966 resultados para Economic history, Italy: Naples.


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This dissertation examines a unique working class in the United States, the men and women who worked on the steamboats from the Industrial Revolution until the demise of steam-powered boats in the mid-20th century. The steamboat was the beginning of a technological system that was developed in America and used in such great numbers that it made the rapid population of the Trans-Appalachian West possible. The steamboat was forever romanticized by images of the antebellum South or the quick wit of Samuel Clemens and his sentimental book, Life on the Mississippi. The imagination swirls with thoughts of boats, bleach white, slowly churning the calm waters of some Spanish moss covered river. The reality of the boats and the experience of those who worked on them has been lost in this nostalgic vision. This research details the history of the western steamboat in the Monongahela Valley, the birthplace of the commercial steamboat industry. The first part of this dissertation examines the literature of authors in the field of labor history and Industrial Archaeology to place this work into the larger context of published literature. The second builds a framework for understanding the various eras that the steamboat went through both in terms of technological change, but also the change the workers experienced as their identity as a working class was being shaped. The third part details the excavations of two steamboat captains houses, those of Captain James Gormley and Captain Michael A. Cox. Both men represented a time in which the steamboat was in an era of transition. Excavations at their homes yield clues to their class status and how integrated they were in the local community. The fourth part of this study documents the oral histories of steamboat workers, both men and women, and their experience on the boats and on the river. Their rapidly declining population of those who lived and worked on the boats gives urgency for their lives to be documented. Finally, this study concludes with a synthesis of how worker identity solidified in the face of technological, socio-economic, and ideological change especially during their push for unionization and the introduction of the diesel towboat.


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A history of specialties in economics since the late 1950s is constructed on the basis of a large corpus of documents from economics journals. The production of this history relies on a combination of algorithmic methods that avoid subjective assessments of the boundaries of specialties: bibliographic coupling, automated community detection in dynamic networks and text mining. these methods uncover a structuring of economics around recognizable specialties with some significant changes over the time-period covered (1956-2014). Among our results, especially noteworthy are (a) the clearcut existence of 10 families of specialties, (b) the disappearance in the late 1970s of a specialty focused on general economic theory, (c) the dispersal of the econometrics-centered specialty in the early 1990s and the ensuing importance of specific econometric methods for the identity of many specialties since the 1990s, (d) the low level of specialization of individual economists throughout the period in contrast to physicists as early as the late 1960s.


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This archaeovitreological study deals with artefacts of Miranduolo site, Tuscany region (Italy), dated 1250-1350 AD. The Miranduolo site is a medieval hill-village dated from 7th to 14th century. The information obtained reveal that Miranduolo was under control of noble families, which displayed the social, economic and political power. It is marked by controlling the farmers and metal workers on the site, as well as having control over agricultural surpluses. No in situ glass workshop has been recovered, implying that the glass artefacts were imported. One aim of this work is application of SEM-EDS to visualize textural characteristics and thickness of the pristine glass and corrosion layers. Preliminary qualification and semi-quantification of major and minor chemical elements will provide the data on the glass group present and fluxes employed. The data obtained will be integrated with the one obtained by more sensitive techniques such as PIXE/PIGE and LA-ICP-MS. Twenty cross-sections of transparent glasses (colorless, azure, and different hues of yellow and) have been analyzed by VP-SEM. All the analyzed glasses display a homogenous matrix. Only four samples (MD 24, MD 139, MD 143, MD 259) show corrosion layers of various thickness with 2.25μm, 136-500 μm, 26.8 μm and 17.01 μm. EDS linescan analyses indicate strong depletion in the corrosion layers of Na and K, while Ca depletes to a minor extent. In general, both glass composition and the burial conditions were favorable for preservation. Samples can be classified as mainly plant ash Na-Ca-Si glasses made with both unpurified and purified Levantine ash. Only sample MD 243 is made from Barilla plant ash. Sample MD 139 cannot be classified into main compositional groups as K2O is 1.33 wt% and MgO 5.92 wt%. In 8 samples MnO content is lower than 0.8 wt%, meaning that in these samples MnO is naturally present. In other 12 samples, MnO above 0.8 wt% indicates deliberate addition as a decolorant agent to intentionally obtain different hues or the amount added was not successful in making the glass transparent. The results considering fluxes are compatible with archaeovitreological study from contemporary primary glass workshops in Tuscany. For determining the provenance of silica sources, further analysis with more sensitive techniques has to be carried out; Resumo: Este estudo “arqueovitreologia” lida com artefatos do local Miranduolo, região da Toscana (Itália), datados de 1250-1350 AD. O sitio de Miranduolo é uma colina vila medieval datada do séc.VII ao séc.XIV. As informações obtidas revelam que Miranduolo estava sob o controle de famílias nobres, que exibiu o poder social, económico e político. É marcado por controlar os agricultores e trabalhadores do metal no sitio, bem como ter controlo sobre os excedentes agrícolas. Não há na oficina de vidro in situ foi recuperado, o que implica que os artefactos de vidro foram importados. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é a aplicação de SEM-EDS para visualizar características de textura e espessura das camadas de corrosão do vidro também como da áreas originais. qualificação preliminar e semi-quantificação de maiores e menores elementos químicos irá fornecer os dados sobre o grupo presente vidro e fluxos empregado. Os dados obtidos são integrados com os dados obtidos por meio de técnicas mais sensíveis, como PIXE / PIGE e LA-ICP-MS. Vinte secções transversais de vidros transparentes (incolor, azul celeste, e diferentes tons de amarelo) foram analisados por VP-SEM. Todos os vidros analisados exibir uma matriz homogénea. Apenas quatro amostras (MD 24, MD 139, MD 143, MD 259) mostram camadas de corrosão de várias espessuras com 2.25μm, 136-500μm, 26,8μm e 17,01μm. Análises Linescan EDS indicam forte esgotamento nas camadas de corrosão de Na e K, enquanto Ca esgota, em menor grau. Em geral, tanto a composição de vidro e as condições de depósito foram favoráveis para a preservação. As amostras podem ser classificados como vidros principalmente Na-Ca-Si feitas com cinzas de plantas do tipo levantino, não purificada e purificada. Apenas a amostra MD 243 é feita a partir de cinzas vegetais tipo “Barilla”. A amostra MD 139 não pode ser classificada em grupos principais de composição porque K2O é 1,33% em peso e MgO 5,92% em peso. Em 8 amostras, o teor de MnO é menor do que 0,8% em peso, o que significa que nestas amostras MnO está naturalmente presente. Em outras 12 amostras, MnO acima de 0,8% em peso indica adição intencional como um agente de colorante para obter intencionalmente diferentes matizes ou o valor acrescentado não foi bem sucedido em fazer o vidro transparente. Os resultados, considerando os fluxos são compatíveis com o estudo “arqueovitreologico” com as principais oficinas de vidro contemporâneos na Toscana. Para determinar a origem das fontes de sílica, uma análise mais aprofundada com técnicas mais sensíveis tem de ser levada a cabo.


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This thesis focuses on finding the optimum block cutting dimensions in terms of the environmental and economic factors by using a 3D algorithm for a limestone quarry in Foggia, Italy. The environmental concerns of quarrying operations are mainly: energy consumption, material waste, and pollution. The main economic concerns are the block recovery, the selling prices, and the production costs. Fractures adversely affect the block recovery ratio. With a fracture model, block production can be optimized. In this research, the waste volume produced by quarrying was minimised to increase the recovery ratio and ensure economic benefits. SlabCutOpt is a software developed at DICAM–University of Bologna for block cutting optimization which tests different cutting angles on the x-y-z planes to offer up alternative cutting methods. The program tests several block sizes and outputs the optimal result for each entry. By using SlabCutOpt, ten different block dimensions were analysed, the results indicated the maximum number of non-intersecting blocks for each dimension. After analysing the outputs, the block named number 1 with the dimensions ‘1mx1mx1m’ had the highest recovery ratio as 43% and the total Relative Money Value (RMV) with a value of 22829. Dimension number 1, also had the lowest waste volume, with a value of 3953.25 m3, for the total bench. For cutting the total bench volume of 6932.25m3, the diamond wire cutter had the lowest dust emission values for the block with the dimension ‘2mx2mx2m’, with a value of 24m3. When compared with the Eco-Label standards, block dimensions having surface area values lower than 15m2, were found to fit the natural resource waste criteria of the label, as the threshold required 25% of minimum recovery [1]. Due to the relativity of production costs, together with the Eco-Label threshold, the research recommends the selection of the blocks with a surface area value between 6m2 and 14m2.


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With the entry into force of the latest Italian Building Code (NTC 2008, 2018), innovative criteria were provided, especially for what concerns the seismic verifications of large infrastructures. In particular, for buildings considered as strategic, such as large dams, a seismotectonic study of the site was declared necessary, which involves a re-assessment of the basic seismic hazard. This PhD project fits into this context, being part of the seismic re-evaluation process of large dams launched on a national scale following the O.P.C.M. 3274/2003, D.L. 79/2004. A full seismotectonic study in the region of two large earth dams in Southern Italy was carried out. We identified and characterized the structures that could generate earthquakes in our study area, together with the definition of the local seismic history. This information was used for the reassessment of the basic seismic hazard, using probabilistic seismic hazard assessment approaches. In recent years, fault-based models for the seismic hazard assessment have been proposed all over the world as a new emerging methodology. For this reason, we decided to test the innovative SHERIFS approach on our study area. The occasion of the seismotectonic study gave also the opportunity to focus on the characteristics of the seismic stations that provided the data for the study itself. In the context of the work presented here, we focused on the 10 stations that had been active for the longest time and we carried out a geophysical characterization, the data of which merged into a more general study on the soil-structure interaction at seismic stations and on the ways in which it could affect the SHA. Lastly, an additional experimental study on the two dams and their associated minor structures is also presented, aimed at defining their main dynamic parameters, useful for subsequent dynamic structural and geotechnical studies.


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During recent decades, the health of ocean ecosystems and fish populations has been threatened by overexploitation, pollution, and anthropogenic-driven climate change. Due to a lack of long-term data, we have a poor understanding of when intensive exploitation began and what impact anthropogenic activities have had on the ecology and evolution of fishes. Such information is crucial to recover degraded and depleted marine ecosystems and fish populations, maximise their productivity in-line with historical levels, and predict their future dynamics. In this thesis, I evaluate anthropogenic impacts on the iconic Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus; BFT), one of the longest and recently most intensely exploited marine fishes, with a tremendous cultural and economic importance. Using a long-time series of archaeological and archived faunal remains (bones) dating back to approximately two millennia ago, I apply morphological, isotopic, and genomic techniques to perform the first studies on long-term BFT size and growth, diet and habitat use, and demography and adaptation, and produce the first genome-wide data on this species. My findings suggest that exploitation had impacted BFT foraging behaviour by the ~16th century when coastal ecosystem degradation induced a pelagic shift in diet and habitat use. I reveal that BFT biomass began to decline much earlier than hitherto documented, by the 19th century, consistent with intensive tuna trap catches during this period and catch-at-size increasing. I find that BFT juvenile growth had increased by the early 1900s (and more dramatically by the 21st century) which may reflect an evolutionary response to size selective harvest–which I find putative genomic signatures of. Further, I observed that BFT foraging behaviours have been modified following overexploitation during the 20th century, which previously included a isotopically distinct, Black Sea niche. Finally, I show that despite biomass declining from centuries ago, BFT has retained genomic diversity.


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Teeth, with their high mineralisation, incremental growth, and lack of remodelling, serve as biological archives that document an individual's development. This project aims to utilise the potential of teeth in bioarchaeological studies to achieve three primary objectives: 1) to investigate the application of histological and histochemical methods in reconstructing developmental bio-chronologies and early life histories; 2) to refine the temporal precision of isotopic analysis of dentine collagen by developing a novel protocol that integrates micro-sampling techniques with high-resolution histomorphometrics; and 3) to synthesise data from enamel and dentine for a comprehensive understanding of early life development and dietary transitions. This study adopts an integrated multidisciplinary bioarchaeological approach, conducting histomorphometric analysis on enamel and dentine across deciduous and permanent dentitions. It applies high-temporal resolution trace element analysis to enamel using LA-ICPMS and δ13C and δ15N isotope analyses through sequential micro-sampling to dentine of permanent teeth. Samples were selected from diverse archaeological contexts across the Italian peninsula, covering the Upper Palaeolithic, Copper Age, and Early Medieval periods, providing insight into diachronic variations in infant development and life history. Findings highlight the efficacy of histological and histochemical techniques in accurately determining growth rates, physiological stress, dietary shifts (particularly timing of weaning), and age at death in infant remains. The consistency and comparison between enamel and dentine underscores the enhanced insight obtained from integrating information from both tissues. Importantly, the newly proposed protocol significantly improves the temporal accuracy of dentine collagen analysis, facilitating precise chronological placement of the results over broad developmental associations. This study reaffirms the significance of teeth as valuable bioarchaeological instruments. By introducing and testing multidisciplinary methods, it provides deeper insights into early life history and cultural practices across diverse chronological contexts, highlighting the importance of advanced methodologies in extracting detailed, accurate, and nuanced information from past populations.


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- Aims: Hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis (ATTRv) is one of the leading etiologies of systemic amyloidosis with more than 135 mutations described and a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations. We aimed to provide a systematic description of a population of individuals carrying pathogenic mutations of transthyretin (TTR) gene and to investigate the major clinical events during follow up. - Methods: Observational, retrospective, cohort study including consecutive patients with mutations of TTR gene, admitted to a tertiary referral center in Bologna, Italy, between 1984 and 2022. - Results: Three hundred twenty-five patients were included: 106 asymptomatic carriers, 49 cardiac phenotype, 49 neurological phenotype and 121 mixed phenotype. Twenty-three different mutations were found, with Ile68Leu (41.8%), Val30Met (19%), and Glu89Gln (10%) being the most common. After a median follow-up of 51 months data from 290 subjects were analyzed; among them 111 (38.3%) died and 123 (42.4%) had a major clinical event (death or hospitalization for heart failure). Nine (11.5%) of the 78 asymptomatic carriers showed signs and symptoms of the disease. Carriers had a prognosis comparable to healthy population, while no significant differences were seen among the three phenotypes adjusted by age. Age at diagnosis, NYHA functional class, left ventricular ejection fraction, mPND score and disease-modifying therapy were independently associated with survival. - Conclusions: This study offers a wide and comprehensive overview of ATTRv from the point of view of a tertiary referral center in Italy. Three main phenotypes can be identified (cardiac, neurological and mixed) with specific clinical and instrumental features. Family screening programs are essential to identify paucisymptomatic affected patients or unaffected carriers of the mutation, to be followed through the years. Lastly, disease-modifying therapy represents an evolving cornerstone of the management of ATTRv, with a great impact on mortality.


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This thesis has the aim to give an overview about the tectonic history of the Epiligurian units, which crop out in the axial portion of the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt, from a structural and thermal point of view, through a multiscalar and multitecnique approach. I focused on a key example of Epiligurian wedge-top basin, (Marzabotto Basin) proceeding from macro-to-microscale approach. The study started from a remote sensing analysis of the lineaments and morphostructures which affected the study area to obtain the regional faulting pattern and an overview about the main tectonic structures, used as basis for the structural investigation at the mesoscale. On the basis of this, it was possible to reconstruct the succession of tectonic events that affected the Marzabotto Basin, consisting in: i) two sets of thrusts indicating a NE-SW and NW-SE shortening of the sedimentary succession; ii) NE-SW-left lateral transtensional faults related to a strike-slip tectonic phase; iii) three main sets of extensional structures which cut and displace the previous thrusts. Normal faults are related to the post-orogenic evolution and have been dated with U-Th method, getting an age of Middle-Late Pleistocene. From a thermal point of view, apatite fission-tracks and (U-Th)/He analyses of detrital minerals and thermal modelling on the middle-upper Eocene siliciclastic deposits allowed me to better constrain the local exhumation history and correlate it with the large-scale tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines. In particular, the Marzabotto Basin experienced a complex burial-exhumation history, consisting in two cooling cooling phases related to the growth of the Northern Apennines belt (Oligo-Miocene in age) and a later cooling which tracks the accretion in the orogenic wedge concomitant with rollback-driven extension (late Miocene-Pliocene in age). In conclusion it is possible to affirm that the study shed new light on poorly constrained elements of fold-and-thrust belt.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the additional cost of treatment of a group of nosocomial infections in a tertiary public hospital. A retrospective observational cohort study was conducted by means of analyzing the medical records of 34 patients with infection after total knee arthroplasty, diagnosed in 2006 and 2007, who met the criteria for nosocomial infection according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To estimate the direct costs of treatment for these patients, the following data were gathered: length of hospital stay, laboratory tests, imaging examinations, and surgical procedures performed. Their costs were estimated from the minimum values according to the Brazilian Medical Association. The estimated cost of the antibiotics used was also obtained. The total length of stay in the ward was 976 days, at a cost of US$ 18,994.63, and, in the intensive care unit, it was 34 days at a cost of US$ 5,031.37. Forty-two debridement procedures were performed, at a cost of US$ 5,798.06, and 1965 tests (laboratory and imaging) were also performed, at a cost of US$ 15,359.25. US$ 20,845.01 was spent on antibiotics and US$ 1,735.16 on vacuum assisted closure therapy, microsurgical flaps, implant removal, spacer use, and surgical revision. The total additional cost of these cases of hospital infection in 2006 and 2007 was of US$ 91,843.75. Based on that, we demonstrate that the high cost of treatment for hospital infections emphasizes the importance of taking measures to prevent and control hospital infection.


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Contents of proteins, carbohydrates and oil of seeds of 57 individuals of Vochysiaceae, involving one species of Callisthene, six of Qualea, one of Salvertia and eight of Vochysia were determined. The main nutritional reserves of Vochysiaceae seeds are proteins (20% in average) and oils (21. 6%). Mean of carbohydrate contents was 5. 8%. Callisthene showed the lowest protein content (16. 9%), while Q. cordata was the species with the highest content (30% in average). The contents of ethanol soluble carbohydrates were much higher than those of water soluble carbohydrates. Oil contents lay above 20% for most species (30. 4% in V. pygmaea and V. pyramidalis seeds). The predominant fatty acids are lauric (Q. grandiflora), oleic (Qualea and Salvertia) or acids with longer carbon chains (Salvertia and a group of Vochysia species). The distribution of Vochysiaceae fatty acids suggests for seeds of some species an exploitation as food sources (predominance of oleic acid), for other species an alternative to cocoa butter (high contents or predominance of stearic acid) or the production of lubricants, surfactants, detergents, cosmetics and plastic (predominance of acids with C20 or C22 chains) or biodiesel (predominance of monounsaturated acids). The possibility of exploitation of Vochysiaceae products in a cultivation regimen and in extractive reserves is discussed.


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Este artigo analisa, pela primeira vez na literatura, o impacto dos sindicatos de trabalhadores em vários indicadores de desempenho econômico de firmas industriais brasileiras. Realizou-se uma pesquisa retrospectiva sobre a densidade sindical de 1000 estabelecimentos industriais brasileiros e seus resultados foram combinados aos indicadores de desempenho econômico da Pesquisa Industrial Anual (PIA) de 1990 a 2000. Os resultados indicam que a relação entre a densidade sindical na firma e seus salários, emprego e produtividade, é não-linear, ou seja, um aumento no grau de sindicalização leva a um melhor desempenho, porém a taxas decrescentes. Observou-se, também, uma relação negativa entre sindicalização e rentabilidade. Finalmente, estabelecimentos que introduziram mecanismos de 'participação nos lucros' aumentaram sua produtividade e rentabilidade no período e pagaram maiores salários nas firmas onde o grau de sindicalização era maior.


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During the exploration and mapping of new caves in Serra do Ramalho karst area, southern Bahia state, cavers from the Grupo Bambuí de Pesquisas Espeleológicas - GBPE (Belo Horizonte) noticed the presence of troglomorphic catfishes (species with reduced eyes and/or melanic pigmentation), which we intensively investigated with regards to their ecology and behavior since 2005. Non-troglomorphic fishes regularly found in the studied caves were included in this investigation. We present here data on the natural history of two troglobitic (exclusively subterranean troglomorphic species) fishes - Rhamdia enfurnada Bichuette & Trajano, 2005 (Heptapteridae; Gruna do Enfurnado) and Trichomycterus undescribed species (Trichomycteridae; Lapa dos Peixes and Gruna da Água Clara), and non-troglomorphic Hoplias cf. malabaricus, probably a troglophile (able to form populations both in epigean and subterranean habitats) in the Gruna do Enfurnado, and Pimelodella sp., a species with a sink population in the Lapa dos Peixes.


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We studied the ecology and natural history of the globally threatened and poorly known Akodon lindberghi Hershkovitz, 1990 in Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (PNSC) and Juiz de Fora (JF), southeastern Brazil. From November 1998 to September 2001 a total of 131 individuals were captured in wire-cage live-traps and 52 by pitfalls traps. They were all marked and released at the site. The largest abundances were registered during the dry season, and most of the captures occurred in open habitats. The mean body mass of the two populations was significantly different (18.1 g at PNSC versus 13.1 g at JF; H = 46.2678, g.l.=2, p<0.001). In PNSC, individuals were reproductively active from August to February, and juveniles were present from May to August. The results suggest that the changes in vegetation structure caused by deforestation and intensive agricultural activities could increase the predation rate, affecting the mean body mass of the population.