990 resultados para Eucalyptus Grandis
The data mining of Eucalyptus ESTs genome finds four clusters (EGCEST2257E11.g, EGBGRT3213F11.g, and EGCCFB1223H11.g) from highly conservative 14-3-3 protein family which modulates a wide variety of cellular processes. Multiple alignments were built from twenty four sequences of 14-3-3 proteins searched into the GenBank databases and into the four pools of Eucalyptus genome programs. The alignment has shown two regions highly conservative on the sequences corresponding to the motifs of protein phosphorylation and nine highly conservative regions on the sequence corresponding to the linkage regions of alpha helices structure based on three dimensional of dimer functional structure. The differences of amino acid into the structural and functional domains of 14-3-3 plant protein were identified and can explain the functional diversity of different isoforms. The phylogenic protein trees were built by the maximum parsimony and neighborjoining procedures of Clustal X alignments and PAUP software for phylogenic analysis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Alkalophilic Bacillus licheniformis 77-2 produced an extracellular alkali-tolerant xylanase with negligible cellulase activity in medium containing corn straw. The effectiveness of crude xylanase on treatment of eucalyptus Kraft pulp was evaluated. A biobleaching experiment was carried out to compare the chlorine saving with pulp treated and untreated by the enzyme. Two-stage bleaching was employed, using a ClO2 chlorination and NaOH extraction (DE sequence). With the enzymatic treatment, in order to obtain the same value of Kappa number and brightness, respectively 28.5 and 30% less ClO2 was required in comparison to the enzymatically untreated samples.
Em dois povoamentos Pinus taeda e Eucalyptus citriodora de 20 e 24 anos de idade respectivamente situados em um solo podzólico vermelho amarelo variação Laras no Município de Piracicaba, SP (22°43' lat. S, 47° 38' long. W a 580 m de altitude, preciptação média anual de 1.170 mm), foram coletadas amostras de solo, folhas e manta orgânica. Para um melhor conhecimento da mobilidade dos nutrientes as amostras foram divididas em: folhas novas, maduras e velhas, manta superior e inferior, solo superficial (0 - 10 cm) e sub superficial (10 - 20 cm). Determinaram os teores dos elementos, contidos na matéria seca e no solo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram avaliadas três formas de parcelas experimentais (retangular, uma linha - linear e parcela de uma árvore - STP) em testes clonais de Eucalyptus spp, utilizando-se três experimentos, cada um com 18 clones. Foram usados três modelos de análise (mínimos quadrados ordinários - ANOVA tradicional, modelos mistos com fator clone fixo ou com fator clone aleatório - REML/BLUP). Os dois primeiros modelos apresentaram resultados similares. Com REML/BLUP houve estreitamento das predições em relação às amplitudes obtidas com as médias, e essa redução foi proporcionalmente maior com parcelas retangulares e STP. O ordenamento dos clones também foi similar com esses dois tipos de parcelas. É provável que com parcelas STP haja um balanço compensatório das alocompetições, pois se pode trabalhar com maior número de repetições e menor custo. Portanto, com parcelas STP haverá economia de recursos e sem prejuízos para o Programa de Melhoramento Florestal.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a atratividade do bicudo do algodoeiro ao seu feromônio de agregação em período de inverno. Foram utilizados dois campos experimentais no município de Casa Branca, SP. em cada um destes, foram estabelecidas três áreas separadas de aproximadamente 500 metros, sempre próximas à vegetação de refúgio. Cada área foi dividida em três sub-áreas ou blocos de 100 m² para receber a aplicação do feromônio (2,5 g por bloco). Foi realizada uma contagem de bicudos adultos no solo antes, e mais cinco após a aplicação de feromônio. em cada bloco, foram observadas dez parcelas aleatórias, para a avaliação dos bicudos. Os adultos de A. grandis foram atraídos imediatamente após a aplicação do feromônio, sendo capturados por mais de 14 dias após. O índice mais elevado de atração foi observado 24 horas após a aplicação. A utilização do feromônio de agregação durante o inverno, pode aumentar a ação reguladora exercida pelos inimigos naturais, devido ao aumento de disponibilidade de presas. Controle químico pode ser recomendado 24 horas após a aplicação de feromônio em pequenas parcelas, como uma estratégia para a supressão de adultos de Anthonomus grandis em período de entressafra.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Eucalyptus breeding is typically conducted by selection in open-pollinated progenies. As mating is controlled only on the female side of the cross, knowledge of outcrossing versus selling rates is essential for maintaining adequate levels of genetic variability for continuous gains. Outcrossing rate in an open-pollinated breeding population of Eucalyptus urophylla was estimated by two PCR-based dominant marker technologies, RAPD and AFLP, using 11 open-pollinated progeny arrays of 24 individuals. Estimated outcrossing rates indicate predominant outcrossing and suggest maintenance of adequate genetic variability within families. The multilcous outcrossing rate (t(m)) estimated from RAPD markers (0.93 +/- 0.027), although in the same range, was higher (alpha > 0.01) than the estimate based on AFLP (0.89 +/- 0.033). Both estimates were of similar magnitude to those estimated for natural populations using isozymes. The estimated Wright's fixation index was lower than expected based on t, possibly resulting from selection against selfed seedlings when sampling plants for the study. An empirical analysis suggests that 18 is the minimum number of dominant marker loci necessary to achieve robust estimates of t,. This study demonstrates the usefulness of dominant markers, both RAPD and AFLP, for estimating the outcrossing rate in breeding and natural populations of forest trees. We anticipate an increasing use of such PCR-based technologies in mating-system studies, in view of their high throughput and universality of the reagents, particularly for species where isozyme systems have not yet been optimized.
We present a non-radioactive alternative to Southern's (J. Mol. Biol. 98: 503-517, 1975) DNA-DNA hybridization technique. The use of AMPPD - Disodium 3-(4-Methoxyspiro {1,2-dioxetane-3,2'tricyclo[,7)]decan}-4-yl)phyenyl phosphate as an alternative substrate for AP-mediated detection of digoxigenin-11 dUTP-labeled probes made possible the simple and nonhazardous reuse of blots. We used 0.8 % agarose gels containing 30 mug per lane of Eucalyptus saligna DNA, digested with Eco RI, electrophoresed and blotted on to nylon membranes (Hybond-N, Amersham, UK), using the Southern blotting procedure, and UV irradiated for one minute for DNA fixation. The hybridizations were carried out overnight with digoxigenin labeled random inserts of E. saligna DNA by using the Genius Kit (Boehringer Mannheim). Detection of the DNA-DNA hybrids was performed in the presence of 0.5% blocking agent and the substrates NBT/BCIP were replaced by 0.26 mM AMPPD in the final alkaline assay buffer (50 mul/cm2). After membrane incubation for five minutes at room temperature in a sealed plastic bag, the AMPPD solution was retrieved and stored at 4-degrees-C for reuse. A Kodak X-BRAF QA-S film was pressed firmly onto the bag containing the wet membrane, exposed for two to six hours and then developed. After use, the probes were stripped off and the blots reutilized, three times so far, with the same results.
This study evaluates the potential of ants as natural biological control agents of the boil weevil (Anthonomus grandis), during the between-season period, in South-east Brazil. Active adults of Anthonomus were experimentally distributed on the ground of the cotton field. Results show that 20% of the adult Anthonomus are attacked and removed by foraging ants. The native ant Pheidole oliveirai was by far the most efficient predator, accounting for 94% of the predation on Anthonomus. Recruited workers of P. oliveirai were usually very fast at transporting the weevils to their nests. The potential benefit of suppressing overwintering adult Anthonomus during the between-season period is mainly that of reducing the risk of high level infestations during the next cropping cycle.
Morphological and anatomical aspccts of secds and seedlings of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook and E. maculara Hook were studied in detail and faund to be e.xtremely similar. However. the external characteristics of the secd. the secd coat anatomy and sorne features of the scedlings appeared to be very useful in the identificatian of these two economica11y important species.