983 resultados para Electronic structure


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A method to calculate the effective spin Hamiltonian for a transition metal impurity in a non-magnetic insulating host is presented and applied to the paradigmatic case of Fe in MgO. In the first step we calculate the electronic structure employing standard density functional theory (DFT), based on generalized gradient approximation (GGA), using plane waves as a basis set. The corresponding basis of atomic-like maximally localized Wannier functions is derived and used to represent the DFT Hamiltonian, resulting in a tight-binding model for the atomic orbitals of the magnetic impurity. The third step is to solve, by exact numerical diagonalization, the N electron problem in the open shell of the magnetic atom, including both effects of spin–orbit and Coulomb repulsion. Finally, the low energy sector of this multi-electron Hamiltonian is mapped into effective spin models that, in addition to the spin matrices S, can also include the orbital angular momentum L when appropriate. We successfully apply the method to Fe in MgO, considering both the undistorted and Jahn–Teller (JT) distorted cases. Implications for the influence of Fe impurities on the performance of magnetic tunnel junctions based on MgO are discussed.


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The outer-sphere oxidation of Fell in the mixed-valence complex trans-[(LCoNCFeII)-Co-14S-N-III(CN)(6)](-), being L-14S an N3S2 macrocylic donor set on the cobalt(III) center, has been studied. The comparison with the known processes of N-5 macrocycle complexes has been carried out in view of the important differences occurring on the redox potential of the cobalt center. The results indicate that the outer-sphere oxidation reactions with S2O82- and [Co(ox)(3)](3-) involve a great amount of solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding that, as a consequence from the change from two amines to sulfur donors, are more restricted. This is shown by the more positive values found for DeltaS(double dagger) and DeltaV(double dagger). The X-ray structure of the oxidized complex has been determined, and it is clearly indicative of the above-mentioned solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding between nitrogen and cyanide donors on the cobalt and iron centers, respectively. trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-14S-N-III(CN)(6)], as well as the analogous N-5 systems trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-14-N-III(CN)(6)], trans-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-15-N-III-(CN)(6)], and cis-[(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(6)], Oxidize water to hydrogen peroxide at pH > 10 with a rather simple stoichiometry, i.e., [(LCoNCFeIII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(5)] + OH- - [(LCoNCFeII)-Co-n-N-III(CN)(5)](-) + 1/2H(2)O(2). In this way, the reversibility of the iron oxidation process is achieved. The determination of kinetic and thermal and pressure activation parameters for this water to hydrogen peroxide oxidation leads to the kinetic determination of a cyanide based OH- adduct of the complex. A second-order dependence on the base concentration is associated with deprotonation of this adduct to produce the final inner-sphere reduction process. The activation enthalpies are found to be extremely low (15 to 35 kJ mol(-1)) and responsible for the very fast reaction observed. The values of DeltaS(double dagger) and DeltaV(double dagger) (-76 to -113 J K-1 mol(-1) and -5.5 to -8.9 cm(3) mol(-1), respectively) indicate a highly organized but not very compressed transition state in agreement with the inner-sphere one-electron transfer from O2- to Fe-III.


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The potential energy surfaces for the reactions of atomic oxygen in its ground electronic state, O(P-3), with the olefins: CF2=CCl2 and CF2=CF - CF3, have been characterized using ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Geometry optimization and vibrational frequency calculations were performed for reactants, transition states and products at the MP2 and QCISD levels of theory using the 6-31G(d) basis set. This database was then used to calculate the rate constants by means of Transition-State-Theory. To obtain a better reference and to test the reliability of the activation barriers we have also carried out computations using the CCSD(T)(fc)/6-311Gdagger, MP4(SDQ)(fc)/CBSB4 and MP2(fc)/CBSB3 single point energy calculations at both of the above levels of theory, as well as with the composite CBS-RAD procedure ( P. M. Mayer, C. J. Parkinson, D. M. Smith and L. Radom, J. Chem. Phys., 1998, 108, 604) and a modi. cation of this approach, called: CBS-RAD( MP2, MP2). It was found that the kinetic parameters obtained in this work particularly with the CBS-RAD ( MP2, MP2) procedure are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values. For both reactions it is found that the channels leading to the olefin double-bond addition predominates with respect to any other reaction pathway. However, on account of the different substituents in the alkenes we have located, at all levels of theory, two transition states for each reaction. Moreover, we have found that, for the reactions studied, a correlation exists between the activation energies and the electronic structure of the transition states which can explain the influence of the substituent effect on the reactivity of the halo-olefins.


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Multiple emission peaks have been observed from surface passivated PbS nanocrystals displaying strong quantum confinement. The emission spectra are shown to be strongly dependent on the excited-state parity. We also find that intraband energy relaxation from initial states excited far above the band-edge is nearly three orders of magnitude slower than that found in other nanocrystal quantum dots, providing evidence of inefficient energy relaxation via phonon emission. The initial-state parity dependence of the photoluminescent emission properties suggests that energy relaxation from the higher excited states occurs via a radiative cascade, analogous to energy relaxation in atomic systems. Such radiative cascade emission is possible from ideal zero-dimensional semiconductors, where electronic transitions can be decoupled from phonon modes.


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Photoluminescent emission is observed from surface-passivated PbS nanocrystals following the two-photon excitation of high-energy excitonic states. The emission appears directly at the excitation energy with no detectable Stokes-shift for a wide range of excitation energies. The observation of direct emission from states excited by two-photon absorption indicates that the parity of the excited states of surface-passivated PbS nanocrystals is partially mixed.


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Density functional theory (DFT) is a powerful approach to electronic structure calculations in extended systems, but suffers currently from inadequate incorporation of long-range dispersion, or Van der Waals (VdW) interactions. VdW-corrected DFT is tested for interactions involving molecular hydrogen, graphite, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), and SWCNT bundles. The energy correction, based on an empirical London dispersion term with a damping function at short range, allows a reasonable physisorption energy and equilibrium distance to be obtained for H-2 on a model graphite surface. The VdW-corrected DFT calculation for an (8, 8) nanotube bundle reproduces accurately the experimental lattice constant. For H-2 inside or outside an (8, 8) SWCNT, we find the binding energies are respectively higher and lower than that on a graphite surface, correctly predicting the well known curvature effect. We conclude that the VdW correction is a very effective method for implementing DFT calculations, allowing a reliable description of both short-range chemical bonding and long-range dispersive interactions. The method will find powerful applications in areas of SWCNT research where empirical potential functions either have not been developed, or do not capture the necessary range of both dispersion and bonding interactions.


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The diagrammatic strong-coupling perturbation theory (SCPT) for correlated electron systems is developed for intersite Coulomb interaction and for a nonorthogonal basis set. The construction is based on iterations of exact closed equations for many - electron Green functions (GFs) for Hubbard operators in terms of functional derivatives with respect to external sources. The graphs, which do not contain the contributions from the fluctuations of the local population numbers of the ion states, play a special role: a one-to-one correspondence is found between the subset of such graphs for the many - electron GFs and the complete set of Feynman graphs of weak-coupling perturbation theory (WCPT) for single-electron GFs. This fact is used for formulation of the approximation of renormalized Fermions (ARF) in which the many-electron quasi-particles behave analogously to normal Fermions. Then, by analyzing: (a) Sham's equation, which connects the self-energy and the exchange- correlation potential in density functional theory (DFT); and (b) the Galitskii and Migdal expressions for the total energy, written within WCPT and within ARF SCPT, a way we suggest a method to improve the description of the systems with correlated electrons within the local density approximation (LDA) to DFT. The formulation, in terms of renormalized Fermions LIDA (RF LDA), is obtained by introducing the spectral weights of the many electron GFs into the definitions of the charge density, the overlap matrices, effective mixing and hopping matrix elements, into existing electronic structure codes, whereas the weights themselves have to be found from an additional set of equations. Compared with LDA+U and self-interaction correction (SIC) methods, RF LDA has the advantage of taking into account the transfer of spectral weights, and, when formulated in terms of GFs, also allows for consideration of excitations and nonzero temperature. Going beyond the ARF SCPT, as well as RF LIDA, and taking into account the fluctuations of ion population numbers would require writing completely new codes for ab initio calculations. The application of RF LDA for ab initio band structure calculations for rare earth metals is presented in part 11 of this study (this issue). (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Nanocrystalline zirconia was synthesized and used as catalyst support for methanol synthesis. The nanocrystallite particles have new physical and textural properties which are critical in determining the catalytic performance. Nanocrystalline zirconia changes the electronic structure and affects the metal and support interactions on the catalyst. leading to facile reduction. intimate interaction between copper and zirconia, more corner defects and oxygen vacancies on the surface of the catalyst. All these changes are beneficial to the reaction of methanol synthesis from hydrogenation of CO2. As a result. higher conversion of CO2 and selectivity of methanol are achieved compared to the catalysts prepared by conventional co-precipitation method. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nitrogen substitution in carbon materials is investigated theoretically using the density functional theory method. Our calculations show that nitrogen substitution decreases the hydrogen adsorption energy if hydrogen atoms are adsorbed on both nitrogen atoms and the neighboring carbon atoms. On the contrary, the hydrogen adsorption energy can be increased if hydrogen atoms are adsorbed only on the neighboring carbon atoms. The reason can be explained by the electronic structures analysis of N-substituted graphene sheets. Nitrogen substitution reduces the pi electron conjugation and increases the HOMO energy of a graphene sheet, and the nitrogen atom is not stable due to its 3-valent character. This raises an interesting research topic on the optimization of the N-substitution degree, and is important to many applications such as hydrogen storage and the tokamaks device. The electronic structure studies also explain well why nitrogen substitution increases the capacitance but decreases the electron conductivity of carbon electrodes as was experimentally observed in our experiments on the supercapacitor.


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We investigate the use of nanocrystal quantum dots as a quantum bus element for preparing various quantum resources for use in photonic quantum technologies. Using the Stark-tuning property of nanocrystal quantum dots as well as the biexciton transition, we demonstrate a photonic controlled-NOT (CNOT) interaction between two logical photonic qubits comprising two cavity field modes each. We find the CNOT interaction to be a robust generator of photonic Bell states, even with relatively large biexciton losses. These results are discussed in light of the current state of the art of both microcavity fabrication and recent advances in nanocrystal quantum dot technology. Overall, we find that such a scheme should be feasible in the near future with appropriate refinements to both nanocrystal fabrication technology and microcavity design. Such a gate could serve as an active element in photonic-based quantum technologies.


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We report that high quality PbS nanocrystals, synthesized in the strong quantum confinement regime, have quantum yields as high as 70% at room temperature. We use a combination of modelling and photoluminescence up-conversion to show that we obtain a nearly monodisperse size distribution. Nevertheless, the emission displays a large nonresonant Stokes shift. The magnitude of the Stokes shift is found to be directly proportional to the degree of quantum confinement, from which we establish that the emission results from the recombination of one quantum confined charge carrier with one localized or surface-trapped charge carrier. Furthermore, the surface state energy is found to lie outside the bulk bandgap so that surface-related emission only commences for strongly quantum confined nanocrystals, thus highlighting a regime where improved surface passivation becomes necessary.


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Fe{HB(CHN)} is observed by variable temperature infrared and magnetic studies to have a spin transition between the low spin S = 0 and high spin S = 2 states at 331 K (58 °C) with thermal hysteresis of ~1.5 K. Changes in the triazole ligand IR absorptions demonstrate that distant non-metal-ligand vibrations are altered upon the change in electronic structure associated with the spin-crossover can be used to monitor the the spin-crossover transition.


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Thermal spin transition (spin crossover), one of the most fascinating dynamic electronic structure phenomena occurring in coordination compounds of third row transition metal ions, mostly of iron(II), iron(III) and cobalt(II) with critical ligand field strengths competing with the spin pairing energy, has attracted increasing attention by many research groups. One of the reasons is the promising potential for practical applications. In this chapter we intend to cover essential recent work, primarily accomplished within the European research network on “Thermal and Optical Switching of Molecular Spin States (TOSS)”. New spin crossover compounds and their thermal spin transition behaviour, also under applied pressure, novel effects observed by irradiation and magnetic field, will be discussed. Progress in theoretical treatments of spin crossover phenomena, particularly cooperativity, will be briefly outlined. The chapter concludes with a summary of research highlights published by the partner laboratories of the TMR network TOSS.


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This thesis was performed in four chapters, at the theoretical level, focused mainly on electronic density. In the first chapter, we have applied an undergraduate minicourse of Diels-Alder reaction in Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. By using computational chemistry tools students could build the knowledge by themselves and they could associate important aspects of physical-chemistry with Organic Chemistry. In the second chapter, we studied a new type of chemical bond between a pair of identical or similar hydrogen atoms that are close to electrical neutrality, known as hydrogen-hydrogen (H-H) bond. In this study performed with complexed alkanes, provides new and important information about their stability involving this type of interaction. We show that the H-H bond playing a secondary role in the stability of branched alkanes in comparison with linear or less branched isomers. In the third chapter, we study the electronic structure and the stability of tetrahedrane, substituted tetrahedranes and silicon and germanium parents, it was evaluated the substituent effect on the carbon cage in the tetrahedrane derivatives and the results indicate that stronger electron withdrawing groups (EWG) makes the tetrahedrane cage slightly unstable while slight EWG causes a greater instability in the tetrahedrane cage. We showed that the sigma aromaticity EWG and electron donating groups (EDG) results in decrease and increase, respectively, of NICS and D3BIA aromaticity indices. In addition, another factor can be utilized to explain the stability of tetra-tert-butyltetrahedrane as well as HH bond. GVB and ADMP were also used to explain the stability effect of the substituents bonded to the carbon of the tetrahedrane cage. In the fourth chapter, we performed a theoretical investigation of the inhibitory effect of the drug abiraterone (ABE), used in the prostate cancer treatment as CYP17 inhibitor, comparing the interaction energies and electron density of the ABE with the natural substrate, pregnenolone (PREG). Molecular dynamics and docking were used to obtain the CYP1ABE and CYP17-PREG complexes. From molecular dynamics was obtained that the ABE has higher diffusion trend water CYP17 binding site compared to the PREG. With the ONIOM (B3LYP:AMBER) method, we find that the interaction electronic energy of ABE is 21.38 kcal mol-1 more stable than PREG. The results obtained by QTAIM indicate that such stability is due a higher electronic density of interactions between ABE and CYP17


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We use first-principles electronic structure methods to show that the piezoresistive strain gauge factor of single-crystalline bulk n-type silicon-germanium alloys at carefully controlled composition can reach values of G = 500, three times larger than that of silicon, the most sensitive such material used in industry today. At cryogenic temperatures of 4 K we find gauge factors of G = 135 000, 13 times larger than that observed in Si whiskers. The improved piezoresistance is achieved by tuning the scattering of carriers between different (Delta and L) conduction band valleys by controlling the alloy composition and strain configuration.