996 resultados para FRACTAL STRUCTURE


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We report the synthesis of Cd-substituted ZnO nanostructures (Zn1-xCdxO with x up to approximate to 0.09) by the high-pressure solution growth method. The synthesized nanostructures comprise nanocrystals that are both particles (similar to 10-15 nm) and rods which grow along the [002] direction as established by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Rietveld analysis of the XRD data shows a monotonic increase of the unit cell volume with the increase of Cd concentration. The optical absorption, as well as the photoluminescence (PL), shows a red shift on Cd substitution. The line width of the PL spectrum is related to the strain inhomogeneity and it peaks in the region where the CdO phase separates from the Zn1-xCdxO nanostructures. The time-resolved photoemission showed a long-lived (similar to 10 ns) component. We propose that the PL behaviour of the Zn1-xCdxO is dominated by strain in the sample with the red shift of the PL linked to the expansion of the unit cell volume on Cd substitution.


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X-ray Raman scattering and x-ray emission spectroscopies were used to study the electronic properties and phase transitions in several condensed matter systems. The experimental work, carried out at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, was complemented by theoretical calculations of the x-ray spectra and of the electronic structure. The electronic structure of MgB2 at the Fermi level is dominated by the boron σ and π bands. The high density of states provided by these bands is the key feature of the electronic structure contributing to the high critical temperature of superconductivity in MgB2. The electronic structure of MgB2 can be modified by atomic substitutions, which introduce extra electrons or holes into the bands. X ray Raman scattering was used to probe the interesting σ and π band hole states in pure and aluminum substituted MgB2. A method for determining the final state density of electron states from experimental x-ray Raman scattering spectra was examined and applied to the experimental data on both pure MgB2 and on Mg(0.83)Al(0.17)B2. The extracted final state density of electron states for the pure and aluminum substituted samples revealed clear substitution induced changes in the σ and π bands. The experimental work was supported by theoretical calculations of the electronic structure and x-ray Raman spectra. X-ray emission at the metal Kβ line was applied to the studies of pressure and temperature induced spin state transitions in transition metal oxides. The experimental studies were complemented by cluster multiplet calculations of the electronic structure and emission spectra. In LaCoO3 evidence for the appearance of an intermediate spin state was found and the presence of a pressure induced spin transition was confirmed. Pressure induced changes in the electronic structure of transition metal monoxides were studied experimentally and were analyzed using the cluster multiplet approach. The effects of hybridization, bandwidth and crystal field splitting in stabilizing the high pressure spin state were discussed. Emission spectroscopy at the Kβ line was also applied to FeCO3 and a pressure induced iron spin state transition was discovered.


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This thesis presents a novel application of x-ray Compton scattering to structural studies of molecular liquids. Systematic Compton-scattering experiments on water have been carried out with unprecedented accuracy at third-generation synchrotron-radiation laboratories. The experiments focused on temperature effects in water, the water-to-ice phase transition, quantum isotope effects, and ion hydration. The experimental data is interpreted by comparison with both model computations and ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations. Accordingly, Compton scattering is found to provide unique intra- and intermolecular structural information. This thesis thus demonstrates the complementarity of the technique to traditional real-space probes for studies on the local structure of water and, more generally, molecular liquids.


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Wood is an important material for the construction and pulping industries. Using x-ray diffraction the microfibril angle of Sitka spruce wood was studied in the first part of this thesis. Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.) is native to the west coast of North America, but due to its fast growth rate, it has also been imported to Europe. So far, its nanometre scale properties have not been systematically characterised. In this thesis the microfibril angle of Sitka spruce was shown to depend significantly on the origin of the tree in the first annual rings near the pith. Wood can be further processed to separate lignin from cellulose and hemicelluloses. Solid cellulose can act as a reducer for metal ions and it is also a porous support for nanoparticles. By chemically reducing nickel or copper in the solid cellulose support it is possible to get small nanoparticles on the surfaces of the cellulose fibres. Cellulose supported metal nanoparticles can potentially be used as environmentally friendly catalysts in organic chemistry reactions. In this thesis the size of the nickel and copper containing nanoparticles were studied using anomalous small-angle x-ray scattering and wide-angle x-ray scattering. The anomalous small-angle x-ray scattering experiments showed that the crystallite size of the copper oxide nanoparticles was the same as the size of the nanoparticles, so the nanoparticles were single crystals. The nickel containing nanoparticles were amorphous, but crystallised upon heating. The size of the nanoparticles was observed to be smaller when the reduction of nickel was done in aqueous ammonium hydrate medium compared to reduction made in aqueous solution. Lignin is typically seen as the side-product of wood industries. Lignin is the second most abundant natural polymer on Earth, and it possesses potential to be a useful material for many purposes in addition to being an energy source for the pulp mills. In this thesis, the morphology of several lignins, which were produced by different separation methods from wood, was studied using small-angle and ultra small-angle x-ray scattering. It was shown that the fractal model previously proposed for the lignin structure does not apply to most of the extracted lignin types. The only lignin to which the fractal model could be applied was kraft lignin. In aqueous solutions the average shape of the low molar mass kraft lignin particles was observed to be elongated and flat. The average shape does not necessarily correspond to the shape of the individual particles because of the polydispersity of the fraction and due to selfassociation of the particles. Lignins, and especially lignosulfonate, have many uses as dispersants, binders and emulsion stabilisers. In this thesis work the selfassociation of low molar mass lignosulfonate macromolecules was observed using small-angle x-ray scattering. By taking into account the polydispersity of the studied lignosulfonate fraction, the shape of the lignosulfonate particles was determined to be flat by fitting an oblate ellipsoidal model to the scattering intensity.


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Nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) and circular dichroism (CD) techniques have been used to probe @-turn conformations in acyclic and cyclic peptides containingPro-Xsequences. The model peptides studied are of the type Piv-Pro-X-NHMe (X = Aib, D-Ala, Gly, Val, and Leu) and Boc-Cys-Pro-X-C s NHMe (X = Aib, L-Ala, D-Ala, Gly, and Leu). In the acyclic series, observation of NOES between Pro C"H and X-NH, together with solvent and temperature dependence of NH chemical shifts, establishes a 4 - 1 hydrogen bond stabilized type I1 @-turn in the Gly, D-Ala, and Aib peptides, in CDC13 and (CD3)2S0. A positive n-r* CD band at -225-230 nm appears to be characteristic of this structure. For the acyclic Pro-Leu peptide the observation of NOE's for both Pro and Leu C"H resonances on saturation of Leu NH is compatible with a type V bend or consecutive y-turn conformation. In the cyclic disulfide series the Pro-Aib and Pro-D-Ala peptides favor type I1 @-turns, whereas all other peptides adopt type I (111) conformations. All the cyclic disulfides exhibit an intense negative CD band at -228-230 nm. The results suggest thatgeneralcorrelations between CD spectral type and specific 0-turn conformations may not be obtained. Evidence for solvent-dependent structural changes in the Pro-Aib sequence in both cyclic and acyclic peptides is presented.


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This paper presents a complete asymptotic analysis of a simple model for the evolution of the nocturnal temperature distribution on bare soil in calm clear conditions. The model is based on a simplified flux emissivity scheme that provides a nondiffusive local approximation for estimating longwave radiative cooling near ground. An examination of the various parameters involved shows that the ratio of the characteristic radiative to the diffusive timescale in the problem is of order 10(-3), and can therefore be treated as a small parameter (mu). Certain other plausible approximations and linearization lead to a new equation whose asymptotic solution as mu --> 0 can be written in closed form. Four regimes, consishttp://eprints.iisc.ernet.in/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::Edit&eprintid=27192&stage=core#tting of a transient at nominal sunset, a radiative-diffusive boundary ('Ramdas') layer on ground, a boundary layer transient and a radiative outer solution, are identified. The asymptotic solution reproduces all the qualitative features of more exact numerical simulations, including the occurrence of a lifted temperature minimum and its evolution during night, ranging from continuing growth to relatively sudden collapse of the Ramdas layer.


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The conformationally restricted CHO-L-Met-Xxx-L-Phe-OY (where Xxx = Aib, Ac3c, Ac5c, Ac6c, and Ac7c; Y = H, Me) tripeptides, analogs of the chemoattractant CHO-L-Met-L-Leu-L-Phe-OH, have been synthesized in solution by classical methods and fully characterized. Compounds were compared to determine the combined effect of backbone conformational preferences and side-chain bulkiness on the relation of three-dimensional structure to biological activity. Each peptide was tested for its ability to induce granule enzyme secretion from rabbit peritoneal polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In parallel, a conformational analysis on the CHO-blocked peptide and their tertbutyloxycarbonylated synthetic precursors was performed in the crystal state and in solution using X-ray diffraction, infrared absorption, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance. The biological and conformational data are discussed in relation to the proposed model of the chemotactic peptide receptor of rabbit neutrophils.


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Two seven-residue helical segments, Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu, were linked synthetically with an epsilon-aminocaproic acid (Acp) linker with the intention of making a stable antiparallel helix-helix motif. The crystal structure of the linked peptide Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Acp-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (1) shows the two helices displaced laterally from each other by the linker, but the linker has not folded the molecule into a close-packed antiparallel conformation. Two strong intermolecular NH...O = C hydrogen bonds are formed between the top of the lower helix of one molecule and the bottom of the upper helix in a laterally adjacent molecule to give the appearance of an extended single helix. The composite peptide with Boc and OMe end groups, C76H137N15O18.H2O, crystallize in space group P2(1) with a = 8.802 (1) angstrom, b = 20.409 (4) angstrom, c = 26.315 (3) angstrom, and beta = 90.72 (1)degrees; overall agreement R = 7.86% for 5030 observed reflections (\F(o)\ > 3-sigma(F)); resolution = 0.93 angstrom. Limited evidence for a more compact conformation in solution consistent with an antiparallel helix arrangement is obtained by comparison of the HPLC retention times and CD spectra of peptide 1 with well-characterized continuous helices of similar length and sequence.


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Theoretical studies using density functional theory are carried out to understand the electronic structure and bonding and electronic properties of elemental beta-rhombohedral boron. The calculated band structure of ideal beta-rhombohedral boron (B-105) shows valence electron deficiency and depicts metallic behavior. This is in contrast to the experimental result that it is a semiconductor. To understand this ambiguity we discuss the electronic structure and bonding of this allotrope with cluster fragment approach using our recently proposed mno rule. This helps us to comprehend in greater detail the structure of B-105 and materials which are closely related to beta-rhombohedral boron. The molecular structures B12H12-2, B28H21+1, BeB27H21, LiB27H21-1, CB27H21+2, B57H36+3, Be3B54H36, and Li2CB54H36, and corresponding solids Li8Be3B102 and Li10CB102 are arrived at using these ideas and studied using first principles density functional theory calculations.


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Crystals of Eu-(Gly-Gly-Gly).(H2O)5.(ClO4)3 are triclinic, spacegroup P1BAR with a = 9.123 (2), b = 11.185 (5), c = 11.426 (2) angstrom; alpha = 90.79 (2), beta = 98.08 (1), gamma = 98.57 (2)-degrees; Z = 2. The europium cation is surrounded by four oxygens from three different peptide units and four oxygens from water molecules. The geometry around the metal is a distorted bi-capped trigonal prism. The peptide backbone conformation in this complex is compared with those in the free peptide and in various metal complexes. Considerable differences are observed between Eu(III) and Ca(II) complexes of triglycine. (C) Munksgaard 1994.


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The dodecapeptide Boc-(Ala-Leu-Aib)(4)-OMe crystallized with two independent helical molecules in a triclinic cell. The two molecules are very similar in conformation, with a 3(10)-helix turn at the N-terminus followed by an alpha-helix, except for an elongated N(7)...O(3) distance in both molecules. All the helices in the crystal pack in a parallel motif. Eleven water sites have been found in the head-to-tail region between the apolar helices that participate in peptide-water hydrogen bonds and a network of water-water hydrogen bonds. The crystal parameters are as follows: 2(C58H104N12O15)+ca. 10H(2)O, space group P1 with a = 12.946(2), b = 17.321(3), c = 20.465(4) Angstrom, alpha = 103.12(2), beta = 105.63(2), gamma = 107.50(2)degrees, Z = 2, R = 10.9% for 5152 data observed > 3 sigma(F), resolution 1.0 Angstrom. In contrast to the shorter sequences [Karle et al. (1988)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 299-303] and Boc-(Ala-Leu-Aib)(2)-OMe [Karle et al. (1989) Biopolymers 28, 773-781], no insertion of a water molecule into the helix is observed. However, the elongated N---O distance between Ala(7) NH and Aib(3) CO in both molecules (molecule A, 3.40 Angstrom; molecule B, 3.42 Angstrom) is indicative of an incipient break in the helices. (C) Munksgaard 1994.


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Background: Malaria caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum is a major public health concern. The parasite lacks a functional tricarboxylic acid cycle, making glycolysis its sole energy source. Although parasite enzymes have been considered as potential antimalarial drug targets, little is known about their structural biology. Here we report the crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from P. falciparum at 2.2 Angstrom resolution. Results: The crystal structure of P. falciparum TIM (PfTIM), expressed in Escherichia coli, was determined by the molecular replacement method using the structure of trypanosomal TIM as the starting model. Comparison of the PfTIM structure with other TIM structures, particularly human TIM, revealed several differences, In most TIMs the residue at position 183 is a glutamate but in PtTIM it is a leucine, This leucine residue is completely exposed and together with the surrounding positively charged patch, may be responsible for binding TIM to the erythrocyte membrane. Another interesting feature is the occurrence of a cysteine residue at the dimer interface of PfTIM (Cys13), in contrast to human TIM where this residue is a methionine. Finally, residue 96 of human TIM (Ser96), which occurs near the active site, has been replaced by phenylalanine in PfTIM.


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The peptide Boc-Gly-Dpg-Gly-Gly-Dpg-Gly-NHMe (1) has been synthesized to examine the conformational preferences of Dpg residues in the context of a poor helix promoting sequence. Single crystals of 1 were obtained in the space group P21/c with a = 13.716(2) Å, b = 12.960(2) Å, c = 22.266(4) Å, and β = 98.05(1)°; R = 6.3% for 3660 data with |Fo| > 4σ. The molecular conformation in crystals revealed that the Gly(1)-Dpg(2) segment adopts φ, ψ values distorted from those expected for an ideal type II‘ β-turn (φGly(1) = +72.0°, ψGly(1) = −166.0°; φDpg(2) = −54.0°, ψDpg(2) = −46.0°) with an inserted water molecule between Boc-CO and Gly(3)NH. The Gly(3)-Gly(4) segment adopts φ, ψ values which lie broadly in the right handed helical region (φGly(3) = −78.0°, ψGly(3) = −9.0°; φGly(4) = −80.0°, ψGly(4) = −18.0°). There is a chiral reversal at Dpg(5) which takes up φ, ψ values in the left handed helical region. The Dpg(5)-Gly(6) segment closely resembles an ideal type I‘ β-turn (φDpg(5) = +56.0°, ψDpg(5) = +32.0°; φGly(6) = +85.0°, ψGly(6) = −3.0°). Molecules of both chiral senses are found in the centrosymmetric crystal. The C-terminus forms a hydrated Schellman motif, with water insertion into the potential 6 → 1 hydrogen bond between Gly(1)CO and Gly(6)NH. NMR studies in CDCl3 suggest substantial retention of the multiple turn conformation observed in crystals. In solution the observed NOEs support local helical conformation at the two Dpg residues.


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The formation of local structure, in short peptides has been probed by examining cleavage patterns and rates of proteolysis of designed sequences with a high tendency to form β-hairpin structures. Three model sequences which bear fluorescence donor and acceptor groups have been investigated: Dab-Gaba-Lys-Pro-Leu-Gly-Lys-Val-Xxx-Yyy-Glu-Val-Ala-Ala-Cys-Lys-NH2 ï EDANS Xxx-Yyy: Peptide 1=DPro-LPro, Peptide 2=DPro-Gly, Peptide 3=Leu-Ala Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) provides a convenient probe for peptide cleavage. MALDI mass spectrometry has been used to probe sites of cleavage and CD spectroscopy to access the overall backbone conformation using analog sequences, which lack strongly absorbing donor and acceptor groups. The proteases trypsin, subtilisin, collagenase, elastase, proteinase K and thermolysin were used for proteolysis and the rates of cleavage determined. Peptide 3 is the most susceptible to cleavage by all the enzymes except thermolysin, which cleaves all three peptides at comparable rates. Peptides 1 and 2 are completely resistant to the action of trypsin, suggesting that β-turn formation acts as a deterrent to proteolytic cleavage.


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The use of stereochemically constrained amino acids permits the design of short peptides as models for protein secondary structures. Amino acid residues that are restrained to a limited range of backbone torsion angles (ϕ-ψ) may be used as folding nuclei in the design of helices and β-hairpins. α-Amino-isobutyric acid (Aib) and related Cαα dialkylated residues are strong promoters of helix formation, as exemplified by a large body of experimentally determined structures of helical peptides. DPro-Xxx sequences strongly favor type II’ turn conformations, which serve to nucleate registered β-hairpin formation. Appropriately positioned DPro-Xxx segments may be used to nucleate the formation of multistranded antiparallel β-sheet structures. Mixed (α/β) secondary structures can be generated by linking rigid modules of helices and β-hairpins. The approach of using stereochemically constrained residues promotes folding by limiting the local structural space at specific residues. Several aspects of secondary structure design are outlined in this chapter, along with commonly used methods of spectroscopic characterization.