985 resultados para Environmental health.


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Foram analisados 496 indivíduos de Cubatão, SP (Brasil), cidade com alto teor de poluição industrial, com o objetivo de verificar alterações hematológicas induzidas por poluentes industriais. Dos estudos citológicos dos eritrócitos dessa população estudada, foram observadas 188 (38%) com alterações, isoladas ou combinadas em um único indivíduo, das quais 26% apresentaram policromatofilia, 24% com pontilhados basófilos, 15% com corpos de Heinz, e 8% com reticulocitose. As freqüências de metahemoglobinemia e sulfohemoglobinemia foram,respectivamente, de 35% e 32% em moradores da vila Parisi - um bairro cercado pela maioria das indústrias de Cubatão - 15% e 5% em operários das indústrias, e 12% e 4% em habitantes de áreas distantes entre 3 e 8 km do polo industrial. Esses resultados indicam que as alterações são causadas por poluentes tóxico-oxidantes e que as conseqüências fisio-patológicas no sangue dos moradores de Cubatão parecem indicar que estão relacionadas com o tempo de exposição e com a proximidade dos focos emissores de poluentes.


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O conceito de risco vem tendo uso crescente no entendimento das relações entre saúde e ambiente. Uma revisão recente do seu emprego¹ mostrou que o risco é próprio da condição humana e que a exclusão da incerteza promove a manutenção do status quo. O problema que se coloca é como propor ações de melhoria na saúde ambiental sob os pressupostos da dúvida e da incerteza que caracterizam a condição de risco. Como proposta de solução, a obra de H. Arendt² prestou-se ao exame dos significados e das implicações da incerteza no campo do pensamento e no campo da ação. Os resultados mostram que o risco se insere na lacuna construída entre o passado e o futuro. Quando esta lacuna passa a ser entendida como espaço de possibilidades, a incerteza, produzida no campo do pensamento fomenta a liberdade e a participação no campo da ação. A valorização da subjetividade e o exercício do juízo promovem a configuração de novos contextos e de novas possibilidades de ação, tanto em relação à natureza como em relação aos homens. Este conhecimento novo se insere na lacuna entre passado e futuro e realimenta o processo. Conclui-se que as ações de promoção da saúde devem estar aptas a aceitar resultados não necessariamente idealizados. Na ação livre não existem certezas e a sua relevância não está nos fins que se possa estabelecer, mas no processo do seu exercício.


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Throughout the world, biomonitoring has become the standard for assessing exposure of individuals to toxic elements as well as for responding to serious environmental public health problems. However, extensive biomonitoring surveys require rapid and simple analytical methods. Thus, a simple and high-throughput method is proposed for the determination of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and selenium (Se) in blood samples by using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Prior to analysis, 200 l of blood samples was mixed with 500 l of 10% v/v tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution, incubated for 10 min, and subsequently diluted to 10 ml with a solution containing 0.05% w/v ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) + 0.005% v/v Triton X-100. After that, samples were directly analyzed by ICP-MS (ELAN DRC II). Rhodium was selected as an internal standard with matrix-matching calibration. Method detection limits were 0.08, 0.04, 0.5, 0.09, 0.12, 0.04, and 0.1 g//L for As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Se, respectively. Validation data are provided based on the analysis of blood samples from the trace elements inter-\comparison program operated by the Institut National de Sante Publique du Quebec, Canada. Additional validation was provided by the analysis of human blood samples by the proposed method and by using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). The method was subsequently applied for the estimation of background metal blood values in the Brazilian population. In general, the mean concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Se in blood were 1.1, 0.4, 890, 9.6, 2.1, 65.4, and 89.3 g/L, respectively, and are in agreement with other global populations. Influences of age, gender, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, and geographical variation on the values were also considered. Smoking habits influenced the levels of Cd in blood. The levels of Cu, Mn, and Pb were significantly correlated with gender, whereas Cu and Pb were significantly correlated with age. There were also interesting differences in Mn and Se levels in the population living in the north of Brazil compared to the south.


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Pollution and industrial practices result in concentrations of metals and other environmental agents that are related to environmental toxicity. Concentrations of metals are widely related to biochemicals values which are used in disease diagnosis due to environmental toxicity. This work was carried out in order to verify the nephrotoxic effect of cadmium and to clarify the contribution of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in this process. Cadmium chloride was tested for nephrotoxic damage in rats by a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection Cd 2+ (2 mg/kg) and oral intake (Cd2 +-100 mg/l-from CdCl 2). The cadmium-induced biochemical alterations included significant increased levels of serum creatinine concentrations, in rats with i.p. injection. Total urinary protein concentrations were only increased in rats with cadmium intake. Lipoperoxide was also increased after 3 and 7 days of the Cd 2+ treatment. No changes were observed in glutathione peroxidase activities. Cadmium-induced damage might be due to superoxide radicals (O 2 -), since Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase activities were decreased by Cd 2+ treatment. This study allows tentative conclusions to be drawn regarding which reactive oxygen metabolites play a role in cadmium nephrotoxicity. We concluded that the superoxide radical may be produced as a mediator of nephrotoxic action of cadmium.


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Contamination with cadmium compounds poses high potential risk for the health of populations and for this reason the treatment of their toxic effects should urgently be established. The present study was carried out to determine whether α-tocopherol intake can protect tissues against damage induced by cadmium, and to clarify the contribution of superoxide radicals (O 2 -) in this process. Cadmium chloride was tested for tissue damage by a single intraperitoneal injection of Cd 2+ ions (2 mg Kg -1). To determine the potential therapeutic effect of vitamin E, a group of Cd 2+-treated rats received a drinking solution of α-tocopherol (40 mg l -1) for 15 days. Cadmium induced increased serum creatinine and total lactate dehydrogenase, reflecting renal and cardiac damage. The increased lipoperoxide and decreased Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase levels indicated the generation of superoxide radicals in cadmium-treated rats. Tocopherol induced increased serum high-density lipoprotein and depressed the toxic effects of Ca 2+ alone, since creatinine and lactate dehydrogenase determinations were recovered to the control values. Tocopherol decreased lipoperoxide and led the superoxide dismutase activities to approach those of the control values. We concluded that superoxide radicals are produced as mediators of cadmium toxicity. Tocopherol possesses a significant anti-radical activity and inhibits the cadmium effect on superoxide dismutase activity. Tocopherol also protected tissues from the toxic effects of cadmium by a direct antioxidant action which decreased lipoperoxide formation.


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With more than 60% of its territory under environmental protection, the city of Cubatão shelters the Industrial Pole and is located midway of two great metropolitan regions of State of São Paulo: Grande São Paulo and Baixada Santista. Both the implantation of industries and the construction of highways stimulated a process of migration and irregular occupation of the territory, with significant loss of the original vegetal covering of Atlantic Forest, in addition to pollution of water resources and the soil. The present work analyzed the dynamics of the landscape of a stretch of the city of Cubatão, associated to the Highway System Anchietas-Imigrantes, on the basis of economic cycles and regional public policies, aiming at helping the urban and environmental planning of coastal cities. We used a temporal series of air photographs of five decades and bibliographical surveys on the description of the region occupation. A non planned urban expansion for the city was evidenced, closely related with regional economic cycles and road building, directed to areas adjacent to highways and railroads, marshland and flooded plains landfills and mounts hillsides, including areas near Serra do Mar State Park. One suggests that the questions of environmental and urban planning of coastal cities are dealt with in the regional domain and in a participative way on the basis of studies of economic expansion and tourist activities in Baixada Santista, guaranteeing the maintenance of the remainders of Atlantic Forest in São Paulo coast.


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Isatin (1H-indole-2,3-dione) is a chemical found in various medicinal plant species and responsible for a broad spectrum of pharmacological and biological properties that may be beneficial to human health, as an anticonvulsant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer agent. The aim of the present study was to determine in vitro the cytotoxic, mutagenic, and apoptotic effects of isatin on CHO-K1 and HeLa cells using the MTT viability assay (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide), micronucleus (MN) test, apoptosis index, and nuclear division index (NDI). The 5 isatin concentrations evaluated in the mutagenicity and apoptosis tests were 0.5, 1, 5, 10, and 50 μM, selected through a preliminary MTT assay. Positive (doxorubicin, DXR) and negative (phosphate buffered saline, PBS) control groups were also included in the analysis. Isatin did not exert a mutagenic effect on CHO-K1 after 3 and 24 h of treatment or on HeLa cells after 24 h. However, 10 and 50 μM concentrations inhibited cell proliferation and promoted apoptosis in both CHO-K1 and HeLa cells. Data indicate that the cytotoxic, apoptotic, and antiproliferative effects of isatin were concentration independent and cell line independent. The authors thank Profa Dra Eiko Nakagawa Itano for the use the spectrophotometer and the Conselho Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for master's scholarships to P. M. Cândido-Bacani and grants to T. R. Calvo, W. Vilegas, E. A. Varanda and I. M. S. Cólus. The Conselho Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico provided funding for this study. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to identify the sources of waste generation household consisting of biological material and to investigate the knowledge presented by those responsible for the generation of waste in the home environment on the potential health risk human and environmental. Method. It is a quantitative survey performed in Parque Capuava, Santo André (SP). The questionnaire was administered by the community employers and nursing students during the consultation with nursing supervision through interview question/answer. The exclusion criteria were patients who were not in the area served by the Basic Health Unit which covers the area of Pq Capuava. The sample was consisted of 99 persons and the data collection a questionnaire was used. Results: We observed that 63.3% of people said to use disposables, with the majority (58.7%) of these use the public collection as the final destination of these materials. It was reported that 73.7% of those surveyed reported having knowledge about the risk of disease transmission. Public awareness of the importance of proper packaging and disposal of potentially hazardous household waste may contribute significantly to the preservation of human and environmental health and this procedure can be performed and supervised by professional nurses. Conclusion: We suggest implementation of workshops for community health workers and the general population in order to enhance their knowledge about the storage and disposal of potentially infectious waste generated at home, thereby reducing the potential risk of disease transmission by improper management. © 2013 Chaves et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A abordagem aos alimentos transgênicos (AT) tem adquirido grande importância na sociedade contemporânea, apresentando-se como um tema muito debatido e controverso. Esses debates ocorrem fundamentalmente nos campos ambiental, da saúde, da economia e da ética, entre outros. A presente pesquisa traz no seu âmbito os conhecimentos científicos dos alunos de um curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, sobre AT. Sentimos a necessidade de compreender “Quais conhecimentos científicos os discentes do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) mobilizam em relação aos alimentos transgênicos?” E, considerando tais conhecimentos “Como se posicionam quando solicitados à tomada de decisão?” Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, realizado no período que compreendeu maio a agosto de 2011, nas dependências do Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica (IEMCI) da UFPA, mediante o desenvolvimento do Curso de Extensão: “Controvérsias Sociocientíficas no Ensino de Ciências”, com o tema AT. Para o levantamento dos conhecimentos dos discentes, elaboramos um questionário no qual contemplamos também uma questão que solicitava a tomada de decisão em relação ao tema em questão. Os dados relativos aos conhecimentos dos alunos foram organizados e analisados mediante a construção de “Matriz de Cognição Comparada”. Em nossa avaliação, a maioria dos sujeitos da presente pesquisa apresenta conhecimentos pertinentes a respeito do que seja transgênico. A compreensão dos discentes sobre a produção de um AT, em geral, é apresentada de forma coerente ao que encontramos na literatura da área. Observamos quanto aos aspectos positivos da produção desses alimentos, que os argumentos utilizados pelos educandos são muito parecidos com aqueles veiculados pelos proponentes dos AT na literatura específica da área. Quando indagados sobre os aspectos negativos da produção dos AT, observamos preocupações dos sujeitos quanto aos danos ao ambiente e quanto à insuficiência de resultados de estudos conclusivos, no que diz respeito aos benefícios e/ou malefícios desses alimentos. Alguns alunos expressaram preocupações no que diz respeito ao consumo de AT, notadamente dos riscos à saúde. Eles mencionam também nessa questão, a carência de estudos conclusivos em relação à questão dos possíveis maléficos do consumo dos AT. Várias foram as justificativas apontadas pelos alunos para apoio ao consumo dos AT, tais como: o combate à fome, preços mais acessíveis, maior qualidade, durabilidade, maior teor de vitaminas, melhoria na qualidade nutricional desses alimentos e benefícios econômicos. Sobre a tomada de decisão, as respostas foram divididas em favoráveis e contrárias. Para os favoráveis, as respostas foram desde aqueles que acreditam que os transgênicos podem beneficiar a população mundial no combate a fome, até os que pensam nas melhorias nutricionais desses alimentos. Em relação aos alunos que se manifestaram contrários, destacamos os que consideraram a existência de outras formas de melhorar a produção natural de alimentos, e acreditam ser muito mais benéfico para a população o incentivo desta sem o uso de agrotóxicos e pesticidas.