1000 resultados para Design de relaciones
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse activity-based costing (ABC) and possible modified versions ofit in engineering design context. The design engineers need cost information attheir decision-making level and the cost information should also have a strong future orientation. These demands are high because traditional management accounting has concentrated on the direct actual costs of the products. However, cost accounting has progressed as ABC was introduced late 1980s and adopted widely bycompanies in the 1990s. The ABC has been a success, but it has gained also criticism. In some cases the ambitious ABC systems have become too complex to build,use and update. This study can be called an action-oriented case study with some normative features. In this thesis theoretical concepts are assessed and allowed to unfold gradually through interaction with data from three cases. The theoretical starting points are ABC and theory of engineering design process (chapter2). Concepts and research results from these theoretical approaches are summarized in two hypotheses (chapter 2.3). The hypotheses are analysed with two cases (chapter 3). After the two case analyses, the ABC part is extended to cover alsoother modern cost accounting methods, e.g. process costing and feature costing (chapter 4.1). The ideas from this second theoretical part are operationalized with the third case (chapter 4.2). The knowledge from the theory and three cases is summarized in the created framework (chapter 4.3). With the created frameworkit is possible to analyse ABC and its modifications in the engineering design context. The framework collects the factors that guide the choice of the costing method to be used in engineering design. It also illuminates the contents of various ABC-related costing methods. However, the framework needs to be further tested. On the basis of the three cases it can be said that ABC should be used cautiously when formulating cost information for engineering design. It is suitable when the manufacturing can be considered simple, or when the design engineers are not cost conscious, and in the beginning of the design process when doing adaptive or variant design. If the design engineers need cost information for the embodiment or detailed design, or if manufacturing can be considered complex, or when design engineers are cost conscious, the ABC has to be always evaluated critically.
During the latest few years the need for new motor types has grown, since both high efficiency and an accurate dynamic performance are demanded in industrial applications. For this reason, new effective control systems such as direct torque control (DTC) have been developed. Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) are well suitable for new adjustable speed AC inverter drives, because their efficiency and power factor are not depending on the pole pair number and speed to the same extent as it is the case in induction motors. Therefore, an induction motor (IM) with a mechanical gearbox can often be replaced with a direct PM motor drive. Space as well as costs will be saved, because the efficiency increases and the cost of maintenance decreases as well. This thesis deals with design criterion, analytical calculation and analysis of the permanent magnet synchronous motor for both sinusoidal air-gap flux density and rectangular air-gapflux density. It is examined how the air-gap flux, flux densities, inductances and torque can be estimated analytically for salient pole and non-salient pole motors. It has been sought by means of analytical calculations for the ultimate construction for machines rotating at relative low 300 rpm to 600 rpm speeds, which are suitable speeds e.g. in Pulp&Paper industry. The calculations are verified by using Finite Element calculations and by measuring of prototype motor. The prototype motor is a 45 kW, 600 rpm PMSM with buried V-magnets, which is a very appropriate construction for high torque motors with a high performance. With the purposebuilt prototype machine it is possible not only to verify the analytical calculations but also to show whether the 600 rpm PMSM can replace the 1500 rpm IM with a gear. It can also be tested if the outer dimensions of the PMSM may be the same as for the IM and if the PMSM in this case can produce a 2.5 fold torque, in consequence of which it may be possible to achieve the same power. The thesis also considers the question how to design a permanent magnet synchronous motor for relatively low speed applications that require a high motor torqueand efficiency as well as bearable costs of permanent magnet materials. It is shown how a selection of different parameters affects the motor properties. Key words: Permanent magnet synchronous motor, PMSM, surface magnets, buried magnets
This thesis presents an alternative approach to the analytical design of surface-mounted axialflux permanent-magnet machines. Emphasis has been placed on the design of axial-flux machines with a one-rotor-two-stators configuration. The design model developed in this study incorporates facilities to include both the electromagnetic design and thermal design of the machine as well as to take into consideration the complexity of the permanent-magnet shapes, which is a typical requirement for the design of high-performance permanent-magnet motors. A prototype machine with rated 5 kW output power at 300 min-1 rotation speed has been designed and constructed for the purposesof ascertaining the results obtained from the analytical design model. A comparative study of low-speed axial-flux and low-speed radial-flux permanent-magnet machines is presented. The comparative study concentrates on 55 kW machines with rotation speeds 150 min-1, 300 min-1 and 600 min-1 and is based on calculated designs. A novel comparison method is introduced. The method takes into account the mechanical constraints of the machine and enables comparison of the designed machines, with respect to the volume, efficiency and cost aspects of each machine. It is shown that an axial-flux permanent-magnet machine with one-rotor-two-stators configuration has generally a weaker efficiency than a radial-flux permanent-magnet machine if for all designs the same electric loading, air-gap flux density and current density have been applied. On the other hand, axial-flux machines are usually smaller in volume, especially when compared to radial-flux machines for which the length ratio (axial length of stator stack vs. air-gap diameter)is below 0.5. The comparison results show also that radial-flux machines with alow number of pole pairs, p < 4, outperform the corresponding axial-flux machines.
It is generally accepted that between 70 and 80% of manufacturing costs can be attributed to design. Nevertheless, it is difficult for the designer to estimate manufacturing costs accurately, especially when alternative constructions are compared at the conceptual design phase, because of the lack of cost information and appropriate tools. In general, previous reports concerning optimisation of a welded structure have used the mass of the product as the basis for the cost comparison. However, it can easily be shown using a simple example that the use of product mass as the sole manufacturing cost estimator is unsatisfactory. This study describes a method of formulating welding time models for cost calculation, and presents the results of the models for particular sections, based on typical costs in Finland. This was achieved by collecting information concerning welded products from different companies. The data included 71 different welded assemblies taken from the mechanical engineering and construction industries. The welded assemblies contained in total 1 589 welded parts, 4 257 separate welds, and a total welded length of 3 188 metres. The data were modelled for statistical calculations, and models of welding time were derived by using linear regression analysis. Themodels were tested by using appropriate statistical methods, and were found to be accurate. General welding time models have been developed, valid for welding in Finland, as well as specific, more accurate models for particular companies. The models are presented in such a form that they can be used easily by a designer, enabling the cost calculation to be automated.
This research has been focused at the development of a tuned systematic design methodology, which gives the best performance in a computer aided environment and utilises a cross-technological approach, specially tested with and for laser processed microwave mechanics. A tuned design process scheme is also presented. Because of the currently large production volumes of microwave and radio frequency mechanics even slight improvements of design methodologies or manufacturing technologies would give reasonable possibilities for cost reduction. The typical number of required iteration cycles could be reduced to one fifth of normal. The research area dealing with the methodologies is divided firstly into a function-oriented, a performance-oriented or a manufacturability-oriented product design. Alternatively various approaches can be developed for a customer-oriented, a quality-oriented, a cost-oriented or an organisation-oriented design. However, the real need for improvements is between these two extremes. This means that the effective methodology for the designers should not be too limited (like in the performance-oriented design) or too general (like in the organisation-oriented design), but it should, include the context of the design environment. This is the area where the current research is focused. To test the developed tuned design methodology for laser processing (TDMLP) and the tuned optimising algorithm for laser processing (TOLP), seven different industrial product applications for microwave mechanics have been designed, CAD-modelled and manufactured by using laser in small production series. To verify that the performance of these products meets the required level and to ensure the objectiveness ofthe results extensive laboratory tests were used for all designed prototypes. As an example a Ku-band horn antenna can be laser processed from steel in 2 minutes at the same time obtaining a comparable electrical performance of classical aluminium units or the residual resistance of a laser joint in steel could be limited to 72 milliohmia.
This project proposes a preliminary architectural design for a control and data processing center, also known as 'ground segment', for Earth observation satellites.
Background: Understanding the relationship between gene expression changes, enzyme activity shifts, and the corresponding physiological adaptive response of organisms to environmental cues is crucial in explaining how cells cope with stress. For example, adaptation of yeast to heat shock involves a characteristic profile of changes to the expression levels of genes coding for enzymes of the glycolytic pathway and some of its branches. The experimental determination of changes in gene expression profiles provides a descriptive picture of the adaptive response to stress. However, it does not explain why a particular profile is selected for any given response. Results: We used mathematical models and analysis of in silico gene expression profiles (GEPs) to understand how changes in gene expression correlate to an efficient response of yeast cells to heat shock. An exhaustive set of GEPs, matched with the corresponding set of enzyme activities, was simulated and analyzed. The effectiveness of each profile in the response to heat shock was evaluated according to relevant physiological and functional criteria. The small subset of GEPs that lead to effective physiological responses after heat shock was identified as the result of the tuning of several evolutionary criteria. The experimentally observed transcriptional changes in response to heat shock belong to this set and can be explained by quantitative design principles at the physiological level that ultimately constrain changes in gene expression. Conclusion: Our theoretical approach suggests a method for understanding the combined effect of changes in the expression of multiple genes on the activity of metabolic pathways, and consequently on the adaptation of cellular metabolism to heat shock. This method identifies quantitative design principles that facilitate understating the response of the cell to stress.
Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar las relaciones del 16PF-5 y el modelo de Cinco Grandes factores de personalidad evaluado a partir de un listado de adjetivos unipolares propuestos por Goldberg (1992). Mediante sucesivos análisis factoriales se obtuvo un listado de 40 adjetivos, 8 para cada uno de los Cinco Grandes, que presentaron una estructura robusta y una consistencia interna aceptable. Al comparar los cinco factores del 16PF-5 con los Cinco Grandes, mediante análisis correlacionales y factoriales, se observa que Surgencia (Extraversión), Neuroticismo (Ansiedad) y Responsabilidad (Auto-Control) son dimensiones muy parecidas en ambos instrumentos y coincidentes con los resultados obtenidos por otros autores entre el NEO-PI, NEO-PI-R y el 16PF. Las dimensiones de Extraversión e Independencia del 16PF-5 están muy relacionadas entre sí, en cambio Independencia y Dureza tienden a relacionar más con el factor de Intelecto de Goldberg. Se estudian tres estructuras factoriales de 3, 4 y 5 factores a partir de los cinco factores de segundo orden de Cattell y los cinco factores de Goldberg. Se discute sobre la equivalencia de ambas estructuras.
En la STS, 1a, 17.7.2007 (RJ 2007\4895, MP: Francisco Marín Castán), el Tribunal Supremo sostiene que los daños que sufre una amiga de los demandados en el inmueble de éstos al tropezar con un juguete abandonado en el suelo del pasillo, insuficientemente iluminado, no son indemnizables, porque dada la especial relación de confianza entre las partes, ese nivel extremo de diligencia no es exigible. El Tribunal parece aplicar al caso un patrón de diligencia quam in suis, la que despliega uno en sus propios asuntos, que permitiría limitar la responsabilidad a los casos de dolo o culpa grave. El trabajo comenta la sentencia y presenta, además, la clasificación entre invitee, licensee y trespasser que el Common Law norteamericano ha utilizado tradicionalmente para delimitar los niveles de cuidado de propietarios (o poseedores) de inmuebles y que el borrador No. 6 del Restatement (Third) of Torts, de 12.9.2007, ha simplificado, añadiendo a la regla tradicional de No Duty to Trespasser la de una negligencia simple para los Innocent Trespasser.
En este estudio se examina un modelo de relaciones estructurales entre las dimensiones del síndrome de quemarse en el trabajo, y estrategias de afrontamiento orientadas al control y a la ausencia de control sobre los estresores laborales y las emociones individuales. Se plantea la hipótesis de que si la realización personal y el agotamiento emocional se dan de un modo simultáneo, la realización personal tendrá un mayor impacto sobre el cansancio emocional. Los resultados obtenidos se discuten con relación al uso de modelos no recursivos, los efectos de la controlabilidad que implican distintas estrategias de afrontamiento sobre las dimensiones del síndrome de quemarse, e implicaciones para la prevención del estrés en el trabajo.
La relación familia-escuela se debe analizar teniendo en cuenta que no siempre se ha creído necesaria y que se trata de dos instituciones que han mantenido un desequilibrio de poder. En este marco las familias de origen inmigrado, menos conocedoras del sistema educativo, del funcionamiento de los centros y de las formas adecuadas de relación aparecen a menudo como poco implicadas e interesadas. El texto analiza, enmarcado en algunas consideraciones generales, a partir de tres trabajos empíricos propios, las relaciones que mantienen las familias de origen inmigrado y cómo lo perciben los docentes y los representantes de asociaciones de madres y padres de alumnos. Sintetizando, ponemos de manifiesto el modo como la dinámica existente en los centros educativos, más el conocimiento que van adquiriendo las familias, entre otros factores, influyen en la mayor implicación. Por el contrario, el desconocimiento y las dinámicas negativas crean barreras en ocasiones difícilmente salvables.
documented accurately since 1960. Most records are based on nest findings and there have been few direct observations or captures, mainly because live trapping of this species is not simple. Therefore, an efficient trapping technique is needed for population studies and to facilitate the management of its habitat. By combining the methods used to capture very small (Suncus etruscus) and climbing (Muscardinus avellanarius) mammals, we developed a design using Longworth traps with mouse excluders set on suspended platforms. This allowed us to trap more harvest mice in four field sessions of 60 trap-nights than have ever been caught previously since its discovery in Switzerland.
La revisión de estos bronces lleva a proponer una manufacturación indígena, una cronología inicial preibérica y una inspiración última en modelos orientales centromediterráneos presentes ya en la Península en horizontes anteriores o bien que reciben un nuevo impulso con las navegaciones fenicias o indígenas.
Este trabajo se desarrolla en el contexto sociocultural y lingüístico de la provincia de Lleida. En él se analiza la relación entre el dominio de las dos lenguas en contacto (catalán y castellano) con el rendimiento en matemáticas. Los resultados revelan que existe una correlación significativa entre el dominio de la lengua vehicular y el rendimiento matemático y, a su vez, que el mayor conocimiento de la lengua vehicular tiene efectos superiores en el rendimiento de los tres tipos de conocimiento que contempla la prueba de matemáticas. Por otra parte, se constata una elevada correlación entre el dominio del castellano y el resultado de la prueba de matemáticas, lo que revela que el conocimiento matemático obtenido a través de una de las lenguas se transfiere a la otra.
The need for high performance, high precision, and energy saving in rotating machinery demands an alternative solution to traditional bearings. Because of the contactless operation principle, the rotating machines employing active magnetic bearings (AMBs) provide many advantages over the traditional ones. The advantages such as contamination-free operation, low maintenance costs, high rotational speeds, low parasitic losses, programmable stiffness and damping, and vibration insulation come at expense of high cost, and complex technical solution. All these properties make the use of AMBs appropriate primarily for specific and highly demanding applications. High performance and high precision control requires model-based control methods and accurate models of the flexible rotor. In turn, complex models lead to high-order controllers and feature considerable computational burden. Fortunately, in the last few years the advancements in signal processing devices provide new perspective on the real-time control of AMBs. The design and the real-time digital implementation of the high-order LQ controllers, which focus on fast execution times, are the subjects of this work. In particular, the control design and implementation in the field programmable gate array (FPGA) circuits are investigated. The optimal design is guided by the physical constraints of the system for selecting the optimal weighting matrices. The plant model is complemented by augmenting appropriate disturbance models. The compensation of the force-field nonlinearities is proposed for decreasing the uncertainty of the actuator. A disturbance-observer-based unbalance compensation for canceling the magnetic force vibrations or vibrations in the measured positions is presented. The theoretical studies are verified by the practical experiments utilizing a custom-built laboratory test rig. The test rig uses a prototyping control platform developed in the scope of this work. To sum up, the work makes a step in the direction of an embedded single-chip FPGA-based controller of AMBs.