant (BHT) not only retarded the thermooxidation but also modified the degradation products with less ester and methylene-dioxy groups hut more hydroxyl and methyl groups.


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Electrospray ionization (ESI) combined with multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (MSn) was used to directly analyze the glycolipid mixture from bacteria Bacillus pumilus without preliminary separation. Full scan ESI-MS revealed the composition of picomole quantities of glycerolglycolipid species containing C-14-C-19 fatty acids, some of which were monounsaturated, Two main components were identified from their molecular masses and fragmentation pathways. The fragmentation pathway of the known compound compared with the investigated compound verified the proposed structure as 1(3)-acyl-2-pentadecanoyl-3(1)-O-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]-sn-glycerols. A comparison of the multiple tandem mass spectra of the different alkali-metal cation adducts indicates that the intensity of fragments and the dissociation pathways are dependent on the alkali-metal type, The basic structures of glycerolglycolipids were reflected clearly from the fragmentation patterns of the sodium cations, The intense fragments of the sugar residue from the precursor ions were obtained from the lithiated adduct ions. ESI-MSn spectra of [M + K](+) ions did not provide as much fragmentation as [M + Na](+) and [M + Li](+) adducts, but their spectra allow the position of glycerol acylation to be determined. On the basis of MS2 spectra of[M + K](+) ions, it was established that all components have a C-15:0 fatty acid at the sn-2 position of the glycerol backbone and C-14-C-19 acids at the sn-1 position of the glycerol backbone. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Lutetium(III) and lanthanum(III) complexes of 2-carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) can hydrolyze the phosphodiester linkage of 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), 3',5'-cyclic deoxyadenosine monophosphate (dcAMP) and 2',3'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (2',3'-cAMP). Both cAMP and dcAMP are hydrolyzed with high selectivity, yielding predominantly 3'-monophosphates. 2',3'-cAMP is converted to 3'-AMP and 2'-AMP, the ratio of 3'-AMP to 2'-AMP produced being 1.4.


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Using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (MS) combined with sequential tandem MS(ESI-MSn), two major steroidal saponins extracted from Tribulus terrestris were studied, and considerable useful structural information was obtained. The structure of the proposed known steroidal saponin was verified, and the structure of the unknown saponin was investigated using MSn experiments. Some special fragment ions were also observed, and the corresponding fragmentation mechanisms were investigated which are characteristic for steroidal saponins and can give some information on the linkage position of some sugar groups in saponins. This methodology has been established as a powerful tool for the rapid, comparative analysis of mixtures such as crude plant extracts. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Ytterbium(III) and praseodymium(III) complexes of 2-carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) can hydrolyze the phosphodiester linkage of 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and 3',5'-cyclic deoxyadenosine monophosphate (dcAMP). Both cAMP and dcAMP are hydrolyzed with high selectivity, yielding predominantly 3'-monophosphates. The selectivity and activity for hydrolyzing cAMP and dcAMP by lanthanide metal(III) complexes and lanthanide metal ions are compared.


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To improve the mechanics properties of polyurethane materials at a high or low temperature, a hydroxy compound N-100 of HDI was synthesized, The structure analysis and characterization were made by NMR (H-1, C-13, H-1-H-1 COSY, C-13-H-1 COSY), In addition, quantitative description of the network was made on the basis of some ideal assumptions, 1D and 2D NMR can differentiate four sorts of carbonyl groups and establish the connections of all carbon and hydrogen atoms of mixed structures that originated from five different substitutions, Besides, the alkene and isocyanate, urea, biuret and trimerized isocyanuric groups were also detected, Therefore, the structure of N-100 was suggested be a polyisocyanate with complicated network which contained nitrogen atom as cross-linkage, isocyanate and alkene as end groups, The consistence of calculated values with tested values of isocyanate content, mean function degree and mean molecular weight demonstrated the correct of structure characterization and the validity of network description.


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A Series of poly(aryl ether ether ketone ketone) containing meta-phenyl link were synthesized, the general properties were studied by DSC, stretch, impact, etc.. The results indicated that with the raising of meta linkage monomer fractions, the glass transition point decreased, the melting temperature decreased at first, and then disappeared, but for all-meta-linked polymer, T-m appeared once more. And this kind of polymer had good stretch and impact resistance performance.


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A series of poly(aryl ether ketone)s containing meta-phenyl links are synthesized, DSC and wide-angle X-ray scattering, etc, are used to study the general properties of the polymers, With the increasing of meta linkage monomer percentage, the melting temperature decreases sharply at first, then rises steadily, the glass transition point. keeps a stable value, and crystallin;ty and crystallizing rate are reduced, A part of amorphous film of the polymer is annealed at different temperatures, DSC scan shows that besides T-m, a new melting peak (T-m') at low temperature appears, And with heat treating temperature rising, T-m' shifts to high temperature, and T-m keeps a stable value.


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Three new bimetallic complexes were synthesized and crystalized by reactions of (CF3CO2)(3)Ln With R(1) AlR(2)(Ln=Nd and Y, R(1)=H, R=i-C4H9; Ln=Eu, R=R(1)=C2H5) in tetrahydrofuran solution, and their crystal structures were determined using a X-ray diffraction method. The structures and the questions on valence state and noncoplanarity in the structures were confirmed and cracked by means of H-1 NMR and C-13 NMR spectra, especially by C-13-H-1 COSY 2D NMR technique. A general formula of molecules of the three rare earth complexes was defined as follows: [(mu-CF3CO2)(2)Ln(mu-CF3CHO2)AlR(2) . 2THF](2) A mechanism on the formation of the new complexes was also proposed through the following five steps: alkylating, beta-elimination (or hydrogenation), hydrogen transfer, linkage and association. Both Y-Al and Eu-Al complexes function as a catalyst in polymerization of MMA and ECH. The polymer obtained from the first monomer is mainly syndiotactic chain structure and the polymerization of the last monomer shows higher catalytic activity. The Y-Al complex also capable of ring-opening polymerization of THF in case of adding-vary small amount of ECH and a oxonium ion mechanism of THF polymerization was suggested from the analysis of THF polymer terminal.


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Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri(Jones et Preston) is an economically important species in China. Understanding its immune system would be of great help in controlling diseases. In the present study, an important immunity-related gene, the Lipopolysaccharide and Beta-1,3-glucan Binding Protein (LGBP) gene, was located on C. farreri chromosomes by mapping several lgbp-containing BAC clones through fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Through the localization of various BAC clones, it was shown that only one locus of this gene existed in the genome of C. farreri, and that this was located on the long arm of a pair of homologous chromosomes. Molecular markers, consisting of eight single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) markers and one insertion-deletion (indel), were developed from the LGBP gene. Indel marker testing in an F1 family revealed slightly distorted segregation (p = 0.0472). These markers can be used to map the LGBP gene to the linkage map and assign the linkage group to the corresponding chromosome. Segregation distortion of the indel marker indicated genes with deleterious alleles might exist in the surrounding region of the LGBP gene.


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To establish a molecular-marker-assisted system of breeding and genetic study for Laminaria japonica Aresch., amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to construct a genetic linkage map of L. japonica featuring 230 progeny of F-2 cross population. Eighteen primer combinations produced 370 polymorphic loci and 215 polymorphic loci segregated in a 3:1 Mendelian segregation ratio (P <= 0.05). Of the 215 segregated loci, 142 were ordered into 27 linkage groups. The length of the linkage groups ranged from 6.7 to 90.3 centimorgans (cM) with an average length of 49.6 cM, and the total length was 1,085.8 cM, which covered 68.4% of the estimated 1,586.9 cM genome. The number of mapped markers on each linkage group ranged from 2 to 12, averaging 5.3 markers per group. The average density of the markers was 1 per 9.4 cM. Based on the marker density and the resolution of the map, the constructed linkage map can satisfy the need for quantitative trait locus (QTL) location and molecular-marker-assisted breeding for Laminaria.


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Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston 1904) is one of the most important aquaculture species in China. The development of a genetic linkage map would provide a powerful tool for the genetic improvement of this species. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a PCR-based technique that has proven to be powerful in genome fingerprinting and mapping, and population analysis. Genetic maps of C. farreri were constructed using AFLP markers and a full-sib family with 60 progeny. A total of 503 segregating AFLP markers were obtained, with 472 following the Mendelian segregation ratio of 1:1 and 31 markers showing significant (P< 0.05) segregation distortion. The male map contained 166 informative AFLP markers in 23 linkage groups covering 2468 cM. The average distance between markers was 14.9 cM. The female genetic map consisted of 198 markers in 25 linkage groups spanning 3130 cM with an average inter-marker spacing of 15.8 cM. DNA polymorphisms that segregated in a 3:1 ratio as well as the AFLP markers that were heterozygous in both parents were included to construct combined linkage genetic map. Five shared linkage groups, ranging from 61.1 to 162.5 cM, were identified between the male and female maps, covering 431 cM. Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers appeared to be evenly distributed within the linkage groups. Although preliminary, these maps provide a starting point for the mapping of the functional genes and quantitative trait loci in C. farreri.


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A pattern recognition protein (PRP), lipopolysaccharide and beta-1,3-glucan binding protein (LGBP) cDNA was cloned from the haemocyte of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis by the techniques of homology cloning and RACE. Analysis of nucleotide sequence revealed that the full-length cDNA of 1,275 bp has an open reading frame of 1,098 bp encoding a protein of 366 amino acids including a 17 amino acid signal peptide. Sequence comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of F. chinensis LGBP showed a high identity of 94%, 90%, 87%, 72% and 63% with Penaeus monodon BGBP, Litopenaeus stylirostris LGBP, Marsupenaeu japonicus BGBP, Homarus gammarus BGBP and Pacifastacus leniusculus LGBP, respectively. The calculated molecular mass of the mature protein is 39,857 Da with a deduced pI of 4.39. Two putative integrin binding motifs, RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) and a potential recognition motif for beta-1,3-linkage of polysaccharides were observed in LGBP sequence. RT-PCR analysis showed that LGBP gene expresses in haemocyte and hepatopancreas only, but not in other tissues. Capillary electrophoresis RT-PCR method was used to quantify the variation of mRNA transcription level during artificial infection with heat-killed Vibrio anguillarum and Staphylococcus aureusin. A significant enhancement of LGBP transcription was appeared at 6 h post-injection in response to bacterial infection. These results have provided useful information to understand the function of LGBP in shrimp.


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This is the first report of microsatellite-centromere mapping in this commercial species Fenneropenaeus Chinensis, and will be important for providing fixed points in the linkage groups of genetic maps. Triploid Chinese shrimp was induced by heat shock. The fertilized eggs were treated either by retention of the first polar body or the second polar body to produce Meiosis I (MI) or Meiosis II (MII) triploid. The triploidy status in each Chinese shrimp could be confirmed by nine polymorphic microsatellite loci, in which the parents with different alleles and the female parents were each heterozygous. The nine loci were mapped in relation to their centromeres in three MII triploid families, which were induced by retention of the second polar bodies after fertilization with sperm. Microsatellite-centromere (M-C) distances ranged from 9.6 cM to 37 cM under the assumption of complete interference. Information on the positions of centromeres in relation to the microsatellite loci will represent a contribution towards assembly of genetic maps in F. chinensis. Twelve polymorphic microsatellites were used to assess the heterozygosity and allelic diversity in different ploidy classes. As expected, triploids were significantly more polymorphic than diploids. The diploids had an average heterozygosity and allelic diversity value of 0.86, whereas the triploids heterozygosity averaged 0.93 and had allelic diversity value of 1.29. However, MI triploids were not significantly more polymorphic than MII in the microsatellite loci.


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In Laminaria japonica Aresch breeding practice, two quantitative traits, frond length (FL) and frond width (FW), are the most important phenotypic selection index. In order to increase the breeding efficiency by integrating phenotypic selection and marker-assisted selection, the first set of QTL controlling the two traits were determined in F-2 family using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Two prominent L. japonicas inbred lines, one with "broad and thin blade" characteristics and another with "long and narrow blade" characteristics, were applied in the hybridization to yield the F-2 mapping population with 92 individuals. A total of 287 AFLP markers and 11 SSR markers were used to construct a L. japonica genetic map. The yielded map was consisted of 28 linkage groups (LG) named LG1 to LG28, spanning 1,811.1 cM with an average interval of 6.7 cM and covering the 82.8% of the estimated genome 2,186.7 cM. While three genome-wide significant QTL were detected on LG1 (two QTL) and LG4 for "FL," explaining in total 42.36% of the phenotypic variance, two QTL were identified on LG3 and LG5 for the trait "FW," accounting for the total of 36.39% of the phenotypic variance. The gene action of these QTL was additive and partially dominant. The yielded linkage map and the detected QTL can provide a tool for further genetic analysis of two traits and be potential for maker-assisted selection in L. japonica breeding.