995 resultados para Genetic variant
Building on our discovery that mutations in the transmembrane serine protease, TMPRSS3, cause nonsyndromic deafness, we have investigated the contribution of other TMPRSS family members to the auditory function. To identify which of the 16 known TMPRSS genes had a strong likelihood of involvement in hearing function, three types of biological evidence were examined: 1) expression in inner ear tissues; 2) location in a genomic interval that contains a yet unidentified gene for deafness; and 3) evaluation of hearing status of any available Tmprss knockout mouse strains. This analysis demonstrated that, besides TMPRSS3, another TMPRSS gene was essential for hearing and, indeed, mice deficient for Hepsin (Hpn) also known as Tmprss1 exhibited profound hearing loss. In addition, TMPRSS2, TMPRSS5, and CORIN, also named TMPRSS10, showed strong likelihood of involvement based on their inner ear expression and mapping position within deafness loci PKSR7, DFNB24, and DFNB25, respectively. These four TMPRSS genes were then screened for mutations in affected members of the DFNB24 and DFNB25 deafness families, and in a cohort of 362 sporadic deaf cases. This large mutation screen revealed numerous novel sequence variations including three potential pathogenic mutations in the TMPRSS5 gene. The mutant forms of TMPRSS5 showed reduced or absent proteolytic activity. Subsequently, TMPRSS genes with evidence of involvement in deafness were further characterized, and their sites of expression were determined. Tmprss1, 3, and 5 proteins were detected in spiral ganglion neurons. Tmprss3 was also present in the organ of Corti. TMPRSS1 and 3 proteins appeared stably anchored to the endoplasmic reticulum membranes, whereas TMPRSS5 was also detected at the plasma membrane. Collectively, these results provide evidence that TMPRSS1 and TMPRSS3 play and TMPRSS5 may play important and specific roles in hearing.
To assess differentiation and relationships between Anopheles lesteri and Anopheles paraliae we established three and five iso-female lines of An. lesteri from Korea and An. paraliae from Thailand, respectively. These isolines were used to investigate the genetic relationships between the two taxa by crossing experiments and by comparing DNA sequences of ribosomal DNA second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) and mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and subunit II (COII). Results of reciprocal and F1-hybrid crosses between An. lesteri and An. paraliae indicated that they were compatible genetically producing viable progenies and complete synaptic salivary gland polytene chromosomes without inversion loops in all chromosome arms. The pairwise genetic distances of ITS2, COI and COII between these morphological species were 0.040, 0.007-0.017 and 0.008-0.011, respectively. The specific species status of An. paraliae in Thailand and/or other parts of the continent are discussed.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are highly successful plant symbionts. They reproduce clonally producing multinucleate spores. It has been suggested that some AMF harbor genetically different nuclei. However, recent advances in sequencing the Glomus irregulare genome have indicated very low within-fungus polymorphism. We tested the null hypothesis that, with no genetic differences among nuclei, no significant genetic or phenotypic variation would occur among clonal single spore lines generated from one initial AMF spore. Furthermore, no additional variation would be expected in the following generations of single spore lines. Genetic diversity contained in one initial spore repeatedly gave rise to genetically different variants of the fungus with novel phenotypes. The genetic changes represented quantitative changes in allele frequencies, most probably as a result of changes in the frequency of genetic variation partitioned on different nuclei. The genetic and phenotypic variation is remarkable, given that it arose repeatedly from one clonal individual. Our results highlight the dynamic nature of AMF genetics. Even though within-fungus genetic variation is low, some is probably partitioned among nuclei and potentially causes changes in the phenotype. Our results are important for understanding AMF genetics, as well as for researchers and biotechnologists hoping to use AMF genetic diversity for the improvement of AMF inoculum.
1. Summary The transcription factor and proto-oncogene c-myc plays an important role in integrating many mitogenic signals within the cell. The consequences are both broad and varied and include the regulation of apoptosis, cellular differentiation, cellular growth and cell cycle progression. It is found to be mis-regulated in over 70% of all cancers, however, our knowledge about c-Myc remains limited and very little is known about its physiological role in mammalian development and in adulthood. We have addressed the physiological role of c-Myc in both the bone marrow and the liver of mice by generating adult c-myc flox/flox mice that lacked c-myc in either the bone marrow or the liver after conversion of the c-myc flox alleles into null alleles by the inducible Mx¬Cre transgene with polyI-polyC. In investigating the role of c-Myc in the haematopoietic system, we concentrated on the aspects of cellular proliferation, cellular differentiation and apoptosis. Mice lacking c-Myc develop anaemia between 3-8 weeks and all more differentiated cell types are severely depleted leading to death. However in addition to its role in driving proliferation in transient amplifying cells, we unexpectedly discovered a new role for c-Myc in controlling haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation. c-Myc deficient HSCs are able to proliferate normally in vivo. In addition, their differentiation into more committed progenitors is blocked. These cells expressed increased adhesion molecules, which possibly prevent HSCs from being released from the special stem cell supporting stromal niche cells with which they closely associate. Secondly we used the liver as a model system to address the role of c-Myc in cellular growth, meaning the increase in cell size, and also cellular proliferation. Our results revealed c-Myc to play no role in metabolic cellular growth following a period of fasting. Following treatment with the xenobiotic TCPOBOP, c-Myc deficient hepatocytes increased in cell size as control hepatocytes and could surprisingly proliferate albeit at a reduced rate demonstrating a c-Myc independent proliferation pathway to exist in parenchymal cells. However, following partial hepatectomy, in which two-thirds of the liver was removed, mutant livers were severely restricted in their regeneration capacity compared to control livers demonstrating that c-Myc is essential for liver regeneration. Résumé Le facteur de transcription et proto-oncogène c-myc joue un rôle important dans l'intégration de nombreux signaux mitogéniques dans la cellule. Les conséquences de son activation sont étendues et variées et incluent la régulation de l'apoptose, de la différenciation, de la croissance et de la progression du cycle cellulaire. Même si plus de 20% des cancers montrent une dérégulation de c-myc, les connaissances sur ce facteur de transcription restent limitées et ses rôles physiologiques au cours du développement et chez l'adulte sont très peu connus. Nous avons étudié le rôle physiologique de c-Myc dans la molle osseuse et le foie murin en générant des souris adultes c-myc flox/flox. Dans ces souris, les allèles c-myc flox sont convertis en allèles nuls par le transgène Mx-Cre après induction avec du Poly-I.C. Pour notre étude du rôle de c-Myc dans le système hématopoiétique, nous nous sommes concentrés sur les aspects de la prolifération et de la différenciation cellulaire, ainsi que sur l'apoptose. Les souris déficientes pour c-Myc développent une anémie 3 à 8 semaines après la délétion du gène; tous les différents types cellulaires matures sont progressivement épuisés ce qui entraîne la mort des animaux. Néanmoins, outre sa capacité à induire la prolifération des cellules transitoires de la molle osseuse, nous avons inopinément découvert un nouveau rôle pour c-Myc dans le contrôle de la différenciation des cellules souches hématopoiétiques (HSC). Les HSC déficientes pour c-Myc prolifèrent normalement in vivo mais leur différenciation en progéniteurs plus engagés dans une voie de différenciation est bloquée. Ces cellules surexpriment certaines molécules d'adhésion ce qui empêcherait les HSC d'être relachées du stroma spécialisé, ou niche, auquel elles sont étroitement associées. D'autre part, nous avons utilisé le foie comme système modèle pour étudier le rôle de c-Myc dans la prolifération et dans la croissance cellulaire, c'est à dire l'augmentation de taille des cellules. Nos résultats ont révélé que c-Myc ne joue pas de rôle dans le métabolisme cellulaire qui suit une période de jeûne. L'augmentation de la taille cellulaire des hépatocytes déficients pour c-Myc suite au traitement avec l'agent xénobiotique TCPOBOP est identique à celle observée pour les cellules de contrôle. Le taux de prolifération des hépatocytes mutants est par contre réduit, indiquant qu'une voie de différenciation indépendante de c-Myc existe dans les cellules parenchymales. Néanmoins, après hépatectomie partielle, où deux-tiers du foie sont éliminés chirurgicalement, les foies mutants sont sévèrement limités dans leur capacité de régénération par rapport aux foies de contrôle, montrant ainsi que c-Myc est essentiel pour la régénération hépatique.
The genetic diversity displayed by Plasmodium falciparum, the most deadly Plasmodium species, is a significant obstacle for effective malaria vaccine development. In this study, we identified genetic polymorphisms in P. falciparum glutamate-rich protein (GLURP), which is currently being tested in clinical trials as a malaria vaccine candidate, from isolates found circulating in the Brazilian Amazon at variable transmission levels. The study was performed using samples collected in 1993 and 2008 from rural villages situated near Porto Velho, in the state of Rondônia. DNA was extracted from 126 P. falciparum-positive thick blood smears using the phenol-chloroform method and subjected to a nested polymerase chain reaction protocol with specific primers against two immunodominant regions of GLURP, R0 and R2. Only one R0 fragment and four variants of the R2 fragment were detected. No differences were observed between the two time points with regard to the frequencies of the fragment variants. Mixed infections were uncommon. Our results demonstrate conservation of GLURP-R0 and limited polymorphic variation of GLURP-R2 in P. falciparum isolates from individuals living in Porto Velho. This is an important finding, as genetic polymorphisms in B and T-cell epitopes could have implications for the immunological properties of the antigen.
The ubiquitin associated and Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain containing A (UBASH3a) is a suppressor of T-cell receptor signaling, underscoring antigen presentation to T-cells as a critical shared mechanism of diseases pathogenesis. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the UBASH3a gene influence the susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Caucasian populations. We evaluated five UBASH3a polymorphisms (rs2277798, rs2277800, rs9976767, rs13048049 and rs17114930), using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays, in a discovery cohort that included 906 SLE patients and 1165 healthy controls from Spain. The SNPs that exhibit statistical significance difference were evaluated in a German replication cohort of 360 SLE patients and 379 healthy controls. The case-control analysis in the Spanish population showed a significant association between the rs9976767 and SLE (Pc = 9.9E-03 OR = 1.21 95%CI = 1.07-1.37) and a trend of association for the rs2277798 analysis (P = 0.09 OR = 0.9 95%CI = 0.79-1.02). The replication in a German cohort and the meta-analysis confirmed that the rs9976767 (Pc = 0.02; Pc = 2.4E-04, for German cohort and meta-analysis, respectively) and rs2277798 (Pc = 0.013; Pc = 4.7E-03, for German cohort and meta-analysis, respectively) UBASH3a variants are susceptibility factors for SLE. Finally, a conditional regression analysis suggested that the most likely genetic variation responsible for the association was the rs9976767 polymorphism. Our results suggest that UBASH3a gene plays a role in the susceptibility to SLE. Moreover, our study indicates that UBASH3a can be considered as a common genetic factor in autoimmune diseases.
Typical human immunodeficiency virus-1 subtype B (HIV-1B) sequences present a GPGR signature at the tip of the variable region 3 (V3) loop; however, unusual motifs harbouring a GWGR signature have also been isolated. Although epidemiological studies have detected this variant in approximately 17-50% of the total infections in Brazil, the prevalence of B"-GWGR in the southernmost region of Brazil is not yet clear. This study aimed to investigate the C2-V3 molecular diversity of the HIV-1B epidemic in southernmost Brazil. HIV-1 seropositive patients were ana-lysed at two distinct time points in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS98 and RS08) and at one time point in the state of Santa Catarina (SC08). Phylogenetic analysis classified 46 individuals in the RS98 group as HIV-1B and their molecular signatures were as follows: 26% B"-GWGR, 54% B-GPGR and 20% other motifs. In the RS08 group, HIV-1B was present in 32 samples: 22% B"-GWGR, 59% B-GPGR and 19% other motifs. In the SC08 group, 32 HIV-1B samples were found: 28% B"-GWGR, 59% B-GPGR and 13% other motifs. No association could be established between the HIV-1B V3 signatures and exposure categories in the HIV-1B epidemic in RS. However, B-GPGR seemed to be related to heterosexual individuals in the SC08 group. Our results suggest that the established B"-GWGR epidemics in both cities have similar patterns, which is likely due to their geographical proximity and cultural relationship.
Abstract Genetic studies have shown an association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the catalytic subunit (GCLC) of the glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), the key enzyme for glutathione (GSH) synthesis. The present study was aimed at analyzing the influence of a GSH dysregulation of genetic origin on plasma thiols (total cysteine, homocysteine, and cysteine-glycine) and other free amino acid levels as well as fibroblast cultures GSH levels. Plasma thiols levels were also compared between patients and controls. As compared with patients with a low-risk GCLC GAG TNR genotype, patients with a high-risk genotype, having an impaired GSH synthesis, displayed a decrease of fibroblast GSH and plasma total cysteine levels, and an increase of the oxidized form of cysteine (cystine) content. Increased levels of plasma free serine, glutamine, citrulline, and arginine were also observed in the high-risk genotype. Taken together, the high-risk genotypes were associated with a subgroup of schizophrenia characterized by altered plasma thiols and free amino acid levels that reflect a dysregulation of redox control and an increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. This altered pattern potentially contributes to the development of a biomarker profile useful for early diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of novel drugs targeting redox dysregulation in schizophrenia. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 15, 2003-2010.
Neurocysticercosis (NC) is a clinically and radiologically heterogeneous parasitic disease caused by the establishment of larval Taenia solium in the human central nervous system. Host and/or parasite variations may be related to this observed heterogeneity. Genetic differences between pig and human-derived T. solium cysticerci have been reported previously. In this study, 28 cysticerci were surgically removed from 12 human NC patients, the mitochondrial gene that encodes cytochrome b was amplified from the cysticerci and genetic variations that may be related to NC heterogeneity were characterised. Nine different haplotypes (Ht), which were clustered in four haplogroups (Hg), were identified. Hg 3 and 4 exhibited a tendency to associate with age and gender, respectively. However, no significant associations were found between NC heterogeneity and the different T. solium cysticerci Ht or Hg. Parasite variants obtained from patients with similar NC clinical or radiological features were genetically closer than those found in groups of patients with a different NC profile when using the Mantel test. Overall, this study establishes the presence of genetic differences in the Cytb gene of T. solium isolated from human cysticerci and suggests that parasite variation could contribute to NC heterogeneity.
Noroviruses (NoVs) are important cause of gastroenteritis in humans worldwide. Genotype GII.4 is responsible for the majority of outbreaks reported to date. This study describes, for the first time in Brazil, the circulation of NoV GII.4 variant Sydney 2012 in faecal samples collected from children aged less than or equal to eight years in Rio Branco, state of Acre, northern Brazil, during July-September 2012.
Aedes aegypti on Madeira Island (Portugal): genetic variation of a recently introduced dengue vector
The increasing population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on Madeira Island (Portugal) resulted in the first autochthonous dengue outbreak, which occurred in October 2012. Our study establishes the first genetic evaluation based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4)] and knockdown resistance ( kdr ) mutations exploring the colonisation history and the genetic diversity of this insular vector population. We included mosquito populations from Brazil and Venezuela in the analysis as putative geographic sources. The Ae. aegypti population from Madeira showed extremely low mtDNA genetic variability, with a single haplotype for COI and ND4. We also detected the presence of two important kdr mutations and the quasi-fixation of one of these mutations (F1534C). These results are consistent with a unique recent founder event that occurred on the island of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes that carry kdr mutations associated with insecticide resistance. Finally, we also report the presence of the F1534C kdr mutation in the Brazil and Venezuela populations. To our knowledge, this is the first time this mutation has been found in South American Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Given the present risk of Ae. aegypti re-invading continental Europe from Madeira and the recent dengue outbreaks on the island, this information is important to plan surveillance and control measures.
Triatomines have been important model organisms for behavioural research. Diverse reports about triatomine host search, pheromone communication in the sexual, shelter and alarm contexts, daily cycles of activity, refuge choice and behavioural plasticity have been published in the last two decades. In recent times, a variety of molecular genetics techniques has allowed researchers to investigate elaborate and complex questions about the genetic bases of the physiology of insects. This, together with the current characterisation of the genome sequence of Rhodnius prolixus allows the resurgence of this excellent insect physiology model in the omics era. In the present revision, we suggest that studying the molecular basis of behaviour and sensory ecology in triatomines will promote a deeper understanding of fundamental aspects of insect and, particularly, vector biology. This will allow uncovering unknown features of essential insect physiology questions for a hemimetabolous model organism, promoting more robust comparative studies of insect sensory function and cognition.
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) may impact the clinical course of tuberculosis (TB). Both infections are highly endemic in Brazil. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of HTLV-1/2 in TB patients in Central-West Brazil and to perform a genetic characterisation of the respective isolates. Of the 402 patients, six (1.49%) were positive for anti-HTLV and five (1.24%; 95% confidence interval: 0.46-3.05) were infected with HTLV-1/2. Genetic characterisation demonstrated that the four HTLV-1 isolates belonged to the Transcontinental subgroup A of the Cosmopolitan subtype a and that the HTLV-2 isolate belonged to subtype a (HTLV-2a/c). The prevalence of HTLV infection observed in this study is higher than that observed in local blood donors and the HTLV-1 and 2 subtypes identified are consistent with those circulating in Brazil.