949 resultados para Equino - Anestesia
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
O presente trabalho envolveu três experimentos: Influência da imunização passiva contra estradiol (E2) e a aspiração do maior folículo (F1) no momento do desvio folicular esperado, sobre a ocorrência do desvio folicular observado. Também foi objetivo verificar o efeito desses tratamentos sobre o perfil de hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), hormônio luteinizante (LH) e inibina total circulante. Para tanto, os animais foram imunizados com dose única de soro anti-E2 (G anti-E2) ou o F1 foi aspirado no momento do desvio esperado (GAF1). O plasma sangüíneo foi obtido no período pré e póstratamento. O intervalo entre o dia da aplicação do soro (desvio esperado) e o dia da detecção do desvio foi em média o mesmo para o G anti-E2 e controle. No GAF1, a eliminação do maior folículo provocou atraso no momento da detecção do desvio folicular entre o segundo (F2) e o terceiro (F3) maior folículo, comparado ao controle. Em ambos os tratamentos o perfil de FSH, LH e inibina total foi similar ao controle. O experimento 2 tratou de um projeto piloto visando dominar a técnica de colheita de fluido dos grandes folículos ovarianos por meio de punção com agulha fina e o efeito desse procedimento sobre o folículo e às concentrações hormonais. Foram utilizados dois grupos de animais, G1 o folículo foi mantido intacto (controle) e G2 foi utilizada uma punção folicular quando o maior folículo atingiu diâmetro ~35 mm. Ultrasonografia ovariana foi realizada desde o ínicio da detecção de um folículo ~25mm, seguindo até a detecção da ovulação. O terceiro experimento objetivou verificar a influência de gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG) em folículos de 30 ou 35mm sobre as concentrações de hormônios esteróides e fatores intrafoliculares. A colheita do fluido folicular foi realizada imediatamente antes e 30 horas após a aplicação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Brazil has the fourth largest horse herd in the world, this is due the recognition and appreciation that the different equestrian games are having within the country. Injuries of the tendon, especially in the digital flexor tendon, are the main cause of athletic life reduction among horses. The treatment of tendinitis in horses seeks full recovery of the damage tissue reestablishing the function previously lost, however conventional treatments have proven to be ineffective when considered the quality of the scar tissue and the rate of recurrence. Due to this, the use of adult stem cells to the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries of horses has been studied for some time. This method of treatment consists of aspiration of bone marrow or removal of subcutaneous fat tissue and implantation of these cells in the injured tissue. After obtaining the bone marrow the implantation can be performed with total bone marrow, with the mononuclear fraction of MSC or with cells cultured in vitro. From the fat tissue is used the stromal vascular fraction obtained by collagenase digestion, followed or not by cell culture. According to some studies, cell therapy with material obtained from bone marrow or adipose tissue has shown to be viable, given that these materials are abundant in repair components such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), growth factors and other components of the collagen matrix. Several studies using both types of cells have shown great potential and promising clinical results. However, knowledge of the biology and characterization of these cells remain largely unknown, and therefore is needed great care and caution when using stem cells for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in horses
O bulbo rostroventrolateral (RVL) é uma estrutura importante para o controle cardiovascular. Em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR), há evidências de que a transmissão glutamatérgica descendente do RVL aos neurônios pré-ganglionares simpáticos é maior quando comparada com os ratos Wistar Kyoto (WKY). A adrenomedulina (ADM) é um peptídeo de 52 aminoácidos que tem como funções: vasodilatação, broncodilatação e neurotransmissão no sistema nervoso central (SNC). Dados da literatura têm demonstrado que a ADM quando microinjetada no RVL de ratos normotensos anestesiados ou normotensos não anestesiados promove aumento da pressão arterial. Ademais, também já foi demonstrado que a microinjeção bilateral no RVL do antagonista de ADM (adrenomedulina 22-52) em SHR anestesiados foi capaz de reduzir significantemente a pressão arterial, enquanto que não foi observado alterações da pressão arterial em ratos normotensos. Uma vez que foi descrito que em SHR há um maior número de receptores de ADM no RVL quando comparado com ratos normotensos, esses dados obtidos são convergentes com a idéia de que maior número de receptores de ADM no RVL de SHR possam ser um dos fatores responsáveis pela hipertensão nestes animais. Entretanto, até o momento, não sabemos os efeitos da ADM no RVL de SHR não anestesiados, uma vez que a anestesia pode interferir com a resposta cardiovascular. Estudos anteriores demonstraram que o efeito pressor da ADM no RVL são dependentes de receptores glutamatérgicos, sugerindo uma interação entre a ADM e o glutamato (GLU). Assim, seria interessante estudar a interação entre ADM e a neurotransmissão glutamatérgica no RVL. Por isso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos da microinjeção de ADM no RVL e seu efeito sobre a resposta pressora do GLU em ratos normotensos e SHR conscientes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A análise termográfica é uma tecnologia proveniente da engenharia e utilizada na Segunda Guerra Mundial para detecção de forças armadas inimigas. Foi aplicada inicialmente na medicina para avaliação de articulações com artrites e hoje apresenta importante função no diagnóstico de câncer de mama em mulheres. Na medicina veterinária, há mais de trinta anos é técnica de diagnóstico auxiliar na clínica de equinos, para avaliação de processos inflamatórios tais como tendinites, desmites, artrites, miosites ou ainda no diagnóstico de fraturas, lesões na coluna ou em nervos periféricos. Por ser uma técnica com alta sensibilidade, exige que seu operador tenha treinamento e doutrinamento, não só para a execução dos exames, mas também para a análise de seus resultados. Diante disso, muitos pesquisadores afirmaram que os exames termográficos de aplicabilidade científica deveriam ser realizados em local com temperatura controlada, em torno de 23oC. Ao se trabalhar com equinos, torna-se difícil encontrar ambientes amplos o suficiente e com controle de temperatura para que os exames sejam feitos, o que praticamente inviabilizaria o uso da termografia na pesquisa com cavalos. Assim, este trabalho propôs um método de padronização das temperaturas que permite realizar termografias de extremidades de membros em ambientes variando entre 18 e 35oC. O método proposto, nomeado como PadTemp, foi validado em cavalos saudáveis e aplicado em experimentos de verificação de eficácia de fármacos e de acompanhamento de cirurgias ortopédicas.
Laminitis is still a major cause of lameness in horses, causing damage to many interested in it. It has been long studied, but there are several points that are not yet fully understood. Doubts about its pathogenesis end up extending at the treatments. Just as there are several theories that attempt to explain the mechanisms of its development, also appear treatments that are sometimes contradictory and inconsistent. Mostly times, laminitis is a consequence of another disease process that occurs systemically in the body. Among them are the main grain overload and processes that cause the animal to the table of endotoxemia, strangled colic, metritis with retained placenta and pleuropneumonia. The proposed treatments include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, cryotherapy, use of vasodilators and correction of Starling forces, and other measures to support the frog. The stall should be bedded deeply with sand or other material that provides support to the frog
Most athletic horses nowadays suffer injuries on their locomotor system, needing a long period of rest during the year, meaning a big economic loss. Because of that, this kind of injury has become extremely important for the Veterinary Medicine. Among this injuries, tendinitis of the flexors tendons must be mentioned, since its reparation is essential for the animal return to exercise. Many methods of treatment for this injury have been employed, but few have provided satisfactory results. So the objective of this study is to analyze the present concepts of equine tendinitis to better understand its mechanism, adequate treatment and prevention
The behavior and experience of pain are characterized by alertness and anxiety, which disappear soon after the healing process begins. Based on this area, the present study aimed to quantify the expression of c-fos in segments of the brain of rats after surgical stimulation in one rear hind paw (analgesia), using anesthesia with sodium thiopental and practices of acupuncture pre and post operative. The animals were stimulated with intraperitoneal injections of solution (NaCl) 0.2% (2ml), and divided into three groups, control, preoperative and postoperative. Each treatment was divided in manual acupuncture (AM) and electroacupuncture (EA). The animals were randomly distributed in each group. The c-fos expression was quantitated using immunohistochemistry for all situations. The results showed a great efficiency of all treatment compared to the control group (p <0.001), thus reenforcing data in the literature on the potential of acupuncture analgesia. There were no statistical differences among the different treatments, although there was a trend of EA being more efficient than AM
Cataract is the leading cause of blindness in dogs. It is defined as an opacity in the lens and is independent of resulting visual deficit. Although there are a growing number of studies related to drug therapy of cataract, the treatment is still considered exclusively surgical. Among the techniques used to remove cataract, phacoemulsification is the best performer. Anesthesia in intraocular surgery has several peculiarities, which are essential to successfully conduct phacoemulsification in dogs. In these patients, a safe and effective anesthesia requires the maintenance of intraocular pressure close to normal, preventing the activation of the oculo-cardiac reflex and complete immobilization of the eye. The appropriate conditions for such surgical procedures can be established through the use of drugs from different pharmacological groups for premedication, induction and maintenance of anesthesia, making a balanced anesthesia. This work was compiled from a careful review of the literature on anesthesia in cataract surgery. Considerations on the pre-medication, induction and maintenance of anesthesia are discussed, aiming to contribute to the phacoemulsification becomes more safe and suitable for the anesthesiologist and the surgeon as well as comfortable for dogs undergoing surgery
Doppler ultrasonography is a new technology that has been study by researchers to improve the physiologic and pathologic knowledge about reproduction. This technology is based on Doppler-shifts frequencies or ultrasonic, these frequencies can be increase or decrease according to the movements of the red cells in the vessel. Color Doppler and power Doppler are the two possibilities to use the Doppler ultrasonography. Color Doppler is based in more the one color that show the direction of the blood f low and power Doppler is based in one color that change according of the flow intensity. Doppler ultrasonography can be demonstrated with the spectral mode to verify blood flow in large vessels, because of this, it is not use in equine reproduction. Studies in equine reproduction have been doing to verify uterus blood flow in cyclic mares and to observe the vascular perfusion in mares with cists, uterine vascular perfusion post breeding and verify the affects of drugs to decrease the uterus fluid in mares with problems in uterus perfusion. The ovarian irrigation during the estrus cycle was analyze with the measurement of the principal hormones during the estrus cycle in mares, the integrity of the corpus luteus, the irrigation of the future dominant follicle and the consequences in the ovarian irrigation after luteolyse induction also were study. Nevertheless, more than the knowledge that existed about Doppler ultrasonography, new studies have been doing to improve the forms to use Doppler ultrasonography in equine reproduction
Hypothermia is a common phenomenon in the perioperative period, and it affects 60 to 90% of patients submitted to anesthetic-surgical procedures. In order to minimize its incidence, warming methods are used. Such methods can be passive, such as orthopedic cotton, sheets and blankets, or active, such as warm-air blankets and thermal mattresses. In this scenario, the present study aimed at comparing two warming methods used in the intraoperative period. Patients submitted to abdominal surgery in the specialties of gynecology and gastric surgery from August to September 2010 were included in the study. After randomization, they were divided into two groups: one using a thermal blanket (group I) and one using orthopedic cotton (group II). At last, 9 patients were included. The variables for each question were considered according to occurrence frequency. Comparison between groups was performed by Student’s t test. With the purpose to analyze whether there was an association, the chi-square test or Fisher’s Exact test was used. Whenever it was applicable for multiple comparisons, Tukey’s test was utilized; p values < 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant for analysis. The sample comprised 6 males and 3 females submitted to gynecological and gastric surgeries. Their mean age was 48 years for group I and 46.2 years for group II. A predominance of general anesthesia was observed. The time of permanence in the operating room ranged from 80 to 360 minutes. With regard to warming parenteral solutions, the procedure was performed on 5 patients, and infusion of warm solution into the abdominal cavity was performed on 50% of the sample. Concerning the warming method used, 5 patients used a thermal blanket. In view of the results presented, it was not possible to conclude which warming method should be used due to sample size
This project has several objectives: To determine medium values and variations of the density, porosity, humidity, shrinkage volume and the coefficient of mass attenuation of gamma radiation of 59,6 keV of the radioisotope 241Am, using samples of equine radio, in growth and adult. The samples of bones were supplied by the Department of Pathology of University of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics - UNESP campus Botucatu. Bones of the paws front left of two males were used. Of each bone ten samples were removed. Those samples were prepared to just obtain compact bony fabric, being submitted to the rehearsal of determination of the density by the immersion method in water and determination of the coefficient attenuation lineal for the method of attenuation of the radiation of the 241Am, also obtaining your humidity content. Still, they were obtained new samples starting from the ground samples and verified the density of the particles present in that, obtaining the medium value of the coefficient of mass attenuation. The results showed the medium values and significant statistical variations of the density, porosity, humidity, shrinkage volume and coefficient of mass attenuation of gamma radiation of 59, 6 keV of the radioisotope 241Am in the samples, establishing some relationships between of the certain physical parameters with biological aspects and possible existent influences between them
The equine locomotors system alterations are very frequent and corresponds a large portion of cases in equine medicine. The most equine veterinarian’s challenge is to do a precise diagnosis of lameness cause to perform a specific and proper treatment as early as possible. The navicular syndrome is considered responsible for one third of lameness causes and, although much studied, its etiology is still not fully understood. The most varied methods of diagnosis, such as x-ray, magnetic resonance, bursography, scintigraphy, computed tomography and ultrasound, have been used to assess podotrochlear apparatus situation in order to diagnose this syndrome. Among them transcuneal ultrasound can be used to observe some important structures such as the flexor surface of distal sesamoid bone, distal deep digital flexor tendon, distal sesamoid ligament entheses odd and the distal phalanx. The aim of this present paper is provide a brief review on the use and the technique of ultrasonography on third phalanx transcuneal region evaluation and its interpretation on navicular syndrome diagnosis in horses
One of the main causes of incapacity in athletes, be they human or equines, is the occurrence of intra-articular lesions. The equines are each time more required in his athletic performance, resulting in intense stress to the structures that composes the locomotor device. The leading cause of human and equine athlete’s functional incapacity is the intra-articular disorders. One of the greatest advances in sports medicine was the development of arthroscopy as a minimal invasive intra-articular surgery. The defining characteristic of diagnostic or surgical arthroscopy is featured by minimal tissue damage and broad inspection of internal structures inside the joint associated with low morbidity and complications. The advantages of surgical arthroscopy over traditional surgery are well known: limited hospitalization, early return to competition, lower risks of post-operative joint rigidity, magnification of inspected structures, joint lavage associated or not with removal of potentially dangerous substances. Arthroscopy cannot replace conventional methods and must not do so; however, the intrinsic limitations of conventional diagnostic techniques, such as radiology and synovial fluid analysis, must be kept in mind, particularly in evaluating damage to cartilage and the synovial membrane. Arthroscopy has now become the accepted method of performing all joint surgery, however it is mainly used for radical surgery, such as osteochondral fragment removal, surgical curettage and arthroplasty