999 resultados para Determination of sex


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Solid-phase extraction (SPE) and direct competitive chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (dcCL-EIA) were combined for the detection of organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) in environmental water samples. dcCL-EIA based on horseradish peroxidase labeled with a broad-specificity monoclonal antibody against OPs was developed, and the effects of several physicochemical parameters on dcCL-EIA performance were studied. SPE was used for the pretreatment of water samples to remove interfering substances and to concentrate the OP analytes. The coupling of SPE and dcCL-EIA can detect seven OPs (parathion, coumaphos, phoxim, quinalphos, triazophos, dichlofenthion, and azinphos-ethyl) with the limit of quantitation below 0.1 ng/mL. The recoveries of OPs from spiked water samples ranged from 62.5% to 131.7% by SPE-dcCL-EIA and 69.5% to 112.3% by SPE-HPLC-MS/MS. The screening of OP residues in real-world environmental water samples by the developed SPE-dcCL-EIA and their confirmatory analysis using SPE-HPLC-MS/MS demonstrated that the assay is ideally suited as a monitoring method for OP residues prior to chromatographic analysis.


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A heterologous competitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ciELISA) for the determination of the furaltadone metabolite 3-amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazolidinone (AMOZ) was developed. AMOZ was derivatised with 2-(4-formylphenoxy) acetic acid or 2-(3-formylphenoxy) acetic acid to obtain two novel immunizing haptens. The ability of these haptens in producing specific polyclonal antibodies against the nitrophenyl derivative of AMOZ (NPAMOZ) was compared with that of traditional immunizing haptens (derivatised AMOZ with 3-carboxybenzaldehyle or 4-carboxybenzaldehyle). The results indicated that the novel immunizing haptens were able to produce antibodies with almost a two-fold improvement in sensitivity of the ciELISA for NPAMOZ in comparison with the existing antibody based ELISAs. The differences in sensitivity were explained by the molecular modeling of the lowest energy conformations of NPAMOZ and the haptens. Another novel hapten, derivatised AMOZ with 2-oxoacetic acid, was synthesized and used as a heterologous coating hapten. The results showed that this strategy of using only a partial structure of the target molecule as the coating hapten was able to obtain a two to three-fold improvement in sensitivity. This study provided a modern approach for the development of an immunoassay with improved sensitivity for the metabolites of nitrofuran antibiotics. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The weakest step in the analytical procedure for speciation analysis is extraction from a biological material into an aqueous solution which undergoes HPLC separation and then simultaneous online detection by elemental and molecular mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/ES-MS). This paper describes a study to determine the speciation of arsenic and, in particular, the arsenite phytochelatin complexes in the root from an ornamental garden plant Thunbergia alata exposed to 1 mg As L(-1) as arsenate. The approach of formic acid extraction followed by HPLC-ES-MS/ICP-MS identified different As(III)-PC complexes in the extract of this plant and made their quantification via sulfur (m/z 32) and arsenic (m/z 75) possible. Although sulfur sensitivity could be significantly increased when xenon was used as collision gas in ICP-qMS, or when HR-ICP-MS was used in medium resolution, the As:S ratio gave misleading results in the identification of As(III)-PC complexes due to the relatively low resolution of the chromatography system in relation to the variety of As-peptides in plants. Hence only the parallel use of ES-MS/ICP-MS was able to prove the occurrence of such arsenite phytochelatin complexes. Between 55 and 64% of the arsenic was bound to the sulfur of peptides mainly as As(III)(PC(2))(2), As(III)(PC(3)) and As(III)(PC(4)). XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy) measurement, using the freshly exposed plant root directly, confirmed that most of the arsenic is trivalent and binds to S of peptides (53% As-S) while 38% occurred as arsenite and only 9% unchanged as arsenate. EXAFS data confirmed that As-S and As-O bonds occur in the plants. This study confirms, for the first time, that As-peptides can be extracted by formic acid and chromatographically separated on a reversed-phase column without significant decomposition or de-novo synthesis during the extraction step.


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Aims. To evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements in patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas obtained from affected and non-affected areas. Methods. 15 patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas were prospectively recruited. When both eyes were affected, only the right eye was analysed. Tono-Pen readings of IOP were obtained sequentially from the affected and non-affected corneal surface. Additionally, Goldmann applanation tonometry was attempted. Results. Determination of IOP with the Tono-Pen was possible in all cases, while Goldmann tonometry was not performed in three patients because of severe corneal irregularities. The average of the Tono-Pen readings obtained from the affected cornea (34.8 (SD 14.0) mmHg) was consistently and significantly higher (p <0.001) than mean IOP obtained by the Tono-Pen from the non-affected area (14.8 (4.3) mmHg). The average of Goldmann tonometry readings (14.4 (6.1) mmHg) did not differ significantly from the Tono-Pen values obtained from the non-affected corneal area (p = 0.47) but was significantly lower than the Tono-Pen measurements obtained from the affected area (p <0.001) Conclusion. In patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas determination of IOP by Tono-Pen tonometry varies from affected to non-affected area. The Tono-Pen overestimates the level of IOP when it is applied to areas with band keratopathy or with glue.


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The drive towards cleaner industrial processes has led to the development of room temperature ionic liquids (RTIL) as environmentally friendly solvents. They comprise solely of ions which are liquid at room temperature and with over one million simple RTIL alone it is important to characterize their physical properties using minimal sample volumes. Here we present a dual Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) which allows separate determination of viscosity and density using a total sample volume of only 240 mu L. Liquid traps were fabricated on the sensing area of one QCM using SU-8 10 polymer with a second QCM having a flat surface. Changes in the resonant frequencies were used to extract separate values for viscosity and density. Measurements of a range of pure RTIL with minimal water content have been made on five different trap designs. The best agreement with measurements from the larger volume techniques was obtained for trap widths of around 50 pm thus opening up the possibility of integration into lab-on-a-chip systems.


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We have developed a new technique for quantifying methionine sulfoxide (MetSO) in protein to assess levels of oxidative stress in physiological systems. In this procedure, samples are hydrolyzed with methanesulfonic acid (MSA) in order to avoid the conversion of MetSO to methionine (Met) that occurs during hydrolysis of protein in HCl. The hydrolysate is fractionated on a cation exchange column to remove the nonvolatile MSA from amino acids, and the amino acids are then derivatized as their trimethylsilyl esters for analysis by selected ion monitoring-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The limit of detection of the assay is 200 pmol of MetSO per analysis, and the interassay coefficient of variation is 5.8%. Compared to current methods, the SIM-GC/MS assay avoids the potential for conversion of Met to MetSO during sample preparation, requires less sample preparation time, has lower variability, and uses mass spectrometry for sensitive and specific analyte detection.


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This paper proposes a calculation method to determine power system response during small load perturbations or minor disturbances. The method establishes the initial value of active power transient using traditional reduction technique on admittance matrix, which incorporates voltage variations in the determination. The method examines active power distribution among generators when several loads simultaneously change, and verifies that the superposition principle is applicable for this scenario. The theoretical derivation provided in the paper is validated by numerical simulations using a 3-generator 9-bus benchmark model. The results indicate that the inclusion of voltage variation renders an independent and precise measure of active power response during transient conditions.


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Chromosome 5q21-33 has been implicated in harboring risk genes for schizophrenia. In this paper, we report evidence that multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms in and around interleukin 3 (IL3) are associated with the disease in the Irish Study of High-Density Schizophrenia Families (ISHDSF), the Irish Case-Control Study of Schizophrenia (ICCSS) and the Irish Trio Study of Schizophrenia (ITRIO). The associations are sex-specific and depend on the family history (FH) of schizophrenia. In all three samples, rs31400 shows female-specific and FH-dependent associations (P=0.0062, 0.0647 and 0.0284 for the ISHDSF, ICCSS and ITRIO, respectively). Several markers have similar associations in one or two of the three samples. In haplotype analyses, identical risk and protective haplotypes are identified in the ISHDSF and ITRIO samples in several multimarker combinations. For ICCSS, the same haplotypes are implicated; however, the risk haplotypes observed in the family samples become protective. Several significant markers, rs440970, rs31400 and rs2069803, are located in and around known estrogen response elements, promoter and enhancer of the IL3 gene. They may explain the sex-specific associations and be functional for the expression of IL3 gene.


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There is a paradox between the remarkable genetic stability of measles virus (MV) in the field and the high mutation rates implied by the frequency of the appearance of monoclonal antibody escape mutants generated when the virus is pressured to revert in vitro (S. J. Schrag, P. A. Rota, and W. J. Bellini, J. Virol. 73: 51-54, 1999). We established a highly sensitive assay to determine frequencies of various categories of mutations in large populations of wild-type and laboratory-adapted MVs using recombinant viruses containing an additional transcription unit (ATU) encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Single and double mutations were made in the fluorophore of EGFP to ablate fluorescence. The frequencies of reversion mutants in the population were determined by measuring the appearance of fluorescence indicating a revertant virus. This allows mutation rates to be measured under nonselective conditions, as phenotypic reversion to fluorescence requires only either a single-or a double-nucleotide change and amino acid substitution, which does not affect the length of the nonessential reporter protein expressed from the ATU. Mutation rates in MV are the same for wild-type and laboratory-adapted viruses, and they are an order of magnitude lower than the previous measurement assessed under selective conditions. The actual mutation rate for MV is approximately 1.8 x 10(-6) per base per replication event. Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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It is essential to correctly determine the nature of the initial adsorbate in order to calculate the pathway for any given reaction. Recent literature provides conflicting information on the first step in the methanol decomposition pathway. This work sets out to establish what role the solution and the surface have to play in the initial adsorption-deprotonation process. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations, in combination with a cluster-continuum model approach are used to resolve the nature of the adsorbing species. We show that methanol is the dominant species in solution over methoxide, and also has a smaller barrier to adsorption. The nature of the surface species is revealed to be a methanol-OH complex.


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In recent years distillers dried grains and solubles (DDGS), co-products of the bio-ethanol and beverages industries, have become globally traded commodity for the animal feed sector. As such it is becoming increasingly important to be able to trace the geographical origin of commodities in case of a contamination incident or authenticity issue arise. In this study, 137 DDGS samples from a range of different geographical origins (China, USA, Canada and European Union) were collected and analyzed. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) was used to analyze the DDGS for 2H/1H, 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O and 34S/32S isotope ratios which can vary depending on geographical origin and processing. Univariate and multivariate statistical techniques were employed to investigate the feasibility of using the IRMS data to determine botanical and geographical origin of the DDGS. The results indicated that this commodity could be differentiated according to their place of origin by the analysis of stable isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen but not with sulfur. By adding data to the models produced in this study, potentially an isotope databank could be set up for traceability procedures for DDGS, similar to the one established already for wine which will help in feed and food security issues arising worldwide.


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Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are compounds known to interfere with the endocrine system by disturbing the action or pathways of natural hormones which may lead to infertility or cancer.Our diet is considered to be one of the main exposure routes to EDs. Since milk and dairy products are major components of our diet they should be monitored for ED contamination. Most assays developed to date utilise targeted, chromatography based methods which lack information on the biological activity and mixture effects of the monitored compounds.A biological reporter gene assay (RGA) was developed to assess the total estrogen hormonal load in milk. It has been validated according to EU decision 2002/657/EC. Analytes were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction with acetonitrile followed by clean up on a HLB column which yielded good recovery and small matrix effects. The method has been shown to be estrogen specific, repeatable and reproducible, with covariance values below 20%. In conclusion, this method enables the detection of low levels of estrogen hormonal activity in milk with a detection capability of 36pgg EEQ and has been successfully applied in testing a range of milk samples. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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The process of reintegration of offenders after release from prison, or during a community sentence, is a key aim of criminal justice policy. This article provides details from recent research that investigated the barriers and opportunities to employment for sex offenders. The authors describe the barriers that are faced by sex offenders and the anxieties that employers experience when employing sex offenders. The authors conclude that the approach taken by the State is less than reintegrative and serves to increase the barriers and reduce the opportunities for employment for sex offenders.


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Abstract Image

A new experimental procedure based on attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy has been developed to investigate surface species under liquid phase reaction conditions. The technique has been tested by investigating the enhanced selectivity in the hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehyde citral over a 5% Pt/SiO2 catalyst toward unsaturated alcohols geraniol/nerol, which occurs when citronellal is added to the reaction. The change in selectivity is proposed to be the result of a change in the citral adsorption mode in the presence of citronellal. Short time on stream attenuated total internal reflection infrared spectroscopy has allowed identification of the adsorption modes of citral. With no citronellal, citral adsorbs through both the C═C and C═O groups; however, in the presence of citronellal, citral adsorption occurs through the C═O group only, which is proposed to be the cause of the altered reaction selectivity.


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Linear wave theory models are commonly applied to predict the performance of bottom-hinged oscillating wave surge converters (OWSC) in operational sea states. To account for non-linear effects, the additional input of coefficients not included in the model itself becomes necessary. In ocean engineering it is
common practice to obtain damping coefficients of floating structures from free decay tests. This paper presents results obtained from experimental tank tests and numerical computational fluid dynamics simulations of OWSC’s. Agreement between numerical and experimental methods is found to be very good, with CFD providing more data points at small amplitude rotations.
Analysis of the obtained data reveals that linear quadratic-damping, as commonly used in time domain models, is not able to accurately model the occurring damping over the whole regime of rotation amplitudes. The authors
conclude that a hyperbolic function is most suitable to express the instantaneous damping ratio over the rotation amplitude and would be the best choice to be used in coefficient based time domain models.