991 resultados para Duprat, Antoine, Cardinal, 1463-1535.


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We dredged lots of Cenozoic basalts from areas covered from the northern sub-slope to the southern sub- slope of the South China Sea. Based on the study on mineral chemistry of clinopyroxenes in these Cenozoic hasalts, this paper indicates that pyroxenes are mostly enstatite and a few of augite, sahlite and Ca-rich pyroxene. Pyroxene microlite has higher content in, Ca, Ti and Fe than pyroxene phenocryst, it may reflect that the evolution trend of host magma of pyroxene is coincidence with that of alkali rock series. The depth of magma chambers which calculated from equilibrium temperatures and pressures between clinopyroxene and melt are as follows, that of magma of tephrite is about 49km, that of magma of trachybasalt is about 25km, and that of magma of basalt is about 15km. Correspondingly, Equilibrium temperatures( K) of three types rocks mentioned above gradually decrease from 1535 1498 to 1429 to 1369. By using discriminant plot which developed from pyroxene and alkali discriminant diagram of host rock, Cenozoic basalt from the South China Sea belongs to intraplate alkali basalt. The results suggest that alkali basalt series in the study area may be the products of continuous evolution of mantle plume, which result from some physical and chemistry process including partial melting and fractional crystallization of mantle plume during the course of its ascent to the surface.


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本文所研究的区域是西赤道太平洋的两个边缘海盆-苏禄海和南中国海。这两个边缘盆地具有明显不同的水文特征,南中国海底层水冷(<4 ℃)并且通气较好(溶解氧浓度>1.75ml/l),而苏禄海底层水温暖(>10 ℃)并且含氧量低(溶解氧浓度<1.25ml/l)。这些不同的水文特征导致了不同的沉积环境,同时两个海盆的沉积记录也包含了这些水文条件在不同地质时间上如何变化的历史。笔者分别对南中国海的GGC-6孔(12°09'1''E,118°03'9'',水深2775米)和苏禄海的GGC-29孔(8°17'7''E,118°49'9''N,水深1535米)的浮游和底栖有孔虫动物群进行了系统地分析鉴定和统计,并用转换函数对古温度进行了分析,力求通过有孔虫化石群的面貌和定量古生态分析来反映古气候的变化。通过对浮游有孔虫氧同位素环境效应的分析来探索本区的古气候变化。此外还对沉积物中的有机碳和碳酸钙的含量进行了测试和分析。通过上述工作我们得出以下几点认识:1、氧同位素和古水温记录可分末次冰期和全新世两期,由于岩心的长度所限地质记寻年代较短为24000年左右。2、浮游有孔虫G.Grassaformis的最后出现是苏禄海末次冰期极盛时(~18000B.P)重要的地质界线。3、发现在北欧地区短暂寒冷的仙女木期(Younger dryas)在本区也有发现。这在一定程度上说明了仙女木期存在的全球性。4、本区末次冰期与全新世的夏季表层古水温相差不到2 ℃与CLIMAP(1976)赤道太平洋末次冰期以来古水温度的模拟结果相附。冬季表层水温相差较大为3.5 ℃左右。5、瓷质壳底栖有孔虫的繁盛和翼足类的大量保存是苏禄海冰期时底层暖水的良好指示标志。6、本区有机碳的含量反映了底层水含氧浓度的变化。高有机碳代表低氧浓度,低有机碳代表高氧浓度。南中国海一直受到西北太平洋水体的影响,致使其底层水一直处于充氧状态,只是在冰期最盛时稍有降低。而苏禄海底层水氧浓度较低,尤其是末次冰期极盛时隔绝状态加强,大量的降水使表层海水淡化分层,致使底层水缺氧状态加剧。7、本区做为西赤道太平洋的边缘海,其CaCO_3旋回模式却与太平洋相反,而与大西洋一致,即冰期碳酸钙含量低,全新世冰后期碳酸钙含量高。冰期陆源物质供应的加强和全新世浮游有孔虫生产力的提高是控制本区碳酸钙旋回的主要因素。此外,冰期海水溶解作用的加强是南中国海冰期低CaCO_3含量的另一个重要原因,而苏禄海的碳酸钙沉积受海水溶解作用的影响却很小。8、浮游有孔虫N.dutertrei的大量增加和相对较轻的δ~(18)O值说明冰期最盛时海水表面的盐度较低。末次冰期时东南亚地区东北季风加强西南季风减弱,由于特殊的地理环境使本区在冰期时降水大量增加。


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南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海之一,位于欧亚板块、印-澳板块以及太平洋板块之间。南海海底扩张停止(15.5Ma, Briais et al., 1993) 后的板内火山作用,影响着中国南部、中南半岛、大洋基底和分裂的微大陆片段的广大地区。对南海新生代玄武岩进行地球化学研究,不仅对于理解南海板内火山作用的深部地幔过程有着重要意义,而且对南海形成演化及含油气盆地形成的深部动力学机制有着深远意义。 南海新生代玄武岩K-Ar/Ar-Ar年龄为3.8-7.9Ma, 表明为晚中新世以来的岩浆活动产物,与周边地区的碱性火山岩在年龄上的一致性。岩石学特征表明,南海新生代玄武岩的矿物组合为橄榄石、单斜辉石、斜长石,与特征的碱性玄武岩的矿物组合一致。由橄榄石所计算的南海底潜在地幔温度(Tp)平均值为1661℃, 暗示南海地区下的地幔可能存在热量异常,为海南地区存在地幔柱的观点提供了证据。单斜辉石富钙、钛,由单斜辉石-熔体平衡温压计计算的岩浆房深度分别为:碱玄岩岩浆房深度约49km(对应压力为1.46~1.48 GPa);粗面玄武岩岩浆房约25km(对应压力为0.76 GPa);玄武岩岩浆房约15km(对应压力为0.44GPa)。由碱玄岩→粗面玄武岩→玄武岩,平衡温度(K)依次降低:从1535~1498→1429→1369。由斜长石微晶所计算的岩浆喷出地表的温度为989℃。 主量元素特征表明,岩石类型主要为碱玄岩,有少量的粗面玄武岩和玄武岩,属于碱性系列。微量元素方面,大离子亲石元素(LILE)以及高场强元素(HFSE)特别是Nb、Ta、Ti、Y等元素均呈现富集现象,Yb、Sc、Sr以及K、U、Th等生热元素相对亏损,微量元素及稀土元素分布岩石类似板内OIB微量元素的全球平均值。同位素地球化学研究表明,源区存在两个混合端员并具Dupal Pb异常:一个为DMM,位于软流圈或岩石圈地幔中;另一个为EM2源区,可能来自位于核-幔边界处的海南地幔柱而非大陆底岩石圈地幔。研究表明,南半球Dupal异常不存在全球范围内的地区专属性,本区存在的Dupal异常与南半球Dupal异常可能不存在联系。在南海新生代玄武岩的成因过程中,海南地幔柱在为岩石圈地幔的部分熔融作用提供所需的热量同时,也在物质上作出了贡献。南海盆新生代碱性玄武岩由不同程度的部分熔融作用,以及岩浆在上升期间或者在高位岩浆房中的橄榄石等矿物分离结晶作用所形成,同时还可能发生了堆晶作用。构造环境判别表明,玄武岩浆在上升到地表过程中几乎未受到地壳混染。 南海新生代玄武岩的地球化学研究表明,在玄武质岩浆的深部地幔演化过程中,海南地幔柱可能起着重要的作用。通过引入海南岛地幔柱这个概念,本文建立了一个新的有关南海形成演化的初步的概念性模型:(1)50-32Ma,印度洋板块-欧亚板块碰撞及其所导致的太平洋板块后退的综合效应为南海地区提供了一个伸展环境,此伸展环境为地幔柱物质的上升提供了通道;(2)32-21Ma,当地幔柱柱头到达软流圈时, 通过侧向物质流开始同扩张中心发生相互作用,促进了南海的扩张,并在26-24Ma期间发生了洋脊重新就位事件,使扩张中心从原来的18°N附近(即现今西北海盆的中心)调整到15.5°N附近(即现今的东部亚盆);(3)21-15.5Ma, 随着地幔柱效应的逐渐增强,热点-洋脊相互作用越来越强烈,在大约21Ma发生了洋脊的再次重新就位事件,诱发了西南海盆的扩张;(4)15.5-现在,由于印澳板块前缘与巽他大陆碰撞,使得南海大约在15.5Ma停止扩张,并沿着南沙海槽及吕宋海沟向菲律宾岛弧及巴拉望地块之下俯冲,而南海热点继续活动,在地表处直到第四纪还有碱性玄武岩喷出。


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为了深入理解汞矿矿区土壤中总汞和甲基汞的污染特征,应用AAS、GC-CVAFS方法,分别对贵州万山、务川和滥木厂汞矿矿区不同位置土壤以及对照区土壤中的总汞(THg)和甲基汞(MeHg)进行了测定.结果表明,万山汞矿区土壤THg和MeHg含量范围分别为1.1~790 mg.kg-1和0.19~15μg.kg-1,务川汞矿区土壤THg和MeHg含量范围分别为0.33~317mg.kg-1和0.41~20μg.kg-1,滥木厂汞矿区土壤THg和MeHg含量范围分别为0.41~610 mg.kg-1和0.70~8.8μg


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In order to recognize an object in an image, we must determine the best transformation from object model to the image. In this paper, we show that for features from coplanar surfaces which undergo linear transformations in space, there exist projections invariant to the surface motions up to rotations in the image field. To use this property, we propose a new alignment approach to object recognition based on centroid alignment of corresponding feature groups. This method uses only a single pair of 2D model and data. Experimental results show the robustness of the proposed method against perturbations of feature positions.


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Direct simulations of wind musical instruments using the compressible Navier Stokes equations have recently become possible through the use of parallel computing and through developments in numerical methods. As a first demonstration, the flow of air and the generation of musical tones inside a soprano recorder are simulated numerically. In addition, physical measurements are made of the acoustic signal generated by the recorder at different blowing speeds. The comparison between simulated and physically measured behavior is encouraging and points towards ways of improving the simulations.


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Os caprinos foram introduzidos no Brasil pelos colonizadores portugueses, juntamente com os primeiros animais domésticos por volta de 1535. Provavelmente, as raças aqui introduzidas tenham sido aquelas criadas em Portugal e regiões limítrofes da Espanha, na época (Silva Neto, 1950; Figueiredo, 1981; Figueiredo et al. 1987). No Brasil, a caprinocultura se faz presente em todas as regiões do país. Porém, 89,8% do efetivo do rebanho nacional está distri-buído na região Nordeste, tendo como principais produtores, os Estados da Bahia, Piauí, Pernambuco e Ceará.


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The work examines the change involving the Church in Tunisia from the period of the Protectorate to the present through the fundamental moments of independence (1956) and the signing of the ‘Modus vivendi’ (1964). In the first structure of the “modern” Church, a fundamental role was played by the complex figure of the French Cardinal Charles-Allemand Lavigerie who, while giving strong impulse to setting up disinterested charitable social initiatives by the congregations (Pères Blancs, Soeurs Blanches and others), also represented the ideal of the ‘evangelizing’ (as well as colonial) Church which, despite its declared will to avoid proselytism, almost inevitably tended to slip into it. During the French Protectorate (1881-1956) the ecclesiastic institution concentrated strongly on itself, with little heed for the sensitivity of its host population, and developed its activities as if it were in a European country. From the social standpoint, the Church was mostly involved in teaching, which followed the French model, and health facilities. In the Church only the Pères Blancs missionaries were sincerely committed to promoting awareness of the local context and dialogue with the Muslims. The Catholic clergy in the country linked its religious activity close to the policy of the Protectorate, in the hope of succeeding in returning to the ancient “greatness of the African Church”, as the Eucharistic Congress in Carthage in 1930 made quite clear. The Congress itself planted the first seed in the twentyfive- year struggle that led the Tunisian population to independence in 1956 and the founding of the Republic in 1957. The conquest of independence and the ‘Modus vivendi’ marked a profound change in the situation and led to an inversion of roles: the Catholic community was given the right to exist only on the condition that it should not interfere in Tunisian society. The political project of Bourguiba, who led the Republic from 1957 to 1987, aimed to create a strongly egalitarian society, with a separation between political and religious powers. In particular, in referring to the Church, he appeared as a secularist with no hostility towards the Catholics who were, however, considered as “cooperators”, welcome so long as they were willing to place their skills at the service of the construction of the state. So, in the catholic Community was a tension between the will of being on the side of the country and that of conserving a certain distance from it and not being an integral part of it. In this process of reflection, the role of the Second Vatican Council was fundamental: it spread the idea of a Church open to the world and the other religions, in particular to Islam: the teaching of the Council led the congregations present in the country to accept the new condition. This new Church that emerged from the Council saw some important events in the process of “living together”, of “cultural mixing” and the search for a common ground between different realities. The almost contemporary arrival of Arab bishops raised awareness among the Tunisians of the existence of Christian Arabs and, at the same time, the Catholic community began considering their faith in a different way. In the last twenty years the situation has continued to change. Side by side with the priests present for decades or even those born there, some new congregations have begun to operate, albeit in small numbers: they have certainly revitalized the community of the faithful, but they sometimes appear more devoted to service “within” the Church, than to services for the population, and are thus characterized by exterior manifestations of their religion. This sort of presence has made it possible for Bourguiba's successor, Ben Ali (president from 1987 to 2011), to practice forms of tolerance even more clearly, but always limited to formal relations; the Tunisians are still far from having a real understanding of the Catholic reality, with certain exceptions connected to relations on a personal and not structured plane, as was the case in the previous period. The arrival of a good number of young people from sub-Saharan Africa, most of all students, belonging to the JCAT, and personnel of the BAD has “Africanized” the Church in Tunisia and has brought about an increase in Christians' exterior manifestations; but this is a visibility that is not blatant but discreet, with the implicit risk of the Church continuing to be perceived as a sort of exterior body, alien to the country; nor can we say, lacking proper documentation, how it will be possible to build a bridge between different cultures through the “accompaniment” of Christian wives of Tunisians. Today, the Church is living in a country that has less and less need of it; its presence, in the schools and in health facilities, is extremely reduced. And also in other sectors of social commitment, such as care for the disabled, the number of clergymen involved is quite small. The ‘revolution’ in 2011 and the later developments up to the present have brought about another socio-political change, characterized by a climate of greater freedom, but with as yet undefinable contours. This change in the political climate will inevitable have consequences in Tunisia’s approach to religious and cultural minorities, but it is far too soon to discuss this on the historical and scientific planes.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the association between candidate gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in patients with severe sepsis. Patients older than 18 years admitted to the intensive care un