996 resultados para Espiritualidade feminina


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this paper the figure of Alice from the book Alice in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll will be analyzed from Tim Burton’s sight in the adaptation for the movies (2010), noticing his analysis of a Victorian argument and his emphasis to a construction of a heroine with a characterization in the female pattern at the present time, considering the structures of the unconsciousness that allowed the character to obtain the wisdom, courage and the capacity to decide its own destiny.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Studies on learning by exclusion have shown that participants tend to select a new object or a new figure when a new word is dictated, rejecting the objects and figures they already know or that were associated with other words. This study aimed at training conditional relations between dictated word-picture and between picture-printed word, by exclusion, and verify whether this training would be a condition for the emergence of relations between dictated word-printed word, printed word-figure, picture naming and reading. We also investigated whether responding to the words dictated with a female voice generalized to other frequencies such as male and child voices. Participants were five children between five and nine years old, with acute neurosensorial bilateral hearing impairment, users of cochlear implant Nucleus 24k®. They were exposed, individually, to tasks that consisted in selecting a comparison stimulus (either picture or printed word) related to the sample (either dictated word or picture). Words with lowest scores on a pre-test were used. The relations between dictated word-figure (AB) and figure-printed word (BC) were taught by exclusion. We assessed the emergence of the relations between dictated and printed words (AC), printed word and picture (CB), male and child voices generalization (A’C and A’’C), naming (BD) and reading (CD). All the children responded by exclusion and learned relations AB and BC, showing receptive vocabulary; AC and CB relations also were learned, consistent with class formation. Responding generalized to male and child voices, but data on naming were not systematic. Learning by exclusion was similar to that of children with typical hearing and these results describe some conditions that can improve receptive verbal repertoire.


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Brazil was one of the four countries of Latin America to be elected in this century, the first time a woman for president. But does the fact of having a woman in the highest office of the Republic reflects the reality of women's political participation in Brazil? And how will the female representation in the media of the country? To answer these questions, this article is a literature review of these topics, showing that, despite having a woman in the highest office of the Republic, women's political participation and their representation in the media is lagging behind.


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This paper presents the integrated sports marketing to female rugby management in Brazil and analyzes the strategies used to popularize this sport. The Brazilian Confederation of Rugby in 2011 developed a strategic planning with the objective of restructuring mode and has been using sports marketing concepts to promote rugby, aiming its growth, both in numbers of practitioners, as supporters and fans. To perform the proposed objective was conducted a survey exploratory on the rugby modality that will be present at the Olympic Games in 2016. We analyze also the history of women's Rugby Team and the tools of marketing and sportive management used by the Confederation. At the end is a study of the strategies of sports management female rugby in Brazil, taking into consideration also the gender issue, especially the obstacles women face athletes in a sport that is blended with the virility and strength male.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Crohn’s disease is a chronic infl ammatory bowel disease with segmental transmural infl ammation, which complicate with formation of fi stulas and abscesses. The hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is characterized by recurrent abscesses, with a predilection for areas rich in apocrine glands such as the axillary, inguinal and perineal. The differential diagnosis between these diseases is diffi cult and may compromise treatment. Report case: C.R.M.A., 40 year-old, female, white, ileal and colonic Crohn’s disease complicated with perianal and rectovaginal fi stula for 12 years, treated with biological therapy since May 2010. In Sep/2010 presented with an abscess in the buttock D with purulent discharge refractory to the use of ciprofl oxacin and metronidazole. USG: collection of 30 cm3 in buttock D. The diagnosis was HS and the patient underwent extensive surgical removal of the affected areas (10 x 2 cm) with healing by secondary intention. Skin graft performed unsuccessfully in Dec/2010. The patient returned in jan/2011 with a new fi stula at the site of resection, consistent with Crohn’s disease. In fev/2011 underwent drainage of abscesses and placement of setons in perianal fi stulas. Currently in therapy with good biological evolution of fi stulas. The prevalence of HS varies from 0.3 to 4% of the population in general. The axilla is the region most affected and perianal lesions are associated with greater weakness. There are published reports of association between HS and Crohn’s disease sporadically and further studies are needed to assess a common pathogenesis. The differential diagnosis should be performed in all cases planning immediate treatment, avoiding complications and worsening of the patient’s quality of life.


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Contexto:A tinha incógnita é infecção fúngica cutânea causada por dermatófito e agravada por tratamento incorreto. Os principais medica-mentos envolvidos são os corticosteroides tópicos, sistêmicos e aplicação tópica de imunomodulador. Nessa enfermidade, as lesões perdemo formato anular ou circinado típico com atividade clínica periférica, manifestando-se clinicamente como máculaseritemato-descamativascom pústulas ou placas e nódulos eritematosos infiltrados, mimetizando diversas doenças cutâneas.Descrição do caso:Relatamos o casode paciente feminina, de sete anos de idade, caucasiana, com lesões eritemato-descamativas pustulosas e história clínica dedois meses.Foi tratada previamente com antibióticos (cefalexina via oral), corticosteroides tópico e injetável, com piora progressiva do quadro. Estabe-leceu-se o diagnóstico de tinha incógnita pelo exame clínico e micológico direto. Houve cura das lesões após tratamento com terbinafina viaoral, 125 mg/dia, e antimicótico tópico por oito semanas.Conclusões:A tinha incógnita, pela apresentação clínica atípica, requer atenção.Assim, o médico deve conhecê-la e pesquisar os fungos dermatófitos em lesões cutâneas faciais com distribuição atípica, recalcitrantes elocalizadas muitas vezes no couro cabeludo.Palavras-chave:Tinha do couro cabeludo, tinha, micoses, fungos, corticosteroides


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Purpose: to review literature, highlighting current aspects of maternal mortality.  Method: research initiated through electronic data base PubMed [http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed], limited to the last 10 years. The selected cases which related to pre-defined aspects of interest to the study, such as vulnerable population, risk factors, causes, difficulties in obtaining data, preventive measures e new approaches to the problem, among them, ‘near misses’ and severe maternal morbidity.  Results: maternal death is directly related to the quality of life of the population, with relevant disparities among the different social economic areas. Although maternal mortality is the proper indicator to the female population health, its numbers are presented in unrealistic manners due to the difficulties in identifying the cases through death certificates. Preventive measures associated to early and adequate diagnose and treatment are benefic factors in decreasing those maternal deaths. Apart from these, identification and classification of ‘near misses’ and maternal morbidity are featured in the contemporary approach to the issue.  Final considerations: In spite of advanced technology and recognition of preventive measures, a large number of women die daily due to complications in the pregnancy and puerperal cycle. To decrease such tragedy political, social and economical commitment to Health is necessary, in order to promote the needed reforms in the assistance of such cycle.


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Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate physical and sexual development and reproductive physiology in female rat offspring that developed in hyperglycemia conditions in utero and during lactation. Materials and methods: Maternal diabetes was induced in female rats by a single IV injection of streptozotocin before mating. Female offspring development was evaluated by means of the following parameters: physical development; age of vaginal opening and first estrus; weight and histological evaluation of uterus and ovaries; duration of the estrous cycle, sexual behavior, and fertility after natural mating. Results: In the female offspring, maternal diabetes caused delays in initial physical development; diminution in ovary weight and number of follicles; and inferior reproductive performance compared with the control group. Conclusions: The exposure to hyperglycemia in uterus and during lactation caused delays in physical and sexual development, and affected the reproductive physiology of female rats negatively.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB