927 resultados para ES-SAGD. Heavy oil. Recovery factor. Reservoir modeling and simulation


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This work represents the proceedings of the fifteenth symposium which convened at Colorado State University on May 24, 1985. The two day meeting was scheduled one month later than usual, i.e., after the spring semester, so that travelers from the Midwest (Iowa State University, Kansas State University and University of Missouri) could enjoy the unique mountain setting provided at Pingree Park. The background of the photograph on the cover depicts the beauty of the area. ContentsGreg Sinton and S.M. Leo, KSU. Models for the Biodegration of 2.4-D and Related Xenobiotic Compounds. V. Bringi, CSU. Intrinsic Kinetics from a Novel Immobilized Cell CSTR. Steve Birdsell, CU. Novel Microbial Separation Techniques. Mark Smith, MU. Kinetic Characterization of Growth of E. coli on Glucose. Michael M. Meagher, ISU. Kinetic Parameters of Di- and Trisaccharaide Hydrolysis by Glucoamylase II. G.T. Jones and A.K. Ghosh Hajra, KSU. Modeling and Simulation of Legume Modules with Reactive Cores and Inert Shells. S.A. Patel and C.H. Lee, KSU. Energetic Analysis and Liquid Circulation in an Airlift Fermenter. Rod R. Fisher, ISU. The Effects of Mixing during Acid Addition of Fractionally Precipitated Protein. Mark M. Paige, CSU. Fed-batch Fermentations of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Michael K. Dowd, ISU. A Nonequilibirium Thermodynamic Description of the Variation of Contractile Velocity and Energy Use in Muscle. David D. Drury, CSU. Analysis of Hollow Fiber Bioreactor Performance for MAmmalian Cells by On-Line MMR. H.Y. Lee, KSU. Process Analysis of Photosynthetic Continuous Culture Systems. C.J. Wang, MU. Kinetic Consideration in Fermentation of Cheese Whey to Ethanol.


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This volume represents the proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Biochemical Engineering Symposium held at Kansas State University on April 26, 1986. Some of the papers describe the progress of ongoing projects, and others contain the results of completed projects. Only brief summaries are given of many of the papers that will be published in full elsewhere. ContentsEnd-Product Inhibition of the Acetone-Butanol Fermentation—Bob Kuhn, Colorado State University Effect of Multiple Substrates in Ethanal Fermentations from Cheese Whey—C.J. Wang, University of Missouri Extraction and Fermentation of Ensiled Sweet Sorghum—Karl Noah, Colorado State University Removal of Nucleic Acids from Bakers' Yeast—Richard M. Cordes, Iowa State University Modeling the Effects of Plasmid Replication and Product Repression on the Growth Rate of Recombinant Bacteria—William E. Bentley, University of Colorado Indirect Estimates of Cell Concentrations in Mass Cultivation of Bacterial Cells—Andrew Fisher, University of Missouri A Mathematical Model for Liquid Recirculation in Airlift Columns—C.H.Lee, Kansas State University Characterization of Imperfect Mixing of Batch Reactors by Two Compartment Model—Peter Sohn, University of Missouri First Order Breakage Model for the Degradation of Pullalan in the Batch Fermentor—Stephen A. Milligan, Kansas State University Synthesis and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of 13C-Labeled Amylopectin and Maltooligosaccharides—Bernard Y. Tao, Iowa State University Preparation of Fungal Starter Culture in Gas Fluidized Bed Reactor—Pal Mihaltz, Colorado State University Yeast Flocculation and Sedimentation—David Szlag, University of Colorado Protein Enrichment of Extrusion Cooked Corn by Solid Substrate Fermentation—Lucas Alvarez-Martinez, Colorado State University Optimum Design of a Hollow Fiber Mammalian Cell Reactor—Thomas Chresand, Colorado State University Gas Chromatography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Trifluoroacetylated Carbohydrates—Steven T. Summerfelt, Iowa State University Kinetic and Bioenergetic Considerations for Modeling Photosynthetic Microbial P~ocesses in Producing Biomass and Treating Wastewater—H. Y. Lee, Kansas State University Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Bicarbonate-Limited Photsynthetic Growth in Continuous Culture—Craig Curless, Kansas State University Data Acquisition and Control of a Rotary Drum Solid State Fermentor—Mnasria A. Habib, Colorado State University Biodegradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D)—Greg Sinton, Kansas State University


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Esse trabalho constitui o desenvolvimento da modelagem térmica e simulação por métodos numéricos de dois componentes fundamentais do ciclo de refrigeração por absorção de calor com o par amônia/água: o absorvedor e o gerador. A função do absorvedor é produzir mistura líquida com alta fração mássica de amônia a partir de mistura líquida com baixa fração mássica de amônia e mistura vapor mediante retirada de calor. A função do gerador é produzir mistura líquido/vapor a partir de mistura líquida mediante o fornecimento de calor. É proposto o uso da tecnologia de filmes descendentes sobre placas inclinadas e o método de diferenças finitas para dividir o comprimento da placa em volumes de controle discretos e realizar os balanços de massa, espécie de amônia e energia juntamente com as equações de transferência de calor e massa para o filme descendente. O objetivo desse trabalho é obter um modelo matemático simplificado para ser utilizado em controle e otimização. Esse modelo foi utilizado para calcular as trocas de calor e massa no absorvedor e gerador para diversas condições a partir de dados operacionais, tais como: dimensões desses componentes, ângulo de inclinação da placa, temperatura de superfície e condições de entrada da fase líquida e vapor. Esses resultados foram utilizados para estabelecer relações de causa e efeito entre as variáveis e parâmetros do problema. Os resultados mostraram que o ângulo de inclinação da placa ótimo tanto para o absorvedor como para o gerador é a posição vertical, ou 90°. A posição vertical proporciona o menor comprimento de equilíbrio (0,85 m para o absorvedor e 1,27 m para o gerador com as condições testadas) e se mostrou estável, pois até 75° não foram verificadas variações no funcionamento do absorvedor e gerador. Dentre as condições testadas para uma placa de 0,5 m verificou-se que as maiores efetividades térmicas no absorvedor e gerador foram respectivamente 0,9 e 0,7 e as maiores efetividades mássicas no absorvedor e gerador foram respectivamente 0,6 e 0,5. É esperado que os dados obtidos sejam utilizados em trabalhos futuros para a construção de um protótipo laboratorial e na validação do modelo.


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Mudança climática é um processo global, real e inequívoco. Para sua mitigação, a substituição de combustíveis fósseis por energias renováveis está sendo cada vez mais empregada. Devido à rápida velocidade de crescimento das microalgas, seu cultivo é visto como uma das alternativas mais promissoras para a produção de biocombustíveis. No presente trabalho, foi elaborado um modelo matemático fenomenológico que descreve o crescimento da microalga Chlorella vulgaris. Este modelo foi validado através de experimentos realizados em um reator piloto com capacidade de 1000 L tipo \"open pond\" (reator de raias) aberto ao ambiente, em condições não-axênicas. A variação de concentração devida à evaporação e/ou adição de água foi levada em conta no modelo. O modelo matemático desenvolvido, contendo dois parâmetros ajustáveis, descreve a variação da concentração de biomassa em função do tempo sob condições variáveis de luminosidade e temperatura. Os parâmetros ajustáveis são q (constante para conversão de intensidade luminosa em crescimento fotossintético, em klux-1 min-1) e Imax (limite máximo de intensidade luminosa, em klux). Previamente ao projeto do reator, foram realizados experimentos em reator de laboratório (utilizando a metodologia Taguchi) com o objetivo de determinar quais os fatores mais críticos para o crescimento da espécie de microalga selecionada e que, por isso, deveriam ser controlados com maior precisão. Além disso, foi analisada teoricamente a relevância da consideração do transporte de massa de CO2 no processo. Como este transporte é muito mais lento, a resistência controladora do processo é o crescimento fotossintético. Após a construção do reator piloto, foram realizados dois experimentos preliminares (os quais serviram para aperfeiçoar o aparato e o procedimento experimental) e três experimentos definitivos, registrando-se dados ambientais (temperatura, intensidade luminosa e pH) e de concentração ao longo do tempo. Utilizando os dados de temperatura e luminosidade em função do tempo como entrada, os parâmetros q e Imax otimizados foram ajustados às curvas de concentração versus tempo de cada experimento. Para tal foram desenvolvidos programas de integração de equações diferenciais e de otimização escritos em ambiente Scilab®. Verificou-se que, apesar da variabilidade devida às condições ambientais dos experimentos, obteve-se boa aderência dos dados simulados aos experimentais. Uma análise estatística dos parâmetros q e Imax calculados em cada experimento forneceu coeficientes de variação para estes parâmetros de 17 % e 5 %, respectivamente. Concluiu-se, portanto, que o modelo matemático desenvolvido neste trabalho pode ser empregado para prever o desempenho de um reator de raias em condições ambientais variáveis, bastando para isto o ajuste de dois parâmetros.


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O propósito deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um procedimento simulador de processo reproduzindo a etapa de destilação extrativa de uma unidade de extração de butadieno a partir de uma corrente de hidrocarbonetos na faixa de quatro átomos de carbono, através da adição do solvente n-metil-2- pirrolidona (NMP). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados e validados com dados de processo obtidos por uma unidade industrial de extração de butadieno. O aprofundamento nos conceitos do processo de separação através de uma ferramenta em simulador de processo capaz de predizer condições de operação permitiu avaliações de aumento de capacidade. A capacidade dos elementos internos dos equipamentos envolvidos na separação pode ser avaliada e a identificação do ponto inicial de engargalamento da unidade foi possível. O procedimento proposto também permite reduzir incertezas para identificação de novos pontos de engargalamento a partir de uma nova configuração dos elementos internos identificados como ineficientes com a elevação de carga processada.


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O paradigma das redes em chip (NoCs) surgiu a fim de permitir alto grau de integração entre vários núcleos de sistemas em chip (SoCs), cuja comunicação é tradicionalmente baseada em barramentos. As NoCs são definidas como uma estrutura de switches e canais ponto a ponto que interconectam núcleos de propriedades intelectuais (IPs) de um SoC, provendo uma plataforma de comunicação entre os mesmos. As redes em chip sem fio (WiNoCs) são uma abordagem evolucionária do conceito de rede em chip (NoC), a qual possibilita a adoção dos mecanismos de roteamento das NoCs com o uso de tecnologias sem fio, propondo a otimização dos fluxos de tráfego, a redução de conectores e a atuação em conjunto com as NoCs tradicionais, reduzindo a carga nos barramentos. O uso do roteamento dinâmico dentro das redes em chip sem fio permite o desligamento seletivo de partes do hardware, o que reduz a energia consumida. Contudo, a escolha de onde empregar um link sem fio em uma NoC é uma tarefa complexa, dado que os nós são pontes de tráfego os quais não podem ser desligados sem potencialmente quebrar uma rota preestabelecida. Além de fornecer uma visão sobre as arquiteturas de NoCs e do estado da arte do paradigma emergente de WiNoC, este trabalho também propõe um método de avaliação baseado no já consolidado simulador ns-2, cujo objetivo é testar cenários híbridos de NoC e WiNoC. A partir desta abordagem é possível avaliar diferentes parâmetros das WiNoCs associados a aspectos de roteamento, aplicação e número de nós envolvidos em redes hierárquicas. Por meio da análise de tais simulações também é possível investigar qual estratégia de roteamento é mais recomendada para um determinado cenário de utilização, o que é relevante ao se escolher a disposição espacial dos nós em uma NoC. Os experimentos realizados são o estudo da dinâmica de funcionamento dos protocolos ad hoc de roteamento sem fio em uma topologia hierárquica de WiNoC, seguido da análise de tamanho da rede e dos padrões de tráfego na WiNoC.


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O desenvolvimento técnico e científico em torno das blindagens tem procurado contrariar o constante aperfeiçoamento dos projéteis e do seu poder de penetração. Para cumprir este objetivo, é necessário recorrer a soluções inovadoras tanto em termos dos materiais utilizados no fabrico, como ao nível do formato da própria blindagem. Com este trabalho pretende-se dar os primeiros passos na produção e teste de materiais em situação de tiro real, bem como na modelação e simulação dos mesmos com o objetivo de adquirir capacidades, técnicas e procedimentos para trabalhos futuros. O trabalho teve início com a realização da pesquisa bibliográfica sobre vários aspetos desde o fabrico até à avaliação do desempenho de blindagens balísticas. O trabalho teórico desta tese incidiu na modelação por elementos finitos dos elementos balísticos (proteções e projétil) tendo como objetivo a simulação numérica da sua interação em condições de impacto. O trabalho experimental foi realizado no campo de tiro da Escola das Armas onde foram testados os alvos com os materiais compósitos produzidos e com placas de alumínio, com diferentes combinações. A análise de resultados permitiu comparar e avaliar as diferenças entre as estimativas teóricas e as suas limitações com as observações experimentais do tiro real.


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Current Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models are inductive. We present an additional, different approach that is based on the synthetic rather than the inductive approach to modeling and simulation. It relies on object-oriented programming A model of the referent system in its experimental context is synthesized by assembling objects that represent components such as molecules, cells, aspects of tissue architecture, catheters, etc. The single pass perfused rat liver has been well described in evaluating hepatic drug pharmacokinetics (PK) and is the system on which we focus. In silico experiments begin with administration of objects representing actual compounds. Data are collected in a manner analogous to that in the referent PK experiments. The synthetic modeling method allows for recognition and representation of discrete event and discrete time processes, as well as heterogeneity in organization, function, and spatial effects. An application is developed for sucrose and antipyrine, administered separately and together PBPK modeling has made extensive progress in characterizing abstracted PK properties but this has also been its limitation. Now, other important questions and possible extensions emerge. How are these PK properties and the observed behaviors generated? The inherent heuristic limitations of traditional models have hindered getting meaningful, detailed answers to such questions. Synthetic models of the type described here are specifically intended to help answer such questions. Analogous to wet-lab experimental models, they retain their applicability even when broken apart into sub-components. Having and applying this new class of models along with traditional PK modeling methods is expected to increase the productivity of pharmaceutical research at all levels that make use of modeling and simulation.


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This thesis presents the formal definition of a novel Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) extension of the Networked Autonomic Machine (NAM) framework, a general-purpose conceptual tool which describes large-scale distributed autonomic systems. The introduction of autonomic policies in the MCC paradigm has proved to be an effective technique to increase the robustness and flexibility of MCC systems. In particular, autonomic policies based on continuous resource and connectivity monitoring help automate context-aware decisions for computation offloading. We have also provided NAM with a formalization in terms of a transformational operational semantics in order to fill the gap between its existing Java implementation NAM4J and its conceptual definition. Moreover, we have extended NAM4J by adding several components with the purpose of managing large scale autonomic distributed environments. In particular, the middleware allows for the implementation of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks of NAM nodes. Moreover, NAM mobility actions have been implemented to enable the migration of code, execution state and data. Within NAM4J, we have designed and developed a component, denoted as context bus, which is particularly useful in collaborative applications in that, if replicated on each peer, it instantiates a virtual shared channel allowing nodes to notify and get notified about context events. Regarding the autonomic policies management, we have provided NAM4J with a rule engine, whose purpose is to allow a system to autonomously determine when offloading is convenient. We have also provided NAM4J with trust and reputation management mechanisms to make the middleware suitable for applications in which such aspects are of great interest. To this purpose, we have designed and implemented a distributed framework, denoted as DARTSense, where no central server is required, as reputation values are stored and updated by participants in a subjective fashion. We have also investigated the literature regarding MCC systems. The analysis pointed out that all MCC models focus on mobile devices, and consider the Cloud as a system with unlimited resources. To contribute in filling this gap, we defined a modeling and simulation framework for the design and analysis of MCC systems, encompassing both their sides. We have also implemented a modular and reusable simulator of the model. We have applied the NAM principles to two different application scenarios. First, we have defined a hybrid P2P/cloud approach where components and protocols are autonomically configured according to specific target goals, such as cost-effectiveness, reliability and availability. Merging P2P and cloud paradigms brings together the advantages of both: high availability, provided by the Cloud presence, and low cost, by exploiting inexpensive peers resources. As an example, we have shown how the proposed approach can be used to design NAM-based collaborative storage systems based on an autonomic policy to decide how to distribute data chunks among peers and Cloud, according to cost minimization and data availability goals. As a second application, we have defined an autonomic architecture for decentralized urban participatory sensing (UPS) which bridges sensor networks and mobile systems to improve effectiveness and efficiency. The developed application allows users to retrieve and publish different types of sensed information by using the features provided by NAM4J's context bus. Trust and reputation is managed through the application of DARTSense mechanisms. Also, the application includes an autonomic policy that detects areas characterized by few contributors, and tries to recruit new providers by migrating code necessary to sensing, through NAM mobility actions.


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Since wireless network optimisations can be typically designed and evaluated independently of one another under the assumption that they can be applied jointly or independently. In this paper, we have analysis some rate algorithms in wireless networks. Since wireless networks have different standards in IEEE with peculiar features, data rate is one of those important parameters that wireless networks depend on for performances. The optimisation of this network is dependent on the behaviour of a particular rate algorithm in a network scenario. We have considered some first and second generation's rate algorithm, and it is all about selecting an appropriate data rate that any available wireless network can utilise for transmission in order to achieve a good performance. We have designed and analysis a wireless network and results obtained for some rate algorithms, like ONOE and AARF.


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Finite element simulations have been performed along side Galerkin-type calculations that examined the development of volumetrically heated flow patterns in a horizontal layer controlled by the Prandtl number, Pr, and the Grashof number, Gr. The fluid was bounded by an isothermal plane above an adiabatic plane. In the simulations performed here, a number of convective polygonal planforms occurred, as Gr increased above the critical Grashof number, Grc at Pr = 7, while roll structures were observed for Pr < 1 at 2Grc.


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Existing approaches to quality estimation of e-learning systems are analyzed. The “layered” approach for quality estimation of e-learning systems enhanced with learning process modeling and simulation is presented. The method of quality estimation using learning process modeling and quality criteria are suggested. The learning process model based on extended colored stochastic Petri net is described. The method has been implemented in the automated system of quality estimation of e-learning systems named “QuAdS”. Results of approbation of the developed method and quality criteria are shown. We argue that using learning process modeling for quality estimation simplifies identifying lacks of an e-learning system for an expert.


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Today, over 15,000 Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) analyzers are employed at worldwide security checkpoints to detect explosives and illicit drugs. Current portal IMS instruments and other electronic nose technologies detect explosives and drugs by analyzing samples containing the headspace air and loose particles residing on a surface. Canines can outperform these systems at sampling and detecting the low vapor pressure explosives and drugs, such as RDX, PETN, cocaine, and MDMA, because these biological detectors target the volatile signature compounds available in the headspace rather than the non-volatile parent compounds of explosives and drugs.^ In this dissertation research volatile signature compounds available in the headspace over explosive and drug samples were detected using SPME as a headspace sampling tool coupled to an IMS analyzer. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique was developed to optimize the operating conditions of a commercial IMS (GE Itemizer 2), leading to the successful detection of plastic explosives (Detasheet, Semtex H, and C-4) and illicit drugs (cocaine, MDMA, and marijuana). Short sampling times (between 10 sec to 5 min) were adequate to extract and preconcentrate sufficient analytes (> 20 ng) representing the volatile signatures in the headspace of a 15 mL glass vial or a quart-sized can containing ≤ 1 g of the bulk explosive or drug.^ Furthermore, a research grade IMS with flexibility for changing operating conditions and physical configurations was designed and fabricated to accommodate future research into different analytes or physical configurations. The design and construction of the FIU-IMS were facilitated by computer modeling and simulation of ion’s behavior within an IMS. The simulation method developed uses SIMION/SDS and was evaluated with experimental data collected using a commercial IMS (PCP Phemto Chem 110). The FIU-IMS instrument has comparable performance to the GE Itemizer 2 (average resolving power of 14, resolution of 3 between two drugs and two explosives, and LODs range from 0.7 to 9 ng). ^ The results from this dissertation further advance the concept of targeting volatile components to presumptively detect the presence of concealed bulk explosives and drugs by SPME-IMS, and the new FIU-IMS provides a flexible platform for future IMS research projects.^


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Today, over 15,000 Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) analyzers are employed at worldwide security checkpoints to detect explosives and illicit drugs. Current portal IMS instruments and other electronic nose technologies detect explosives and drugs by analyzing samples containing the headspace air and loose particles residing on a surface. Canines can outperform these systems at sampling and detecting the low vapor pressure explosives and drugs, such as RDX, PETN, cocaine, and MDMA, because these biological detectors target the volatile signature compounds available in the headspace rather than the non-volatile parent compounds of explosives and drugs. In this dissertation research volatile signature compounds available in the headspace over explosive and drug samples were detected using SPME as a headspace sampling tool coupled to an IMS analyzer. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique was developed to optimize the operating conditions of a commercial IMS (GE Itemizer 2), leading to the successful detection of plastic explosives (Detasheet, Semtex H, and C-4) and illicit drugs (cocaine, MDMA, and marijuana). Short sampling times (between 10 sec to 5 min) were adequate to extract and preconcentrate sufficient analytes (> 20 ng) representing the volatile signatures in the headspace of a 15 mL glass vial or a quart-sized can containing ≤ 1 g of the bulk explosive or drug. Furthermore, a research grade IMS with flexibility for changing operating conditions and physical configurations was designed and fabricated to accommodate future research into different analytes or physical configurations. The design and construction of the FIU-IMS were facilitated by computer modeling and simulation of ion’s behavior within an IMS. The simulation method developed uses SIMION/SDS and was evaluated with experimental data collected using a commercial IMS (PCP Phemto Chem 110). The FIU-IMS instrument has comparable performance to the GE Itemizer 2 (average resolving power of 14, resolution of 3 between two drugs and two explosives, and LODs range from 0.7 to 9 ng). The results from this dissertation further advance the concept of targeting volatile components to presumptively detect the presence of concealed bulk explosives and drugs by SPME-IMS, and the new FIU-IMS provides a flexible platform for future IMS research projects.


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This work aims at modeling power consumption at the nodes of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). For doing so, a finite state machine was implemented by means of SystemC-AMS and Stateflow modeling and simulation tools. In order to achieve this goal, communication data in a WSN were collected. Based on the collected data, a simulation environment for power consumption characterization, which aimed at describing the network operation, was developed. Other than performing power consumption simulation, this environment also takes into account a discharging model as to analyze the battery charge level at any given moment. Such analysis result in a graph illustrating the battery voltage variations as well as its state of charge (SOC). Finally, a case study of the WSN power consumption aims to analyze the acquisition mode and network data communication. With this analysis, it is possible make adjustments in node-sensors to reduce the total power consumption of the network.