930 resultados para Fundamental rights. Protection principle. Dignity
This paper explores the limits and potentials of European citizenship as a transnational form of social integration, taking as comparison Marshall's classical analysis of the historical development of social rights in the context of the national Welfare State. It is submitted that this potential is currently frustrated by the prevailing negative-integration dimension in which the interplay between Union citizenship and national systems of Welfare State takes place. This negative dimension pervades the entire case law of the Court of Justice on Union citizenship, even becoming dominant – after the famous Viking and Laval judgements – in the ways in which the judges in Luxembourg have built, and limited, what in Marshall’s terms might be called the European collective dimension of “industrial citizenship”. The new architecture of the economic and monetary governance of the Union, based as it is on an unprecedented effort towards a creeping constitutionalisation of a neo-liberal politics of austerity and welfare retrenchment, is destined to strengthen the de-structuring pressures on the industrial-relation and social protection systems of the member States. The conclusions sum-up the main critical arguments and make some suggestions for an alternative path for re-politicising the social question in Europe.
L’évolution continue des besoins d’apprentissage vers plus d’efficacité et plus de personnalisation a favorisé l’émergence de nouveaux outils et dimensions dont l’objectif est de rendre l’apprentissage accessible à tout le monde et adapté aux contextes technologiques et sociaux. Cette évolution a donné naissance à ce que l’on appelle l'apprentissage social en ligne mettant l'accent sur l’interaction entre les apprenants. La considération de l’interaction a apporté de nombreux avantages pour l’apprenant, à savoir établir des connexions, échanger des expériences personnelles et bénéficier d’une assistance lui permettant d’améliorer son apprentissage. Cependant, la quantité d'informations personnelles que les apprenants divulguent parfois lors de ces interactions, mène, à des conséquences souvent désastreuses en matière de vie privée comme la cyberintimidation, le vol d’identité, etc. Malgré les préoccupations soulevées, la vie privée en tant que droit individuel représente une situation idéale, difficilement reconnaissable dans le contexte social d’aujourd’hui. En effet, on est passé d'une conceptualisation de la vie privée comme étant un noyau des données sensibles à protéger des pénétrations extérieures à une nouvelle vision centrée sur la négociation de la divulgation de ces données. L’enjeu pour les environnements sociaux d’apprentissage consiste donc à garantir un niveau maximal d’interaction pour les apprenants tout en préservant leurs vies privées. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, la plupart des innovations dans ces environnements ont porté sur l'élaboration des techniques d’interaction, sans aucune considération pour la vie privée, un élément portant nécessaire afin de créer un environnement favorable à l’apprentissage. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un cadre de vie privée que nous avons appelé « gestionnaire de vie privée». Plus précisément, ce gestionnaire se charge de gérer la protection des données personnelles et de la vie privée de l’apprenant durant ses interactions avec ses co-apprenants. En s’appuyant sur l’idée que l’interaction permet d’accéder à l’aide en ligne, nous analysons l’interaction comme une activité cognitive impliquant des facteurs contextuels, d’autres apprenants, et des aspects socio-émotionnels. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est donc de revoir les processus d’entraide entre les apprenants en mettant en oeuvre des outils nécessaires pour trouver un compromis entre l’interaction et la protection de la vie privée. ii Ceci a été effectué selon trois niveaux : le premier étant de considérer des aspects contextuels et sociaux de l’interaction telle que la confiance entre les apprenants et les émotions qui ont initié le besoin d’interagir. Le deuxième niveau de protection consiste à estimer les risques de cette divulgation et faciliter la décision de protection de la vie privée. Le troisième niveau de protection consiste à détecter toute divulgation de données personnelles en utilisant des techniques d’apprentissage machine et d’analyse sémantique.
In the wake of the disclosures surrounding PRISM and other US surveillance programmes, this paper assesses the large-scale surveillance practices by a selection of EU member states: the UK, Sweden, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Given the large-scale nature of these practices, which represent a reconfiguration of traditional intelligence gathering, the paper contends that an analysis of European surveillance programmes cannot be reduced to a question of the balance between data protection versus national security, but has to be framed in terms of collective freedoms and democracy. It finds that four of the five EU member states selected for in-depth examination are engaging in some form of large-scale interception and surveillance of communication data, and identifies parallels and discrepancies between these programmes and the NSA-run operations. The paper argues that these programmes do not stand outside the realm of EU intervention but can be analysed from an EU law perspective via i) an understanding of national security in a democratic rule of law framework where fundamental human rights and judicial oversight constitute key norms; ii) the risks posed to the internal security of the Union as a whole as well as the privacy of EU citizens as data owners and iii) the potential spillover into the activities and responsibilities of EU agencies. The paper then presents a set of policy recommendations to the European Parliament.
After advocating flexibilization of non-standard work contracts for many years, some European and international institutions and several policy makers now indicate the standard employment relationship and its regulation as a cause of segmentation between the labour market of "guaranteed" insiders, employed under permanent contracts with effective protection against unfair dismissal, and the market of the “not-guaranteed” outsiders, working with non-standard contracts. Reforms of employment legislation are therefore being promoted and approved in different countries, allegedly aiming to balance the legal protection afforded to standard and non-standard workers. This article firstly argues that this approach is flawed as it oversimplifies reasons of segmentation as it concentrates on an “insiders-outsiders” discourse that cannot easily be transplanted in continental Europe. After reviewing current legislative changes in Italy, Spain and Portugal, it is then argued that lawmakers are focused on “deregulation” rather than “balancing protection” when approving recent reforms. Finally, the mainstream approach to segmentation and some of its derivative proposals, such as calls to introduce a “single permanent contract”, are called into question, as they seem to neglect the essential role of job protection in underpinning the effectiveness of fundamental and constitutional rights at the workplace.
The market for investment products, including both securities and investment funds, is fraught with difficulties for consumers in terms of the ease of comparing products, trust in suppliers and consumer satisfaction. A comprehensive approach to investor protection, developed around the lifecycle of a financial product, may offer the investor greater protection during an investment’s life span. This paper proposes a new approach to investor protection, building on a review of major market failures affecting the origination, distribution and sale of financial products and based on a review of the relevant scientific literature and country experiences. The application of a ‘know-your-product’ principle at origination, a narrower ‘default rule’ for best execution and an ex-ante distinction between advice and ‘information-only’ services are among the options discussed in this paper to enhance the investor protection framework over the lifecycle of a financial product.
Overview. Questions about the interface between the multilateral climate regime embodied in the Kyoto Protocol and the multilateral trade regime embodied in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have become especially timely since the fall of 2001. At that time, ministerial-level meetings in Marrakech and Doha agreed to advance the agendas, respectively, for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and for negotiations on further agreements at the WTO. There have been concerns that each of these multilateral arrangements could constrain the effectiveness of the other, and these concerns will become more salient with the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol. There are questions about whether and how the rights and obligations of the members of the WTO and the parties to the Protocol may conflict. Of particular concern is whether provisions in the Protocol, as well as government policies and business activities undertaken in keeping with those provisions, may conflict with the WTO non-discrimination principles of national treatment and most-favoured nation treatment. The WTO agreements that are potentially relevant to climate change issues include many of the individual Uruguay Round agreements and subsequent agreements as well. The principal elements of the Kyoto Protocol that are particularly relevant are its provisions concerning emissions trading, the Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation, enforcement, and parties’ policies and measures. In combination, therefore, there are numerous potential points of intersection between the elements of the Kyoto Protocol and the WTO agreements. Previous studies have clarified many issues, as they have focused on particular aspects of the regimes’ relationships. Yet, some analyses suggest that the two regimes are largely compatible and even mutually reinforcing, while others suggest that there are significant conflicts between them. Those and other studies are referenced in the ‘suggestions for further reading’ section at the end of the paper.1 The present paper seeks to expand on those studies by providing additional breadth and depth to understanding of the issues. The analysis gives special attention to key issues on the agenda – i.e. issues that are particularly problematic because of the likelihood of occurrence of specific conflicts and the significance of their economic and/or political consequences. The paper adopts a modified ‘triage’ approach, which classifies points of intersection as (a) highly problematic and clearly in need of further attention, (b) perhaps problematic but less urgent, and (c) apparently not problematic, at least at this point in time. The principal conclusions are that: · The missions and objectives of the two regimes are largely compatible, and their operations are potentially mutually reinforcing in several respects. · Some provisions of the multilateral agreements that may superficially seem at odds are not likely to become particularly problematic in practice. · ‘Domestic policies and measures’ that governments may undertake in the context of the Protocol could pose difficult issues in the context of WTO dispute cases. · Recent WTO agreements and dispute cases acknowledge the legitimacy of the ‘precautionary principle and are thus consistent with the environmental protection objectives of the Protocol. · The relative newness of the climate regime creates opportunities for institutional adaptation, as compared with the constraints of tradition in the trade-investment regime. · The prospect of largely independent evolutionary paths for the two regimes poses a series of issues about future international regime design and management, which may require new institutional arrangements. In sum, the present paper thus finds that although there are some areas of interaction that are problematic, the two regimes may nevertheless co-exist in relative harmony in other respects –more like ‘neighbours’ than either ‘friends’ or ‘foes’, as Krist (2001) has suggested.
The impacts of WTO on women’s labour rights in the developing countries have been raised to the international agenda by various nongovernmental organizations. On the one hand it is assumed that international trade policies are gender neutral. On the other hand a number of authors hold the view that the negative impacts of WTO policies are more pronounced on female than male workers. This paper takes a critical look at these claims. It argues that the impact of the WTO system, the driving force of trade liberalization, on women’s labour rights in the developing countries is a complicated issue, because the effects have been both negative and positive. In support of this claim, this paper first briefly reviews the international framework for the protection of women’s labour rights. Next, the WTO agreements and policies are analysed insofar as they are relevant for the protection of women’s labour rights. The analysis covers, for example, the use of the trade policy review mechanism and restrictions of trade on grounds of violation of public morals.. Finally, a case study is conducted on the situation of female workers in Bangladesh and Pakistan, countries that have recently undergone a liberalization of trade in the textiles and clothing sectors. It is concluded that the increase of international trade in the developing countries has created many work opportunities for women, helped them to become more independent and allowed them to participate in the society more actively. However, it is at the same time posited that in order to comply with its own objectives of raising standards of living and full employment, the WTO should engage itself in active policies to overcome the negative aspects of trade on female workers in the developing countries.
This paper anticipates the 2012 revision of the European Insolvency Regulation, which is the sole Union legislation on the subject of cross border insolvency proceedings. The paper first describes the historical background of the Regulation. The salient point of the historical discussion is that the Regulation is the product of forty years of negotiation and arises from a historical context that is no longer applicable to current economic realities, i.e. it provides for liquidation, not reorganization, it doesn’t deal with cross border groups of companies, and it lacks an effective mechanism for transparency and creditor participation. The paper then reviews the unique hybrid jurisdictional system of concurrent universal and territorial proceedings that the Regulation imposes. It looks at this scheme from a practical viewpoint, i.e. what issues arise with concurrent proceedings in two states, involving the same assets, the same creditors, and the same company. The paper then focuses on a significant issue raised by the European Court of Justice in the Eurofoods case, i.e. the need to comply with fundamental due process principles that, while not articulated in the Regulation, lie at the core of Union law. Specifically, the paper considers the ramifications of the Court’s holding that “a Member State may refuse to recognize insolvency proceedings opened in another Member State where the decision to open the proceedings was taken in flagrant breach of the fundamental right to be heard.” In response to the Court’s direction, this paper proposes a package of due process rights, consisting principally of an accessible, efficient and useful insolvency database, the infrastructure of which already exists, but the content and use of which has not yet been developed. As part of a cohesive three part due process package, the paper also proposes the formation of cross border creditors' committees and the establishment of a European Insolvency Administrator. Finally, on the institutional level, this paper proposes that the revision of the Regulation and the development of the insolvency database not only need to be coordinated, but need to be conceptualized, managed and undertaken, not as the separate efforts of diverse institutions, but as a single, unified endeavor.
Issues concerning indigenous peoples (IPs) in Russia have become a “hot topic” despite the fact that they represent only 0.2 percent of the population. Constant amendments to the laws affecting the life of IPs and lawsuits filed before local Courts denouncing the violations of IPs’ rights are signs of the struggle surrounding these indigenous peoples. Moreover, between 2012 and 2013, the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON), the umbrella organization of IPs in the country, was ordered to shut down and subsequently given the permission to reopen by the Russian Ministry of Justice within the course of less than six months. This article aims to gain a deeper understanding of the recent developments vis-à-vis indigenous peoples’ legal protection and IPs’ increasing efforts to exercise their rights.
Effective policies combating global warming and incentivising reduction of greenhouse gases face fundamental collective action problems. States defending short term interests avoid international commitments and seek to benefit from measures combating global warming taken elsewhere. The paper explores the potential of Common Concern as an emerging principle of international law, in particular international environmental law, in addressing collective action problems and the global commons. It expounds the contours of the principle, its relationship to common heritage of mankind, to shared and differentiated responsibility and to public goods. It explores its potential to provide the foundations not only for international cooperation, but also to justify, and delimitate at the same time, unilateral action at home and deploying extraterritorial effects in addressing the challenges of global warming and climate change mitigation. As unilateral measures mainly translate into measures of trade policy, the principle of Common Concern is inherently linked and limited by existing legal disciplines in particular of the law of the World Trade Organization.
L’évolution continue des besoins d’apprentissage vers plus d’efficacité et plus de personnalisation a favorisé l’émergence de nouveaux outils et dimensions dont l’objectif est de rendre l’apprentissage accessible à tout le monde et adapté aux contextes technologiques et sociaux. Cette évolution a donné naissance à ce que l’on appelle l'apprentissage social en ligne mettant l'accent sur l’interaction entre les apprenants. La considération de l’interaction a apporté de nombreux avantages pour l’apprenant, à savoir établir des connexions, échanger des expériences personnelles et bénéficier d’une assistance lui permettant d’améliorer son apprentissage. Cependant, la quantité d'informations personnelles que les apprenants divulguent parfois lors de ces interactions, mène, à des conséquences souvent désastreuses en matière de vie privée comme la cyberintimidation, le vol d’identité, etc. Malgré les préoccupations soulevées, la vie privée en tant que droit individuel représente une situation idéale, difficilement reconnaissable dans le contexte social d’aujourd’hui. En effet, on est passé d'une conceptualisation de la vie privée comme étant un noyau des données sensibles à protéger des pénétrations extérieures à une nouvelle vision centrée sur la négociation de la divulgation de ces données. L’enjeu pour les environnements sociaux d’apprentissage consiste donc à garantir un niveau maximal d’interaction pour les apprenants tout en préservant leurs vies privées. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, la plupart des innovations dans ces environnements ont porté sur l'élaboration des techniques d’interaction, sans aucune considération pour la vie privée, un élément portant nécessaire afin de créer un environnement favorable à l’apprentissage. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un cadre de vie privée que nous avons appelé « gestionnaire de vie privée». Plus précisément, ce gestionnaire se charge de gérer la protection des données personnelles et de la vie privée de l’apprenant durant ses interactions avec ses co-apprenants. En s’appuyant sur l’idée que l’interaction permet d’accéder à l’aide en ligne, nous analysons l’interaction comme une activité cognitive impliquant des facteurs contextuels, d’autres apprenants, et des aspects socio-émotionnels. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est donc de revoir les processus d’entraide entre les apprenants en mettant en oeuvre des outils nécessaires pour trouver un compromis entre l’interaction et la protection de la vie privée. ii Ceci a été effectué selon trois niveaux : le premier étant de considérer des aspects contextuels et sociaux de l’interaction telle que la confiance entre les apprenants et les émotions qui ont initié le besoin d’interagir. Le deuxième niveau de protection consiste à estimer les risques de cette divulgation et faciliter la décision de protection de la vie privée. Le troisième niveau de protection consiste à détecter toute divulgation de données personnelles en utilisant des techniques d’apprentissage machine et d’analyse sémantique.
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