962 resultados para Fennoscandian forests
Garlic mustard is a rapidly spreading, highly invasive non-native plant. It was introduced from Europe in mid-1800 for medicinal and herbal uses. Came to the United States without predatory beetles or other natural controls. Threatens to rob us of healthy, diverse native woodlands.
This document lists all trees and shrubs that are native to Iowa is their common name and scientific name. Along with height of maturity, growth rate uses and limitations.
If you have ever flown in an airplane over Iowa, you would see that our woodlands are scattered along the rivers and streams and areas too steep to farm. You would also see a green carpet of trees within out cities and towns. Did you know the 90% of the over 2.7 million acres of forest in Iowa is owned by over 138,000 different private owners? Or that 30% of the land cover in a typical Iowa community if covered by trees? Trees are vital for the protection of our drinking water supply, critical for wildlife habitat, and help sustain employment of over 7,000 Iowans in the wood products industry. This booklet "20 Native trees to Plant" will help you gain a greater knowledge about Iowa's trees and forests. Learn about and enjoy Iowa's trees. Consider ways that you can improve our environment by planting and caring for Iowa's trees and forests.
It's a fact. Landowners like the five couples featured in the publication have helped replant Iowa. In fact, Iowa's forests and dwindled from an original 7 million acres to only 1.4 million acres in 1974. The state now has 2.8 million acres, surpassing the acreage of woodlands more than a century ago.
This document produced bu Iowa State University and Iowa Department of Natural Resources shows the key identification of Common Woods in Iowa.
PEOPLE OWN WOODED ACREAGES and woodlands for a variety of reasons that may include: timber production, firewood production, recreation, wildlife habitat, aesthetics, and alternative forest products. Most of Iowa’s forestland is privately held, and the majority of ownership is fragmented into an average of ten acres (Forest Reserve Survey, 2004). In fact, the average size of an individual forest or woodlot ownership has been steadily declining for several years due in part to population growth, urban sprawl, and changes in land ownership. Studies indicate that the probability of a sustainable woodlot decreases as the population increases. At the same time, most woodlot owners want to be good stewards and protect and enhance the forest that they own. To achieve this goal, careful forest planning and management is required especially when managing the land for multiple objectives.
Most non-grazed Iowa woodlands and surrounding openings are excellent habitat for a variety of birds and animals if there is a diversity of over story tree species and understory vegetation. As vegetative structures of woodlands change over time, the diversity of the woodland will change, and some species of birds and animals will benefit more then others. To optimize habitat development for the wildest range of bird and animal species, concentrate on maintaining as much vegetative diversity in the woodland as possible. To make improvement for individual species, the special needs of those species will have to be met by targeting precise woodland activities in specific areas.
It is estimated that around 230 people die each year due to radon (222Rn) exposure in Switzerland. 222Rn occurs mainly in closed environments like buildings and originates primarily from the subjacent ground. Therefore it depends strongly on geology and shows substantial regional variations. Correct identification of these regional variations would lead to substantial reduction of 222Rn exposure of the population based on appropriate construction of new and mitigation of already existing buildings. Prediction of indoor 222Rn concentrations (IRC) and identification of 222Rn prone areas is however difficult since IRC depend on a variety of different variables like building characteristics, meteorology, geology and anthropogenic factors. The present work aims at the development of predictive models and the understanding of IRC in Switzerland, taking into account a maximum of information in order to minimize the prediction uncertainty. The predictive maps will be used as a decision-support tool for 222Rn risk management. The construction of these models is based on different data-driven statistical methods, in combination with geographical information systems (GIS). In a first phase we performed univariate analysis of IRC for different variables, namely the detector type, building category, foundation, year of construction, the average outdoor temperature during measurement, altitude and lithology. All variables showed significant associations to IRC. Buildings constructed after 1900 showed significantly lower IRC compared to earlier constructions. We observed a further drop of IRC after 1970. In addition to that, we found an association of IRC with altitude. With regard to lithology, we observed the lowest IRC in sedimentary rocks (excluding carbonates) and sediments and the highest IRC in the Jura carbonates and igneous rock. The IRC data was systematically analyzed for potential bias due to spatially unbalanced sampling of measurements. In order to facilitate the modeling and the interpretation of the influence of geology on IRC, we developed an algorithm based on k-medoids clustering which permits to define coherent geological classes in terms of IRC. We performed a soil gas 222Rn concentration (SRC) measurement campaign in order to determine the predictive power of SRC with respect to IRC. We found that the use of SRC is limited for IRC prediction. The second part of the project was dedicated to predictive mapping of IRC using models which take into account the multidimensionality of the process of 222Rn entry into buildings. We used kernel regression and ensemble regression tree for this purpose. We could explain up to 33% of the variance of the log transformed IRC all over Switzerland. This is a good performance compared to former attempts of IRC modeling in Switzerland. As predictor variables we considered geographical coordinates, altitude, outdoor temperature, building type, foundation, year of construction and detector type. Ensemble regression trees like random forests allow to determine the role of each IRC predictor in a multidimensional setting. We found spatial information like geology, altitude and coordinates to have stronger influences on IRC than building related variables like foundation type, building type and year of construction. Based on kernel estimation we developed an approach to determine the local probability of IRC to exceed 300 Bq/m3. In addition to that we developed a confidence index in order to provide an estimate of uncertainty of the map. All methods allow an easy creation of tailor-made maps for different building characteristics. Our work is an essential step towards a 222Rn risk assessment which accounts at the same time for different architectural situations as well as geological and geographical conditions. For the communication of 222Rn hazard to the population we recommend to make use of the probability map based on kernel estimation. The communication of 222Rn hazard could for example be implemented via a web interface where the users specify the characteristics and coordinates of their home in order to obtain the probability to be above a given IRC with a corresponding index of confidence. Taking into account the health effects of 222Rn, our results have the potential to substantially improve the estimation of the effective dose from 222Rn delivered to the Swiss population.
En aquest article es pretén explicar breument la viabilitat de la futura gestió i utilització de la biomassa forestal de Bellver de Cerdanya mitjançant un district heating al futur barri del Pla de Tomet. Les particularitats per les quals aquest poble és ideal per a aquest projecte són que l'ajuntament és propietari de gairebé un 90% dels boscos situats en aquest municipi; i que alhora ja ha realitzat diverses instal·lacions que utilitzen la biomassa forestal per a calefacció i ACS. La situació econòmica de la comarca és bastant complicada, ja que s'ha basat en el sector turístic i la construcció, però ambdós no passen pel millor moment. El projecte serviria per donar un valor a la biomassa forestal que fins ara no s'ha donat, i alhora s'intenta buscar nous inputs econòmics per a la Cerdanya. En aquest treball també s'analitza quins haurien de ser els futurs tractaments que s'haurien d'aplicar a la forest, tenint en compte les activitats que es realitzen actualment, i evitant en tot moment possibles efectes negatius, com podria ser la sobreexplotació. També es dedica una part del projecte a explicar els sistemes per obtenir i gestionar de forma correcta la biomassa. A continuació es tracta la part més tècnica, realitzant una estimació del possible futur consum energètic del barri del Pla de Tomet, encara no construït; i decidint quins sistema de calderes seria el més adequat, el tipus d’emmagatzematge més apropiat i els passos a seguir per millorar el rendiment del procés de la gestió i extracció de la biomassa. Seguint tots aquests passos s'arriba a la conclusió que aprofitar la biomassa forestal és millor solució que utilitzar combustibles fòssils. A part dels obvis beneficis medi ambientals, també és millor a nivell econòmic, tant pels futurs veïns com per l'ajuntament.
Soils on gypsum are well known in dry climates, but were very little described in temperate climate, and never in Switzerland. This study aims to describe soils affected by gypsum in temperate climate and to understand their pedogenesis using standard laboratory analyzes performed on ten Swiss soils located on gypsum outcrops. In parallel, phytosociological relevés described the vegetation encountered in gypsiferous grounds. Gypsification process (secondary gypsum enrichment by precipitation) was observed in all soils. It was particularly important in regions where potential evapotranspiration exceed strongly precipitations in summer (central Valais, Chablais under influence of warm wind). Gypsum contents were regularly measured above 20% in deep horizons, and exceeded locally 70%, building a white, indurate horizon. However, the absence of such a gypsic horizon in the top soil hindered the use of gypsosol (according to the Référentiel pédologique, BAIZE & GIRARD 2009), the typical name of soils affected by gypsum, but restricted to dry regions. As all soils had a high content of magnesium carbonates, they were logically classified in the group of DOLOMITOSOLS. However, according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (IUSS 2014), five soils can be classified among the Gypsisols, criteria being here less restricting. These soils are characterized by a coarse texture and a particulate brittle structure making a filtering substrate. They allow water to flow easily taking nutrients. They are not retained by clay, which does generally not exceed 1% of the fine material. The saturation of calcium blocks the breakdown of organic matter. Moreover, these soils are often rejuvenated by erosion caused by the rough relief due to gypsum (landslides, sinkholes, cliffs and slopes). Hence, the vegetation is mainly characterized by calcareous and drought tolerant species, with mostly xerothermophilic beech (Cephalanthero-Fagenion) and pine forests (Erico-Pinion sylvestris) in lowlands, or subalpine heathlands (Ericion) and dry calcareous grasslands (Caricion firmae) in higher elevations.
Se describe la estructura y el patrón espacial de un ecotono bosque subalpino-pastos alpinos dominado por Pinus uncinata Ram. (Pirineos Orientales, Cerdanya, Estanys de la Pera). La historia de perturbaciones de la zona sugiere que el patrón espacial del ecotono puede haber sido afectado recientemente por el pastoreo. Se situó una parcela rectangular (30 x 100 m) cruzando el ecotono con su lado mayor paralelo a la pendiente. Para cada individuo de P. uncinata dentro de la parcela se midió: su localización (coordenadas x, y), y diversas variables estructurales (diámetros basal y a 1,3 m de altura, altura, radios de las copas, número de cohortes de acículas, edad estimada -número de internodos del tronco). Los individuos vivos de P. uncinata se clasificaron según su tamaño (adultos, jóvenes, vástagos y plántulas) y forma de crecimiento (krummholz -individuos arbustivos policórmicos-). Se describieron cuantitativamente el tipo de sustrato (roca, materia orgánica, suelo) y la cobertura de herbáceas, arbustos y P. uncinata usando transectos paralelos a la pendiente. La estructura del ecotono se describió mediante: (i) los análisis del patrón de puntos (K de Ripley, casos uni- y bivariante) y (ii) del patrón de superficies (correlogramas omni- y unidireccionales de Moran). El ecotono estudiado mostró una distribución de individuos de P. uncinata en agregados, predominando los vástagos. Los análisis espaciales mostraron la existencia y el tamaño de agregados con valores similares para ciertas variables de los árboles situados dentro del bosque (p. ej. 8-10 m para la edad estimada). La edad estimada de los individuos jóvenes (60 años <) estaba positivamente correlacionada con la altura y el diámetro basal. La regeneración reciente presentó dos máximos (1965-67, 1973-77). Apareció una posible cohorte de individuos más viejos (1941-57). A partir de 1975, la regeneración declinó de forma exponencial. El establecimiento...
El patrón de sucesión a largo plazo en los bosques subalpinos de Pinus uncinata y su relación con el régimen de perturbaciones al que se ven sometidos se analizan aquí, tomando como referencia el modelo de sucesión de PEET & CHRISTENSEN (1987). Por métodos dendrocronológicos, utilizando datos de árboles vivos y muertos, se han reconstruido los últimos 140-220 años de la historia de tres bosques suficientemente viejos y poco alterados, al menos recientemente, por el hombre. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto ciertas regularidades importantes en la secuencia y en la duración de las fases de la sucesión observadas en la escala espacial que nos permite el muestreo realizado (un transecto lineal de 280-350 metros. De una larga fase de iniciación (110140 años) se pasa casi directamente a una fase de transición, con escasa evidencia de una fase intermedia de exclusión. Este patrón de sucesión, causado por la lentitud y la heterogeneidad espacial de la fase de iniciación y por un régimen de pequeñas perturbaciones dispersas y frecuentes que aparecen muy pronto, es similar al observado en otros bosques subalpinos y ambientes extremos y representa una desviación respecto del modelo de referencia. La tasa media de mortalidad natural de los áboles adultos durante las últimas 4-6 décadas ha sido, respectivamente para los tres bosques, de 6,2, 1,4 y 5,7% por década. Estas tasas son lo sufientemente bajas como para permitir una larga persistencia en la fase de transición de la cohorte dominante - la instalada durante la fase de iniciación -, en declive pero al mismo tiempo inhibiendo la aparición masiva de regeneración. Ello hace previsible una dinámica de la estructura y la funcionalidad del bosque muy fluctuante a largo plazo en la escala espacial estudiada, aunque en su origen puede encontrarse la mano del hombre a través de una perturbación inicial homogeneizadora
This article makes a revision of the most eminent contributions in Geography in relation to the forest study, starting with principal Spanish geographical journals, congress transactions and other bibliography about forest questions. A selection of the most eminent bibliography has been made paying special attention to three main subjects: forest and forest science history, forest and landscape description, and forest management
This plan was developed to assist Alburnett with the management, budgeting and future planning of their urban forest. Across the state, forestry budgets continue to decrease with more and more of that money spent on tree removal. With the anticipated arrival of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an invasive pest that kills native ash trees, it is time to prepare for the increased costs of tree removal and replacement planting. With proper planning and management of the current canopy in Alburnett, these costs can be extended over years and public safety issues from dead and dying ash trees mitigated. Trees are an important component of Alburnett’s infrastructure and one of the greatest assets to the community. The benefits of trees are immense. Trees provide the community with improved air quality, stormwater runoff interception, energy conservation, lower traffic speeds, increased property values, reduced crime, improved mental health and create a desirable place to live, to name just a few benefits. It is essential that these benefits be maintained for the people of Alburnett and future generations through good urban forestry management. Good urban forestry management involves setting goals and developing management strategies to achieve these goals. An essential part of developing management strategies is a comprehensive public tree inventory. The inventory supplies information that will be used for maintenance, removal schedules, tree planting and budgeting. Basing actions on this information will help meet Alburnett’s urban forestry goals.