994 resultados para Exclusive


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Research on social inclusion often focuses on social exclusion. However, in order to gain greater insights into ways to facilitate social change, it is equally important to research the social inclusion of those normally excluded. Indeed, while one important purpose of studying disabilism is to catalogue and critique all its forms, another critical purpose is to better understand how disabilism can be resisted and/or ameliorated at individual and/or societal levels. Thus, it is equally important to understand when, why and how disabilism does not negatively impact the lives of people with impairments as well as when it does. This paper presents a single case study of Lynette, a young woman with a severe visual impairment who has a life-changing experience in an inclusive environment. In particular, it explores the impact of exclusive and inclusive contexts on Lynette's identity development as she transitions to adulthood. By juxtaposing Lynette's experiences of exclusion with those of inclusion, it highlights contexts in which there is a critical mass of people with impairments living alongside able-bodied people as a possible antecedent/impetus for greater social inclusion of people with impairments in society more generally.


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In the first part of an exclusive 3-part series, Ben Eltham exposes the machinations and implications of money and mates in Queensland's arts sector. Article investigates the behind-the-scenes policy decisions inside the Queensland government that resulted in significant funding cuts to small-to-medium cultural organsations in Queensland in late 2013.


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Reminiscence-based therapies have been reliably evidenced to be an effective intervention for depression. However, to date, their use has been restricted primarily to older adults. This article reviews empirical findings related to the various functions of reminiscence and their correlates with mental health. Reminiscence-based interventions and their effectiveness are then reviewed, with a particular focus on recent evaluations of structured reminiscence-based therapies that utilize preexisting therapeutic frameworks for the treatment for depression. The exclusive use of reminiscence-based therapies with older adult populations is then challenged, and it is argued that these approaches may be useful for reducing depression symptomatology for young and middle-aged adults also. Considerations for the use of reminiscence-based therapies in these populations are discussed, and future directions for research are presented.


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Jean Baudrillard’s claim that we inhabit a transaesthetic and integral reality raises significant questions for feminists seeking to analyze how women are represented in Western media through the neoliberal guises of empowerment and choice. These questions relate to the impossibility of differentiating between feminist and antifeminist themes amid the implosive forces of a virtualized significatory and political economy. To map what a feminist-Baudrillardian approach to postfeminist media images might look like, this essay engages with current feminist theorizing about the postfeminist condition via the example of the UK reality makeover program How to Look Good Naked. In my analysis of this series, Baudrillard’s radical approach to the world “as is” illuminates some of the challenges an economy of exclusive positivity raises for the task of critical feminist inquiry. 


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This article examines the steps by which asylum and the rights of refugees were remade in France after the Liberation. The legacy of the pre-1940 period, in which exclusive practices such as legislative prohibitions on refugees, expulsion and internment were the norm, resulted in the need, after the war, to restate and reaffirm republican prin- ciples. The article will examine the ideological assumptions that lay behind the postwar asylum debate, and address why it was necessary to place asylum so firmly within republican political culture


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Wild et al present an original cost effectiveness analysis for medical surveillance for isocyanate asthma in this issue of OEM.1 The general case for surveillance for isocyanate asthma is a compelling one. Most occupational physicians, practitioners, and researchers might rightly expect that if a cost effectiveness (CE) case cannot be made for this agent, it would be hard to make a case for most others. The causal link between isocyanate exposure and asthma is well established, and more is known about the pathophysiology, natural history, long term consequences, and benefits of medical surveillance in this instance than for most other occupational exposures.A mathematical simulation model was developed based on a carefully specified set of clinical parameters, drawing from empirical studies where possible (for example, in estimating sensitisation rates ranging from 0.7% to 5.3% per year), and well qualified expert opinion otherwise (for example, in estimating the chance of removal from exposure if a patient is diagnosed versus undiagnosed). Their “state transition” model compared passive case finding to surveillance (the heart of the CE analysis question as proposed) for a theoretical population of 100 000 otherwise healthy and exposed workers, predicting their progression over 10 years across three mutually exclusive “states”: healthy and exposed; symptomatic; and disabled. This alone is an impressive and valuable piece of research, integrating a substantial body of empirical research to show that surveillance is estimated to result in 700 fewer cases of disability over 10 years compared to passive case finding. While such a modelling exercise necessarily requires numerous assumptions and simplifications, each was well articulated and defensible.


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Attacks on humans by Australian Magpies (Cracticus tibicen) are a significant human-wildlife conflict in Australia, especially in suburban environments. Remarkably little is known about the phenomenon. In this study, we explored three common hypotheses - territoriality, brood-defence and testosterone - as potential and non-exclusive explanations for aggression directed at people by Magpies living in suburban areas of Brisbane, south-eastern Queensland. The response of 10 pairs of aggressive Magpies to natural levels of human intrusion was compared with that of 10 non-aggressive pairs. Behavioural observations strongly supported the contention that attacks on humans resemble brood-defence and did not support an association with territoriality. The study also found no support for the suggestion that testosterone levels correlated with aggressiveness towards humans: male testosterone peaked immediately before laying and was significantly lower during the maximum period of attacks directed at people. Moreover, there were no differences in the testosterone levels of aggressive and non-aggressive male Magpies. The pattern of testosterone production over a breeding cycle closely resembled that of many other songbirds and appeared not to influence Magpie attacks on humans. © Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 2010.


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The practical, normative dimension of planning is a plausible source of the ‘family resemblances’ noted by a number of legal theorists between Scott Shapiro’s Planning Theory and natural law jurisprudence. Foremost among these resemblances is Shapiro’s contention that the law, necessarily, has a moral aim. The moral aim thesis is at first glance surprising given Shapiro’s intention to defend exclusive legal positivism and unequivocal rejection of what he takes to be the core commitments of natural law theory. Shapiro’s claim, however, is that although the law necessarily has a moral aim, this does not entail that it is successful in satisfying that aim. In order to assess this thesis, it is helpful to compare the Planning Theory with contemporary natural law approaches. Bringing Shapiro’s Planning Theory into dialogue with contemporary natural law theories can demonstrate some of the Planning Theory’s weaknesses as an alternative explanation of the ultimate grounds of the authoritativeness of legal norms. Some of these weaknesses, moreover, are instructive beyond the specific contours of the Planning Theory insofar as they generalise to other legal positivist approaches. In section one I consider Shapiro’s treatment of the so-called ‘Possibility Puzzle’ regarding the grounding relation between authoritative norms and legal authority. Shapiro’s denial of the capacity of earlier jurisprudential theories to resolve this puzzle overlooks what is – I suggest – a plausible solution developed by John Finnis on the basis of Joseph Raz’s theory of practical reason and norms. Section two then demonstrates why Shapiro’s attempt to combine a robust construal of the social facts thesis with a commitment to the thesis that law necessarily has a moral aim is ultimately unsuccessful.


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Large oceanic migrants play important roles in ecosystems, yet many species are of conservation concern as a result of anthropogenic threats, of which incidental capture by fisheries is frequently identified. The last large populations of the leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, occur in the Atlantic Ocean, but interactions with industrial fisheries could jeopardize recent positive population trends, making bycatch mitigation a priority. Here, we perform the first pan-Atlantic analysis of spatio-temporal distribution of the leatherback turtle and ascertain overlap with longline fishing effort. Data suggest that the Atlantic probably consists of two regional management units: northern and southern (the latter including turtles breeding in South Africa). Although turtles and fisheries show highly diverse distributions, we highlight nine areas of high susceptibility to potential bycatch (four in the northern Atlantic and five in the southern/equatorial Atlantic) that are worthy of further targeted investigation and mitigation. These are reinforced by reports of leatherback bycatch at eight of these sites. International collaborative efforts are needed, especially from nations hosting regions where susceptibility to bycatch is likely to be high within their exclusive economic zone (northern Atlantic: Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal, Spain, USA and Western Sahara; southern Atlantic: Angola, Brazil, Namibia and UK) and from nations fishing in these high-susceptibility areas, including those located in international waters.


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Background Despite good policy intentions, people with intellectual disability continue to be socially excluded. Social geographers suggest the potential of self-authored spaces as catalysts for social inclusion. One such space, self-advocacy, is commonly perceived as part of a political movement for social change rather than a vehicle for social inclusion of its members. This paper investigated what involvement in self-advocacy has meant to long-term members of a self-advocacy group in Victoria, Australia. Methods In-depth interviews were conducted with 12 self-advocates about their reflections on involvement in the group. These data together with the commentary of 5 self-advocates during interviews with 18 self-advocacy supporters about their recollections of involvement in the group were transcribed and analysed thematically. Findings Through their involvement in self-advocacy, members of the group had gained a sense of belonging, social connections, and purposeful occupation, which included paid project work, lobbying, and organisational leadership and management. Conclusions This study suggests that self-advocacy groups can be places that foster social inclusion, potentially offering “membership” of an exclusive group, a wider social movement and of mainstream society.


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Synthesis and complete characterization of some ester functionalized vinylic tellurides bearing an aryl ligand with varying steric and electronic effects bound to tellurium is described. Hydrotelluration of methyl propiolate using Ar2Te2/NaBH4 in methanol results in a mixture of stereoisomers of methyl β-(aryltelluro)acrylates, ArTeCH[double bond, length as m-dash]CHCOOMe (Ar = 4-MeOC6H4, 1A; 1-C10H7, 2A; 2,4,6-Me3C6H2, 3A; C5H5FeC5H4, 4A; 4-Me2NC6H4, 5A; and 2-C4H3S, 6A). The same reaction in ethanol provides isomeric mixtures of the ethyl esters ArTeCH[double bond, length as m-dash]CHCOOEt (1B–6B). However, in the reactions between methyl propiolate and Ar2Te2 (Ar = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2, 4-Me2NC6H4) in isopropanol or t-butanol, no exchange of alkyl groups between the parent ester and the solvent is observed, instead detelluration of the Ar2Te2 to Ar2Te is a competing reaction along with almost exclusive formation of the (Z)-isomers (3Aa, 5Aa). The geometry of the separated stereoisomers is established in solution, with the help of 1H, 13C and 125Te NMR spectrometry. Of particular interest is the observation that 125Te chemical shifts {deshielded in (Z) compared to (E); Δδ = 106–136 ppm} and the geminal heteronuclear coupling constants {2J(1H–125Te) values for (E) are more than seven times that of the corresponding (Z) isomer} can be used to distinguish between liquid isomers. Structural characterization in the solid state by single-crystal X-ray diffraction for the 2Ba, 3Aa, 3Ba, 5Aa, 8 (Z)-isomers as well as for both stereoisomers of 4-Me2NC6H4TeCH[double bond, length as m-dash]CHCOOEt (5Ba and 5Bb) is also presented. The carbonyl O atom of the ester group is invariably involved, at least in the solid state, in a secondary bonding interaction with the Te(II) atom. While an intermolecular Te⋯O interaction gives rise to one-dimensional supramolecular arrays in the crystal lattice of 5Bb with (E) configuration, it is realized intramolecularly in the case of the (Z)-isomers due to the cis position of the chalcogen atoms.


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We analyze the quality (informativeness and efficiency) of advice obtained from a committee of careerist experts where voting is secret but voting profiles are ‘leaked’ with an exogenously given probability. We show that fully informative voting is achievable only when the common prior is not too informative, the committee uses the unanimity rule and faces random leakage. It is then shown that informativeness and efficiency are mutually exclusive properties of committees with careerist experts.


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In an evolutionary model, players from a given population meet randomly in pairs each instant to play a coordination game. At each instant, the learning model used is determined via some replicator dynamics that respects payoff fitness. We allow for two such models: a belief-based best-response model that uses a costly predictor, and a costless reinforcement-based one. This generates dynamics over the choice of learning models and the consequent choices of endogenous variables. We report conditions under which the long run outcomes are efficient (or inefficient) and they support the exclusive use of either of the models (or their co-existence).


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This paper sets out an ambitious critique of contemporary political scientists, political historians and others concerned with the history of democracy. It argues that overwhelmingly the history of democracy relies on an overtly Eurocentric narrative that emphasizes the keystone moments of Western civilization. According to this narrative, democracy has a clear trajectory that can be traced from ancient experiments with participatory government in Greece and to a lesser extent in Rome, through the development of the British parliament, the American Declaration of Independence and the French Revolution, and then finally onto the triumphant march of the liberal model of democracy across the globe over the last 200 years, particularly under Western tutelage. Histories of democracy that focus exclusively on these events not only privilege Europe and its successful colonies, but also miss the broader human story of the struggle for and achievement of democracy.This presents us with a distinct challenge. For those whose heritage does not include a direct link to Greek assemblies, the American Congress or the French Revolution, the ‘standard history of democracy’ provides a distant and exclusive narrative, which limits one’s ability to embrace democracy. This paper concludes by noting that, as democracy spreads out across the world today, political scientists not only need to break down the intellectual orthodoxy that democracy has exclusively Western roots, but also to embrace a more global view of democracy as a political practise that has been present at various times and in sometimes unfamiliar ways in the complex histories and rich cultural traditions of most of the people of the earth.