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A diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) with a catalyzed diesel particulate filter (CPF) is an effective exhaust aftertreatment device that reduces particulate emissions from diesel engines, and properly designed DOC-CPF systems provide passive regeneration of the filter by the oxidation of PM via thermal and NO2/temperature-assisted means under various vehicle duty cycles. However, controlling the backpressure on engines caused by the addition of the CPF to the exhaust system requires a good understanding of the filtration and oxidation processes taking place inside the filter as the deposition and oxidation of solid particulate matter (PM) change as functions of loading time. In order to understand the solid PM loading characteristics in the CPF, an experimental and modeling study was conducted using emissions data measured from the exhaust of a John Deere 6.8 liter, turbocharged and after-cooled engine with a low-pressure loop EGR system and a DOC-CPF system (or a CCRT® - Catalyzed Continuously Regenerating Trap®, as named by Johnson Matthey) in the exhaust system. A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the DOC-only, CPF-only and DOC-CPF configurations at two engine speeds (2200 and 1650 rpm) and various loads on the engine ranging from 5 to 100% of maximum torque at both speeds. Pressure drop across the DOC and CPF, mass deposited in the CPF at the end of loading, upstream and downstream gaseous and particulate emissions, and particle size distributions were measured at different times during the experiments to characterize the pressure drop and filtration efficiency of the DOCCPF system as functions of loading time. Pressure drop characteristics measured experimentally across the DOC-CPF system showed a distinct deep-bed filtration region characterized by a non-linear pressure drop rise, followed by a transition region, and then by a cake-filtration region with steadily increasing pressure drop with loading time at engine load cases with CPF inlet temperatures less than 325 °C. At the engine load cases with CPF inlet temperatures greater than 360 °C, the deep-bed filtration region had a steep rise in pressure drop followed by a decrease in pressure drop (due to wall PM oxidation) in the cake filtration region. Filtration efficiencies observed during PM cake filtration were greater than 90% in all engine load cases. Two computer models, i.e., the MTU 1-D DOC model and the MTU 1-D 2-layer CPF model were developed and/or improved from existing models as part of this research and calibrated using the data obtained from these experiments. The 1-D DOC model employs a three-way catalytic reaction scheme for CO, HC and NO oxidation, and is used to predict CO, HC, NO and NO2 concentrations downstream of the DOC. Calibration results from the 1-D DOC model to experimental data at 2200 and 1650 rpm are presented. The 1-D 2-layer CPF model uses a ‘2-filters in series approach’ for filtration, PM deposition and oxidation in the PM cake and substrate wall via thermal (O2) and NO2/temperature-assisted mechanisms, and production of NO2 as the exhaust gas mixture passes through the CPF catalyst washcoat. Calibration results from the 1-D 2-layer CPF model to experimental data at 2200 rpm are presented. Comparisons of filtration and oxidation behavior of the CPF at sample load-cases in both configurations are also presented. The input parameters and selected results are also compared with a similar research work with an earlier version of the CCRT®, to compare and explain differences in the fundamental behavior of the CCRT® used in these two research studies. An analysis of the results from the calibrated CPF model suggests that pressure drop across the CPF depends mainly on PM loading and oxidation in the substrate wall, and also that the substrate wall initiates PM filtration and helps in forming a PM cake layer on the wall. After formation of the PM cake layer of about 1-2 µm on the wall, the PM cake becomes the primary filter and performs 98-99% of PM filtration. In all load cases, most of PM mass deposited was in the PM cake layer, and PM oxidation in the PM cake layer accounted for 95-99% of total PM mass oxidized during loading. Overall PM oxidation efficiency of the DOC-CPF device increased with increasing CPF inlet temperatures and NO2 flow rates, and was higher in the CCRT® configuration compared to the CPF-only configuration due to higher CPF inlet NO2 concentrations. Filtration efficiencies greater than 90% were observed within 90-100 minutes of loading time (starting with a clean filter) in all load cases, due to the fact that the PM cake on the substrate wall forms a very efficient filter. A good strategy for maintaining high filtration efficiency and low pressure drop of the device while performing active regeneration would be to clean the PM cake filter partially (i.e., by retaining a cake layer of 1-2 µm thickness on the substrate wall) and to completely oxidize the PM deposited in the substrate wall. The data presented support this strategy.


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The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Experiment is a gamma-ray observatory that utilizes water silos as Cherenkov detectors to measure the electromagnetic air showers created by gamma rays. The experiment consists of an array of closely packed water Cherenkov detectors (WCDs), each with four photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The direction of the gamma ray will be reconstructed using the times when the electromagnetic shower front triggers PMTs in each WCD. To achieve an angular resolution as low as 0.1 degrees, a laser calibration system will be used to measure relative PMT response times. The system will direct 300ps laser pulses into two fiber-optic networks. Each network will use optical fan-outs and switches to direct light to specific WCDs. The first network is used to measure the light transit time out to each pair of detectors, and the second network sends light to each detector, calibrating the response times of the four PMTs within each detector. As the relative PMT response times are dependent on the number of photons in the light pulse, neutral density filters will be used to control the light intensity across five orders of magnitude. This system will run both continuously in a low-rate mode, and in a high-rate mode with many intensity levels. In this thesis, the design of the calibration system and systematic studies verifying its performance are presented.


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The following is an analysis of the role of computer aided surgery by infralabyrinthine-subcochlear approach to the petrous apex for cholesterol granulomas with hearing preservation. In a retrospective case review from 1996 to 2008 six patients were analysed in our tertiary referral centre, otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic. Excellent intraoperative localisation of the carotid artery, facial nerve and the entrance into the cholesterol cyst of the bone by means of the navigation system was seen. Additionally, the operation time decreased from an initial 4 h down to 2 h. The application of computer-aided surgery allows intraoperative monitoring of the position of the tip of the microsurgical instruments in case of a rare disease and in the delicate area of the petrous apex giving a high security level.


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Fgfrl1 is a novel member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family. Its extracellular domain resembles the four conventional Fgfrs, while its intracellular domain lacks the tyrosine kinase domain necessary for Fgf mediated signal transduction. During embryonic development Fgfrl1 is expressed in the musculoskeletal system, in the lung, the pancreas and the metanephric kidney. Targeted disruption of the Fgfrl1 gene leads to the perinatal death of the mice due to a hypoplastic diaphragm, which is unable to inflate the lungs. Here we show that Fgfrl1-/- embryos also fail to develop the metanephric kidney. While the rest of the urogenital system, including bladder, ureter and sexual organs, develops normally, a dramatic reduction of ureteric branching morphogenesis and a lack of mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition in the nephrogenic mesenchyme result in severe renal dysgenesis. The failure of nephron induction might be explained by the absence of the tubulogenic markers Wnt4, Fgf8, Pax8 and Lim1 at E12.5 of the mutant animals. We also observed a loss of Pax2 positive nephron precursor cells and an increase of apoptosis in the cortical zone of the remnant kidney. Fgfrl1 is therefore essential for mesenchymal differentiation in the early steps of nephrogenesis.


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This article discusses democratic elements in early Islamic sources and in the programs of the Algerian FIS (Front Islamique du Salut) and ANNAHDA in Tunesia. According to historic writings, Islam includes the principles of democratic consensus, consultation, and freedom of opinion, and an understanding that the sources of Islamic jurisdiction are subject to interpretation, that the sharia can be changed, and that religious authorities’ power to issue instructions on worldly matters is limited. These are the type of expectations that fundamentalist parties arouse when they speak of an Islamic caliphate as a state system. Against this background, an examination of the political system proposed until 1992 by the Algerian FIS shows that this system would have resulted in a very restrictive form of Islam. An investigation of the political system of the Tunisian fundamentalist leader Rached al-Ghannouchi reveals that the system he proposes may be designated as an Islamic democracy, since it takes into account separation of powers and pluralism of political parties. The head of state would be subject to the law in the same manner as the people. However, it is no liberal democracy, as he categorically rejects secularism, intends to punish apostates, and is only willing to allow political parties that are based on the religion of Islam. His state would only be a state of those citizens who follow Islam, completely neglecting secularist groups. Social conflicts and unrest are thus predetermined.


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HYPOTHESIS Facial nerve monitoring can be used synchronous with a high-precision robotic tool as a functional warning to prevent of a collision of the drill bit with the facial nerve during direct cochlear access (DCA). BACKGROUND Minimally invasive direct cochlear access (DCA) aims to eliminate the need for a mastoidectomy by drilling a small tunnel through the facial recess to the cochlea with the aid of stereotactic tool guidance. Because the procedure is performed in a blind manner, structures such as the facial nerve are at risk. Neuromonitoring is a commonly used tool to help surgeons identify the facial nerve (FN) during routine surgical procedures in the mastoid. Recently, neuromonitoring technology was integrated into a commercially available drill system enabling real-time monitoring of the FN. The objective of this study was to determine if this drilling system could be used to warn of an impending collision with the FN during robot-assisted DCA. MATERIALS AND METHODS The sheep was chosen as a suitable model for this study because of its similarity to the human ear anatomy. The same surgical workflow applicable to human patients was performed in the animal model. Bone screws, serving as reference fiducials, were placed in the skull near the ear canal. The sheep head was imaged using a computed tomographic scanner and segmentation of FN, mastoid, and other relevant structures as well as planning of drilling trajectories was carried out using a dedicated software tool. During the actual procedure, a surgical drill system was connected to a nerve monitor and guided by a custom built robot system. As the planned trajectories were drilled, stimulation and EMG response signals were recorded. A postoperative analysis was achieved after each surgery to determine the actual drilled positions. RESULTS Using the calibrated pose synchronized with the EMG signals, the precise relationship between distance to FN and EMG with 3 different stimulation intensities could be determined for 11 different tunnels drilled in 3 different subjects. CONCLUSION From the results, it was determined that the current implementation of the neuromonitoring system lacks sensitivity and repeatability necessary to be used as a warning device in robotic DCA. We hypothesize that this is primarily because of the stimulation pattern achieved using a noninsulated drill as a stimulating probe. Further work is necessary to determine whether specific changes to the design can improve the sensitivity and specificity.


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While modern treatments have led to a dramatic improvement in survival for pediatric malignancy, toxicities are high and a significant proportion of patients remain resistant. Gene transfer offers the prospect of highly specific therapies for childhood cancer. "Corrective" genes may be transferred to overcome the genetic abnormalities present in the precancerous cell. Alternatively, genes can be introduced to render the malignant cell sensitive to therapeutic drugs. The tumor can also be attacked by decreasing its blood supply with genes that inhibit vascular growth. Another possible approach is to modify normal tissues with genes that make them more resistant to conventional drugs and/or radiation, thereby increasing the therapeutic index. Finally, it may be possible to attack the tumor indirectly by using genes that modify the behavior of the immune system, either by making the tumor more immunogenic, or by rendering host effector cells more efficient. Several gene therapy applications have already been reported for pediatric cancer patients in preliminary Phase 1 studies. Although no major clinical success has yet been achieved, improvements in gene delivery technologies and a better understanding of mechanisms of tumor progression and immune escape have opened new perspectives for the cure of pediatric cancer by combining gene therapy with standard therapeutic available treatments.


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The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation affects the latitudinal distribution of heat, and is a key component of the climate system. Proxy reconstructions, based on sedimentary Pa-231/Th-230 ratios and the difference between surface-and deep-water radiocarbon ages, indicate that during the last glacial period, the overturning circulation was reduced during millennial-scale periods of cooling(1-5). However, much debate exists over the robustness of these proxies(6-8). Here e combine proxy reconstructions of sea surface and air temperatures and a global climate model to quantitatively estimate changes in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last glacial period. We find that, relative to the Last Glacial Maximum, the overturning circulation was reduced by approximately 14 Sv during the cold Heinrich event 1. During the Younger Dryas cold event, the overturning circulation was reduced by approximately 12 Sv, relative to the preceding warm interval. These changes are consistent with qualitative estimates of the overturning circulation from sedimentary Pa-231/Th-230 ratios. In addition, we find that the strength of the overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene epoch are indistinguishable within the uncertainty of the reconstruction.


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BACKGROUND: We previously identified ebpR, encoding a potential member of the AtxA/Mga transcriptional regulator family, and showed that it is important for transcriptional activation of the Enterococcus faecalis endocarditis and biofilm associated pilus operon, ebpABC. Although ebpR is not absolutely essential for ebpABC expression (100-fold reduction), its deletion led to phenotypes similar to those of an ebpABC mutant such as absence of pili at the cell surface and, consequently, reduced biofilm formation. A non-piliated ebpABC mutant has been shown to be attenuated in a rat model of endocarditis and in a murine urinary tract infection model, indicating an important participation of the ebpR-ebpABC locus in virulence. However, there is no report relating to the environmental conditions that affect expression of the ebpR-ebpABC locus. RESULTS: In this study, we examined the effect of CO2/HCO3(-), pH, and the Fsr system on the ebpR-ebpABC locus expression. The presence of 5% CO2/0.1 M HCO3(-) increased ebpR-ebpABC expression, while the Fsr system was confirmed to be a weak repressor of this locus. The mechanism by which the Fsr system repressed the ebpR-ebpABC locus expression appears independent of the effects of CO2(-) bicarbonate. Furthermore, by using an ebpA::lacZ fusion as a reporter, we showed that addition of 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate to TSBG (buffered at pH 7.5), but not the presence of 5% CO2, induced ebpA expression in TSBG broth. In addition, using microarray analysis, we found 73 genes affected by the presence of sodium bicarbonate (abs(fold) > 2, P < 0.05), the majority of which belong to the PTS system and ABC transporter families. Finally, pilus production correlated with ebpA mRNA levels under the conditions tested. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports that the ebp locus expression is enhanced by the presence of bicarbonate with a consequential increase in the number of cells producing pili. Although the molecular basis of the bicarbonate effect remains unclear, the pathway is independent of the Fsr system. In conclusion, E. faecalis joins the growing family of pathogens that regulates virulence gene expression in response to bicarbonate and/or CO2.


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Venous malformations (VMs) are the most common vascular developmental anomalies (birth defects) . These defects are caused by developmental arrest of the venous system during various stages of embryogenesis. VMs remain a difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenge due to the wide range of clinical presentations, unpredictable clinical course, erratic response to the treatment with high recurrence/persistence rates, high morbidity following non-specific conventional treatment, and confusing terminology. The Consensus Panel reviewed the recent scientific literature up to the year 2013 to update a previous IUP Consensus (2009) on the same subject. ISSVA Classification with special merits for the differentiation between the congenital vascular malformation (CVM) and vascular tumors was reinforced with an additional review on syndrome-based classification. A "modified" Hamburg classification was adopted to emphasize the importance of extratruncular vs. truncular sub-types of VMs. This incorporated the embryological origin, morphological differences, unique characteristics, prognosis and recurrence rates of VMs based on this embryological classification. The definition and classification of VMs were strengthened with the addition of angiographic data that determines the hemodynamic characteristics, the anatomical pattern of draining veins and hence the risk of complication following sclerotherapy. The hemolymphatic malformations, a combined condition incorporating LMs and other CVMs, were illustrated as a separate topic to differentiate from isolated VMs and to rectify the existing confusion with name-based eponyms such as Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. Contemporary concepts on VMs were updated with new data including genetic findings linked to the etiology of CVMs and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency. Besides, newly established information on coagulopathy including the role of D-Dimer was thoroughly reviewed to provide guidelines on investigations and anticoagulation therapy in the management of VMs. Congenital vascular bone syndrome resulting in angio-osteo-hyper/hypotrophy and (lateral) marginal vein was separately reviewed. Background data on arterio-venous malformations was included to differentiate this anomaly from syndrome-based VMs. For the treatment, a new section on laser therapy and also a practical guideline for follow up assessment were added to strengthen the management principle of the multidisciplinary approach. All other therapeutic modalities were thoroughly updated to accommodate a changing concept through the years.


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Unroofing of the Black Mountains, Death Valley, California, has resulted in the exposure of 1.7 Ga crystalline basement, late Precambrian amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks, and a Tertiary magmatic complex. The Ar-40/Ar-39 cooling ages, obtained from samples collected across the entire length of the range (>55 km), combined with geobarometric results from synextensional intrusions, provide time-depth constraints on the Miocene intrusive history and extensional unroofing of the Black Mountains. Data from the southeastern Black Mountains and adjacent Greenwater Range suggest unroofing from shallow depths between 9 and 10 Ma. To the northwest in the crystalline core of the range, biotite plateau ages from approximately 13 to 6.8 Ma from rocks making up the Death Valley turtlebacks indicate a midcrustal residence (with temperatures >300-degrees-C) prior to extensional unroofing. Biotite Ar-40/Ar-39 ages from both Precambrian basement and Tertiary plutons reveal a diachronous cooling pattern of decreasing ages toward the northwest, subparallel to the regional extension direction. Diachronous cooling was accompanied by dike intrusion which also decreases in age toward the northwest. The cooling age pattern and geobarometric constraints in crystalline rocks of the Black Mountains suggest denudation of 10-15 km along a northwest directed detachment system, consistent with regional reconstructions of Tertiary extension and with unroofing of a northwest deepening crustal section. Mica cooling ages that deviate from the northwest younging trend are consistent with northwestward transport of rocks initially at shallower crustal levels onto deeper levels along splays of the detachment. The well-known Amargosa chaos and perhaps the Badwater turtleback are examples of this "splaying" process. Considering the current distance of the structurally deepest samples away from moderately to steeply east tilted Tertiary strata in the southeastern Black Mountains, these data indicate an average initial dip of the detachment system of the order of 20-degrees, similar to that determined for detachment faults in west central Arizona and southeastern California. Beginning with an initially listric geometry, a pattern of footwall unroofing accompanied by dike intrusion progress northwestward. This pattern may be explained by a model where migration of footwall flexures occur below a scoop-shaped banging wall block. One consequence of this model is that gently dipping ductile fabrics developed in the middle crust steepen in the upper crust during unloading. This process resolves the low initial dips obtained here with mapping which suggests transport of the upper plate on moderately to steeply dipping surfaces in the middle and upper crust.


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BACKGROUND Vitamin D and the components of humoral immunity play important roles in human health. Older people have lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) serum levels than younger adults. We aimed to determine the levels of 25(OH)D serum concentrations in healthy senior citizens and to study their relationship to the levels of components of humoral immunity. METHODS A total of 1,470 healthy Swiss men and women, 60 years or older, were recruited for this study. A total of 179 subjects dropped out of the study because of elevated serum concentrations of C-reactive protein. Fasting blood sera were analyzed for 25(OH)D with the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and for parathyroid hormone (PTH), immunoglobulins and complement C4 and C3 concentrations with immunoassays. The percentage of participants in each of the four 25(OH)D deficiency groups--severely deficient (<10 ng/ml), deficient (10 to 20), insufficient (21 to 29 ng/ml) and normal (>=30 ng/ml)--were statistically compared. The relationship of the major components of the humoral system and age with 25(OH)D levels was also assessed. RESULTS About 66% of the subjects had insufficient levels of 25(OH)D. Normal levels of 25(OH)D were found in 26.1% of the subjects of which 21% were males and 30.5% were females (total study population). Severely deficient levels of 25(OH)D were found in 7.98% of the total study population. Low levels of 25(OH)D were positively associated with IgG2 (P = 0.01) and with C4 (P = 0.02), yet were inversely related to levels of IgG1 and IgA (P < 0.05) and C3 (P = 0.01). Serum levels of total IgA, IgG, IgG2 and IgG4 peaked together with 25(OH)D during late summer. CONCLUSIONS Approximately two-thirds of the healthy, older Swiss population presented with Vitamin D insufficiency. The incremental shift in IgA and C3 levels might not necessarily reflect a deranged humoral immune defense; however, given the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, the importance of this condition in humoral immunity will be worth looking at more closely. This study supports the role of vitamin D in the competent immune system.


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Introduction: Current demographic changes are characterized by population aging, such that the surgical treatment of degenerative spine conditions in the elderly is gaining increasing relevance. However, there is a general reluctance to consider spinal fusion procedures in this patient age group due to the increased likelihood of complications. The aim of this study was to assess the patient-rated outcome and complication rates associated with lumbar fusion procedures in three different age groups. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from consecutive patients who underwent first-time, one to three level posterior instrumented fusion between 2004 and 2011, due to degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. Data were obtained from our Spine Surgery Outcomes Database (linked to the International Spine Tango Register). Before surgery, patients completed the multidimensional Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI), and at 3 and 12 months after surgery they completed the COMI and rated the Global Treatment Outcome (GTO) and their satisfaction with care. Patients were divided into three groups according to their age: younger (≥50y <65y; n = 317), older (≥65y <80y; n = 350), and geriatric (≥ 80y; n = 40). Results: 707 consecutive patients were included. The preoperative comorbidity status differed significantly (p < 0.0001) between the age groups, with the highest scores in the geriatric group. General medical complications during surgery were lower in the younger age group (7%) than in the older (13.4%; p = 0.006) and geriatric groups (17.5%; p = 0.007). Duration of hospital stay was longer (p = 0.006) in the older group (10.8 ± 3.7 days) than the younger (10.0 ± 3.6 days) group. There were no significant group differences (p>0.05) for any of the COMI domains covering pain, function, symptom specific well-being, general quality of life, and social and work disability at either 3 months’ or 12 months’ follow-up. Similarly, there were no differences (p>0.05) between the age groups for GTO and patient-rated satisfaction at either follow-up. Conclusions: Preoperative comorbidity and general medical complications during lumbar fusion for degenerative disorders of the lumbar spine are both greater in geriatric patients than in younger patients. However, patient-rated outcome is as good in the elderly as it is in younger age groups. These data suggest that geriatric age per se is not a contraindication to instrumented fusion for lumbar degenerative disease.


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Introduction . Compared to most equine horse breeds which are able to walk, trot and canter /gallop, the gait repertoire of the Icelandic horses additionally includes the lateral gait tölt and frequently also the pace. With respect to the tölt gait, special shoeing, saddling and riding techniques have been developed for Icelandic horses in order to enhance its expressiveness and regularity. Toes are left unnaturally long and heavy shoes and paddings, as well as weighted boots are used to enforce the individual gait predisposition. For the same reason, the rider is placed more caudally to the horse's centre of mass as compared to other riding techniques. The biomechanical impact of these methods on the health of the locomotor system has so far never been subject of systematic research. Objectives . The aims of the presented study are (1) to describe the kinetic and kinematic characteristics of the tölt performed on a treadmill, (2) to understand the mechanical consequences of shoeing manipulation (long hooves, weighted boots) on the loading and protraction movement of the limbs, as well as (3) to study the pressure distribution and effects on the gait pattern of 3 different saddle types used for riding Icelandic horses. Materials and methods . Gait analysis was carried out in 13 Icelandic horses at walk and at slow and medium tölting and trotting speeds on a high-speed treadmill instrumented for measuring vertical ground reaction forces as well as temporal and spatial gait variables. Kinematic data of horse, rider and saddle were measured simultaneously. Gait analysis was first carried out with high, long hooves (SH) without and in combination with weighted boots (ad aim (2)). Afterwards, horses were re-shod according to current horseshoeing standards (SN) and gait analysis was repeated (ad aims (1) and (2)). In a second trial, horses were additionally equipped with a pressure sensitive saddle mat and were ridden with a dressage-like saddle (SDres), an Icelandic saddle (Slcel) and a saddle cushion (SCush) in the standard saddle position (ad aim 3). Results and conclusions . Compared to trot at the same speed, tölting horses had a higher stride rate and lower stride impulses. At the tölt loading of the forelimbs was increased in form of higher peak vertical forces (Fzpeak) due to shorter relative stance durations (StDrel). Conversely, in the hindlimbs, longer StDrel resulted in lower Fzpeak. Despite the higher head-neck position at tölt, there was no measurable shift in weight to the hindlimbs. Footfall rhythm was in most horses laterally coupled at the tölt and frequently had a slight fourbeat and a very short suspension phase at trot; underlining the fact that performance of correct gaits in Icelandic horses needs special training. Gait performance as it is currently judged in competition could be improved using a shoeing with SH, resulting in a 21 ± 5 mm longer dorsal hoof wall, but also a weight gain of 273 ± 50 g at the distal limb due to heavier shoeing material. Compared to SN, SH led to a lower stride rate, a longer stride length and a higher, but not wider, forelimb protraction arc, which were also positively associated with speed. At the tölt, the footfall rhythm showed less tendency to lateral couplets and at the trot, the suspension phase was longer. However, on the long term, SH may have negative implications for the health of the palmar structures of the distal foot by increased limb impulses, higher torques at breakover (up to 20%); as well as peak vertical forces at faster speeds. Compared to the shoeing style, the saddle type had less influence on limb forces or movements. The slight weight shift to the rear with SCush and Slcel may be explained by the more caudal position of the rider relative to the horse's back. With SCush, pressure was highest under the cranial part of the saddle, whereas the saddles with trees had more pressure under the caudal area.


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Following the collapse of the communist regime in 1989, Bulgaria has undergone dramatic political, economic and social transformations. The transition process of the past two decades was characterized by several reforms to support democratisation of the political system and the functioning of a free-market economy. Since 1992, Switzerland has been active in Bulgaria providing assistance to the transition process, with support to Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR) starting in 1995. The SMNR Capitalisation of Experiences (CapEx) took place between March and September 2007, in the context of SDC phasing out its programmes in Bulgaria by the end of 2007 due to the country’s accession to the European Union. The CapEx exercise has culminated in the identification of 17 lessons learned. In the view of the CapEx team, many of these lessons are relevant for countries that are in the process of joining the EU, facing similar democratisation challenges as Bulgaria. Overall, the Swiss SMNR projects have been effective entry points to support areas that are crucial to democratic transitions, namely participation in public goods management, decentralisation, human capacity development in research and management, and preparation for EU membership. The specificity of the Swiss support stems from an approach that combines a long-term commitment with a clear thematic focus (forestry, biodiversity conservation and organic agriculture). The multistakeholder approach and diversification of support between local, regional and national levels are also important elements that contributed to make a difference in relation to other donors supporting the Bulgarian transition. At the institutional level, there are a number of challenges where the contribution of SMNR activities was only modest, namely improving the legal framework and creating more transparency and accountability, both of which are time and resource-consuming processes. In addition, the emergence of competent and sustainable non-government organisations (NGOs) is a complex process that requires support to membership based organisations, a challenge that was hardly met in the case of SMNR. Finally, reform of government institutions involved in management of natural resources is difficult to achieve via project support only, as it requires leverage and commitment at the level of policy dialogue. At the programme management level, the CapEx team notes that corruption was not systematically addressed in SMNR projects, indicating that more attention should be given to this issue at the outset of any new project.