991 resultados para Drug Misuse
BACKGROUND: Many medicines used in newborns, infants, children and adolescents are not licensed ("unlicensed") or are prescribed outside the terms of the marketing authorization ("off-label"). Several studies have shown that this is a common practice in various healthcare settings in the USA, Europe and Australia, but data are scarce in Switzerland. OBJECTIVES: The aim of our prospective study was to determine the proportion of unlicensed or off-label prescriptions in paediatric patients. METHODS: This pilot study was conducted prospectively over a six month period in the department of paediatrics of a university hospital. RESULTS: Sixty patients aged from three days to 14 years were included in the study. A total of 483 prescriptions were written for the patients. More than half of all prescriptions (247; 51%) followed the terms of the marketing authorization. 114 (24%) were unlicensed and 122 (25%) off-label. All patients received at least one unlicensed or offlabel medicine. CONCLUSION: The use of unlicensed or off-label medicines to treat children was found to be common. Co-operation between the pharmaceutical industry, national regulatory authorities, clinical researchers, healthcare professionals and parents is required in order to ensure that children do not remain "therapeutic orphans".
Aims: Plasma concentrations of imatinib differ largely between patients despite same dosage, owing to large inter-individual variability in pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters. As the drug concentration at the end of the dosage interval (Cmin) correlates with treatment response and tolerability, monitoring of Cmin is suggested for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of imatinib. Due to logistic difficulties, random sampling during the dosage interval is however often performed in clinical practice, thus rendering the respective results not informative regarding Cmin values.Objectives: (I) To extrapolate randomly measured imatinib concentrations to more informative Cmin using classical Bayesian forecasting. (II) To extend the classical Bayesian method to account for correlation between PK parameters. (III) To evaluate the predictive performance of both methods.Methods: 31 paired blood samples (random and trough levels) were obtained from 19 cancer patients under imatinib. Two Bayesian maximum a posteriori (MAP) methods were implemented: (A) a classical method ignoring correlation between PK parameters, and (B) an extended one accounting for correlation. Both methods were applied to estimate individual PK parameters, conditional on random observations and covariate-adjusted priors from a population PK model. The PK parameter estimates were used to calculate trough levels. Relative prediction errors (PE) were analyzed to evaluate accuracy (one-sample t-test) and to compare precision between the methods (F-test to compare variances).Results: Both Bayesian MAP methods allowed non-biased predictions of individual Cmin compared to observations: (A) - 7% mean PE (CI95% - 18 to 4 %, p = 0.15) and (B) - 4% mean PE (CI95% - 18 to 10 %, p = 0.69). Relative standard deviations of actual observations from predictions were 22% (A) and 30% (B), i.e. comparable to the intraindividual variability reported. Precision was not improved by taking into account correlation between PK parameters (p = 0.22).Conclusion: Clinical interpretation of randomly measured imatinib concentrations can be assisted by Bayesian extrapolation to maximum likelihood Cmin. Classical Bayesian estimation can be applied for TDM without the need to include correlation between PK parameters. Both methods could be adapted in the future to evaluate other individual pharmacokinetic measures correlated to clinical outcomes, such as area under the curve(AUC).
Numerous drug delivery systems (DDSs) can be used as intraocular tools to provide a sustained and calibrated release for a specific drug. Great progress has been made on the design, biocompatibility, bioavailability, and efficacy of DDSs. Although several of them are undergoing clinical trials, a few are already on the market and could be of a routine use in clinical practice. Moreover, miniaturization of the implants makes them less and less traumatic for the eye tissues and some DDSs are now able to target certain cells or tissues specifically. An overview of ocular implants with therapeutic application potentials is provided.
Switzerland has adopted a prevention strategy including the promotion of non-sharing injection material and use of condoms. The access to sterile equipment has been made easier, but regional differences still exist. Studies conducted between 1989 and 1992 among drug users in different Swiss regions are reviewed in order to examine if progress in prevention occurred. Syringe sharing diminished everywhere, but rather high sharing rates persist where sterile material is less accessible. Condom use increased, but the situation is still unsatisfactory considering the high HIV prevalence among i.v. drug users. Where several surveys have been conducted consecutively, a stabilization of HIV prevalence was observed. This suggests a slowing down of the progression of the epidemic among drug users. These results, obtained in few years, are encouraging in the light of the pessimism which prevailed at the beginning of the epidemic about the ability of drug users to adopt preventive behaviour.
Drug safety issues pose serious health threats to the population and constitute a major cause of mortality worldwide. Due to the prominent implications to both public health and the pharmaceutical industry, it is of great importance to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which an adverse drug reaction can be potentially elicited. These mechanisms can be investigated by placing the pharmaco-epidemiologically detected adverse drug reaction in an information-rich context and by exploiting all currently available biomedical knowledge to substantiate it. We present a computational framework for the biological annotation of potential adverse drug reactions. First, the proposed framework investigates previous evidences on the drug-event association in the context of biomedical literature (signal filtering). Then, it seeks to provide a biological explanation (signal substantiation) by exploring mechanistic connections that might explain why a drug produces a specific adverse reaction. The mechanistic connections include the activity of the drug, related compounds and drug metabolites on protein targets, the association of protein targets to clinical events, and the annotation of proteins (both protein targets and proteins associated with clinical events) to biological pathways. Hence, the workflows for signal filtering and substantiation integrate modules for literature and database mining, in silico drug-target profiling, and analyses based on gene-disease networks and biological pathways. Application examples of these workflows carried out on selected cases of drug safety signals are discussed. The methodology and workflows presented offer a novel approach to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying adverse drug reactions
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) and pharmacogenetic tests play a major role in minimising adverse drug reactions and enhancing optimal therapeutic response. The response to medication varies greatly between individuals, according to genetic constitution, age, sex, co-morbidities, environmental factors including diet and lifestyle (e.g. smoking and alcohol intake), and drug-related factors such as pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic drug-drug interactions. Most adverse drug reactions are type A reactions, i.e. plasma-level dependent, and represent one of the major causes of hospitalisation, in some cases leading to death. However, they may be avoidable to some extent if pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic factors are taken into consideration. This article provides a review of the literature and describes how to apply and interpret TDM and certain pharmacogenetic tests and is illustrated by case reports. An algorithm on the use of TDM and pharmacogenetic tests to help characterise adverse drug reactions is also presented. Although, in the scientific community, differences in drug response are increasingly recognised, there is an urgent need to translate this knowledge into clinical recommendations. Databases on drug-drug interactions and the impact of pharmacogenetic polymorphisms and adverse drug reaction information systems will be helpful to guide clinicians in individualised treatment choices.
BACKGROUND: Complications associated with intrathecal pumps may be linked to the surgical procedure, the implanted device, or the medication itself.¦CASE REPORTS: Three patients treated chronically with intrathecal clonidine presented with clonidine overdose due to inadvertent extravasation during the refilling procedure. All patients experienced loss of consciousness and severe systemic hypertension that required aggressive parenteral treatment.¦DISCUSSION: Clonidine is an alpha-2 agonist with a nearly 100% bioavailability after oral or rectal administration. With high plasma concentration secondary to massive systemic overdose, the specificity for the alpha-2 receptor is lost and an alpha-1 agonist activity predominates and causes marked hypertension. Management of clonidine overdose consists of supportive therapy guided by signs and symptoms.¦CONCLUSION: Inadvertent injection into the subcutaneous pocket rather than the reservoir is rare but very dangerous as the drug cannot be retrieved and massive doses are involved. Signs and symptoms of systemic overdose with drugs commonly used in implanted drugs delivery system should be well known to ensure early diagnosis and treatment.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been used as an adjunct to cytoreductive surgery in patients with malignant pleura mesothelioma (MPM). However, it was associated with substantial side effects and found to be only of modest clinical benefit. In contrast, Visudyne®-mediated low-dose PDT has been shown to selectively increase the concentration of macromolecular cytostatic compounds in various tumors grown subpleurally on rodent lungs. Consequently, it was thought that PDT-assisted enhanced tumor penetration for cytostatic agents might be better suited to achieve additional tumor control after cytoreductive surgery for mesothelioma. This effect seems to be mainly related to PDT-mediated modulations of tumor vessels which improve the distribution of circulating, systemically administered chemotherapeutic macromolecular agents. However, the mechanisms involved and the optimization of this effect for therapeutic implications remain to be solved. By using the dorsal skin fold chamber method we demonstrated that both angiogenesis and microcirculation of human mesothelioma xenografts can be continuously assessed in vivo by intravital microscopy. We described a new, simple, reproducible and reliable scoring system for the assessment of tumor angiogenesis and microcirculation in this model, thereby allowing the quantitative description of the neo-vascular network development while avoiding a complicated technical setup. This method can serve as a useful tool for the assessment of novel vessel-targeted therapies against MPM. We then applied this newly established model so as to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of PDT-induced extravasation of macromolecular compounds across the endothelial barrier in tumors and surrounding normal tissue. We found that low-dose PDT selectively enhanced the uptake of macromolecular compounds in human mesothelioma xenografts compared to surrounding normal tissue. Interestingly, this increase of effective permeability of tumor vasculature was not related to the inflammatory stimuli generated by PDT such as the mobilization of leucocytes and their adhesion and penetration of the injured vessel wall. We then used the model for optimizing the drug-light conditions of low- dose PDT in order to obtain maximal leakage of the macromolecular compounds in the tumor with minimal uptake in normal surrounding tissue and we were able to identify such a therapeutic window. With these optimized PDT treatment conditions, we assessed the therapeutic effect of this new treatment concept in vivo by measuring tumor growth rates on subcutaneously grown mesothelioma xenografts in nude mice after low-dose PDT of the tumors following systemically administered liposomal (macromolecular) cisplatin, a cytostatic compound commonly used in clinical practice. We were able to demonstrate that low-dose PDT with optimized drug-light conditions combined with systemic chemotherapy indeed resulted in a reduction in tumor growth compared to chemotherapy or PDT alone. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that low-dose PDT may selectively enhance the uptake of macromolecular cytostatic drugs in superficially growing tumors such as mesotheliomas and opens new perspectives for the treatment of these diseases. - Les effets cytotoxiques de la thérapie photodynamique (PDT) sur le mésothéliome pleural malin (MPM) n'ont pas apporté de bénéfice clinique significatif. Toutefois, une application innovante non cytotoxique de la PDT serait la bienvenue en supplément des chimiothérapies pour améliorer le contrôle local de la tumeur. Le prétraitement des néovaisseaux tumoraux par une PDT à bas régime, qui améliorerait la distribution d'une chimiothérapie administrée par voie systémique de façon concomitante, a attiré une attention particulière pour de futures applications cliniques. Toutefois, les mécanismes impliqués dans cet événement et les implications thérapeutiques de ces changements physiopathologiques restent non résolus. Dans cette thèse, nous avons observé en premier que l'angiogenèse et la microcirculation dans les xénogreffes de mésothéliomes humains peuvent être observées et analysées in vivo par microscopie intravitale. Le nouveau système de score appliqué pour l'évaluation de l'angiogenèse et de la microcirculation tumorale dans cette étude est une méthode simple, reproductible et fiable servant à décrire de manière quantitative le réseau néo-vasculaire en développement, tout en évitant d'utiliser une installation technique compliquée. Ce modèle sert de nouvel outil pour l'évaluation des thérapies anti-vasculaires dirigées contre le MPM. Le modèle animal nouvellement établi a alors été utilisé pour élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents de Γ extravasation d'agents macromoléculaires induite par PDT dans les vaisseaux tumoraux et normaux. Nous avons trouvé que la PDT à fable dose améliore la distribution ciblée de drogues macromoléculaires dans des greffes de mésothéliome humain, de manière sélective pour la tumeur. La perméabilité vasculaire tumorale n'est pas influencée par les stimuli inflammatoires générés par la PDT, ce qui joue un rôle important dans la sélectivité de notre photodynamic drug delivery. Ensuite, nous avons recherché la fenêtre thérapeutique optimale de la PDT pour obtenir une accumulation sélective du colorant macromoléculaire dans le tissu tumoral ainsi qu'une efficacité de la PDT combinée avec une chimiothérapie macromoléculaire sur la croissance tumorale. Nous avons démontré que la PDT à faible dose combinée avec une administration systémique de cisplatine liposomale mène à un ralentissement de la croissance tumorale dans notre modèle de mésothéliome malin humain. En conclusion, l'utilisation de la PDT comme prétraitement pour améliorer sélectivement la distribution d'agents thérapeutiques dans des tumeurs poussant superficiellement est prometteuse. Cette observation fourni une preuve du concept remarquable et garanti la suite des investigations, éventuellement ayant pour but de développer de nouveaux concepts de thérapie pour les patients atteints de mésothéliome. Une PDT intra cavitaire à faible dose après pleuro- pneumonectomie pourrait améliorer la pénétration des agents cytostatiques administrés de façon concomitante par voie systémique dans les îlots tumoraux résiduels, et ainsi améliorer le contrôle local.
Retinal diseases are nowadays the most common causes of vision threatening in developed countries. Therapeutic advances in this field are hindered by the difficulty to deliver drugs to the posterior segment of the eye. Due to anatomical barriers, the ocular biodisponibility of systemically administered drugs remains poor, and topical instillation is not adequate to achieve therapeutic concentrations of drugs in the back of the eye. Ocular drug delivery has thus become one of the main challenges of modern ophthalmology. A multidisciplinary research is being conducted worldwide including pharmacology, biomaterials, ophthalmology, pharmaceutics, and biology. New promising fields have been developed such as implantable or injectable slow release intravitreal devices and degradable polymers, dispersed polymeric systems for intraocular drug delivery, and transscleral delivery devices such as iontophoresis, osmotic pumps or intra-scleraly implantable materials. The first clinical applications emerging from this research are now taking place, opening new avenues for the treatment of retinal diseases.