986 resultados para Eladio Prado


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This thesis is a result of a research on Natal/RN as a tourist destination. We understand that cities are chosen as tourist destinations beyond its cartographic localization, from other dimensions of meanings that, in its set, constitute images. These images are, probably, very different of the images constructed by native and resident populations, who possess relations of identity with the place. The knowledge of the meanings that others attribute to this city as tourist destination, bring us near to the symbolic bonds established by individuals or social groups on the act of their choices, as well as bring us near to the interaction process city-tourists where the expectations are confirmed or not. The images divulgated by the media also participate of the complex formation of the tourist image that is being constructed and available for the different public, in different social contexts. The tourism constitutes a symbolic asset of the modern society, being considered by the studious, as one of the most expressive phenomena of the modernity, for involving each year displacement and the interaction of thousand of people of different cultures in the entire world. All this people s mobilization points to practical social related to personal motivations, to the entailed desired to the idea to travel and to exceed borders. It is already consensus that tourism is a phenomenon of economic growth, generating jobs, income, professional, qualification, bringing improvements for the host cities. Since 1995, in Brazil, the tourism as a sector of the economy, passed to be considered one of the national priorities, and in this perspective, the national politics of the tourism invested in infrastructure of Brazilian cities with high tourist potential, objecting to increase the flows of Brazilian and foreign tourists. Owing to this fact, the country still invests in programs of tourist marketing, mainly divulging the images of the natural beauties of Brazil abroad. And for Brazilians, the campaigns appeal to rescue the feeling to be Brazilian, associating the idea to travel and know its country. Natal city possesses an excellent positioning in the tourist marketing, being predominantly divulgated in national and international level, for its naturalistic singularity, where the images of its natural enchantments as warm water beaches, white dunes, warm weather, constant breeze and an always blue sky are shown as the favorite scene on this city. From what was viewed above that the choice of a tourist destination articulates from a determined imaginary of a place, already constructed or in process of construction, we consider the knowledge of this imaginary a basic learning for the population of the city and especially, for educators, in the formation of professionals in this area and for tourism managers, elaborators of public politics. Based on this estimative, we developed this research that had as a general objective to identify the images that illustrate Natal city as a tourist destination - our objective of study, particularly the meanings and senses attributed by the tourist marketing (hotel s folders) and by the tourists that visited the city during this study. The discussions and reflections that had guided this research had been given from the theoretical link between imaginary and social representation, also considering some interfaces between the fields of communication and symbol. From the studied authors, Baczko (1985) clarifies that the study of social imaginary is directed for the mechanisms and structures of the social life, especially for the intervention accomplishes and efficient of the representations and symbols in the practical collectives, as well as in its direction and orientation . Following this same thought, Moscovici (1978) says that the social representation are produced in communicational and symbolic contexts, and these representations once that already constituted circulate socially as almost tangible entities. Based on this fundament and on the analyze of Barthes (1990), particularly in the approach given to the reading of photographic image, we could observe on hotel s folders that each page evidences senses and meanings of functionality of internal and external spaces, pointing to the way of leisure offered by the keepers of city which is the hotels. About, the leisure that they offer, it is directed to young public, giving meaning to the young myth of personalized leisure tourism on children, young and adults images. The image about security that hotels offer and the singular image of Natal city as a paradise place, provide an idealization of pleasure through the sun, dunes, and beaches and also due to the hospitability of the natives who are assigned as educated . For the tourist that participated on this research, Natal city is tied only by the imaginary of leisure and nature which constitute the emotional link of the relation media-city-tourist. And with such force and fullness of directions the city discloses without tensions and contradictions as a place protected by a mythical and sacred aura. The study also demonstrates us that the potiguar culture remains (almost) forgotten, due to the silenced in this imaginary. In this perspective, we highlight that this culture silence is very close related to the disvalue of education in its general meaning. We defend that the imaginary apprehended constitutes a new reading and a new looking and understanding the tourist reality that comes historically consolidating in this city. In this direction, we glimpse that this study and its future dismemberments can collaborate with the process of rescue the cultural values of the potiguar people, in the way that the meaning of tourist may be redefined, and the tourist image of the city can be also disclosed for its identities particularities of its culture


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This investigation had the teacher as object of study, whose objective was to know and analyze the teacher‟s Social Representations (SR) shared by undergraduates, as from images of this professional (teachers´ photos of several levels and school systems). It was searched out the process of depreciation or estimation, in which the teaching profession has been passing, trying to catch, specifically, possible existing correlations among such SR and the reflections in the attitudes developed by these students about their own development and professional practice. The data collection was carried out at the Federal University of Piauí Teresina with 165 undergraduates (15 from each course). It was applied a semi-structured interview, mediated by iconographic grouping (SALES, 2000, 2007), outlining a methodological widening of the studies fulfilled by (ROAZZI, 1995). It was used the function Factor Analysis, available in the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for the analysis of the quantitative data, and it was proceeded a content analysis through the categorical analysis technique (BARDIN, 1977) for the analytical procedures of the qualitative data. It was resorted to the SR theory (MOSCOVICI, 1978) for the data interpretation and the Theory of Signs (PEIRCE. 1995) in the understanding of the decodification processes of signs that were present in the photos worked. It became evident that the undergraduates perceived the teaching profession inserted in a hierarchical scale of values (positive/negative), directly related to the school system and the teaching level, in which the teacher works. Most undergraduates share teacher‟s SR of negative content, consolidating the hegemonic SR about the teacher‟s social depreciation, although some of them imagine themselves, in the future, inserted among the teachers more appraised, showing that the SR orientate the positive and negative attitudes about the teacher. The presence of SR that mobilize the interviewers‟ attitudes in opposite senses related to the teacher, offer evidence of the necessity of future studies that can use a methodology more focused to understand other motivation factors that the undergraduates give evidence of having to the course they have chosen, besides the ones inferred by the SR caught in this investigation, as well as to establish a correlation between the teacher‟s SR (positive and negative) and the social economic level of the interviewers that share them. Such data revealed itself necessary since the literature signalizes for a relation between the course chosen and the applicant‟s social-economic level, and that the applicants‟ objective conditions to the licenciature courses are related to the subjective hopes that their group supplies


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A cochonilha Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) suga a seiva dos botões florais e frutos do cafeeiro, atacando as rosetas desde a floração até a colheita. Embora seja relatada há alguns anos na cafeicultura, são escassas as informações sobre o desenvolvimento dessa cochonilha em cafeeiros. Assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar alguns aspectos biológicos da fase ninfal de P. citri em plantas de café. Ovos dessa cochonilha foram retirados de uma criação em laboratório, isolados em placas de Petri contendo discos foliares de Coffea arabica L., das cultivares Acaiá Cerrado, Mundo Novo e Catuaí Vermelho e de C. canephora Pierre & Froenher, cultivar Apoatã. As placas foram mantidas em câmara climatizada a 25 ± 1ºC, 70 ± 10% de umidade relativa e 12h de fotofase. Constatou-se que a cultivar Catuaí Vermelho foi a que proporcionou maior duração do período ninfal das fêmeas, porém, não foram constatadas diferenças na mortalidade. Essa cochonilha se desenvolveu satisfatoriamente em todas as cultivares de café estudadas e os resultados não mostraram diferenças claras de susceptibilidade.


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This work was carried out to study the development of populations of the genus Planococcus in different plant species, aiming at the verification of host specificity. The mealybugs Planococcus minor were obtained from cocoa plants (Theobroma cacao L.) and coffee crop (Coffea canephora L.), and Planococcus citri from citrus seedlings (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). Single eggs were transferred to Petri dishes containing leaf discs of cocoa (T. cacao cultivar Catongo), coffee (Coffea arabica L. cultivar Mundo Novo) and citrus (C. sinensis cultivar Pera Rio). They were maintained on a water-agar slide at 1%, with the abaxial surface turned upwards. The dishes were sealed with a PVC plastic film and kept in climatized chambers regulated at 25 [plus or minus] 1[degrees] C, 70 [plus or minus] 10% RH and 12 hours of photophase. For the mealybugs coming from cocoa plants, the citrus substrate prolonged the nymphal development of the males (26.0 days). In the nymphal period of females and males coming from coffee plants, the coffee substrate allowed a shorter duration of that period (19.2 and 21.3 days, respectively) and, in addition to having providing a longer longevity to the females (59.1 days). The highest rates of mortality were obtained when they were reared on the cocoa substrate, regardless of the host plant from which they were originally collected, and when kept on citrus, for insects collected on coffee plants. P. citri and P. minor have higher preference for coffee substrate regardless of the original host, thus showing partial host specificity.


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Metaphorically, research is presented as a journey by sea, having as object of study the social representations of Continuing Education for teachers of elementary school and as aim, to analyze them in comparison of participants from state and municipal systems, located in Natal-RN, Brazil .They have contributed to the achievement of this objective the voices of 158 teachers, the vast literature on training in professional development and the theoretical formulations proposed by Moscovici and colleagues, with relevance to the Central Nucleus Theory advocated by Abric. The corpus resulting from evocations about continuing education, as well as teachers' justifications were submitted to different computer methods/techniques, through the EVOC ALCESTE Programs, respectively, providing the opportunity to highlight a network of interconnections between the likely core and the production of discourse. Although the educational ideologies that underlie social perception of the state teachers are anchored in New School and technicist concepts and the teachers in the city tend to an ideology of social interaction, the choice of working with the symbolic field identified the political-social commitment of groups with the impacts of training on learning of their students


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Modem production systems accommodate broody hens in high densities, leading to the accumulation of excrement under the cages. This substrate is excellent for the development of sinantropic flies. Thus, the accomplishment of surveys in these places becomes essential, in order to plan better strategies of control. The present work aimed at studying the entornofauna and the seasonality of the species of dipterous present in the Crisdan poultry house located in the Municipality of Sao Joao da Boa Vista, the State of São Paulo, Brazil. In the period of January of 2001 to December of 2002, 1,012,595 flies were captured using the "jug-trap". The species were identified: Drosophi-la repleta (Wollaston, 1858), Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758), Ophyra spp., Hennetria illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794), and Sepsidae. More frequently D. repleta and M. domestica had added 99.47% of the dipterous. Increased rainfall and the collection months influenced the sampling of dipterous (P < 0.05). Drosophila repleta was the most abundant species, representing 91% of all captured flies. However, this diptera did not develop at the surveyed site since immatures were not captured therein.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Dans le scénario actuel marqué par l'insuccès de l'école publique en alphabétiser les enfants, l'objectif de cet étude est d'analyser, dans le cadre d'une école publique (dont les enfants, d'après les numéros officiels, deviennent lettrés au cours des trois premières années), des actions de gestion scolaire qui favorisent le processus d'alphabétisation. Pour cela nous suivons les principes de la méthode qualitative et adoptons l‟études de cas. Le terrain empirique est une école publique de la ville de Parnamirim (RN) et les sujets sont sa directrice, la vice-directrice, trois enseignantes des trois premières années de l'enseignement fondamental, deux coordinatrices pédagogiques, deux parents et six enfants. Pour la construction des données nous adoptons le questionnaire, l'analyse documentaire, des entretiens semi-dirigés et l'observation non-participante. Les fondements théoriques qui servirent de jalon à nos interprétations se retrouvent dans les conceptions actuelles de gestion éducationnelle et d'alphabétisation, ainsi que sur le processus d'apprentissage et de développement et pratique éducative. Dans cette étude, le concept de gestion est pris comme manière de dépasser la perspective bornée, bureaucratique, comme condition fondamentale de la qualité d'enseignement et de transformation de la propre identité des écoles, des systèmes d'enseignement et de l'éducation brésilienne; un concept déposé sur (et à partir de ) la mobilisation dynamique des sujets humains organisés collectivement. L'alphabétisation d'enfants est comprise en tant qu'enseignement-apprentissage du langage écrit dans une processus qui entoure deux dimensions indissociables: l'appropriation du système d'écriture alphabétique et le développement d'habilités/pratiques textuelles, dont les spécificités de développement impliquent systématisation et internationalité, caractéristiques de l'école en tant qu'institution éducative. A travers l'analyse des données fondé en quelques principes de l'analyse de contenu nous constatâmes que la gestion de l'école objet de la recherche, bien que marquée par des contradictions, développe des actions qui exercent un rôle fondamental dans les processus et résultats de l'apprentissage de l'écriture par les enfants. Ayant identifié les actions, nous construisîmes les catégories suivantes: 1) Actions relatives à l'organisation de l'école comme institution; 2) Actions relatives à organisation du processus enseignement-apprentissage; et sous-catégories: 1.1 Création et manutention d'infra-structure adéquate; 1.2 Promotion du travail collectif et autonome des professionnels; 1.3 Construction/formation permanente de l'équipe de professeurs; 1.4 Participation des parents dans la dynamique de l'école; 2.1 Disponibilité de ressources pour l'apprentissage; 2.2 Systématisation de la planification du processus enseignement-apprentissage e 2.2.1 Systématisation de l'évaluation de l'apprentissage. La catégorisation construite, bien que sa réflexion, signale que les actions qui favorisent l'alphabétisation des enfants s'approchent des conceptions d'une éducation de qualité sociale et de la démocratisation de l'éducation, bien que la propre institution de la gestion de l'école ne soit, pas encore, démocratisée. Notre étude réaffirme que la gestion de l'école, comme tout pratique humaine et sociale, a un caractère essentiellement contradictoire, inachevé et lacunaire, mais qui, jusqu'aux limites des contradiction, l'on trouve des possibilités, mises en évidence dans les actions de la gestion intimement articulées avec le succès de l'apprentissage et qui, par conséquent, peuvent construire une référence pour la réflexion sur les pratiques de gestion de l'école engagées engagée avec l'apprentissage et avec l'alphabétisation des enfants


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Um estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do método de remoção da pele do filé (com alicate e com máquina) e da técnica de curtimento (com ou sem sais de cromo, bioleather) sobre a resistência da pele de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foram retiradas as peles de 40 tilápias (450 g), 20 com uso de alicates e 20 com auxílio de máquina. Após o curtimento e a retirada dos corpos-de-prova, as peles foram encaminhadas a um laboratório aclimatizado (23ºC e 50% de umidade relativa do ar) para realização dos testes de resistência em dinamômetro EMIC, com velocidade de afastamento entre cargas de 100 ± 20 mm/mm. O método de retirada da pele do filé não afetou os resultados dos testes de tração e rasgamento progressivo. A pele retirada com a máquina apresentou elongação superior (88,48%) à removida com alicate (71,09%). Peles curtidas com sais de cromo (25,54 N/mm; 12,18 N/mm²) foram mais resistentes que as curtidas sem sais de cromo (bioleather) (13,11 N/mm; 9,89 N/mm²). Peles curtidas por estas técnicas (com cromo e bioleather) podem ser utilizadas na confecção de vestuários, pois as médias dos testes de tração, alongamento e rasgamento progressivo foram superiores a 9,80 N/mm², 60% e 14,72 N/mm, respectivamente, valores mínimos recomendados para couros curtidos ao cromo.


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The thesis Distance learning and didactic material: a study about the course Media in the education in Natal shows a research about the didactic material and its insertion in the distance training course to teachers. In this sense, this research aims to contribute to some universities with reflections about the way to elaborate the didactic material to the distance training course of teachers with the following specific objectives: a) identify some aspects in the didactic material in the extension course Media in the Education that difficult media usage by the teachers members of the course in the pedagogical practice; b) discuss about the way how didactic material to the distance training course to teachers has been created; c) stimulate teachers/members to integrate media in their teacher practice. For that reason, we have developed an action-research (THIOLLENT, 2011; FRANCO, 2005), based on it we elaborated a proposal do complement activities to the course Media in the Education that were applied to two classes during the fifth edition of this course. This research is presented in four steps: 1st) analyze of the course modules; 2nd) creation of a proposal to complement the activities; 3rd) applying the proposal to the students during the fifth edition to the course; 4th) analyze of forums and log books written by teachers/students. Data was analyzed by the contents perspective of Bardin (2011). As a theoretical support, we have Tardif (2012), about teachers knowledge; Dewey (1959; 2011) and Freire (2001; 2009; 2010a; 2010b; 2012) related to learning perspective; Candau (2002), Rays (2003) and Freire (2010a), about the relation theory x practice in the teacher training; Andrade (2003; 2009) and Belloni (2010) about distance teacher training; Bérvot; Belloni (2009), Neves; Medeiros (2005) and Prado (2005), related to Media integration. This research revealed the didactic material of the course Media in the Education has not a proposal to articulate theory and practice, due to this, this course opposed the Media integration. For that reason, teachers/members have real problems to integrate Media in their scholar routine. This research confirmed the way this didactic material was formulated did not help the teachers/students to integrate media in their pedagogical activities


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The expectation that there is a relationship between the teaching of history and the development of theoretical thinking , this study aimed to examine this relationship with the collaboration of two teachers who teach in the fourth year of elementary school in a public school in the city of Mossley - RN . Sues the theoretical and methodological contributions are identified with the history Dialectical Materialism . The methodological approach was collaborative research . Was based on studies of Vygotsky ( 1998, 2001 ) , Rubinstein (1965 , 1973) , Ibiapina (2007 , 2008) , Afanassiev (1985 ) , Goes (2003 ) , Ferreira and Ibiapina (2005 , 2006, 2007 ) , Davydov (1981 ) , Glenisson (1991 ) among others . The methodological procedures consisted of : meetings , questionnaire , interview , cycles of reflective studies , reports of experiences and reflective session. For data analysis , we used the methodology of conceptual elaboration , proposed by Ferreira (2009 ) and the shares of reflection proposed by Magalhães (2000 ) . Data analysis indicates the predominance of empirical thinking of collaborating both with regard to the process of design and ( re ) development of the concepts of history and theoretical thinking on the relationship between history teaching and the development of theoretical thought . However , we see the beginning of the start of the change process in thinking the teaching of history