964 resultados para Garça-azul
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the world stage, the environmental condition has been a big public policies issue. A clear understanding of the parameters that determine the state of the environment is essential for estimation of the quality of life of the population, not least since ecosystems are highly complex. Consequently, definition of public policies demands the use of evaluation tools that can combine and quantify information in a clear way. The use of indicators and indices that are able to translate the complexity of environmental conditions in cities into simpler terms has been increasingly effective in decision-making, since they assist in general evaluation of the situation in question, identification of priority actions and anticipation of future trends. In an attempt to evaluate the environmental conditions of the Brazilian city, Sorocaba, an Environmental Quality Fuzzy Index (IFQAmb) was proposed. In this work this methodology is improved. After reviewing the IFQAmb methodology, a number of changes in the index are proposed. Additional variables are suggested, derived from a State Environment Department program whose objective is to grant municipalities the title of Municipio Verde e Azul (Green and Blue City). In addition, a new rule base is being drafted to enable consideration of all possibilities, since in the existing version the use of specific criteria eliminates a significant number of rules. The changes seek to define with clarity and precision the conceptual aspects and structure of the IFQAmb, so that it can provide an even more effective evaluation of environmental performance, guiding future actions in order to improve the living conditions of the population of Sorocaba.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - ICT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This article analyzes the data resultant of the accomplishment, between 2008 and 2009, of an extension and research project on the international exchange of letters between teachers and students from elementary schools in the towns of Garça and Marília, São Paulo State, Brazil, with a school in the city of Azaruja, Portugal and another in the city of Luanda, Angola. It was developed by a team of students and teachers, UNESP, Marília, in order to promote the exchange via personal letters for that students, between 8 and 9 years old, could take possession of the written language, in this case Portuguese, and understand it as an instrument steeped in culture. The choice of this kind in the world of the epistolary genre was made because it promotes the participation of the Other in the configuration of dialogic relations in the elaboration of the statements, taken as a reference in a Bakhtinian conception of language. It aimed to (1) point, in the letters exchanged between teachers and students between the Portuguese, Brazilians and Angolans in the early years, the evidence of authorship linguistic behavior that could signal the beginning of autonomy in the use of the written modality of language, or signs of submissive behavior; (2) reveal the cultural content of language tools used to construct indicators listed on the customs of each people, including those constituting school doings. For the generation of data were used principles of action research, which enabled direct action, along with Brazilian teachers, and indirectly, in the case of the foreign teachers. From the analysis of the corpus of research - letters exchanged between teachers and students - it is clear that the appropriation of language as a speech act realized in human relations makes the old personal correspondence a powerful instrument of development in the area of the written language.
In this paper we present ongoing research in which we approach the regulatory role of language in role play in children aged six and seven. In research, we seek an understanding of the relationship between language, ownership and complexity of the children's game. The hypothesis guiding the research is that the dialogical relations between children and adults and among children, while playing, contribute to children's learning game. Procedures are being used interpretive ethnographic research that focuses on the human meaning of social relations, waged by the subjects in a particular historical context and its elucidation and exposition by one researcher. This approach allows closer studies of Vygotsky and Bakhtin scholars of language that emphasize the regulatory role of language in human relationships and value the dialogic exchange between researcher and researched; active subjects of the research process. The data were produced by means of observation and interview, in a field diary records, photographs and audio recordings. They are being screened in thematic groups and analyzed using interpretative narration. The participants were two teachers and two classes of the first year of an Elementary school (EMEF) School of Municipal Elementary School Crane, State of Sao Paulo, totaling 45 subjects. Bearing in mind the above assumptions, are presented and analyzed data that allow to anticipate some results.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
O Lago Azul (Rio Claro – SP), oriundo da canalização do Córrego Servidão, vem sofrendo com problemas de inundação, infiltração, erosão e contaminação das águas por esgoto. Alguns dos compostos mais despejados nas águas de rios, e responsáveis por tais problemas de contaminação são os detergentes biodegradáveis, que têm sido alvo de críticas, não apenas devido aos problemas de biodegradação, mas também devido ao fato de provocarem o fenômeno conhecido como eutrofização. A preocupação com a possível contaminação das espécies do Lago Azul levou a prefeitura de Rio Claro, junto da SABESP, a iniciar estudos das águas e sedimentos do Lago Azul. Visando essa preocupação o projeto pretende analisar os efeitos da água do Lago Azul e de uma diluição de detergentes em indivíduos de Prochilodus lineatus (Curimbatá), comparados a um controle exposto a água pura clorada do poço artesiano situado no Campus da UNESP de Rio Claro. O projeto procurou caracterizar o epitélio que recobre as escamas da espécie tratada, haja vista que se trata de uma estrutura inexplorada na literatura. A partir desses dados, análises foram realizadas através da detecção de possíveis alterações morfológicas na histologia e histoquímica das células epiteliais de escamas para avaliar os efeitos dos possíveis agentes contaminantes. Para as análises histológicas o material foi processado em resina para as técnicas de Alcian e PAS para detecção de polissacarídeos ácidos e básicos, Azul de Bromofenol para detecção de proteínas, Picrossirus Red para detecção de fibras colágenas I e III e Hematoxilina-Eosina para analisar alterações morfológicas. Os dados coletados foram analisados com auxílio de um microscópio Leica DM 2000, dotado de câmera para captura de imagens
The aim of this experiment was to study the influence of transparent, blue and red tree shelters on gas exchanges of canafístula’s (Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub.) seedlings. This study was carried out in Department of Botany, Institute of Biosciences, U ESP, Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment design was randomized blocks, with 5 replications, each one containing 6 units of each treatment (nonsheltered, transparent tree shelters, blue tree shelters and red tree shelters). The evaluations of gas exchanges were made through an infrared gas analyzer. It follows that the tree shelters use may limit the photosynthesis, increase the transpiration and stomatal opening, besides reducing the water use efficiency. The colored tree shelters use created unfavorable conditions for the development, reducing the photosynthesis, because they reflected the blue and red wavelengths, allowing only the passage of the other components of the white light or of the photosynthetically active radiation
Além de ser bom bioindicar a espécie Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) também apresenta importância econômica, ecológica e ampla distribuição na região neotropical. A ecotoxicologia estuda a interação da química ambiental e a biota, sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar alterações quantitativas de bile e glicogênio no fígado dos peixes, órgão responsável pelo processo de detoxificação, biotransformação e também pela reserva de nutrientes como o glicogênio e por secretar a bile. Os grupos foram separados em três tratamentos com o objetivo de comparar os danos causados aos peixes que vivem em áreas perturbadas, (como é o caso do Lago Azul – Rio Claro-SP), e os que vivem em águas com detergentes biodegradáveis diluídos, como na maioria dos nossos cursos d’água, comparados a um grupo controle (água clorada do poço artesiano da UNESP- Campus Rio Claro). Análises histológicas foram feitas com a utilização das técnicas de H-E e PAS, sendo o material coletado após sete e 20 dias de experimento, visando identificar os efeitos agudos de tais poluentes. A identificação de alterações na estrutura histológica foi realizada com o auxilio do programa ImageJ com o qual foi feita a quantificação da área ocupada pela bile e pelo glicogênio