950 resultados para Ewing, Finis, 1773-1841.


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The active structural component of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) is the top plate which vibrates under the influence of a time-varying electrostatic force thereby producing ultrasound waves of the desired frequency in the surrounding medium. Analysis of MEMS devices which rely on electrostatic actuation is complicated due to the fact that the structural deformations alter the electrostatic forces, which redistribute and modify the applied loads. Hence, it becomes imperative to consider the electrostatics-structure coupling aspect in the design of these devices. This paper presents an approximate analytical solution for the static deflection of a thin, clamped circular plate caused by electrostatic forces which are inherently nonlinear. Traditionally, finite element simulations using some commercial software such as ANSYS are employed to determine the structural deflections caused by electrostatic forces. Since the structural deformation alters the electrostatic field, a coupled-field simulation is required wherein the electrostatic mesh is continuously updated to coincide with the deflection of the structure. Such simulations are extremely time consuming, in addition to being nontransparent and somewhat hard to implement. We employ the classical thin-plate theory which is adequate when the ratio of the diameter to thickness of the plate is very large, a situation commonly prevalent in many MEMS devices, especially the CMUTs. We solve the thin-plate electrostatic-elastic equation using the Galerkin-weighted residual technique, under the assumption that the deflections are small in comparison to the thickness of the plate. The evaluation of the electrostatic force between the two plates is simplified due to the fact that the electrostatic gap is much smaller than the lateral dimensions of the device. The results obtained are compared to those found from ANSYS simulations and an excellent agreement is observed between the two. The pull-in voltage predicted by our model is close to the value predicted by ANSYS simulations.


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The proton second moment M2 and spin-lattice relaxation time T1 have been measured in ammonium tribromo stannate (NH4SnBr3) in the temperature range 77–300 K, to determine the ammonium dynamics. The continuous wave signal is strong and narrow at 77 and 300 K but has revealed an interesting intensity anomaly between 210 and 125 K. T1 shows a maximum (13 s) around 220 K. No minimum in the T1 vs 1000/T plot was observed down to 77 K. M2 and T1 results are interpreted in terms of NH+4 ion dynamics. The activation energy Ea for NH+4 ion reorientation is estimated to be 1.4 kcal mol−1.


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Effektutvärdering inom företagandeutbildning är ett forskningsfält som karakteriseras av brist på modeller ifråga om utvärdering. De få och hittills existerande utvärderingsmodellerna verkar ha förbisett de pedagogiska variablerna såsom utbildningens innehåll och metoder. Därför har det varit problematiskt att beskriva företagandeutbildningen i högskolor och analysera hur företagandeutbildningen bidrar till studerandes inlärning och deras förmåga att utnyttja kunskapen i näringslivet. Avhandlingen som är en deduktiv studie granskar den tidigare forskningen på området och förespråkar en tvärvetenskaplig ansats vid mätning och presentation aveffekter inom företagandeutbildning. Den nya modellen, ROEE-modellen, bidrar till teoribildningen om lärandets ”vad” och lärandets ”hur” inom företagandeutbildningen. En av de första teorierna om inlärning (Herbart 1776-1841) och Kirkpatricks (1998) fyra-stegs modell för kursutvärdering byggs ut med en ny referensram baserad på examensutbildning inom företagande. En intressant aspekt metodmässigt utgör att försöksplanering och diagnostik inom medicinens område tillämpas på företagandeutbildningen. Avhandlingen visar att variabeln innehåll i företagandeutbildningen inom examensutbildning har en klar koppling till beteendet. Ett välavvägt innehåll kan utnyttjas i arbetslivet såväl av entreprenören som av intraprenören. Vid metodval i undervisningen visar den empiriska undersökningen att variation i metoder ger de positivaste upplevelserna.


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Strontium-doped lanthanum chromites, La1−xSrxCrO3, have been synthesised to investigate the effect of strontium doping on the stability and physico-chemical characteristics of the perovskite LaCrO3. Both microscopic and X-ray examinations show that the materials exist as single phase perovskite structure for all compositions up to 50 mole% strontium substitution. The materials have been further characterized by infrared and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. These materials show a good sinterability even in air at 1773 K. Electrical conductivity of thse perovskites has been measured as a function of temperature. Electrical conductivity has been found to be a maximum at x=0.2. The observed electrical and magnetic properties are consistent with activated polaron transport as the mechanism for electrical conduction in these materials.


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A new postcracking formulation for concrete, along with both implicit and explicit layering procedures, is used in the analysis of reinforced-concrete (RC) flexural and torsional elements. The postcracking formulation accounts for tension stiffening in concrete along the rebar directions, compression softening in cracked concrete based on either stresses or strains, and aggregate interlock based on crack-confining normal stresses. Transverse shear stresses computed using the layering procedures are included in material model considerations that permit the development of inclined cracks through the RC cross section. Examples of a beam analyzed by both the layering techniques, a torsional element, and a column-slab connection region analyzed by the implicit layering procedure are presented here. The study highlights the primary advantages and disadvantages of each layering approach, identifying the class of problems where the application of either procedure is more suitable.


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Structural transformation and ionic transport properties are investigated on wet-chemically synthesized La1-xMnO3 (X=0.0-0.18) compositions. Powders annealed in oxygen/air at 1000-1080 K exhibit cubic symmetry and transform to rhombohedral on annealing at 1173-1573 K in air/oxygen. Annealing above 1773 K in air or in argon/helium at 1473 K stabilized distorted rhombohedral or orthorhombic symmetry. Structural transformations are confirmed from XRD and TEM studies. The total conductivity of sintered disks, measured by four-probe technique, ranges from 5 S cm(-1) at 298 K to 105 S cm(-1) at 1273 K. The ionic conductivity measured by blocking electrode technique ranges from 1.0X10(-6) S cm(-1) at 700 K to 2.0X10(-3) S cm(-1) at 1273 K. The ionic transference number of these compositions ranges from 3.0X10(-5) to 5.0X10(-5) at 1273 K. The activation energy deduced from experimental data for ionic conduction and ionic migration is 1.03-1.10 and 0.80-1.00 eV, respectively. The activation energy of formation, association and migration of vacancies ranges from 1.07 to 1.44 eV. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A central scheduling problem in wireless communications is that of allocating resources to one of many mobile stations that have a common radio channel. Much attention has been given to the design of efficient and fair scheduling schemes that are centrally controlled by a base station (BS) whose decisions depend on the channel conditions reported by each mobile. The BS is the only entity taking decisions in this framework. The decisions are based on the reports of mobiles on their radio channel conditions. In this paper, we study the scheduling problem from a game-theoretic perspective in which some of the mobiles may be noncooperative or strategic, and may not necessarily report their true channel conditions. We model this situation as a signaling game and study its equilibria. We demonstrate that the only Perfect Bayesian Equilibria (PBE) of the signaling game are of the babbling type: the noncooperative mobiles send signals independent of their channel states, the BS simply ignores them, and allocates channels based only on the prior information on the channel statistics. We then propose various approaches to enforce truthful signaling of the radio channel conditions: a pricing approach, an approach based on some knowledge of the mobiles' policies, and an approach that replaces this knowledge by a stochastic approximations approach that combines estimation and control. We further identify other equilibria that involve non-truthful signaling.


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This paper presents studies on the use of carbon nanotubes dispersed in an insulating fluid to serve as an automaton for healing open-circuit interconnect faults in integrated circuits. The physics behind the repair mechanism is the electric-field-induced diffusion limited aggregation. On the occurrence of an open fault, the repair is automatically triggered due to the presence of an electric field across the gap. We perform studies on the repair time as a function of the electric field and dispersion concentrations with the above application in mind.


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This work presents micro-actuation of atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilevers using piezoelectric Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin film. In tapping mode AFM, the cantilever is driven near its resonant frequency by an external oscillator such as piezotube or stack of piezoelectric material. Use of integrated piezoelectric thin film for AFM cantilever eliminates the problems like inaccurate tuning and unwanted vibration modes. In this work, silicon AFM cantilevers were sputter deposited with ZnO piezoelectric film along with top and bottom metallic electrodes. The self-excitation of the ZnO coated AFM cantilever was studied using Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV). At its resonant frequency (227.11 kHz), the cantilever displacement varies linearly with applied excitation voltage. We observed an increase in the actuation response (131nm/V) due to improved quality of ZnO films deposited at 200 degrees C.


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In order to survive and replicate in a variety of stressful conditions during its life cycle, Mycobacteriumtuberculosis must possess mechanisms to safeguard the integrity of the genome. Although DNA repair and recombination related genes are thought to play key roles in the repair of damaged DNA in all organisms, so far only a few of them have been functionally characterized in the tubercle bacillus. In this study, we show that M.tuberculosis RecG (MtRecG) expression was induced in response to different genotoxic agents. Strikingly, expression of MtRecG in Escherichiacoli recG mutant strain provided protection against mitomycin C, methyl methane sulfonate and UV induced cell death. Purified MtRecG exhibited higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction (HJ) compared with a number of canonical recombinational DNA repair intermediates. Notably, although MtRecG binds at the core of the mobile and immobile HJs, and with higher binding affinity for the immobile HJ, branch migration was evident only in the case of the mobile HJ. Furthermore, immobile HJs stimulate MtRecG ATPase activity less efficiently than mobile HJs. In addition to HJ substrates, MtRecG exhibited binding affinity for a variety of branched DNA structures including three-way junctions, replication forks, flap structures, forked duplex and a D-loop structure, but demonstrated strong unwinding activity on replication fork and flap DNA structures. Together, these results support that MtRecG plays an important role in processes related to DNA metabolism under normal as well as stress conditions.


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Aerosol absorption is poorly quantified because of the lack of adequate measurements. It has been shown that the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard EOS-Aura and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard EOS-Aqua, which fly in formation as part of the A-train, provide an excellent opportunity to improve the accuracy of aerosol retrievals. Here, we follow a multi-satellite approach to estimate the regional distribution of aerosol absorption over continental India for the first time. Annually and regionally averaged aerosol single-scattering albedo over the Indian landmass is estimated as 0.94 +/- 0.03. Our study demonstrates the potential of multi-satellite data analysis to improve the accuracy of retrieval of aerosol absorption over land.


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In this work, possibility of simulating biological organs in realtime using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) is investigated. Biological organs are assumed to follow linear elastostatic material behavior, and constant boundary element is the element type used. First, a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is used to speed up the BEM computations to achieve the realtime performance. Next, instead of the GPU, a computer cluster is used. Results indicate that BEM is fast enough to provide for realtime graphics if biological organs are assumed to follow linear elastostatic material behavior. Although the present work does not conduct any simulation using nonlinear material models, results from using the linear elastostatic material model imply that it would be difficult to obtain realtime performance if highly nonlinear material models that properly characterize biological organs are used. Although the use of BEM for the simulation of biological organs is not new, the results presented in the present study are not found elsewhere in the literature.


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Using isothermal equilibration, phase relations are established in the system Sm-Rh-O at 1273 K. SmRhO3 with GdFeO3-type perovskite structure is found to be the only ternary phase. Solid-state electrochemical cells, containing calcia-stabilized zirconia as an electrolyte, are used to measure the thermodynamic properties of SmRhO3 formed from their binary component oxides Rh2O3 (ortho) and Sm2O3 (C-type and B-type) in two different temperature ranges. Results suggest that C-type Sm2O3 with cubic structure transforms to B-type Sm2O3 with monoclinic structure at 1110 K. The standard Gibbs energy of transformation is . Standard Gibbs energy of formation of SmRhO3 from binary component oxides Rh2O3 and Sm2O3 with B-type rare earth oxide structure can be expressed as . The decomposition temperature of SmRhO3 estimated from the extrapolation of electrochemical data is 1665 (+/- 2) K in air and 1773 (+/- 3) K in pure oxygen. Temperature-composition diagrams at constant oxygen pressures are constructed for the system Sm-Rh-O. Employing the thermodynamic data for SmRhO3 from emf measurement and auxiliary data for other phases from the literature, oxygen potential-composition phase diagram and 3-D chemical potential diagram for the system Sm-Rh-O at 1273 K are developed.


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A comprehensive strength monitoring system used on a fixed jacket platform is presented in this paper. The long-term monitoring of W-11-4A platform achieved. Structural responses (strain and acceleration) at selected locations, as well as associated environmental parameters, have been obtained. The emphasis of the paper is placed on the system design, and the instrumentation and operation methodology employed in the monitoring of the structural responses. The performance of the system and the characteristic results obtained during its 13-month operation are also summarized.


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Multiscale coupling attracts broad interests from mechanics, physics and chemistry to biology. The diversity and coupling of physics at different scales are two essential features of multiscale problems in far-from-equilibrium systems. The two features present fundamental difficulties and are great challenges to multiscale modeling and simulation. The theory of dynamical system and statistical mechanics provide fundamental tools for the multiscale coupling problems. The paper presents some closed multiscale formulations, e.g., the mapping closure approximation, multiscale large-eddy simulation and statistical mesoscopic damage mechanics, for two typical multiscale coupling problems in mechanics, that is, turbulence in fluids and failure in solids. It is pointed that developing a tractable, closed nonequilibrium statistical theory may be an effective approach to deal with the multiscale coupling problems. Some common characteristics of the statistical theory are discussed.