998 resultados para Electron Scattering


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We present a new approach that allows the determination of force-field parameters for the description of disordered macromolecular systems from experimental neutron diffraction data obtained over a large Q range. The procedure is based on a tight coupling between experimentally derived structure factors and computer modelling. We separate the molecular potential into non-interacting terms representing respectively bond stretching, angle bending and torsional rotation. The parameters for each of the potentials are extracted directly from experimental data through comparison of the experimental structure factor and those derived from atomistic level molecular models. The viability of these force fields is assessed by comparison of predicted large-scale features such as the characteristic ratio. The procedure is illustrated on molten poly(ethylene) and poly(tetrafluoroethylene).


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Determination of the local structure of a polymer glass by scattering methods is complex due to the number of spatial and orientational correlations, both from within the polymer chain (intrachain) and between neighbouring chains (interchain), from which the scattering arises. Recently considerable advances have been made in the structural analysis of relatively simple polymers such as poly(ethylene) through the use of broad Q neutron scattering data tightly coupled to atomistic modelling procedures. This paper presents the results of an investigation into the use of these procedures for the analysis of the local structure of a-PMMA which is chemically more complex with a much greater number of intrachain structural parameters. We have utilised high quality neutron scattering data obtained using SANDALS at ISIS coupled with computer models representing both the single chain and bulk polymer system. Several different modelling approaches have been explored which encompass such techniques as Reverse Monte Carlo refinement and energy minimisation and their relative merits and successes are discussed. These different approaches highlight structural parameters which any realistic model of glassy atactic PMMA must replicate.


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We present a new method to determine mesospheric electron densities from partially reflected medium frequency radar pulses. The technique uses an optimal estimation inverse method and retrieves both an electron density profile and a gradient electron density profile. As well as accounting for the absorption of the two magnetoionic modes formed by ionospheric birefringence of each radar pulse, the forward model of the retrieval parameterises possible Fresnel scatter of each mode by fine electronic structure, phase changes of each mode due to Faraday rotation and the dependence of the amplitudes of the backscattered modes upon pulse width. Validation results indicate that known profiles can be retrieved and that χ2 tests upon retrieval parameters satisfy validity criteria. Application to measurements shows that retrieved electron density profiles are consistent with accepted ideas about seasonal variability of electron densities and their dependence upon nitric oxide production and transport.


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The single scattering albedo w_0l in atmospheric radiative transfer is the ratio of the scattering coefficient to the extinction coefficient. For cloud water droplets both the scattering and absorption coefficients, thus the single scattering albedo, are functions of wavelength l and droplet size r. This note shows that for water droplets at weakly absorbing wavelengths, the ratio w_0l(r)/w_0l(r0) of two single scattering albedo spectra is a linear function of w_0l(r). The slope and intercept of the linear function are wavelength independent and sum to unity. This relationship allows for a representation of any single scattering albedo spectrum w_0l(r) via one known spectrum w_0l(r0). We provide a simple physical explanation of the discovered relationship. Similar linear relationships were found for the single scattering albedo spectra of non-spherical ice crystals.


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In this article we describe recent progress on the design, analysis and implementation of hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary integral methods for boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation that model time harmonic acoustic wave scattering in domains exterior to impenetrable obstacles. These hybrid methods combine conventional piecewise polynomial approximations with high-frequency asymptotics to build basis functions suitable for representing the oscillatory solutions. They have the potential to solve scattering problems accurately in a computation time that is (almost) independent of frequency and this has been realized for many model problems. The design and analysis of this class of methods requires new results on the analysis and numerical analysis of highly oscillatory boundary integral operators and on the high-frequency asymptotics of scattering problems. The implementation requires the development of appropriate quadrature rules for highly oscillatory integrals. This article contains a historical account of the development of this currently very active field, a detailed account of recent progress and, in addition, a number of original research results on the design, analysis and implementation of these methods.


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The assumed relationship between ice particle mass and size is profoundly important in radar retrievals of ice clouds, but, for millimeter-wave radars, shape and preferred orientation are important as well. In this paper the authors first examine the consequences of the fact that the widely used ‘‘Brown and Francis’’ mass–size relationship has often been applied to maximumparticle dimension observed by aircraftDmax rather than to the mean of the particle dimensions in two orthogonal directions Dmean, which was originally used by Brown and Francis. Analysis of particle images reveals that Dmax ’ 1.25Dmean, and therefore, for clouds for which this mass–size relationship holds, the consequences are overestimates of ice water content by around 53% and of Rayleigh-scattering radar reflectivity factor by 3.7 dB. Simultaneous radar and aircraft measurements demonstrate that much better agreement in reflectivity factor is provided by using this mass–size relationship with Dmean. The authors then examine the importance of particle shape and fall orientation for millimeter-wave radars. Simultaneous radar measurements and aircraft calculations of differential reflectivity and dual-wavelength ratio are presented to demonstrate that ice particles may usually be treated as horizontally aligned oblate spheroids with an axial ratio of 0.6, consistent with them being aggregates. An accurate formula is presented for the backscatter cross section apparent to a vertically pointing millimeter-wave radar on the basis of a modified version of Rayleigh–Gans theory. It is then shown that the consequence of treating ice particles as Mie-scattering spheres is to substantially underestimate millimeter-wave reflectivity factor when millimeter-sized particles are present, which can lead to retrieved ice water content being overestimated by a factor of 4.h


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The synthesis of 2D hexagonal mesoporous platinum films with biaxial, in-plane pore alignment is demonstrated by electrodeposition through an aligned lyotropic liquid crystal templating phase. Shear force is used to align a hexagonal lyotropic liquid crystalline templating phase of an inexpensive and a commercially available surfactant, C16EO10, at the surface of an electrode. Electrodeposition and subsequent characterisation of the films produced shows that the orientation and alignment of the phase is transferred to the deposited material. Transmission electron microscopy confirms the expected nanostructure of the films, whilst transmission and grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering analysis confirms biaxial, in plane alignment of the pore structure. In addition further electrochemical studies in dilute sulfuric acid and methanol show that the pores are accessible to electrolyte solution as indicated by a large current flow; the modified electrode therefore has a high surface area, that catalyses methanol oxidation, and the pores have a very large aspect ratio (of theoretical maximum 2 × 105). Films with such aligned mesoporosity will advance the field of nanotechnology where the control of pore structure is paramount. The method reported is sufficiently generic to be used to control the structure and order of many materials, thus increasing the potential for the development of a wide range of novel electronic and optical devices.


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The probability of a quantum particle being detected in a given solid angle is determined by the S-matrix. The explanation of this fact in time-dependent scattering theory is often linked to the quantum flux, since the quantum flux integrated against a (detector-) surface and over a time interval can be viewed as the probability that the particle crosses this surface within the given time interval. Regarding many particle scattering, however, this argument is no longer valid, as each particle arrives at the detector at its own random time. While various treatments of this problem can be envisaged, here we present a straightforward Bohmian analysis of many particle potential scattering from which the S-matrix probability emerges in the limit of large distances.


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We extend the a priori error analysis of Trefftz-discontinuous Galerkin methods for time-harmonic wave propagation problems developed in previous papers to acoustic scattering problems and locally refined meshes. To this aim, we prove refined regularity and stability results with explicit dependence of the stability constant on the wave number for non convex domains with non connected boundaries. Moreover, we devise a new choice of numerical flux parameters for which we can prove L2-error estimates in the case of locally refined meshes near the scatterer. This is the setting needed to develop a complete hp-convergence analysis.


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We use new neutron scattering instrumentation to follow in a single quantitative time-resolving experiment, the three key scales of structural development which accompany the crystallisation of synthetic polymers. These length scales span 3 orders of magnitude of the scattering vector. The study of polymer crystallisation dates back to the pioneering experiments of Keller and others who discovered the chain-folded nature of the thin lamellae crystals which are normally found in synthetic polymers. The inherent connectivity of polymers makes their crystallisation a multiscale transformation. Much understanding has developed over the intervening fifty years but the process has remained something of a mystery. There are three key length scales. The chain folded lamellar thickness is ~ 10nm, the crystal unit cell is ~ 1nm and the detail of the chain conformation is ~ 0.1nm. In previous work these length scales have been addressed using different instrumention or were coupled using compromised geometries. More recently researchers have attempted to exploit coupled time-resolved small-angle and wide-angle x-ray experiments. These turned out to be challenging experiments much related to the challenge of placing the scattering intensity on an absolute scale. However, they did stimulate the possibility of new phenomena in the very early stages of crystallisation. Although there is now considerable doubt on such experiments, they drew attention to the basic question as to the process of crystallisation in long chain molecules. We have used NIMROD on the second target station at ISIS to follow all three length scales in a time-resolving manner for poly(e-caprolactone). The technique can provide a single set of data from 0.01 to 100Å-1 on the same vertical scale. We present the results using a multiple scale model of the crystallisation process in polymers to analyse the results.


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The structures of 2-hydroxybenzamide(C7H7NO2) and 2-methoxybenzamide (C8H9NO2) have been determined in the gas-phase by electron diffraction using results from quantum chemical calculations to inform restraints used on the structural parameters. Theoretical methods (HF and MP2/6-311+G(d,p)) predict four stable conformers for both 2-hydroxybenzamide and 2-methoxybenzamide. For both compounds, evidence for intramolecular hydrogen bonding is presented. In 2-hydroxybenzamide, the observed hydrogen bonded fragment is between the hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, while in 2-methoxybenzamide, the hydrogen bonded fragment is between one of the hydrogen atoms of the amide group and the methoxy oxygen atom.


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The self-assembly in aqueous solution of the alanine-rich peptide A12R2 containing twelve alanine residues and two arginine residues has been investigated. This oligomeric peptide was synthesized via NCA-polymerization methods. The surfactant-like peptide is found via FTIR to form antiparallel dimers which aggregate into twisted fibrils, as revealed by cryogenic-transmission electron microscopy. The fibril substructure is probed via detailed X-ray scattering experiments, and are uniquely comprised of twisted tapes only 5 nm wide, set by the width of the antiparallel A12R2 dimers. The packing of the alanine residues leads to distinct “b-sheet” spacings compared to those for amyloid-forming peptides. For this peptide, b-sheet structure coexists with some a-helical content. These ultrafine amyloid fibrils present arginine at high density on their surfaces, and this may lead to applications in nanobiotechnology.


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Particulate antigen assemblies in the nanometer range and DNA plasmids are particularly interesting for designing vaccines. We hypothesised that a combination of these approaches could result in a new delivery method of gp160 envelope HIV-1 vaccine which could combine the potency of virus-like particles (VLPs) and the simplicity of use of DNA vaccines. Characterisation of lentivirus-like particles (lentiVLPs) by western blot, dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy revealed that their protein pattern, size and structure make them promising candidates for HIV-1 vaccines. Although all particles were similar with regard to size and distribution, they clearly differed in p24 capsid protein content suggesting that Rev may be required for particle maturation and Gag processing. In vivo, lentiVLP pseudotyping with the gp160 envelope or with a combination of gp160 and VSV-G envelopes did not influence the magnitude of the immune response but the combination of lentiVLPs with Alum adjuvant resulted in a more potent response. Interestingly, the strongest immune response was obtained when plasmids encoding lentiVLPs were co-delivered to mice muscles by electrotransfer, suggesting that lentiVLPs were efficiently produced in vivo or the packaging genes mediate an adjuvant effect. DNA electrotransfer of plasmids encoding lentivirus-like particles offers many advantages and appears therefore as a promising delivery method of HIV-1 vaccines. Keywords:VLP, Electroporation, Electrotransfer, HIV vaccine, DNA vaccine