927 resultados para Dye molecule
The 3-dimensionaI structure determination of rat phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) has identified potentially important amino acids lining the active site cleft with the majority of these having hydrophobic side-chains including several with aromatic side chains. Here we have analyzed the effect on rat PAH enzyme kinetics of in vitro mutagenesis of a number of these amino acids lining the PAH active site. Mutation of F299, Y324, F331, and Y343 caused a significant decrease in enzyme activity but no change in the K-m for substrate or cofactor. me conclude that these aromatic residues are essential for activity but are not significantly involved in binding of the substrate or cofactor. in contrast the PAH mutant, S349T, showed an 18-fold increase in K-m for phenylalanine, showing the first functional evidence that this residue was binding at or near the phenylalanine binding site. This confirms the recently published model for the binding of phenylalanine to the PAH active site that postulated S349 interacts with the amino group on the main chain of the phenylalanine molecule. This result differs with that found for the equivalent mutation (S395T), in the closely related tyrosine hydroxylase, which had no effect on substrate K-m, showing that while the architecture of the two active sites are very similar the amino acids that bind to the respective substrates are different. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
P-II is a signal transduction protein that is part of the cellular machinery used by many bacteria to regulate the activity of glutamine synthetase and the transcription of its gene. The structure of P-II was solved using a hexagonal crystal form (form I). The more physiologically relevant form of P-II is a complex with small molecule effecters. We describe the structure of P-II with ATP obtained by analysis of two different crystal forms (forms II and III) that were obtained by co-crystallization of P-II with ATP. Both structures have a disordered recognition (T) loop and show differences at their C termini. Comparison of these structures with the form I protein reveals changes that occur on binding ATP. Surprisingly, the structure of the P-II/ATP complex differs with that of GlnK, a functional homologue. The two proteins bind the base and sugar of ATP in a similar manner but show differences in the way that they interact with the phosphates. The differences in structure could account for the differences in their activities, and these have been attributed to a difference in sequence at position 82. It has been demonstrated recently that P-II and GlnK form functional heterotrimers in vivo. We construct models of the heterotrimers and examine the junction between the subunits.
Cultured melanoma cells release soluble factors that influence immune responses. Screening of a cDNA library with anti-sera from a melanoma patient identified an immunoreactive plaque, which encoded heavy-chain ferritin (H-ferritin), Previous studies have drawn attention to the immunosuppressive effects of this molecule and prompted further studies on its biochemical and functional properties in human melanoma, These studies demonstrated, firstly, that H-ferritin appeared to be secreted by melanoma cells, as shown by immunoprecipitation of a 21.5 kDa band from supernatants. It was also detected in extracts of melanoma cells by Western blotting as 43 and 64 kDa dimers and trimers of the 21.5 kDa fraction. Secondly, flow-cytometric analysis of H- and light-chain ferritin (L-ferritin) expression on melanoma showed a wide variation in L-ferritin expression and consequently of the ratio of H- to L-ferritin expression. Suppression of mitogenic responses of lymphocytes to anti-CD3 showed a correlation with the ratio of H- to L-ferritin in the supernatants and was specific for H-ferritin, as shown by inhibition studies with a monoclonal antibody (MAb) against H-ferritin, Similar results were obtained with H- and L-ferritin from other sources. Suppression of mitogenic responses of lymphocytes to anti-CD3 by H-ferritin was inhibited using a MAb against IL-IO, which suggested that the immunosuppressive effect of H-ferritin was mediated by IL-IO, Assays of cytokine production from anti-CD3-stimulated lymphocytes showed that H-ferritin markedly increased production of IL-10 and IFN-gamma and had only slight effects on IL-2 and IL-4 production, Our results suggest that melanoma cells may be a major source of H-ferritin and that production of the latter may account for some of the immunosuppressive effects of melanoma, (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
We consider the electronic properties of layered molecular crystals of the type theta -D(2)A where A is an anion and D is a donor molecule such as bis-(ethylenedithia-tetrathiafulvalene) (BEDT-TTF), which is arranged in the theta -type pattern within the layers. We argue that the simplest strongly correlated electron model that can describe the rich phase diagram of these materials is the extended Hubbard model on the square lattice at one-quarter filling. In the limit where the Coulomb repulsion on a single site is large, the nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion V plays a crucial role. When V is much larger than the intermolecular hopping integral t the ground state is an insulator with charge ordering. In this phase antiferromagnetism arises due to a novel fourth-order superexchange process around a plaquette on the square lattice. We argue that the charge ordered phase is destroyed below a critical nonzero value V, of the order of t. Slave-boson theory is used to explicitly demonstrate this for the SU(N) generalization of the model, in the large-N limit. We also discuss the relevance of the model to the all-organic family beta-(BEDT-TTF)(2)SF5YSO3 where Y=CH2CF2, CH2, CHF.
Background: A variety of methods for prediction of peptide binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been proposed. These methods are based on binding motifs, binding matrices, hidden Markov models (HMM), or artificial neural networks (ANN). There has been little prior work on the comparative analysis of these methods. Materials and Methods: We performed a comparison of the performance of six methods applied to the prediction of two human MHC class I molecules, including binding matrices and motifs, ANNs, and HMMs. Results: The selection of the optimal prediction method depends on the amount of available data (the number of peptides of known binding affinity to the MHC molecule of interest), the biases in the data set and the intended purpose of the prediction (screening of a single protein versus mass screening). When little or no peptide data are available, binding motifs are the most useful alternative to random guessing or use of a complete overlapping set of peptides for selection of candidate binders. As the number of known peptide binders increases, binding matrices and HMM become more useful predictors. ANN and HMM are the predictive methods of choice for MHC alleles with more than 100 known binding peptides. Conclusion: The ability of bioinformatic methods to reliably predict MHC binding peptides, and thereby potential T-cell epitopes, has major implications for clinical immunology, particularly in the area of vaccine design.
Confocal imaging of impermeant fluorescent dyes trapped in the tubular (t-) system of skeletal muscle fibres of rat and cane toad was used to examine changes in the morphology of the t-system upon mechanical skinning, the time course of dye loss from the sealed t-systern in mechanically skinned fibres and the influence of rapid application and removal of glycerol on the morphology of the sealed t-system. In contrast to intact fibres, which have a t-systern open to the outside, the sealed t-systern of toad mechanically skinned fibres consistently displayed local swellings (vesicles). The occurrence of vesicles in the sealed t-system of rat-skinned fibres was infrequent. Application and removal of 200-400 mM glycerol to the sealed t-system did not produce any obvious changes in its morphology. The dyes fluo-3, fura-2 and Oregon green 488 were lost from the sealed t-system of toad fibres at different rates suggesting that the mechanism of organic anion transport across the tubular wall was not by indiscriminate bulk transport. The rate of fluo-3 and fura-2 loss from the sealed t-system of rat fibres was greater in rat than in toad fibres and could be explained by differences in surface area: volume ratio of the t-system in the two fibre types. Based on the results presented here and on other results from this laboratory, an explanation is given for the formation of numerous vesicles in toad-skinned fibres and lack of vesicle formation in rat-skinned fibres. This explanation can also help with better understanding the mechanism responsible for vacuole formation in intact fibres. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The recently discovered cyclotides kalata B1 and kalata B2 are miniproteins containing a head-to-tail cyclized backbone and a cystine knot motif, in which disulfide bonds and the connecting backbone segments form a ring that is penetrated by the third disulfide bond. This arrangement renders the cyclotides extremely stable against thermal and enzymatic decay, making them a possible template onto which functionalities can be grafted.We have compared the hydrodynamic properties of two prototypic cyclotides, kalata B1 and kalata B2, using analytical ultracentrifugation techniques. Direct evidence for oligomerization of kalata B2 was shown by sedimentation velocity experiments in which a method for determining size distribution of polydisperse molecules in solution was employed. The shape of the oligomers appears to be spherical. Both sedimentation velocity and equilibrium experiments indicate that in phosphate buffer kalata B1 exists mainly as a monomer, even at millimolar concentrations. In contrast, at 1.6 mM, kalata B2 exists as an equilibrium mixture of monomer (30%), tetramer (42%), octamer (25%), and possibly a small proportion of higher oligomers. The results from the sedimentation equilibrium experiments show that this self-association is concentration dependent and reversible. We link our findings to the three-dimensional structures of both cyclotides, and propose two putative interaction interfaces on opposite sides of the kalata B2 molecule, one involving a hydrophobic interaction with the Phe(6), and the second involving a charge-charge interaction with the Asp(25) residue. An understanding of the factors affecting solution aggregation is of vital importance for future pharmaceutical application of these molecules.
The initiation of graft vs. host disease (GVHD) after stem cell transplantation is dependent on direct antigen presentation by host antigen presenting cells (APC) while the effect of indirect antigen presentation by donor APC is unknown. We have studied the role of indirect antigen presentation in allogenic responses by adding populations of cytokine-expanded donor APC to haematopoietic grafts that would otherwise induce lethal GVHD. Progenipoietin-1 (a synthetic G-CSF/Flt-3 L molecule) and G-CSF expanded myeloid DC, plasmacytoid DC and a novel granulocyte-monocyte precursor population (GM) that differentiate into class IIpos, CD80/CD86pos, CD40neg APC during GVHD. Whereas addition of plasmacytoid and myeloid donor DC augmented GVHD, GM cells induced transplant tolerance via MHC class II restricted generation of IL-10-secreting regulatory T cells. Thus a population of cytokine expanded granulocyte-monocyte precursors function as regulatory antigen presenting cells, suggesting that G-CSF derivatives may have application in disorders characterised by a loss of self-tolerance.
ArtinM is a D-mannose binding lectin that has been arousing increasing interest because of its biomedical properties, especially those involving the stimulation of Th1 immune response, which confers protection against intracellular pathogens The potential pharmaceutical applications of ArtinM have motivated the production of its recombinant form (rArtinM) so that it is important to compare the sugar-binding properties of jArtinM and rArtinM in order to take better advantage of the potential applications of the recombinant lectin. In this work, a biosensor framework based on a Quartz Crystal Microbalance was established with the purpose of making a comparative study of the activity of native and recombinant ArtinM protein The QCM transducer was strategically functionalized to use a simple model of protein binding kinetics. This approach allowed for the determination of the binding/dissociation kinetics rate and affinity equilibrium constant of both forms of ArtinM with horseradish peroxidase glycoprotein (HRP), a N-glycosylated protein that contains the trimannoside Man alpha 1-3[Man alpha 1-6]Man, which is a known ligand for jArtinM (Jeyaprakash et al, 2004). Monitoring of the real-time binding of rArtinM shows that it was able to bind HRP, leading to an analytical curve similar to that of jArtinM, with statistically equivalent kinetic rates and affinity equilibrium constants for both forms of ArtinM The lower reactivity of rArtinM with HRP than jArtinM was considered to be due to a difference in the number of Carbohydrate Recognition Domains (CRDs) per molecule of each lectin form rather than to a difference in the energy of binding per CRD of each lectin form. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved
KM+ is a mannose-binding lectin from Artocarpus integrifolia that induces interleukin (IL)-12 production by macrophages and protective T helper I immune response against Leishmania major infection. in this study, we performed experiments to evaluate the therapeutic activity of jackfruit KM+ (jfKM(+)) and its recombinant counterpart (rKM(+)) in experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. To this end, jfKM(+) or rKM(+) was administered to BALB/c mice 10 days after infection with Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis. Thirty days postinfection, lungs from the KM+-treated mice contained significantly fewer colony-forming units and little to no organized granulomas compared to the controls. In addition, lung homogenates from the KM+-treated mice presented higher levels of nitric oxide, IL-12, interferon-gamma, and tumor necrosis factor-a, whereas higher levels of IL-4 and IL-10 were detected in the control group. With mice deficient in IL-12, Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2, TLR4, or TLR adaptor molecule MyD88, we demonstrated that KM+ led to protection against P. brasiliensis infection through IL-12 production, which was dependent on TLR2. These results demonstrated a beneficial effect of KM+ on the severity of P. brasiliensis infection and may expand its potential use as a novel immunotherapeutic molecule.
Pt-Sn electrocatalysts of different compositions were prepared and dispersed on carbon Vulcan XC-72 using the Pechini-Adams method. The catalysts were characterized by energy dispersive X-ray analysis and X-ray diffraction. The electrochemical properties of these electrode materials were also examined by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometric experiments in acid medium. The results showed that the presence of Sn greatly enhances the activity of Pt towards the electrooxidation of ethanol. Moreover, it contributes to reduce the amount of noble metal in the anode of direct alcohol fuel cells, which remains one of the challenges to make the technology of direct alcohol fuel cells possible. Electrolysis of ethanol solutions at 0.55 V vs. RHE allowed to determine by liquid chromatography acetaldehyde and acetic acid as the main reaction products. CO(2) was also analyzed after trapping it in a NaOH solution indicating that the cleavage of the C-C bond in the ethanol molecule did occur during the adsorption process. In situ IR reflectance spectroscopy helped to investigate in more details the reaction mechanism through the identification of the reaction products as well as the presence of some intermediate adsorbed species, such as linearly bonded carbon monoxide. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Radical anions are present in several chemical processes, and understanding the reactivity of these species may be described by their thermodynamic properties. Over the last years, the formation of radical ions in the gas phase has been an important issue concerning electrospray ionization mass spectrometry studies. In this work, we report on the generation of radical anions of quinonoid compounds (Q) by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The balance between radical anion formation and the deprotonated molecule is also analyzed by influence of the experimental parameters (gas-phase acidity, electron affinity, and reduction potential) and solvent system employed. The gas-phase parameters for formation of radical species and deprotonated species were achieved on the basis of computational thermochemistry. The solution effects on the formation of radical anion (Q(center dot-)) and dianion (Q(2-)) were evaluated on the basis of cyclic voltammetry analysis and the reduction potentials compared with calculated electron affinities. The occurrence of unexpected ions [Q + 15](-) was described as being a reaction between the solvent system and the radical anion, Q(center dot-).The gas-phase chemistry of the electrosprayed radical anions was obtained by collisional-induced dissociation and compared to the relative energy calculations. These results are important for understanding the formation and reactivity of radical anions and to establish their correlation with the reducing properties by electrospray ionization analyses.
A variety of nanostructures are being investigated as functional drug carriers for treatment of a wide range of diseases, most notably cardiovascular defects, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. The aim of this present contribution is to evaluate potentially applicable nanomaterials in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer due to their photophysical and photobiological properties and complexation behavior. The delivery systems consisted of chloro-aluminum phthalocyanine associated with beta-cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin. The preparation of the complex and its stoichiometry in an ethanol/buffer (3:1) solution were studied by spectroscopic techniques, which were defined as 1:2. The inclusion complex in the nanometer scale was observed on the basis of changes to the spectroscopic properties. The singlet oxygen production and complex photophysical parameters were determined by measuring luminescence at 1270 nm and by steady state and time resolved spectroscopic, respectively. The preparation of the complex was tested and analyzed with regard to cellular damage by visible light activation. The inclusion complex showed a higher singlet oxygen quantum yield compared with other systems and other photoactive dyes. There was also a reduction in the fluorescence quantum yield compared with the results obtained for zinc phthalocyanine in organic medium. The results reported clearly that the inclusion complex chloro-aluminum phthalocyanine/cyclodextrin showed some changes in its spectroscopy properties leading to better biodistribution and biocompatibility with a potential application in photodynamic therapy, especially in the case of neoplasy. Additionally, it also has non-oncological applications as a drug delivery system.
The blue crab, Callinectes danae, tolerates exposure to a wide salinity range employing mechanisms of compensatory ion uptake when in dilute media. Although the gill (Na(+), K(+))-ATPase is vital to hyperosmoregulatory ability, the interactions occurring at the sites of ATP binding on the molecule itself are unknown. Here, we investigate the modulation by Na(+) and K(+) of homotropic interactions between the ATP-binding sites, and of phosphoenzyme formation of the (Na(+),K(+))-ATPase from the posterior gills of this euryhaline crab. The contribution of the high- and low-affinity ATP-binding sites to maximum velocity was similar for both Na(+) and K(+). However, in contrast to Na(+), a threshold K(+) concentration triggers the appearance of the high-affinity binding sites, displacing the saturation curve to lower ATP concentrations. Further, a low-affinity site for phosphorylation is present on the enzyme. These findings reveal notable differences in the catalytic mechanism of the crustacean (Na(+),K(+))-ATPase compared to the vertebrate enzyme. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This article addresses the interactions of the synthetic antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin 01 (GLWSTIKQKGKEAAIAAA-KAAGQAALGAL-NH(2), DS 01) with phospholipid (PL) monolayers comprising (i) a lipid-rich extract of Leishmania amazonensis (LRE-La), (ii) zwitterionic PL (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC), and (iii) negatively charged PL (dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol, DPPG). The degree of interaction of DS 01 with the different biomembrane models was quantified from equilibrium and dynamic liquid-air interface parameters. At low peptide concentrations, interactions between DS 01 and zwitterionic PL, as well as with the LRE-La monolayers were very weak, whereas with negatively charged PLs the interactions were stronger. For peptide concentrations above 1 mu g/ml, a considerable expansion of negatively charged monolayers occurred. In the case of DPPC, it was possible to return to the original lipid area in the condensed phase, suggesting that the peptide was expelled from the monolayer. However, in the case of DPPG, the average area per lipid molecule in the presence of DS 01 was higher than pure PLs even at high surface pressures, suggesting that at least part of DS 01 remained incorporated in the monolayer. For the LRE-La monolayers, DS 01 also remained in the monolayer. This is the first report on the antiparasitic activity of AMPs using Langmuir monolayers of a natural lipid extract from L. amazonensis. Copyright (C) 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.