980 resultados para Expert evidence.


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We have developed a novel nanoparticle tracking based interface microrheology technique to perform in situ studies on confined complex fluids. To demonstrate the power of this technique, we show, for the first time, how in situ glass formation in polymers confined at air-water interface can be directly probed by monitoring variation of the mean square displacement of embedded nanoparticles as a function of surface density. We have further quantified the appearance of dynamic heterogeneity and hence vitrification in polymethyl methacrylate monolayers above a certain surface density, through the variation of non-Gaussian parameter of the probes. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3471584].


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Single crystal E.P.R. studies of copper as a dopant in lithium potassium sulphate, lithium ammonium sulphate and lithium sodium sulphate have been carried out from room temperature down to 77K. The three Jahn-Teller (JT) systems behave very similarly to one another. The room temperature dynamic JT spectra with giso = 2·19 ± 0·01 and Aiso = ±(33 ± 4) times 10-4 cm-1 transform around 247 K to spectra characterized by randomly frozen-in axial strains with g‖ = 2·4307 ± 0·0005, g⊥ = 2·083 ± 0·001, A‖ = ±(116 ± 2) times 10-4 cm-1 and A⊥ = ∓(14 ± 4) times 10-4 cm-1. We proposed that the low temperature phase (below 247 K) of each of these systems provides an example of a Jahn-Teller glass.


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The possible role of double valence fluctuation in both lead and oxide ions with reference to metallization in oxides of lead is examined by x-ray-photoemission spectroscopy, ultraviolet-photoemission spectroscopy (UPS), and 207Pb NMR studies. The double valence fluctuations may be viewed as Pb4++2O2-⇄Pb2+O22-. While the insulating oxides PbO, Pb3O4, and Sr2PbO4 show a single oxide ion, O2- characterized by O(1s) at 529.7 eV, the insulating peroxide BaO2 is characterized by the ion O22- with a single O(1s) at 533 eV. The metallic PbO2, BaPbO3, BaBiPbO3, and SrPbO3 showed the occurrence of both O2- and O22- ions. The valence band in these compounds has also been studied by UPS, and clear evidence for the coexistence of O2- and O22- is seen in PbO2. A simultaneous study of 207Pb NMR suggests that the Pb ion could also exist in mixed-valence states. Qualitative arguments are presented to rationalize the existence of such mixed valences of the anion in metal oxides in general and their role in superconductivity.


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This paper examines the association between corporate governance attributes and firm performance of Finnish firms during 1990 – 2000. The empirical results suggest that corporate governance matters for firm performance. First, univariate test results indicate that firms characterized by a high (efficient) level of corporate governance have delivered greater stock returns, are higher valued based on the measure of Tobin’s Q, and exhibit higher ratios of cash flow to assets, on average, in comparison to their counterparts characterized by a low (inefficient) level of corporate governance. Second, controlling for a number of well-known determinants of stock returns, we find evidence that firms categorized by inefficient corporate governance have delivered inferior returns to shareholders during the investigation period. Finally, after controlling for several common determinants of firm value, we find that firms characterized by efficient corporate governance have been valued higher during the investigation period, measured by Tobin’s Q.


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The electrical resistivity of bulk GexTe100-x glasses has been measured as a function of temperature and pressure. Under high pressure, all the glasses were found to undergo sharp discontinuous transitions from glassy semiconductors to crystalline metal. Several of the observed properties such as the transition pressure, conductivity activation energy and pre-exponential factor, exhibit anomalous trends at a composition x = 20. These results suggest that the x = 20 composition in the Ge-Te system should possess salient structural features. A model based on the unusual stability of structural units is proposed for explaining the anomaly at 20 at.% Ge concentration.


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By employing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), we have been able to establish the occurrence of charge-transfer doping in few-layer graphene covered with electron acceptor (TCNE) and donor (TTF) molecules. We have performed quantitative estimates of the extent of charge transfer in these complexes and elucidated the origin of unusual shifts of their Raman G-bands and explained the differences in the dependence of conductivity on n- and p-doping. The study unravels the cause of the apparent difference between the charge-transfer doping and electrochemical doping. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Gibbs' energy change for the reaction, 3CoO (r.s.)+1/2O2(g)→Co3O4(sp), has been measured between 730 and 1250 K using a solid state galvanic cell: Pt, CuO+Cu2O|(CaO)ZrO2|CoO+Co3O4,Pt. The emf of this cell varies nonlinearly with temperature between 1075 and 1150 K, indicating a second or higher order phase transition in Co3O4around 1120 (±20) K, associated with an entropy change of ∼43 Jmol-1K-1. The phase transition is accompanied by an anomalous increase in lattice parameter and electrical conductivity. The cubic spinel structure is retained during the transition, which is caused by the change in CO+3 ions from low spin to high spin state. The octahedral site preference energy of CO+3 ion in the high spin state has been evaluated as -24.8 kJ mol-1. This is more positive than the value for CO+2 ion (-32.9 kJ mol-1). The cation distribution therefore changes from normal to inverse side during the phase transition. The transformation is unique, coupling spin unpairing in CO+3 ion with cation rearrangement on the spinel lattice, DTA in pure oxygen revealed a small peak corresponding to the transition, which could be differentiated from the large peak due to decomposition. TGA showed that the stoichiometry of oxide is not significantly altered during the transition. The Gibbs' energy of formation of Co3O4 from CoO and O2 below and above phase transition can be represented by the equations:ΔG0=-205,685+170.79T(±200) J mol-1(730-1080 K) and ΔG0=-157,235+127.53T(±200) J mol-1(1150-1250 K).


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Ever since its initial introduction some fifty years ago, the rational expectations paradigm has dominated the way economic theory handles uncertainty. The main assertion made by John F. Muth (1961), seen by many as the father of the paradigm, is that expectations of rational economic agents should essentially be equal to the predictions of relevant economic theory, since rational agents should use information available to them in an optimal way. This assumption often has important consequences on the results and interpretations of the models where it is applied. Although the rational expectations assumption can be applied to virtually any economic theory, the focus in this thesis is on macroeconomic theories of consumption, especially the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis proposed by Robert E. Hall in 1978. The much-debated theory suggests that, assuming that agents have rational expectations on their future income, consumption decisions should follow a random walk, and the best forecast of future consumption level is the current consumption level. Then, changes in consumption are unforecastable. This thesis constructs an empirical test for the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis using Finnish Consumer Survey data as well as various Finnish macroeconomic data. The data sample covers the years 1995–2010. Consumer survey data may be interpreted to directly represent household expectations, which makes it an interesting tool for this particular test. The variable to be predicted is the growth of total household consumption expenditure. The main empirical result is that the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), a balance figure computed from the most important consumer survey responses, does have statistically significant predictive power over the change in total consumption expenditure. The history of consumption expenditure growth itself, however, fails to predict its own future values. This indicates that the CCI contains some information that the history of consumption decisions does not, and that the consumption decisions are not optimal in the theoretical context. However, when conditioned on various macroeconomic variables, the CCI loses its predictive ability. This finding suggests that the index is merely a (partial) summary of macroeconomic information, and does not contain any significant private information on consumption intentions of households not directly deductible from the objective economic variables. In conclusion, the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis is strongly rejected by the empirical results in this thesis. This result is in accordance with most earlier studies conducted on the topic.


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This thesis explores the particular framework of evidentiary assessment of three selected appellate national asylum procedures in Europe and discusses the relationship between these procedures, on the one hand, and between these procedures and other legal systems, including the EU legal order and international law, on the other. A theme running throughout the thesis is the EU strivings towards approximation of national asylum procedures and my study analyses the evidentiary assessment of national procedures with the aim of pinpointing similarities and differences, and the influences which affect these distinctions. The thesis first explores the frames construed for national evidentiary solutions by studying the object of decision-making and the impact of legal systems outside the national. Second, the study analyses the factual evidentiary assessment of three national procedures - German, Finnish and English. Thirdly, the study explores the interrelationship between these procedures and the legal systems influencing them and poses questions in relation to the strivings of EU and methods of convergence. The thesis begins by stating the framework and starting points for the research. It moves on to establish keys of comparison concerning four elements of evidentiary assessment that are of importance to any appellate asylum procedure, and that can be compared between national procedures, on the one hand, and between international, regional and national frameworks, on the other. Four keys of comparison are established: the burden of proof, demands for evidentiary robustness, the standard of proof and requirements for the methods of evidentiary assessment. These keys of comparison are then identified in three national appellate asylum procedures, and in order to come to conclusions on the evidentiary standards of the appellate asylum procedures, relevant elements of the asylum procedures in general are presented. Further, institutional, formal and procedural matters which have an impact on the evidentiary standards in the national appellate procedures are analysed. From there, the thesis moves on to establish the relationship between national evidentiary standards and the legal systems which affect them, and gives reasons for similarities and divergences. Further, the thesis studies the impact of the national frameworks on the regional and international level. Lastly, the dissertation makes a de lege ferenda survey of the relationship between EU developments, the goal of harmonization in relation to national asylum procedures and the particular feature of evidentiary standards in national appellate asylum procedures. Methodology The thesis follows legal dogmatic methods. The aim is to analyse legal norms and legal constructions and give them content and context. My study takes as its outset an understanding of the purposes for legal research also regarding evidence and asylum to determine the contents of valid law through analysis and systematization. However, as evidentiary issues traditionally are normatively vaguely defined, a strict traditional normative dogmatic approach is not applied. For the same reason a traditionalist and strict legal positivism is not applied. The dogmatics applied to the analysis of the study is supported by practical analysis. The aim is not only to reach conclusions concerning the contents of legal norms and the requirements of law, but also to study the use and practical functioning of these norms, giving them a practcial context. Further, the study relies on a comparative method. A functionalist comparative method is employed and keys of comparison are found in evidentiary standards of three selected national appellate asylum procedures. The functioning equivalences of German, Finnish and English evidentiary standards of appellate asylum procedures are compared, and they are positioned in an European and international legal setting. Research Results The thesis provides results regarding the use of evidence in national appellate asylum procedures. It is established that evidentiary solutions do indeed impact on the asylum procedure and that the results of the procedure are dependent on the evidentiary solutions made in the procedures. Variations in, amongst other things, the interpretation of the burden of proof, the applied standard of proof and the method for determining evidentiary value, are analysed. It is established that national impacts play an important role in the adaptation of national appellate procedures to external requirements. Further, it is established that the impact of national procedures on as well the international framework as on EU law varies between the studied countries, partly depending on the position of the Member State in legislative advances at the EU level. In this comparative study it is, further, established that the impact of EU requirements concerning evidentiary issues may be have positive as well as negative effects with regard to the desired harmonization. It is also concluded that harmonization using means of convergence that primaly target legal frameworks may not in all instances be optimal in relation to evidentiary standards, and that more varied and pragmatic means of convergence must be introduced in order to secure harmonization also in terms of evidence. To date, legal culture and traditions seem to prevail over direct efforts at procedural harmonization.


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The hazards associated with major accident hazard (MAN) industries are fire, explosion and toxic gas releases. Of these, toxic gas release is the worst as it has the potential to cause extensive fatalities. Qualitative and quantitative hazard analyses are essential for the identification and quantification of these hazards related to chemical industries. Fault tree analysis (FTA) is an established technique in hazard identification. This technique has the advantage of being both qualitative and quantitative, if the probabilities and frequencies of the basic events are known. This paper outlines the estimation of the probability of release of chlorine from storage and filling facility of chlor-alkali industry using FTA. An attempt has also been made to arrive at the probability of chlorine release using expert elicitation and proven fuzzy logic technique for Indian conditions. Sensitivity analysis has been done to evaluate the percentage contribution of each basic event that could lead to chlorine release. Two-dimensional fuzzy fault tree analysis (TDFFTA) has been proposed for balancing the hesitation factor involved in expert elicitation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.