1000 resultados para Fumo - Teses
This article presents elements that make up the quality of education in the age group of zero to five years, offered by institutions of Early Childhood Education in Brazil, based on research results disseminated in theses and dissertations that focus on this theme. It was used as the methodological procedure outlined mapping Brazilian literature of academic research related to the Post-Graduate Education, which focus on the issue in the period between 1996 and 2012. The results of the study provide insights on funding, teacher training, family, quality of care in the school systems, institutional assessment, perceptions of quality and educational practices that allow discuss the quality of early childhood education offered in Brazilian institutions. Moreover, considering that not convenient to take the concept of quality of early childhood education as universal as this is linked to the context, the conceptions about children and their education.
Aiming to contribute to understanding the Brazilian academic production on literacy, theses and dissertations on the subject, completed between 1965 and 2011, are analyzed. Situating them in the historical process of constitution of literacy as an object of study, since the 19th. century, beyond the political and historical context of origin in the 1960s, the following contexts are focused, especially from the 1980s, when begins the process of expansion in terms of amount of this academic production and geographic diversity as well as areas of expertise of the graduate programs in which they were defended. While these advances confirm the importance of approaches that consider the interdisciplinary and multifaceted character of literacy, there are contradictions that present significant challenges to researchers seeking both understand the permanence of motivations and pragmatic purposes as to proposing new themes, objects, theoretical and methodological aspects for the development of new research that are lacking, as diagnosed needs and desired progress, scientifically and socially.
This article aims to contextualize the educational affirmative action policies for ethnic racial groups in Brazilian legal system, present the main philosophical fundamentals that support these educational policies and discuss the validity of those fundamentals. In the legal context, the principle of substantive equality and the fundamental objectives of the Federative Republic of Brazil, positivised in the Constitution of 1988, as well as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, allow the implementation of these policies. The philosophical fundamentals presented in this article are the thesis of compensatory justice and the thesis of distributive justice. The thesis of distributive justice has been refuted by logical legal arguments and by analysis of the right to higher education positivised in the Constitution. The thesis of compensatory justice has been considered a valid argument to support affirmative action policies, due to historical facts and sociological factors existing in the Brazilian context. It is concluded that the affirmative action policies for ethnic racial groups should be part of the Brazilian social policies, but these affirmative action policies should not invade the context of higher education, since the intended purposes are unrelated to this.
Presents a survey of scientific production about the subject corporate governance, using the Bibliometric analysis of theses and dissertations collected in the digital libraries of the Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), Campinas State University (UNICAMP) and University of Sao Paulo (USP). Through the data collected were identified, based on Bibliometric indicators, the origin of authors, the authors more cited, the thematic area of authors, and the construction of co-citation network.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Among students with special educational needs, subjects of special education, are those with high ability/giftedness, a complex phenomenon that requires the participation of education professionals and researchers to foster the potential of development of these students. In this sense, we aimed to identify and analyze thesis and dissertations that they propose to investigate the theme high ability/giftedness, verifying participation of the area of education in these studies. The study was done through a literature review, guided by the following questions: Have the researches on high ability/giftedness been growing in recent years? What is the participation of education area in those researches? What are the issues related to high ability/ giftedness addressed in Education? The results show that the institutions present an increasing trend and there is a predominance of education area in this scientific production. However, there is an imbalance between the institutions that aim to investigate the theme in Brazilian regions, as well as among the cases covered by these researches on high ability/giftedness.
In Brazil, smoking incidence varies between 9.5% and 21.2% and it is more common among men. In college students incidence can reach 14% depending on the region, which is quite disturbing. Joining college is a crucial period for the commencement or maintenance of smoking. The Knowledge among college students about tobacco use is critical to devise strategies for intervention in this population. The objectives were to establish the occurrence of smoking and risk factors, nicotine dependence in college students and college goers. We interviewed students, teachers and administrative personnel from the Philosophy and Science School at UNESP at Marilia, from both sexes, regardless their age, which visited the First Week Against Tobacco event. The sociodemographic data, smoking status, time as a smoker, cigarettes smoked, date when they started smoking, history of smoking in the family, friends or associates were questioned. We also assessed the degree of motivation to quit smoking and the degree of nicotine dependence. Data were presented using descriptive statistics. Comparisons between categorical variables were made using the chi-square test (p <0.05). A total of 432 people, 180 men and 252 women, average aged 22.6 ± 6.9 years were researched. From the volunteers studied, 267 (61.8) had tried cigarettes and 171 of them (64%) reported that they were offered by friends. As a whole, 79 (18.3%) of these people were smokers, 52 (65.8%) reported intending to quit smoking and in 37 of them (46.8%), the degree of nicotine dependence was very low. Of all the smokers, 63 had smokers in the family and all of them had friends who smoked. 28.9% of all men were smokers and 10.7%of all women. The occurrence of smoking was 18.3% and the risk factor associated to smoking habit is related to friendship and family, and very low nicotine dependence.
Este artigo realiza uma reflexão teórica sobre as categorias sujeito e estrutura à luz das observações empíricas nas pesquisas que venho realizando sobre movimentos populares na cidade de São Paulo. O objetivo é criticar a suposição de que este debate está superado. Para isso, busco formular quatro teses para dar conta da mediação entre ambas as categorias, já que o pressuposto teórico é que as estruturas não impedem a ação, ao contrário, a tornam possível e, ao mesmo tempo, a ação transforma as estruturas, segundo as temporalidades específicas de cada estrutura (econômica, jurídico-política e sócio-cultural) próprias do modo de produção capitalista.
The proposal of present paper is to present a conceptual and terminological discussion relative to the terms: organizational memory, corporate memory and institutional memory that is a subject still little studied and explored in the academic area. The study is theoretical focus and the research kind is bibliographical. As research sources were utilized: books, digital libraries of theses and dissertations in the scope of the country and CAPES Journals Portal. This study is in course and is part of doctorate research "Organizational memory and the knowledge bases constitution". As the partial results, observes that the question about "memory" is studied by different areas of knowledge: Psychology, Neurosciences, History and others; the concepts about organizational memory and corporate memory are studied by Administration and Information Systems areas; the concept of institutional memory is more studied by Business Communication area focusing the company history. Beyond that, observes the use of another term, social memory, utilized by Information Science and History areas.
The aim of this text is to draft an answer to the following questions: What is the relationship between war and politics in Antonio Gramsci’s thought? How is it possible to make a relationship of war and politics according to Gramsci with Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz’s same themes? The main hypothesis of this article points to understand that war as a metaphor of politics approach – predominant point in Gramsci’s approach of war – has a broader meaning that war as an interstate conflict, which is Clausewitz’s concept. Although the war is connected with politics in both authors, interstate conflict has a stronger emphasis in clausewitzian sense and a wider sense of war as politics is found in gramscian approach.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo traçar um panorama artístico literário presente na produção do escritor modernista Oswald de Andrade, identificando a evolução estética ideológica do autor por meio do manifesto Pau-Brasil (1925) e o Antropófago (1928); de teses e artigos como “Meu Testamento” (1944) e “A crise da filosofia Messiânica” (1945); de entrevistas presentes no livro Telefonema, parte integrante da coleção: Obras Completas de Oswald de Andrade (Rio de janeiro, 1974); e de sua produção teatral. Toma como ponto de partida a antropofagia como um operador cultural, de modo que a característica mais marcante do escritor, a irreverência, é fomentada e trabalhada por meio da ironia, ferramenta de discurso que Oswald de Andrade utiliza com uma função social, uma arma revolucionária e política. Para tal, traçou-se uma linha entre a produção modernista e a produção teatral de Oswald e desse levantamento bibliográfico, a peça que mais chamou a atenção foi O rei da vela, primeira peça escrita na fase adulta, em 1933, e publicada em 1937 e que somente teve sua primeira encenação 30 anos depois, em 1967, pelo grupo de Teatro Oficina com a direção de José Celso Martinez Corrêa. O grupo realizou um levantamento literário e documental sobre o Oswald de Andrade, através de depoimentos dos atores que receberam a proposta de encenação (em 1934), aos Manifestos, até encontrar a Antropofagia oswaldiana, e dela se utilizarem para concretizar O rei da vela, retomando e usando a antropofagia, essencialmente, como um operador cultural