999 resultados para Experimentação Animal


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The beneficial effects derived from the nutritional support in human patients and experimental animal models include the improvement of immune function, repair of wounds, answer to the treatment, time of recovery and survival. In front of these benefits, we end up alienating the nutritional needs of hospitalized patients, especially those with clinical or surgical affections threatening. The objective of the nutritional support is to indicate the importancea and the proportions of energy and nutrients that the patient can use with the maximum effectiveness. The majority of hospitalized patients do not have voluntary food intake adequate to meet even the minimal nutritional needs. It is often perceived that lack of adequate food intake, will have serious impact on the patient’s clinical outcome. The nutritional assessment will help determine which route of feeding will be the safest, most effective and best tolerated by the patient. Diet choice is based on which of the patient’s problems can and should be addressed with nutrition and the feeding access available


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A exposição experimental a vapores de solventes pela via respiratória pode ser realizada em câmaras de dois tipos: a que expõe todo o animal por imersão na atmosfera experimental e aquela em que a exposição se dá apenas pelo nariz. O sistema para exposição apenas pelo nariz, denominado de NOES- Nose Only Exposure System, tem as vantagens de utilizar menos material, ter uma atmosfera continuamente renovada, produzir exposição mais uniforme entre os animais, ser mais facilmente controlado e evitar a penetração dos solventes por outras vias. A desvantagem está no fato na restrição do tempo do experimento por provocar estresse ao animal. O projeto experimental consistiu na validação de uma câmara de exposição para ratos, do tipo NOES, dotada de 44 portas, através da avaliação da homogeneidade e da estabilidade das concentrações de voláteis na atmosfera a ser inalada, utilizando etanol combustível como agente químico para os testes. Os resultados indicaram que a variabilidade das concentrações entre os planos da câmara (portas da camada superior e inferior), entre portas de exposição e, também, entre as médias apuradas para cada tempo não diferem expressivamente entre si. Assim, pode-se considerar que o equipamento mostrou-se adequado para manter a homogeneidade e a estabilidade das concentrações durante as 6 horas de experimentação, para o etanol combustível


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During the last centuries, the human being have been considered the center of the universe. The man believed that nature was at his disposal. Appropriated their processes, their cycles changed, redefined their spaces. Today, when faced with an environmental crisis which threatens the planet life, including the human life, the Science Education can contribute to a reconstruction of man-nature relationship in other terms. The transformation of teaching practices in the school environment, to be reflective, it is still a process that challenges the vast majority of teachers. As has been indicated by Guerra (2004), among others, the traditional teaching of content delivery is still very strong and certainly more deeply embedded in ideas and activities of the teachers who focus on environmental education. With it, a theory and pedagogical discourses in critical-reflexive actions is still a major obstacle. Therefore, new proposals for education and continuing education activities need to be formulated and presented based on the characteristics and needs breathing. Therefore propose changes in the way of teaching, where there is more room for a theory and praxis alone or with a only scientific truth. The scenery of society requires that knowledge is constructed to interconnect all disciplines, joining theory and practice so we can understand the whole and their relations in an integrated manner. It was proposed here a way to build a school and applying theoretical and practical activities involving experimental and seeking to meet the principles of Environmental Education for the training of citizens aware and critical. At the same time cares to use textbooks very rich in its pedagogical character that are present in schools and often are, forgotten and unused by teachers. From this way, I chose to Experimentoteca, ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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In this work, it was studied the effects of the experimentation in the physics teaching. Beginning from the theoretic reference and discussions, the objective was prove the efficiency of researches of this nature related to two main aspects of a class: The aroused interest in the students and the facilitating action on the understanding of the theory. For such objective, using the comparison, it was chosen two distinct classes, but the more similar possible, so that, in one of them, it was showed a tradition class, lectures and in another, a class using experimentation to contemplate the theory. To manage a way to rate these aspects, it was made a conceptual questionnaire, requiring only concepts rather than mathematics and equations, besides specific interviews to rate the opinion of the student related to each method. The observations in classes and of the reactions of the students also were of a big value to analysis. After the experimental class completed, it may analyze and conclude some positive points related to experimental methods: As for the opinion of the students, the approval was big, and the majority opined to this class as being “more interesting”. On the point of view of learning, it had a sensitive improvement of grades, but with more mature answers, deep and autonomous, if looking at a general vision


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Physics governs all working patterns of the universe and could not be otherwise in a biological environment. Living things depend directly on laws and physical models to compose their body structure, allow its survival in certain environments, communication between individuals and groups and also to establish a complex sensorial system that allows interaction with the environment that surrounds them. With the advancement of science and technology, new ideas are required, and thus, many researchers began to turn their attention to those systems found in nature, as these systems often present practical solutions and with maximum efficiency. This imitation of biological systems, applied in creating innovative technological resources, is called Biomimetics. To study the biological systems based on physical concepts is essential the creation of models. These allow the distinction of the effects of the issue really essential and may be ignored side effects that do not have an effective participation in the phenomenon being analyzed. In this Work Completion of course will be studied the phenomenon of countercurrent heat exchangers, present in various situations of nature, focusing on their participation in the legs of birds, also the balance of certain birds that are supported on one leg and possible inspiration of these phenomena in the fields of engineering. Also included are videos that allow better understanding of the studied subjects


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The theme of this project is the animal world, focusing on Bauru. The magazine Bauru Animal was born from the lack of publications addressing the issue of animals under the focus of their rights in this county. The treatment we give to animals is an important ethical and moral issue that should be discussed by the press. In Bauru there is an animal protection movement, whether organized or independent people. And there are many problems about the animals. The intent of the magazine is to report the status of animals in the city, checking legislation and getting into the philosophical field: we have the right to treat animals as mere environmental and economic resource? For the preparation of the materials were performed several interviews, documented in audio files and performed with the authors' theoretical Cremilda Medina and José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy. The animal issue is cross-cutting issue that involves all traditional media editorials and allows public bodies to discuss assignments, ethical, moral and legal, the role of the citizen in society and many other issues relevant to the media


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In the pre-slaughter management of pigs there are stressors, which depending on the duration or severity, are able to alter the quality of meat. One of the factors considered critical to the welfare is the fasting period in the farm. This practice is fundamental and proven relevance in the production chain. Besides the effects on meat quality and welfare of pigs, fasting is among the main factors responsible for the incidence of skin lesions, can significantly influence the incidence of esophagogastric ulcers and is also important to avoid any contamination of carcasses by gastrointestinal contents. When fasting is done right, it has a positive impact on welfare, meat quality and conditions of welfare during the pre-slaughter management of pigs


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This work presents the results of a study on the use of experimentation in physics teaching, presenting a survey on the use of this strategy in public high schools in the region of São José dos Campos. Data collection was carried out in schools by means of questionnaires prepared for physics teachers and students from three grades of high school. Data were obtained in eighteen schools distributed in the city of São José dos Campos (two in the central region, in the west, three on the east side, seven in the north and five in the south), a school in the district of Sao Francisco Xavier and a school in the town of Monteiro Lobato. Thus, data from 20 schools, 610 students and 20 teachers were analyzed. Among the main results, we highlight that over 80% of the students said that there is no physics lab at the school where they study, and less than 1% declares that uses laboratory weekly. We note that there is a laboratory in 25% of the schools in the northern region and 10% or less of the other schools. According to the students the proposition of the experimental activities by teachers is rare - only three schools in East Side the options sometimes and always exceeded the number of responses experimental activities are never proposed. We had 60% of the teachers who reported using the curriculum of the state of São Paulo to propose activities to students, and half of the teachers said they did not have classes experimental physics classes in initial training or had them in sufficient quantity to support the use of this feature in practice


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso é composto por uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a fitase e um relatório sobre o estágio supervisionado realizado na BRF S. A. em Rio Verde/GO. A busca por medidas de sustentabilidade, e a preocupação das indústrias e granjas avícolas com o meio ambiente ligadas ao fator econômico torna a utilização da fitase cada vez mais difundida entre a avicultura moderna. O uso da suplementação enzimática com fitase nas dietas dos frangos de corte diminui a necessidade de utilizar fontes inorgânicas de fósforo, reduzindo os custos com a produção das rações. A fitase também beneficia as aves com uma maior biodisponibilidade de macro e micronutrientes, por hidrolisar o ácido fítico. A utilização da fitase pode ser um adjuvante nas dietas para frangos de corte em diferentes fases de criação, melhorando índices zootécnicos e contribuindo para a redução da poluição ambiental por reduzir elementos como o fósforo e o nitrogênio das excretas das aves


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Periodontitis is an infectious disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the periodontium, and it is mediated and modulated by the host immune system. In the presence of microorganisms or other antigens, immune cells (macrophages/monocytes, dendritic cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils), endothelial cells and fibroblasts secrete cytokines and trigger immune and inflammatory reactions. However, when synthesized at high levels, cytokines modify the pattern of cellular response, participating substantially in the development of chronic inflammatory pathologies, such as periodontal disease. Understanding the origin and progression of bone resorption is one of the primary goals of the field of periodontics, aiming to arrest the disease progression and to optimize future treatments. For this purpose, the development of experimental models is an important and necessary step before entering into clinical trials with new therapies. The purpose of this study is to characterize/evaluate the tissue changes induced by various models of experimental periodontitis through a literature review.