962 resultados para Discrete element method (DEM)


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Seismic Numerical Modeling is one of bases of the Exploratory Seismology and Academic Seismology, also is a research field in great demand. Essence of seismic numerical modeling is to assume that structure and parameters of the underground media model are known, simulate the wave-field and calculate the numerical seismic record that should be observed. Seismic numerical modeling is not only a means to know the seismic wave-field in complex inhomogeneous media, but also a test to the application effect by all kinds of methods. There are many seismic numerical modeling methods, each method has its own merits and drawbacks. During the forward modeling, the computation precision and the efficiency are two pivotal questions to evaluate the validity and superiority of the method. The target of my dissertation is to find a new method to possibly improve the computation precision and efficiency, and apply the new forward method to modeling the wave-field in the complex inhomogeneous media. Convolutional Forsyte polynomial differentiator (CFPD) approach developed in this dissertation is robust and efficient, it shares some of the advantages of the high precision of generalized orthogonal polynomial and the high speed of the short operator finite-difference. By adjusting the operator length and optimizing the operator coefficient, the method can involve whole and local information of the wave-field. One of main tasks of the dissertation is to develop a creative, generalized and high precision method. The author introduce convolutional Forsyte polynomial differentiator to calculate the spatial derivative of seismic wave equation, and apply the time staggered grid finite-difference which can better meet the high precision of the convolutional differentiator to substitute the conventional finite-difference to calculate the time derivative of seismic wave equation, then creating a new forward method to modeling the wave-field in complex inhomogeneous media. Comparing with Fourier pseudo-spectral method, Chebyshev pseudo-spectral method, staggered- grid finite difference method and finite element method, convolutional Forsyte polynomial differentiator (CFPD) method has many advantages: 1. Comparing with Fourier pseudo-spectral method. Fourier pseudo-spectral method (FPS) is a local operator, its results have Gibbs effects when the media parameters change, then arose great errors. Therefore, Fourier pseudo-spectral method can not deal with special complex and random heterogeneous media. But convolutional Forsyte polynomial differentiator method can cover global and local information. So for complex inhomogeneous media, CFPD is more efficient. 2. Comparing with staggered-grid high-order finite-difference method, CFPD takes less dots than FD at single wave length, and the number does not increase with the widening of the studying area. 3. Comparing with Chebyshev pseudo-spectral method (CPS). The calculation region of Chebyshev pseudo-spectral method is fixed in , under the condition of unchangeable precision, the augmentation of calculation is unacceptable. Thus Chebyshev pseudo-spectral method is inapplicable to large area. CFPD method is more applicable to large area. 4. Comparing with finite element method (FE), CFPD can use lager grids. The other task of this dissertation is to study 2.5 dimension (2.5D) seismic wave-field. The author reviews the development and present situation of 2.5D problem, expatiates the essentiality of studying the 2.5D problem, apply CFPD method to simulate the seismic wave-field in 2.5D inhomogeneous media. The results indicate that 2.5D numerical modeling is efficient to simulate one of the sections of 3D media, 2.5D calculation is much less time-consuming than 3D calculation, and the wave dispersion of 2.5D modeling is obviously less than that of 3D modeling. Question on applying time staggered-grid convolutional differentiator based on CFPD to modeling 2.5D complex inhomogeneous media was not studied by any geophysicists before, it is a fire-new creation absolutely. The theory and practices prove that the new method can efficiently model the seismic wave-field in complex media. Proposing and developing this new method can provide more choices to study the seismic wave-field modeling, seismic wave migration, seismic inversion, and seismic wave imaging.


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With the development of both seismic theory and computer technology, numerical modeling technology of seismic wave has achieved great advancement during the past half century. The current methods under development include finite differentiation method (FDM), finite element method (FEM), pseudospectral method (PSM), integral equation method (IEM) and spectral element method (SEM). They exert their very important roles in every corner of seismology and seismic prospecting. Large quantity of researches towards spectral element method in the end of last century bring this method to a new era, which results in perfect solution of many difficult problems. However, parts of posterior works such as seismic migration and inversion which base on spectral element method have never been studied widely at least up to the present whereas are of importance to seismic imaging and seismic wave propagation. Based on previous work, this paper uses spectral element method to investigate the characteristics and laws of the seismic wave propagation in isotropic and anisotropic media. By thoroughly studying this high-accuracy method, we implement a kind of reverse-time pre- and post-stack migration based on SEM. In order to verify the validity of the SEM method, we have simulated the propagation of seismic wave in several different models. The simulation results show that: (1) spectral element method can be used to model any complex models and the computational results are comparable with the expected results and the analytic results; (2) the optimum accuracy can be achieved when the rank is between 4 and 9. When it is below 4, the dispersion may occur; and when it is above 9, the time step-length will be changed accordingly with the reducing space step-length in order to keep the computation stability. This will exponentially increase the computation time and at the same time the memory even if simulating the same media. This paper also applies explosive reflection surface imaging technology, time constancy principle of wave-filed extrapolation and least travetime raytracing technology of surface source to SEM pre- and post-stack migration of isotropic and anisotropic media. All imaging results derived by the above methods agree well with the real geological models and the position of interface and inflexions can also return to their right location well. This indicates that the method proposed in this paper is a kind of technology with high accuracy and robust stability. It can serve as an alternative method in real seismic data processing. All these work can boost the development of high-accuracy seismic imaging, and therefore have significant inference value.


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Based on field survey, laboratory testing and numerical modeling, engineering characteristics of undisturbed loess and the mechanism of long-runout loess landslides caused by underground water level rise, as well as the formation conditions and spatial distribution of landslides, are systematically studied and analyzed. Loess landslides at south Plateau of Jingyang County are mainly classified as flowslide, slide and fall. Flowslide is the main type characteristic of high velocity, long runout and multi-stages. The steep relief composed of loose structured loess-old aged soil serials and the rise of groundwater table are the predominant conditions for landslides in the study area. To study loess mechanic poperties and loess landslides mechanisims, isotropically and anisotropically consolidated undrained compression(ICU and ACU) tests and constant-deviator-drained compression (CQD) tests were carried out on undisturbed samples. The results of undrained compression tests performed at the in-situ stress level show that the soils are of consistently strain-softening in the stress-strain relations and cause high excess pore pressure. The steady-state line and the potential region of instability are obtained from ICU and ACU test results. A necessary condition for liquefaction is that the soil state initially lies in or is brought into the potential instability region. In addition, a strong strain-softening model is also formed. CQD tests demonstrate that the mobilized friction angle is far less than the steady-state angle and that the soil experiences undrained contractive failure suddenly at very small strains when its stress path during drained loading tries to cross the potential instability region,thus validates the proposed instability region. Based on the location of the region of potential instability and the stress state of slope soil, a method of static liquefaction analysis is proposed for loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table. Compared with other liquefaction analysis methods, this method overcomes the limitations inherent in conventional slope stability method and undrained brittleness index method. Triaxial tests composed of constant water content (CW) and wetting tests at constant deviator stress are performed on undisturbed unsaturated samples. The stress-strain relation of CW tests takes on strain-hardening behavior; The results of wetting tests at constant deviator stress designed to study the mechanics of failure of unsaturated loess caused by an increase in the degree of saturation (wetting) shows that a contractive failure occurs in the undisturbed samples. On the basis of the above triaxial test results, the initiation of static liquefaction is presented for long-runout loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table, that is, the loess slope soil gradually transfer from unsaturated to saturated state under the infiltration of irrigation. A contractive failure occurs in the local region at very small strain by increasing the pore-water pressure at constant deviator stresses under drained conditons. It is the contractive failrue resulting from rise of pore pressure that leads to high excess pore pressure in the neighbour soil which reduces shear resistance of soil. The neighbour soils also fail due to the rapid increase in pore-water pressure. Thus a connected failure surface is developed quickly and a flowslide occurs. Based on the saturated-unsaturated seepage theory, transient seepage is computed using the finite element method on loess slope under groundwater table rise. Pore-water pressure distribution for every time step after irrigation are obtained. The phreatic surface in the slope increases with the groundwater table. Pore-water pressure distribution within 8m above the phreatic surface changes very quickly,but the water content and pore water pressure in the region ranging from 8m above the phreatic surface up to ground surface is almost not affected and the matric suction usually is kept at 100~120 kPa. Based on the results of laboratory tests and seepage flow analysis, the development process of loess landslide is modeled considering groundwater table rise. The shearing plastic zone first occurs at the slope toe where the soil is soaked for long term during rise in groundwater table. As irrigation continues, the shearing plastic zone gradually extends to the interior soils, with the results that the tensile plastic zone occurs at the slope crown. As time goes on, both the shearing plastic zone and tensile plastic zone continue to extend. Then a connected plastic zone is formed and fowslide occurs. In comparision to laboratory test results, the results of numerical simulation quite well verify the presented mechanism of static liquefaction of long-runout loess landslides caused by rise in groundwater table.


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This thesis bases on horizontal research project “The research about the fine structure and mechanical parameters of abutment jointed rock mass of high arch dam on Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station, Yalong River” and “The research about the fine structure and mechanical parameters of the columnar basalt rock mass on Baihetan Hydropower Station, Jinsha River”. A rounded system about the fine structure description and rock mass classification is established. This research mainly contains six aspects as follow: (1) Methods about fine structure description of the window rock mass; (2) The window rock mass classification about the fine structure; (3) Model test study of intermittent joints; (4) Window rock mass strength theory; (5) Numerical experimentations about window rock mass; (6) The multi-source fusion of mechanical parameters based on Bayes principle. Variation of intact rock strength and joint conditions with the weathering and relaxation degree is studied through the description of window rock mass. And four principal parameters: intact rock point load strength, integration degree of window rock mass, joint conditions, and groundwater condition is selected to assess the window rock mass. Window rock mass is classified into three types using the results of window rock mass fine structure description combined with joints develop model. Scores about intact rock strength, integrality condition, divisional plane condition and groundwater conditions are given based on window rock mass fine structure description. Then quality evaluation about two different types of rock mass: general joint structure and columnar jointing structure are carried out to use this window rock mass classification system. Application results show that the window rock mass classification system is effective and applicable. Aimed at structural features of window structure of “the rock mass damaged by recessive fracture”, model tests and numerical models are designed about intermittent joints. By conducting model tests we get shear strength under different normal stress in integrated samples, through samples and intermittent joints samples. Also, the changing trends of shear strength in various connectivity rates are analyzed. We numerically simulate the entire process of direct shear tests by using PFC2D. In order to tally the stress-strain curve of numerical simulation with experimental tests about both integrated samples and through samples, we adjust mechanical factors between particles. Through adopting the same particle geometric parameter, the numerical sample of intermittent joints in different connective condition is re-built. At the same time, we endow the rock bridges and joints in testing samples with the fixed particle contacting parameters, and conduct a series of direct shear tests. Then the destructive process and mechanical parameters in both micro-prospective and macro-prospective are obtained. By synthesizing the results of numerical and sample tests and analyzing the evolutionary changes of stress and strain on intermittent joints plane, we conclude that the centralization of compressive stress on rock bridges increase the shear strength of it. We discuss the destructive mechanics of intermittent joints rock under direct shear condition, meanwhile, divide the whole shear process into five phases, which are elasticity phase, fracture initiation phase, peak value phase, after-peak phase and residual phase. In development of strength theory, the shear strength mechanisms of joint and rock bridge are analyzed respectively. In order to apply the deducted formulation conveniently in the real projects, a relationship between these formulations and Mohr-Coulomb hypothesis is built up. Some sets of numerical simulation methods, i.e. the distinct element method (UDEC) based on in-situ geology mapping are developed and introduced. The working methods about determining mechanical parameters of intact rock and joints in numerical model are studied. The operation process and analysis results are demonstrated detailed from the research on parameters of rock mass based on numerical test in the Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station and Baihetan Hydropower Station. By comparison,the advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Results about numerical simulation study show that we can get the shear strength mechanical parameters by changing the load conditions. The multi-source rock mass mechanical parameters can be fused by the Bayes theory, which are test value, empirical value and theoretical value. Then the value range and its confidence probability of different rock mass grade are induced and these data supports the reliability design.


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Toppling is a major failure model in anti-dip layered rock slopes. Because of the limited by testing means and experimental apparatus, present research on the deformation mechanism and stability analysis are mainly focus on the 2-Dimensional deformation, and the research really based on 3-Dimension is still limited. Therefore, based on the present research station, the article rely on the important hydroelectric project of typical anti-dip layered rock slopes -- The left bank slope of Long-tan hydropower-station in Guang Xi, China, and focused on the influencing factors, deformation mechanism and stability analysis of anti-dip layered rock slopes, three problems as follows are researched in this paper. (1) Deformation influencing factor analysis on ant-dip layered rock slopes Three influencing factors are included: geological factor, engineering factor and environmental factor. It is concluded that the toppling deformation of anti-dip layered rock slopes are more sensitive to geological and engineering factors, but less sensitive to environmental factor. In addition, the sensitivity of various factors to the rock toppling deformation is also arranged sequentially as follows: construction, gravitation, rainfall (underground water) and rock structure intensity, etc. (2) 3D deformation study on the anti-dip layered toppling rock slopes Used 3D Distinct Element Method (3DEC) analyzed the 3D deformation characteristic of anti-dip layered rock slops. It can be seen that the toppling characteristics are obvious when the inter-angle between slope direction and layer striking direction is under 20o, when the inter-angle is over 20o and equal or less than 40o,the toppling deformation characteristics decrease sharply with increase of inter-angle, when the inter-angle is over 40o , the slope deformation is not controlled by joints but influenced by other failure mode. Therefore, in order to quantify the toppling characteristics, a differential value of displacement vector angle between layered rock slope and block rock slope is proposed as a key index to distinguish failure model for anti-dip layered rock slopes, and it was applied to study the toppling of the rock slopes at Guangxi Long-tan hydropower station, China. The results indicated that the index was effective and instructive for analyzing the anti-dip layered rock slopes. (3) Stability analysis methods Because of the imperfection of some present slope analysis methods, based on slope failure mode and those three influencing factors, “slope stability entropy” method is defined in this paper, which makes good use of the sensitivity of relational matrix to influencing factors on slope stability and the qualification characteristics for information entropy to the irregularity of slope deformation. By this method, not only the randomness of geologic body on the base of dynamic analysis of slope failure mode is fully concerned, but also it makes the analysis time-saving and simple. Finally, the research findings were used to the engineering example successfully, and rational conclusion has been obtained.


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This dissertation presents a series of irregular-grid based numerical technique for modeling seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media. The study involves the generation of the irregular numerical mesh corresponding to the irregular grid scheme, the discretized version of motion equations under the unstructured mesh, and irregular-grid absorbing boundary conditions. The resulting numerical technique has been used in generating the synthetic data sets on the realistic complex geologic models that can examine the migration schemes. The motion equation discretization and modeling are based on Grid Method. The key idea is to use the integral equilibrium principle to replace the operator at each grid in Finite Difference scheme and variational formulation in Finite Element Method. The irregular grids of complex geologic model is generated by the Paving Method, which allow varying grid spacing according to meshing constraints. The grids have great quality at domain boundaries and contain equal quantities of nodes at interfaces, which avoids the interpolation of parameters and variables. The irregular grid absorbing boundary conditions is developed by extending the Perfectly Matched Layer method to the rotated local coordinates. The splitted PML equations of the first-order system is derived by using integral equilibrium principle. The proposed scheme can build PML boundary of arbitrary geometry in the computational domain, avoiding the special treatment at corners in a standard PML method and saving considerable memory and computation cost. The numerical implementation demonstrates the desired qualities of irregular grid based modeling technique. In particular, (1) smaller memory requirements and computational time are needed by changing the grid spacing according to local velocity; (2) Arbitrary surfaces and interface topographies are described accurately, thus removing the artificial reflection resulting from the stair approximation of the curved or dipping interfaces; (3) computational domain is significantly reduced by flexibly building the curved artificial boundaries using the irregular-grid absorbing boundary conditions. The proposed irregular grid approach is apply to reverse time migration as the extrapolation algorithm. It can discretize the smoothed velocity model by irregular grid of variable scale, which contributes to reduce the computation cost. The topography. It can also handle data set of arbitrary topography and no field correction is needed.


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Evaluating the mechanical properties of rock masses is the base of rock engineering design and construction. It has great influence on the safety and cost of rock project. The recognition is inevitable consequence of new engineering activities in rock, including high-rise building, super bridge, complex underground installations, hydraulic project and etc. During the constructions, lots of engineering accidents happened, which bring great damage to people. According to the investigation, many failures are due to choosing improper mechanical properties. ‘Can’t give the proper properties’ becomes one of big problems for theoretic analysis and numerical simulation. Selecting the properties reasonably and effectively is very significant for the planning, design and construction of rock engineering works. A multiple method based on site investigation, theoretic analysis, model test, numerical test and back analysis by artificial neural network is conducted to determine and optimize the mechanical properties for engineering design. The following outcomes are obtained: (1) Mapping of the rock mass structure Detailed geological investigation is the soul of the fine structure description. Based on statistical window,geological sketch and digital photography,a new method for rock mass fine structure in-situ mapping is developed. It has already been taken into practice and received good comments in Baihetan Hydropower Station. (2) Theoretic analysis of rock mass containing intermittent joints The shear strength mechanisms of joint and rock bridge are analyzed respectively. And the multiple modes of failure on different stress condition are summarized and supplied. Then, through introducing deformation compatibility equation in normal direction, the direct shear strength formulation and compression shear strength formulation for coplanar intermittent joints, as well as compression shear strength formulation for ladderlike intermittent joints are deducted respectively. In order to apply the deducted formulation conveniently in the real projects, a relationship between these formulations and Mohr-Coulomb hypothesis is built up. (3) Model test of rock mass containing intermittent joints Model tests are adopted to study the mechanical mechanism of joints to rock masses. The failure modes of rock mass containing intermittent joints are summarized from the model test. Six typical failure modes are found in the test, and brittle failures are the main failure mode. The evolvement processes of shear stress, shear displacement, normal stress and normal displacement are monitored by using rigid servo test machine. And the deformation and failure character during the loading process is analyzed. According to the model test, the failure modes quite depend on the joint distribution, connectivity and stress states. According to the contrastive analysis of complete stress strain curve, different failure developing stages are found in the intact rock, across jointed rock mass and intermittent jointed rock mass. There are four typical stages in the stress strain curve of intact rock, namely shear contraction stage, linear elastic stage, failure stage and residual strength stage. There are three typical stages in the across jointed rock mass, namely linear elastic stage, transition zone and sliding failure stage. Correspondingly, five typical stages are found in the intermittent jointed rock mass, namely linear elastic stage, sliding of joint, steady growth of post-crack, joint coalescence failure, and residual strength. According to strength analysis, the failure envelopes of intact rock and across jointed rock mass are the upper bound and lower bound separately. The strength of intermittent jointed rock mass can be evaluated by reducing the bandwidth of the failure envelope with geo-mechanics analysis. (4) Numerical test of rock mass Two sets of methods, i.e. the distinct element method (DEC) based on in-situ geology mapping and the realistic failure process analysis (RFPA) based on high-definition digital imaging, are developed and introduced. The operation process and analysis results are demonstrated detailedly from the research on parameters of rock mass based on numerical test in the Jinping First Stage Hydropower Station and Baihetan Hydropower Station. By comparison,the advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Then the applicable fields are figured out respectively. (5) Intelligent evaluation based on artificial neural network (ANN) The characters of both ANN and parameter evaluation of rock mass are discussed and summarized. According to the investigations, ANN has a bright application future in the field of parameter evaluation of rock mass. Intelligent evaluation of mechanical parameters in the Jinping First Stage Hydropower Station is taken as an example to demonstrate the analysis process. The problems in five aspects, i. e. sample selection, network design, initial value selection, learning rate and expected error, are discussed detailedly.


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In the last several decades, due to the fast development of computer, numerical simulation has been an indispensable tool in scientific research. Numerical simulation methods which based on partial difference operators such as Finite Difference Method (FDM) and Finite Element Method (FEM) have been widely used. However, in the realm of seismology and seismic prospecting, one usually meets with geological models which have piece-wise heterogeneous structures as well as volume heterogeneities between layers, the continuity of displacement and stress across the irregular layers and seismic wave scattering induced by the perturbation of the volume usually bring in error when using conventional methods based on difference operators. The method discussed in this paper is based on elastic theory and integral theory. Seismic wave equation in the frequency domain is transformed into a generalized Lippmann-Schwinger equation, in which the seismic wavefield contributed by the background is expressed by the boundary integral equation and the scattering by the volume heterogeneities is considered. Boundary element-volume integral method based on this equation has advantages of Boundary Element Method (BEM), such as reducing one dimension of the model, explicit use the displacement and stress continuity across irregular interfaces, high precision, satisfying the boundary at infinite, etc. Also, this method could accurately simulate the seismic scattering by the volume heterogeneities. In this paper, the concrete Lippmann-Schwinger equation is specifically given according to the real geological models. Also, the complete coefficients of the non-smooth point for the integral equation are introduced. Because Boundary Element-Volume integral equation method uses fundamental solutions which are singular when the source point and the field are very close,both in the two dimensional and the three dimensional case, the treatment of the singular kernel affects the precision of this method. The method based on integral transform and integration by parts could treat the points on the boundary and inside the domain. It could transform the singular integral into an analytical one both in two dimensional and in three dimensional cases and thus it could eliminate the singularity. In order to analyze the elastic seismic wave scattering due to regional irregular topographies, the analytical solution for problems of this type is discussed and the analytical solution of P waves by multiple canyons is given. For the boundary reflection, the method used here is infinite boundary element absorbing boundary developed by a pervious researcher. The comparison between the analytical solutions and concrete numerical examples validate the efficiency of this method. We thoroughly discussed the sampling frequency in elastic wave simulation and find that, for a general case, three elements per wavelength is sufficient, however, when the problem is too complex, more elements per wavelength are necessary. Also, the seismic response in the frequency domain of the canyons with different types of random heterogeneities is illustrated. We analyzed the model of the random media, the horizontal and vertical correlation length, the standard deviation, and the dimensionless frequency how to affect the seismic wave amplification on the ground, and thus provide a basis for the choice of the parameter of random media during numerical simulation.


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A major impetus to study the rough surface and complex structure in near surface model is because accuracy of seismic observation and geophysical prospecting can be improved. Wave theory study about fluid-satuated porous media has important significance for some scientific problems, such as explore underground resources, study of earth's internal structure, and structure response of multi-phase porous soil under dynamic and seismic effect. Seismic wave numerical modeling is one of the effective methods which understand seismic propagation rules in complex media. As a numerical simulation method, boundary element methods had been widely used in seismic wave field study. This paper mainly studies randomly rough surface scattering which used some approximation solutions based on boundary element method. In addition, I developed a boundary element solution for fluid saturated porous media. In this paper, we used boundary element methods which based on integral expression of wave equation to study the free rough surface scattering effects of Kirchhoff approximation method, Perturbation approximation method, Rytov approximation method and Born series approximation method. Gaussian spectrum model of randomly rough surfaces was chosen as the benchmark model. The approximation methods result were compared with exact results which obtained by boundary element methods, we study that the above approximation methods were applicable how rough surfaces and it is founded that this depends on and ( here is the wavenumber of the incident field, is the RMS height and is the surface correlation length ). In general, Kirchhoff approximation which ignores multiple scatterings between any two surface points has been considered valid for the large-scale roughness components. Perturbation theory based on Taylor series expansion is valid for the small-scale roughness components, as and are .Tests with the Gaussian topographies show that the Rytov approximation methods improves the Kirchhoff approximation in both amplitude and phase but at the cost of an extra treatment of transformation for the wave fields. The realistic methods for the multiscale surfaces come with the Born series approximation and the second-order Born series approximation might be sufficient to guarantee the accuracy of randomly rough surfaces. It could be an appropriate choice that a complex rough surface can be divided into large-, medium-, and small-scale roughness components with their scattering features be studied by the Kirchhoff or Rytov phase approximations, the Born series approximation, and the perturbation theory, respectively. For this purpose, it is important to select appropriate parameters that separate these different scale roughness components to guarantee the divided surfaces satisfy the physical assumptions of the used approximations, respectively. In addition, in this paper, the boundary element methods are used for solving the porous elastic wave propagation and carry out the numerical simulation. Based on the fluid-saturated porous model, this paper analyses and presents the dynamic equation of elastic wave propagation and boundary integral equation formulation of fluid saturated porous media in frequency domain. The fundamental solutions of the elastic wave equations are obtained according to the similarity between thermoelasticity and poroelasticity. At last, the numerical simulation of the elastic wave propagation in the two-phase isotropic media is carried out by using the boundary element method. The results show that a slow quasi P-wave can be seen in both solid and fluid wave-field synthetic seismograms. The boundary element method is effective and feasible.


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There has been a growing concern about the use of fossil fuels and its adverse effects on the atmospheric greenhouse and ecological environment. A reduction in the release rate of CO2 into the atmosphere poses a major challenge to the land ecology of China. The most promising way of achieving CO2 reduction is to dispose of CO2 in deep saline aquifers. Deep aquifers have a large potential for CO2 sequestration in geological medium in terms of volume and duration. Through the numerical simulation of multiphase flow in a porous media, the transformation and motion of CO2 in saline aquifers has been implemented under various temperature and hydrostatic pressure conditions, which plays an important role to the assessment of the reliability and safety of CO2 geological storage. As expected, the calculated results can provide meaningful and scientific information for management purposes. The key problem to the numerical simulation of multiphase flow in a porous media is to accurately capture the mass interface and to deal with the geological heterogeneity. In this study, the updated CE/SE (Space and time conservation element and solution element) method has been proposed, and the Hybrid Particle Level Set method (HPLS) has extended for multiphase flows in porous medium, which can accurately trace the transformation of the mass interface. The benchmark problems have been applied to evaluate and validate the proposed method. In this study, the reliability of CO2 storage in saline aquifers in Daqingzi oil field in Sunlong basin has been discussed. The simulation code developed in this study takes into account the state for CO2 covering the triple point temperature and pressure to the supercritical region. The geological heterogeneity has been implemented, using the well known geostatistical model (GSLIB) on the base of the hard data. The 2D and 3D model have been set up to simulate the CO2 multiphase flow in the porous saline aquifer, applying the CE/SE method and the HPLS method .The main contents and results are summarized as followings. (1) The 2D CE/SE method with first and second –order accuracy has been extended to simulate the multiphase flow in porous medium, which takes into account the contribution of source and sink in the momentum equation. The 3D CE/SE method with the first accuracy has been deduced. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed CE/SE method have been investigated, using the benchmark problems. (2) The hybrid particle level set method has been made appropriate and extended for capturing the mass interface of multiphase flows in porous media, and the numerical method for level set function calculated has been formulated. (3) The closed equations for multiphase flow in porous medium has been developed, adept to both the Darcy flow and non-Darcy flow, getting over the limitation of Reynolds number to the calculation. It is found that Darcy number has a decisive influence on pressure as well as velocity given the Darcy number. (4) The new Euler scheme for numerical simulations of multiphase flows in porous medium has been proposed, which is efficient and can accurately capture the mass interface. The artificial compressibility method has been used to couple the velocities and pressure. It is found that the Darcy number has determinant effects on the numerical convergence and stability. In terms of the different Darcy numbers, the coefficient of artificial compressibility and the time step have been obtained. (5) The time scale of the critical instability for critical CO2 in the saline aquifer has been found, which is comparable with that of completely CO2 dissolved saline aquifer. (6) The concept model for CO2 multiphase flows in the saline aquifer has been configured, based on the temperature, pressure, porosity as well as permeability of the field site .Numerical simulation of CO2 hydrodynamic trapping in saline aquifers has been performed, applying the proposed CE/SE method. The state for CO2 has been employed to take into account realistic reservoir conditions for CO2 geological sequestration. The geological heterogeneity has been sufficiently treated , using the geostatistical model. (7) It is found that the Rayleigh-Taylor instability phenomenon, which is associated with the penetration of saline fluid into CO2 fluid in the direction of gravity, has been observed in CO2 multiphase flows in the saline aquifer. Development of a mushroom-type spike is a strong indication of the formation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability due to the developed short wavelength perturbations present along the interface and parallel to the bulk flow. Additional key findings: the geological heterogeneity can distort the flow convection. The ascending of CO2 can induce the persistent flow cycling effects. The results show that boundary conditions of the field site have determinant effects on the transformation and motion of CO2 in saline aquifers. It is confirmed that the proposed method and numerical model has the reliability to simulate the process of the hydrodynamic trapping, which is the controlling mechanism for the initial period of CO2 storage at time scale of 100 years.


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Large earthquakes, such as the Chile earthquake in 1960 and the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on Dec 26, 2004 in Indonesia, have generated the Earth’s free oscillations. The eigenfrequencies of the Earth’s free oscillations are closely related to the Earth’s internal structures. The conventional methods, which mainly focus on calculating the eigenfrequecies by analytical ways, and the analysis on observations can not easily study the whole processes from earthquake occurrence to the Earth’s free oscillation inspired. Therefore, we try to use numerical method incorporated with large-scale parallel computing to study on the Earth’s free oscillations excited by giant earthquakes. We first give a review of researches and developments of the Earth’s free oscillation, and basical theories under spherical coordinate system. We then give a review of the numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation and basical theories of spectral element method to simulate global seismic wave propagation. As a first step to study the Earth’s free oscillations, we use a finite element method to simulate the propagation of elastic waves and the generation of oscillations of the chime bell of Marquis Yi of Zeng, by striking different parts of the bell, which possesses the oval crosssection. The bronze chime bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng are precious cultural relics of China. The bells have a two-tone acoustic characteristic, i.e., striking different parts of the bell generates different tones. By analysis of the vibration in the bell and the spectrum analysis, we further help the understanding of the mechanism of two-tone acoustic characteristics of the chime bell of Marquis Yi of Zeng. The preliminary calculations have clearly shown that two different modes of oscillation can be generated by striking different parts of the bell, and indicate that finite element numerical simulation of the processes of wave propagation and two-tone generation of the chime bell of Marquis Yi of Zeng is feasible. These analyses provide a new quantitative and visual way to explain the mystery of the two-tone acoustic characteristics. The method suggested by this study can be applied to simulate free oscillations excited by great earthquakes with complex Earth structure. Taking into account of such large-scale structure of the Earth, small-scale low-precision numerical simulation can not simply meet the requirement. The increasing capacity in high-performance parallel computing and progress on fully numerical solutions for seismic wave fields in realistic three-dimensional spherical models, Spectral element method and high-performance parallel computing were incorporated to simulate the seismic wave propagation processes in the Earth’s interior, without the effects of the Earth’s gravitational potential. The numerical simulation shows that, the results of the toroidal modes of our calculation agree well with the theoretical values, although the accuracy of our results is much limited, the calculated peaks are little distorted due to three-dimensional effects. There exist much great differences between our calculated values of spheroidal modes and theoretical values, because we don’t consider the effect the Earth’ gravitation in numerical model, which leads our values are smaller than the theoretical values. When , is much smaller, the effect of the Earth’s gravitation make the periods of spheroidal modes become shorter. However, we now can not consider effects of the Earth’s gravitational potential into the numerical model to simulate the spheroidal oscillations, but those results still demonstrate that, the numerical simulation of the Earth’s free oscillation is very feasible. We make the numerical simulation on processes of the Earth’s free oscillations under spherically symmetric Earth model using different special source mechanisms. The results quantitatively show that Earth’s free oscillations excited by different earthquakes are different, and oscillations at different locations are different for free oscillation excited by the same earthquake. We also explore how the Earth’s medium attenuation will take effects on the Earth’s free oscillations, and take comparisons with the observations. The medium attenuation can make influences on the Earth’s free oscillations, though the effects on lower-frequency fundamental oscillations are weak. At last, taking 2008 Wenchuan earthquake for example, we employ spectral element method incorporated with large-scale parallel computing technology to investigate the characteristics of seismic wave propagation excited by Wenchuan earthquake. We calculate synthetic seismograms with one-point source model and three-point source model respectively. Full 3-D visualization of the numerical results displays the profile of the seismic wave propagation with respect to time. The three-point source, which was proposed by the latest investigations through field observation and reverse estimation, can better demonstrate the spatial and temporal characteristics of the source rupture processes than one-point source. Primary results show that those synthetic signals calculated from three-point source agree well with the observations. This can further reveal that the source rupturing process of Wenchuan earthquake is a multi-rupture process, which is composed by at least three or more stages of rupture processes. In conclusion, the numerical simulation can not only solve some problems concluding the Earth’s ellipticity and anisotropy, which can be easily solved by conventional methods, but also finally solve the problems concluding topography model and lateral heterogeneity. We will try to find a way to fully implement self-gravitation in spectral element method in future, and do our best to continue researching the Earth’s free oscillations using the numerical simulations to see how the Earth’ lateral heterogeneous will affect the Earth’s free oscillations. These will make it possible to bring modal spectral data increasingly to bear on furthering our understanding of the Earth’s three-dimensional structure.


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The Mathematical modeling of multiphase fluid flow is an important aspect of basin simulation, and also is a topic of geological frontier. Based on coupling relation of temperature, pressure and fluid flow, this dissertation discusses the modeling which conform to geological regularities of fluid migration. The modeling that is multi-field and multiphase includes heat transport equation, pressure evolvement equation, solution transport equation and fluid transport equation. The finite element method is effective numerical calculation methods. Author applies it to solve modeling and implements the finite element program, and the modeling is applied to Ying-Qiong Basin. The channels of fluid vertical migration are fault, fracture and other high penetrability area. In this thesis, parallel fracture model and columnar channel model have been discussed, and a characteristic time content and a characteristic space content been obtained to illustrate the influences of stratigraphic and hydrodynamic factors on the process. The elliptoid fracture model is established and its approximately solution in theory is gotten. Three kinds of modeling are applied to analyze the transient variation process of fluid pressure in the connected permeable formations. The elliptoid fracture model is the most similar geology model comparing with the other fracture models so the research on this fracture model can enhance the understanding to fluid pressure. In the non-hydrodynamic condition, because of the difference between water density and nature gas density, nature gas can migrate upon by float force. A one-dimension mathematical model of nature gas migration by float force is established and also applied to analyze the change in the saturation of gas. In the process of gas migration its saturation is non-continuous. Fluid flow is an important factor which influences the distribution of the temperature-field, the change of temperature can influence fluid property (including density, viscidity, and solubility),a nd the temperature field has coupling relations to the fluid pressure field. In this dissertation one-dimension and two-dimension thermal convection modeling is developed and also applied to analyze convective and conductive heat transfer. Author has established one-dimension and two-dimension mathematical modeling in which fluid is a mixture of water and nature gas based on the coupling relation between temperature and pressure, discussed mixture fluid convection heat transfer in different gas saturation, and analyzed overpressure form mechanism. Based on geothermal abnormity and pore pressure distribution in Dongfong 1-1, Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea, one-dimension mathematical modeling of coupling temperature and pressure is established. The modeling simulates the process that fluid migrates from deep to shallow and overpressure forms in shallow. When overpressure is so large that fractures appear and overpressure is released. As deep fluid flow to shallow, the high geothermal then forms in shallow. Based on the geological characteristics in Ya13-1, two-dimension mathematical modeling of coupling temperature and pressure is established. Fluid vertically flows in fault and then laterally migrates in reservoir. The modeling simulates the geothermal abnormity and pore pressure distribution in reservoir.


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Lukeqin arc belt is a compound structure generated by multi-movements and composed of 6 sub-structural zones, which are connected by Huoyanshan Mountain. General characteristics of the arc belt are multi-patterns of structure, multi-phases for petroleum, multi-types of trap and multi-layers for reservoirs. As a part of the eastern Lukeqin arc belt located on the south of Taibei depression, Lukeqin structural zone behaves as a complex faulted-fold zone, in which the formation and distribution of hydrocarbons are controlled by structures. As the dominant source of dynamics for the second migration of hydrocarbon, structure stress field is closely related with the potentials of hydrodynamics. Results derived from the simulations of stress field by finite element method indicate that the northwest tending faults prefer seal to the northeast tending ones. The reason is that the northwest tending faults were squeezed more strongly than the northeast tending ones. Therefor, the northeast tending faults become always the paths for oil to migrate southeastward. Lukeqin structural zone is the main site for oil to concentration because it is surrounded by high stress. Situated on the front of the foreland basin of Turpan-Hami, Lukeqing arc belt is a dam to hold back the southward migrating oil from Shengbei depression. The axis line of Shenquan-Shengnan-Yanmuxi, Lukeqin and Yubei controls the migrating paths and concentrating process of oil and gas. Results derived from stress simulation and structure analyses indicate consistently that both Yubei and Lukeqin structural zones are the favorite areas for oil to migrate. The generally southward paths for oil to migrate out of Taibei depression can be two ways. One of them is from Taibei depression to Yubei structural zone and the other is from Taibei depression to Lukeqin structural zone. By the both ways, oil migrated upward along the faults and southeastward along the structural axis to concentrate in either Permian or Triassic system. The newly ascertained path for oil migration, which is accurately southeastward instead of coarsely southward, indicates the directions for further explorations on the compound Lukeqin block zone. Five kinds of seal models of fault are all found in Lukeqin block zone by studying the seal features of faults occurred in the zone. Having studied the fault seal and their controlling factors by fuzzy set method, the paper deems that the northwest tended faults are better than the northeast tended ones for oil to concentrate. The most important factors to decide the seal extent of faults in this zone are the characteristics of main stress and fluids instead of capillary pressure differences between the two sides of fault and smear mud factors. There exist seal differences not only between the faults of different time but also between the sections within a fault due to the variation of depths, strata and positions. The general distribution rules of reservoirs were dominated by the seal characteristics of a fault during the time reservoirs formed. While the current features of fault seal decide the conservation of reservoirs and heights of oil accumulations. Seal or not of a fault is not absolute because the essential for fault to seal is the distribution of permeability of fault zone. Therefor, the multi cyclical activities of faults create the space-time variation of seal features of the fault. Totally, the seal extent of the faults within the area is not as perfect as to accumulate ordinary crude. Crude oil can only be sealed when it becomes viscous. Process for crude oil to become viscous and viscous happened strongly because of the fault-fold movements. Shallowly burying and even revealing of the objective layers of the reservoirs made the crude oil to be thickened by water washing biologically degradation and oxidation degradation. The northwestward deepening during or after the reservoir formation of the structural zone provided the power for oil to migrate one or more times. The main reason for oil accumulation is the formation of Lukeqin block zone during Xishanyao stage, middle Jurassic Period, Early Yanshanian Movement. While the main reason for reservoir conservation is the placidity of Triassic blocks after the formation of reservoirs. Contrasting to former opinions, it is concluded that the reservoirs in Lukeqin zone, including viscous reservoirs, were formed by one time but not more times. So the author proposes the opinion that the reservoirs of viscous oil were formed by viscous oil migration under the conditions of aptitude sets of fault seals controlled by fluid and other factors. To grope the distribution rules outside Taibei depression and discuss the formation mechanism of Anjurassic reservoirs, it is necessary to study the dominate factors for the formation of reservoirs in Lukeqin structural zone such as structural stress, fault seals and thickening mechanism of crude oil. Also, the necessary studies are the key to break through the Taibei depression and Anjurassic systems. Therefor, they are significant for the future exploration and reserve increasing of hydrocarbon within the Turpan-Hami basin. The paper studied the distribution rules of block reservoirs and forecasted the favorable zones for further exploration in Turpan-Hami basin. Conclusions can be useful for not only the exploration in the area but also the theory consult in the adjacent areas.


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Two problems are studied in this thesis, the relationship of the magneto-spheric - ionospheric current systems during storms, and the effects of the main field to the space environment. The thesis includes three parts. 1. Magnetic disturbances caused by magnetospheric - ionospheric current systems Transient variations of the geomagnetic field at middle-low latitudes are mainly caused by the ionospheric dynamo current (IDC), the symmetric ring current (SRC), the partial ring current-region II field-aligned current-ionospheric current system (PRFI), and the region I field-aligned current-ionospheric current system (FACI). The storm on May 1 ~ 6, 1998 is analyzed. Firstly, the S_q-field caused by IDC current is removed by using the modified Hibberd's method in which the effect of SRC is considered. The neglect of SRC-field can give as much as 40% error in S_q-field evaluation. Secondly, the disturbance fields at the middle and low latitudes are separated according to their origins. As a result, the disturbance caused by FACI-current is an important part of the asymmetrical depression of H-component in middle and low latitudes during storms. The results show that the relative intensity of the Sq-field increases in the main phase of the storm and decreases in the recovery phase. The latitudinal gradient of the Sq-field is positive during the whole storm. The storm of May 1 ~ 6, 1998 contains two events. In the first event on May 2, the SRC-field is similar to Dst index. But in the second event on May 4 ~ 5, the SRC-field delays to Dst index, and the SRC-field depresses while the PRFI- and FACI-fields recovery. 2. Analysis of S_q~p variation in CGM coordinates In order to study the conjugation of geomagnetic variations between northern and southern hemispheres, we use the corrected geomagnetic coordinates (CGM) instead of the geomagnetic coordinates (GM) to analyze the S_q~P equivalent current system. The CGM coordinates are built up by International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model. The S_q~p variations and equivalent current systems in the northern and southern polar regions are more symmetrical in CGM coordinates than in GM co-ordinates. This fact implies that the current distributions in polar regions are governed by the configuration of the geomagnetic field lines. As the elaborate structure of S_q~p current system in quiet time is obtained, we summarize the seasonal variation of the electrojet in quiet time. 3. The magnetospheric configuration of non-parallel-dipole model The magnetospheric configurations are calculated for two possible geomag-netic field models during the geomagnetic field reversals. These models are the dipole field with the axis to the sun and the quadrupole field model. We use the finite element method to solve the magnetic equation, and use the surface evolution method to solve the equilibrium equation. The results show that the main field greatly affects the space environment.


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We begin our studies to make the best of information of seismic data and carry out the description of cracks parameters by extracting anisotropic information. The researching contents are: (1) velocity and polarization anomaly of seismic wave (qP and qSV wave) in weak anisotropic media; (2) reflection seismic synthetic record in anisotropic media; (3) multiple scattering induced by cracks; (4) anisotropic structure inversion and velocity reconstruction with VSP (Vertical Seismic Profile) data; (5) multi-parameters analysis of anisotropy in time-domain and depth-domain. Then we obtain results as follows: (1) We achieve approximate relation of qP and qSV wave's velocity and polarization property in weak anisotropic media. At the same time, we calculate anisotropic velocity factors and polarization anomaly of several typical sedimentary rocks. The results show there are different anisotropic velocity factors and polarization anomaly in different rocks. It is one of the primary theoretical foundation which is expected to identify lithology; (2) We calculate reflection seismic synthetic record with theoretical model; (3) We simulate scattering induced by cracks with Boundary Element Method. Numerical studies show that in the presence of cracks; spatial and scale-length distributions are important and cannot be ignored in modeling cracked solids; (4) From traveltimes information of VSP data, we study the velocity parameter inversion of seismic wave under isotropic and anisotropic models, and its result indicate that the inversion imaging under anisotropic model will not destroy the original features of isotropic model, but it will bring on some bigger error if we adopt the method of isotropic model for anisotropic model data. Further more, basing on the study we develop the CDP mapping technology of reflecting structure under isotropic and anisotropic models, and we process real data as a trial of the methods; (5) We study the problem of initial model reconstruction of anisotropic parameters structure represented by Anderson parameter in depth domain for surface data.