963 resultados para Droit civil (personnes, famille, etc.)


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Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are recognized as an alternative class of computational model, which mimic natural evolution to solve problems in a wide domain including machine learning, music generation, genetic synthesis etc. In the present study Genetic Algorithm has been employed to obtain damage assessment of composite structural elements. It is considered that a state of damage can be modeled as reduction in stiffness. The task is to determine the magnitude and location of damage. In a composite plate that is discretized into a set of finite elements, if a jth element is damaged, the GA based technique will predict the reduction in Ex and Ey and the location j. The fact that the natural frequency decreases with decrease in stiffness is made use of in the method. The natural frequency of any two modes of the damaged plates for the assumed damage parameters is facilitated by the use of Eigen sensitivity analysis. The Eigen value sensitivities are the derivatives of the Eigen values with respect to certain design parameters. If ωiu is the natural frequency of the ith mode of the undamaged plate and ωid is that of the damaged plate, with δωi as the difference between the two, while δωk is a similar difference in the kth mode, R is defined as the ratio of the two. For a random selection of Ex,Ey and j, a ratio Ri is obtained. A proper combination of Ex,Ey and j which makes Ri−R=0 is obtained by Genetic Algorithm.


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The stability of slopes is a major problem in geotechnical engineering. Of the methods available for the analysis of soil slopes such as limit equilibrium methods, limit analysis and numerical methods such as FEM and FDM, limit equilibrium methods are popular and generally used, owing to their simplicity in formulation and in evaluating the overall factor of safety of slope. However limit equilibrium methods possess certain disadvantages. They do not consider whether the slope is an embankment or natural slope or an excavation and ignore the effect of incremental construction, initial stress, stress strain behavior etc. In the work reported in this paper, a comparative study of actual state of stress and actual factor of safety and Bishop's factor of safety is performed. The actual factor of safety is obtained by consideration of contours of mobilised shear strains. Using Bishop's method of slices, the critical slip surfaces of a number of soil slopes with different geometries are determined and both the factors of safety are obtained. The actual normal stresses and shear stresses are determined from finite difference formulation using FLAG (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continuaa) with Mohr-Coulomb model. The comparative study is performed in terms of parameter lambda(c phi) (= gamma H tan phi/c). I is shown that actual factor of safety is higher than Bishop's factor of safety depending on slope angle and lambda(c phi).


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In recent times computational algorithms inspired by biological processes and evolution are gaining much popularity for solving science and engineering problems. These algorithms are broadly classified into evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence algorithms, which are derived based on the analogy of natural evolution and biological activities. These include genetic algorithms, genetic programming, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, artificial neural networks, etc. The algorithms being random-search techniques, use some heuristics to guide the search towards optimal solution and speed-up the convergence to obtain the global optimal solutions. The bio-inspired methods have several attractive features and advantages compared to conventional optimization solvers. They also facilitate the advantage of simulation and optimization environment simultaneously to solve hard-to-define (in simple expressions), real-world problems. These biologically inspired methods have provided novel ways of problem-solving for practical problems in traffic routing, networking, games, industry, robotics, economics, mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, water resources and others fields. This article discusses the key features and development of bio-inspired computational algorithms, and their scope for application in science and engineering fields.


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This paper describes a laboratory trial to study the effectiveness of a waste-based binder to stabilize expansive soils. The proposed binders viz., Fly ash and/or Ground granulated Blast furnace slag (GGBS) were mixed with the expansive soil along with a small amount of lime to increase soil pH and enable pozzolanic reactions. The geotechnical characteristics of the various combinations of samples were investigated through the compaction tests, unconfined compression tests etc. It was found that the addition of GGBS with and without fly ash and lime has significant influence on the geotechnical characteristics of the soil.


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Slow flow in granular materials is characterized by high solid fraction and sustained inter-particle interaction. The kinematics of trawling or cutting is encountered in processes such as locomotion of organisms in sand; trawl gear movement on a soil deposit; plow movement; movement of rovers, earth moving equipment etc. Additionally, this configuration is very akin to shallow drilling configuration encountered in the mining and petroleum industries. An experimental study has been made in order to understand velocity and deformation fields in cutting of a model rounded sand. Under nominal plane strain conditions, sand is subjected to orthogonal cutting at different tool-rake angles. High-resolution optical images of the region of cutting were obtained during the flow of the granular ensemble around the tool. Interesting kinematics underlying the formation of a chip and the evolution of the deformation field is seen in these experiments. These images are also analyzed using a PIV algorithm and detailed information of the deformation parameters such as velocity, strain rate and volume change is obtained.


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Stochastic modelling is a useful way of simulating complex hard-rock aquifers as hydrological properties (permeability, porosity etc.) can be described using random variables with known statistics. However, very few studies have assessed the influence of topological uncertainty (i.e. the variability of thickness of conductive zones in the aquifer), probably because it is not easy to retrieve accurate statistics of the aquifer geometry, especially in hard rock context. In this paper, we assessed the potential of using geophysical surveys to describe the geometry of a hard rock-aquifer in a stochastic modelling framework. The study site was a small experimental watershed in South India, where the aquifer consisted of a clayey to loamy-sandy zone (regolith) underlain by a conductive fissured rock layer (protolith) and the unweathered gneiss (bedrock) at the bottom. The spatial variability of the thickness of the regolith and fissured layers was estimated by electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles, which were performed along a few cross sections in the watershed. For stochastic analysis using Monte Carlo simulation, the generated random layer thickness was made conditional to the available data from the geophysics. In order to simulate steady state flow in the irregular domain with variable geometry, we used an isoparametric finite element method to discretize the flow equation over an unstructured grid with irregular hexahedral elements. The results indicated that the spatial variability of the layer thickness had a significant effect on reducing the simulated effective steady seepage flux and that using the conditional simulations reduced the uncertainty of the simulated seepage flux. As a conclusion, combining information on the aquifer geometry obtained from geophysical surveys with stochastic modelling is a promising methodology to improve the simulation of groundwater flow in complex hard-rock aquifers. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study experimentally evaluates the performance of control (standard cylinder specimen), damaged (mechanical loading after thermal exposure) and repaired / retrofitted normal plain concrete cylinders using different repair schemes such as on use of FRP wraps, Geo-polymers, etc., to restore the capacity of damaged structural concrete elements. The control-companion specimen in the series provides the reference frame against which both, specimen damage levels were quantified and the benefits of a specimen repaired subsequent to damage were assessed.


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Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors have become one of the most widely used sensors in the recent times for a variety of applications in the fields of aerospace, civil, automotive, etc. It has been recently realized that FBGs and etched FBGs can play an important role in biomedical applications. This article provides a brief overview of the recent advancements in the application of FBG sensors in bio-mechanical, bio-sensing and bio-medical fields.


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Vernacular dwellings are well-suited climate-responsive designs that adopt local materials and skills to support comfortable indoor environments in response to local climatic conditions. These naturally-ventilated passive dwellings have enabled civilizations to sustain even in extreme climatic conditions. The design and physiological resilience of the inhabitants have coevolved to be attuned to local climatic and environmental conditions. Such adaptations have perplexed modern theories in human thermal-comfort that have evolved in the era of electricity and air-conditioned buildings. Vernacular local building elements like rubble walls and mud roofs are given way to burnt brick walls and reinforced cement concrete tin roofs. Over 60% of Indian population is rural, and implications of such transitions on thermal comfort and energy in buildings are crucial to understand. Types of energy use associated with a buildings life cycle include its embodied energy, operational and maintenance energy, demolition and disposal energy. Embodied Energy (EE) represents total energy consumption for construction of building, i.e., embodied energy of building materials, material transportation energy and building construction energy. Embodied energy of building materials forms major contribution to embodied energy in buildings. Operational energy (OE) in buildings mainly contributed by space conditioning and lighting requirements, depends on the climatic conditions of the region and comfort requirements of the building occupants. Less energy intensive natural materials are used for traditional buildings and the EE of traditional buildings is low. Transition in use of materials causes significant impact on embodied energy of vernacular dwellings. Use of manufactured, energy intensive materials like brick, cement, steel, glass etc. contributes to high embodied energy in these dwellings. This paper studies the increase in EE of the dwelling attributed to change in wall materials. Climatic location significantly influences operational energy in dwellings. Buildings located in regions experiencing extreme climatic conditions would require more operational energy to satisfy the heating and cooling energy demands throughout the year. Traditional buildings adopt passive techniques or non-mechanical methods for space conditioning to overcome the vagaries of extreme climatic variations and hence less operational energy. This study assesses operational energy in traditional dwelling with regard to change in wall material and climatic location. OE in the dwellings has been assessed for hot-dry, warm humid and moderate climatic zones. Choice of thermal comfort models is yet another factor which greatly influences operational energy assessment in buildings. The paper adopts two popular thermal-comfort models, viz., ASHRAE comfort standards and TSI by Sharma and Ali to investigate thermal comfort aspects and impact of these comfort models on OE assessment in traditional dwellings. A naturally ventilated vernacular dwelling in Sugganahalli, a village close to Bangalore (India), set in warm - humid climate is considered for present investigations on impact of transition in building materials, change in climatic location and choice of thermal comfort models on energy in buildings. The study includes a rigorous real time monitoring of the thermal performance of the dwelling. Dynamic simulation models validated by measured data have also been adopted to determine the impact of the transition from vernacular to modern material-configurations. Results of the study and appraisal for appropriate thermal comfort standards for computing operational energy has been presented and discussed in this paper. (c) 2014 K.I. Praseeda. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Introducción: Uno de los grandes temas en discusión en 2012 por parte de la doctrina jurídica argentina ha sido la presentación ante el Congreso Nacional del “Proyecto de Reforma, Unificación y Actualización de los Códigos Civil y Comercial de la Nación”. Así las cosas, varias son las voces que se han alzado tanto a favor de la reforma como en su contra. Mientras que algunos consideran que la legislación proyectada implica un avance en materia de derechos humanos, llegando a tildarla como la “reforma más participativa de la historia”1; otros se apartan de esta idea y ven en el Proyecto grandes deficiencias. En el presente trabajo intentaremos analizar uno de los artículos más polémicos de la reforma: el Artículo 19, referente al comienzo de la existencia de la persona humana. Mas no habremos de agotar nuestra investigación allí, proseguiremos analizando otro artículo que puede pasar inadvertido pero que conlleva grandes implicancias si se analiza a la luz del 19. Hacemos referencia al Artículo 57, el cual trata acerca de las prácticas destinadas a alterar la constitución genética de la descendencia. Por último, buscaremos ver qué implicancias puede generar este panorama respecto de la responsabilidad de los profesionales de la salud.


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Resumen: El presente artículo se corresponde con aspectos del nuevo ordenamiento contable establecido en el texto normativo del Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación – Ley 26.994- que entrará en vigencia el 1 de agosto de 2015. Profundizamos el análisis de la parte pertinente a CONTABILIDAD y ESTADOS CONTABLES. (Arts. 320 a 331 y artículos relacionados - Arts.145 a 148). Las novedades más relevantes se refieren a la clasificación de las personas en humanas y jurídicas (públicas y privadas); la definición de los sujetos obligados a llevar registro contable, los excluidos de hacerlo, los libros a emplear, el modo de llevarlos y ciertos requisitos. También incluye disposiciones sobre los Estados Contables y la documentación respaldatoria. Las reformas incluidas en el Código unificado aún no logran dar respuestas a los requerimientos de los profesionales en Ciencias Económicas, que desempeñan un rol protagónico en la aplicación de dichas normas.


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Resumen: En la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, Fernando Álvarez de Albornoz escribió un texto autobiográfi co en latín en la hoja de guarda de un códice del Decreto de Graciano. Parte de este texto es un relato de la guerra civil castellana (1366-1371), probablemente basado en la información que le llegó a Italia a través de cartas enviadas a él o a alguno de sus familiares. Así, puede ser estudiado como fuente primaria o como escrito historiográfi co. En este estudio el texto es transcrito, traducido y analizado. A partir de este análisis, se proponen una datación del texto, modelos para sus estructuras temática y narrativa, y algunas hipótesis sobre su naturaleza e intencionalidad.


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Resumen: Existe una realidad que supera todo, que es la internacionalización de las relaciones jurídicas y el derecho legislado en un país no es ni puede ser autosuficiente para resolver los litigios que se presentan y es allí donde como necesidad sociológica aparece el derecho procesal internacional, como parte integrante del derecho internacional privado. La cooperación jurisdiccional de primer grado es comprensiva de un marco amplio en el plano convencional, que resulta en general adecuado en sus ratificaciones para la República, que a su vez posee regulación interna. La concepción del orden público será más flexible en la cooperación jurisdiccional internacional y no integra el orden público la cosa juzgada en el país, ni la litispendencia, elementos que han de evaluarse al momento del reconocimiento. Este primer grado de cooperación abarca en sentido amplio las distintas vías de comunicación entre las que principalmente se encuentran las comunicaciones de mero trámite, la obtención de pruebas en el extranjero y la información del derecho extranjero. Como vía de comunicación, en su finalidad, el exhorto busca la realización de la justicia. El control de la competencia judicial internacional en los exhortos internacionales como requisito de la obligatoriedad para el juez requerido, es eliminado en las modernas tendencias, limitándose a la compatibilidad de él con el orden público del juez requerido. En este rumbo deberían orientarse las futuras reformas de la legislación interna en la materia.