972 resultados para Exhibition Patrick Pound


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Much of what we know about lymphoedema is derived from studies involving cancer cohorts, in particular breast cancer. Yet even within this setting, and despite the known profound physical, social and psychological effects, our understanding of associated risk factors and effectiveness of prevention and treatment strategies is poorly studied with inconsistent results. The limitations of our current methods to detect and monitor lymphoedema contribute to our lack of understanding of this condition. Current measurement approaches applied in the clinical and research setting will be described during this presentation. The strengths, limitations and practical considerations relevant to measurement methods will also be addressed. Improving the way we detect and monitor lymphoedema is necessary and critical for advancing the lymphoedema field and is relevant for the detection and monitoring of lymphoedema in the clinic as well as in research.


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Research investigating the role of exercise in the prevention and/or management of lymphoedema is lacking. For fear of initiating or exacerbating lymphoedema, and its associated symptoms, those with lymphoedema have traditionally been cautioned against engaging in physical activity rather than encouraged to be regularly active. However, recent preliminary findings suggest that being inactive may increase risk of developing lymphedema, and that for those with lymphoedema, participation in an exercise program does not exacerbate the condition. This presentation will address why engaging in regular physical activity is important, what we know about the role of exercise with respect to lymphoedema prevention and management, and will provide some practical recommendations about becoming and staying regularly active for those with lymphoedema.


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The aetiology of secondary lymphoedema seems to be multifactorial, with acquired abnormalities as well as pre-existing conditions being contributory factors. Many characteristics bear inconsistent relationships to lymphoedema risk, and the few that are consistently associated with an increased risk of developing the condition, do not alone distinguish the at-risk population. Further, our current prevention and management recommendations are not backed by strong evidence. Consequently, there remains much to be learned about who gets it, how can it be prevented and how can we best treat it. Nonetheless, it is clear that lymphoedema is associated with adverse side effects, which have a profound impact on daily life, and that preliminary evidence suggests that early detection may lead to more effective treatment and lack of treatment may lead to progression. These represent important reasons as to why lymphoedema deserves clinical attention. However, several pragmatic issues must be considered when discussing whether a routine objective measure of lymphoedema could be integrated among the standard clinical care of those undertaking treatment for cancers known to be associated with the development of lymphoedema.


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An exhibition of drawing and sculpture that extends the artist's process of self-portraiture, applying the historical form of the portrait roundel to the crown of the head as an exclusive subject matter.


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Research has highlighted the relationship between vehicle speed and increased crash risk and severity. Evidence suggests that police speed enforcement, in particular speed camera operations, can be an effective tool for reducing traffic crashes. A quantitative survey of Queensland drivers (n = 852) was conducted to investigate the impact of police speed enforcement methods on self-reported speeding behaviour. Results indicate that visible enforcement was associated with significantly greater self-reported compliance than covert operations irrespective of the mobility of the approach, and the effects on behaviour were longer lasting. The mobility of operations appeared to be moderated the visibility of the approach. Specifically, increased mobility was associated with increase reported compliant behaviour, but only for covert operations, and increased longevity of reported compliant behaviour, but only for overt operations. The perceived effectiveness of various speed enforcement approaches are also analysed across a range of driving scenarios. Results are discussed in light of the small effect sizes. Recommendations for policy and future research are presented.


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Traffic law enforcement is based on deterrence principles, whereby drivers control their behaviour in order to avoid an undesirable sanction. For “hooning”-related driving behaviours in Queensland, the driver’s vehicle can be impounded for 48 hours, 3 months, or permanently depending on the number of previous hooning offences. It is assumed that the threat of losing something of value, their vehicle, will discourage drivers from hooning. While official data shows that the rate of repeat offending is low, an in-depth understanding of the deterrent effects of these laws should involve qualitative research with targeted drivers. A sample of 22 drivers who reported engaging in hooning behaviours participated in focus group discussions about the vehicle impoundment laws as applied to hooning offences in Queensland. The findings suggested that deterrence theory alone cannot fully explain hooning behaviour, as participants reported hooning frequently, and intended to continue doing so, despite reporting that it is likely that they will be caught, and perceiving the vehicle impoundment laws to be extremely severe. The punishment avoidance aspect of deterrence theory appears important, as well as factors over and above legal issues, particularly social influences. A concerning finding was drivers’ willingness to flee from police in order to avoid losing their vehicle permanently for a third offence, despite acknowledging risks to their own safety and that of others. This paper discusses the study findings in terms of the implications for future research directions, enforcement practices and policy development for hooning and other traffic offences for which vehicle impoundment is applied.


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The wide range of contributing factors and circumstances surrounding crashes on road curves suggest that no single intervention can prevent these crashes. This paper presents a novel methodology, based on data mining techniques, to identify contributing factors and the relationship between them. It identifies contributing factors that influence the risk of a crash. Incident records, described using free text, from a large insurance company were analysed with rough set theory. Rough set theory was used to discover dependencies among data, and reasons using the vague, uncertain and imprecise information that characterised the insurance dataset. The results show that male drivers, who are between 50 and 59 years old, driving during evening peak hours are involved with a collision, had a lowest crash risk. Drivers between 25 and 29 years old, driving from around midnight to 6 am and in a new car has the highest risk. The analysis of the most significant contributing factors on curves suggests that drivers with driving experience of 25 to 42 years, who are driving a new vehicle have the highest crash cost risk, characterised by the vehicle running off the road and hitting a tree. This research complements existing statistically based tools approach to analyse road crashes. Our data mining approach is supported with proven theory and will allow road safety practitioners to effectively understand the dependencies between contributing factors and the crash type with the view to designing tailored countermeasures.


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(-)-CGP12177 is a non-conventional partial agonist that causes modest and transient increases of contractile force in human atrial trabeculae (Kaumann and Molenaar, 2008). These effects are markedly increased and maintained by inhibition of phosphodiesterase PDE3. As verified with recombinant receptors, the cardiostimulant effect of (-)-CGP12177 is mediated through a site at the beta1-adrenoceptor with lower affinity (beta1LAR) compared to the site through which (-)-CGP12177 antagonizes the effects of catecholamines (beta1HAR). However, in a recent report it was proposed that the positive inotropic effects of CGP12177 are mediated through beta3-adrenoceptors (Skeberdis et al 2008). We therefore investigated whether the effects of (-)-CGP12177 on human atrial trabeculae are antagonized by the beta3-adrenoceptor-selective antagonist L-748,337 (1 microM). (-)-CGP12177 (200 nM) caused a stable increase in force which was significantly reduced by the addition of (-)-bupranolol (1 microM), P = 0.002, (basal 4.45 ± 0.78 mN, IBMX (PDE inhibitor) 5.47 ± 1.01 mN, (-)-CGP12177 9.34 ± 1.33 mN, (-)-bupranolol 5.79 ± 1.08 mN, n = 6) but not affected by the addition of L-748,337 (1 microM), P = 0.12, (basal 4.48 ± 1.32 mN, IBMX 7.15 ± 2.28 mN, (-)-CGP12177 12.51 ± 3.71 mN, L-748,337 10.90 ± 3.49 mN, n = 6). Cumulative concentration-effect curves for (-)-CGP12177 were not shifted to the right by L-748,337 (1 microM). The –logEC50M values of (-)-CGP12177 in the absence and presence of L-748,337 were 7.21±0.09 and 7.41±0.13, respectively (data from 25 trabeculae from 8 patients, P=0.2) The positive inotropic effects of (-)-CGP12177 (IBMX present) were not antagonized by L-748,337 but were blunted by (-)-bupranolol (1 microM). The results rule out an involvement of beta3-adrenoceptors in the positive inotropic effects (-)-CGP12177 in human right atrial myocardium and are consistent with mediation through beta1LAR. Kaumann A and Molenaar P (2008) Pharmacol Ther 118, 303-336 Skeberdis VA et al (2008) J Clin Invest, 118, 3219-3227


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‘Growing Up’ is the key concept as well as the ideology for modernism. For modernism, ‘Growing Up’ has been regarded as ‘good’, ‘advance’, ‘power’ and ‘positive’; while, postmodernists pay attention to its negatives that it brings about abuse of natural resources, war, suppression of human rights, environmental pollution, and institutionalisation. The artwork, Growing Up illustrates the positive and negative aspects of ‘Growing Up’ by using three images of a flower, a bee and a devil. The flower represents flourish of modernism, the bee does prosperity (spread) of modernism, and a devil image generated from the flower (modernism) is negative aspects of modernism. The message of the artwork is that modernism itself determines its own destiny from ‘Growing Up’ that may jeopardise the bee.


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Helvetica (connotes Swiss typeface) has been used the most widely from street signs to government campaign posters since 1957. Helvetica represents a great leap forward for modernity: clean, sans-serif, optimistic. However in history, there was a movement against Helvetica among American artists and designers since David Carson and Paula Scher indicted Helvetica as the cause of Vietnam war. Paradoxically, we celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007. Helvetica’s message it this: “you are going to get to your destination on time; your plan will not crash; your money is safe in our vault; we will not break the package; the paperwork has been filled in; everything is going to be OK” (Finlo Rohrer, Helvetica At 50, BBC News Magazine 9 May 2007). The artwork, Hell-vetica describes its characteristic of double agent for modernism and postmodernism in this contemporary era by combination of a stylised graphical form of a heart shape in red and a typographical manipulation - Hell-vetica.


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The artwork describes web as a network environment and a space where people are connected and as a result, it can reshape you as an interactive participant who is able to regenerate an object as a new form through a truly collaborative and cooperative interactions with others. The artwork has been created based on the research findings of characteristic of web: 1) Participatory (Slater 2002, p.536), 2) Communicational (Rheingold 1993), 3) Connected (Jordan 1999, 80), and 4) Stylising (Jordan 1999, 69). The artwork has conceptualised and visualised those characteristics of web based on principles of graphic design and visual communication.


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Divining the Martyr is a project developed in order to achieve the Master of Arts (Research) degree. This is composed of 70% creative work displayed in an exhibition and 30% written work contained in this exegesis. The project was developed through practice-led research in order to answer the question “In what ways can creative practice synthesize and illuminate issues of martyrdom in contemporary makeover culture?” The question is answered using a postmodern framework about martyrdom as it is manifested in contemporary society. The themes analyzed throughout this exegesis relate to concepts about sainthood and makeover culture combined with actual examples of tragic cases of cosmetic procedures. The outcomes of this project fused three elements: Mexican cultural history, Mexican (Catholic) religious traditions, and cosmetic makeover surgery. The final outcomes were a series of installations integrating contemporary and traditional interdisciplinary media, such as sound, light, x-ray technology, sculpture, video and aspects of performance. These creative works complement each other in their presentation and concept, promoting an original contribution to the theme of contemporary martyrdom in makeover culture.


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This reader in popular cultural studies meets the need for an up-to-date collection of readings on contemporary youth cultures and youth music. Table of Content: Introduction: Reading Pop(ular) Cult(ural) Stud(ie)s: Steve Redhead. Part I: Theory I:. 1. Pearls and Swine: Intellectuals and the Mass Media: Simon Frith and Jon Savage. 2. Over-the-Counter Culture: Retheorising Resistance in Popular Culture: Beverly Best. Part II: Commentaries. 3. Organised Disorder: The Changing Space of the Record Shop: Will Straw. 4. Spatial Politics: A Gendered Sense of Place: Cressida Miles. 5. Let's All Have a Disco? Football, Popular Music and Democratisation: Adam Brown. 6. Rave Culture: Living Dream or Living Death?: Simon Reynolds. 7. Fear and Lothing in Wisconsin: Sarah Champion. 8. The House Sound of Chicago: Hillegonda Rietveld. 9. Cocaine Girls: Marek Kohn. 10. In the Supermarket of Style: Ted Polhemus. 11. Love Factory: The Sites, Practices and Media Relationships of Northern Soul: Kate Milestone. 12. DJ Culture: Dave Haslam. Plates: Patrick Henry. Part III: Theory II: . 13. The Post-Subculturalist: David Muggleton. 14. Reading Pop: The Press, the Scholar and the Consequences of Popular Cultural Studies: Steve Jones. 15. Re-placing Popular Culture: Lawrence Grossberg. Index.


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This paper presents the measurements of strain and the subsequent stress analysis on an in-service cast iron water main buried in reactive soil. The results indicate that the pipe crown experienced predominantly tensile stresses during drying in summer and, subsequently, these stresses reduce, eventually leading to compressive stresses as the soil swells with increase in moisture content with the approach of winter. It is also evident that flexural movement caused by thermal stresses and soil pressure has led to downward bending of the pipe in summer and subsequent upward movement in winter. The limited data collected from pipe strains and strengths indicate that it is possible for pipe capacity to be exceeded by thermal and soil stresses leading to pipe failure, provided the pipe has undergone significant corrosion.


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The loss of valuable water resources due to pipe failure has become a major problem in Australia, especially in areas under high level of water restrictions. Generally pipe failure occurs due to a combination of physical and environmental factors. Stresses induced by shrinking and swelling of reactive soils are one of the major factors affecting the performance of buried pipes. This paper presents the details of a field instrumentation undertaken to monitor the performance of an in-service water reticulation pipe buried in a reactive soil and subjected to seasonal climatic changes.