938 resultados para Deposing of Paternal Power


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This paper addresses the problem of curtailing the number of control actions using fuzzy expert approach for voltage/reactive power dispatch. It presents an approach using fuzzy set theory for reactive power control with the purpose of improving the voltage profile of a power system. To minimize the voltage deviations from pre-desired values of all the load buses, using the sensitivities with respect to reactive power control variables form the basis of the proposed Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC). Control variables considered are switchable VAR compensators, On Load Tap Changing (OLTC) transformers and generator excitations. Voltage deviations and controlling variables are translated into fuzzy set notations to formulate the relation between voltage deviations and controlling ability of controlling devices. The developed fuzzy system is tested on a few simulated practical Indian power systems and modified IEEE-30 bus system. The performance of the fuzzy system is compared with conventional optimization technique and results obtained are encouraging. Results obtained for a modified IEEE-30 bus test system and a 205-node equivalent EHV system a part of Indian southern grid are presented for illustration purposes. The proposed fuzzy-expert technique is found suitable for on-line applications in energy control centre as the solution is obtained fast with significant speedups with few number of controllers.


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This paper presents an approach for identifying the faulted line section and fault location on transmission systems using support vector machines (SVMs) for diagnosis/post-fault analysis purpose. Power system disturbances are often caused by faults on transmission lines. When fault occurs on a transmission system, the protective relay detects the fault and initiates the tripping operation, which isolates the affected part from the rest of the power system. Based on the fault section identified, rapid and corrective restoration procedures can thus be taken to minimize the power interruption and limit the impact of outage on the system. The approach is particularly important for post-fault diagnosis of any mal-operation of relays following a disturbance in the neighboring line connected to the same substation. This may help in improving the fault monitoring/diagnosis process, thus assuring secure operation of the power systems. In this paper we compare SVMs with radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN) in data sets corresponding to different faults on a transmission system. Classification and regression accuracy is reported for both strategies. Studies on a practical 24-Bus equivalent EHV transmission system of the Indian Southern region is presented for indicating the improved generalization with the large margin classifiers in enhancing the efficacy of the chosen model.


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As power systems grow in their size and interconnections, their complexity increases. Rising costs due to inflation and increased environmental concerns has made transmission, as well as generation systems be operated closer to design limits. Hence power system voltage stability and voltage control are emerging as major problems in the day-to-day operation of stressed power systems. For secure operation and control of power systems under normal and contingency conditions it is essential to provide solutions in real time to the operator in energy control center (ECC). Artificial neural networks (ANN) are emerging as an artificial intelligence tool, which give fast, though approximate, but acceptable solutions in real time as they mostly use the parallel processing technique for computation. The solutions thus obtained can be used as a guide by the operator in ECC for power system control. This paper deals with development of an ANN architecture, which provide solutions for monitoring, and control of voltage stability in the day-to-day operation of power systems.


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A generalized power tracking algorithm that minimizes power consumption of digital circuits by dynamic control of supply voltage and the body bias is proposed. A direct power monitoring scheme is proposed that does not need any replica and hence can sense total power consumed by load circuit across process, voltage, and temperature corners. Design details and performance of power monitor and tracking algorithm are examined by a simulation framework developed using UMC 90-nm CMOS triple well process. The proposed algorithm with direct power monitor achieves a power savings of 42.2% for activity of 0.02 and 22.4% for activity of 0.04. Experimental results from test chip fabricated in AMS 350 nm process shows power savings of 46.3% and 65% for load circuit operating in super threshold and near sub-threshold region, respectively. Measured resolution of power monitor is around 0.25 mV and it has a power overhead of 2.2% of die power. Issues with loop convergence and design tradeoff for power monitor are also discussed in this paper.


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Linear quadratic stabilizers are well-known for their superior control capabilities when compared to the conventional lead-lag power system stabilizers. However, they have not seen much of practical importance as the state variables are generally not measurable; especially the generator rotor angle measurement is not available in most of the power plants. Full state feedback controllers require feedback of other machine states in a multi-machine power system and necessitate block diagonal structure constraints for decentralized implementation. This paper investigates the design of Linear Quadratic Power System Stabilizers using a recently proposed modified Heffron-Phillip's model. This model is derived by taking the secondary bus voltage of the step-up transformer as reference instead of the infinite bus. The state variables of this model can be obtained by local measurements. This model allows a coordinated linear quadratic control design in multi machine systems. The performance of the proposed controller has been evaluated on two widely used multi-machine power systems, 4 generator 10 bus and 10 generator 39 bus systems. It has been observed that the performance of the proposed controller is superior to that of the conventional Power System Stabilizers (PSS) over a wide range of operating and system conditions.


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Thermoacoustic engines are energy conversion devices that convert thermal energy from a high-temperature heat source into useful work in the form of acoustic power while diverting waste heat into a cold sink; it can be used as a drive for cryocoolers and refrigerators. Though the devices are simple to fabricate, it is very challenging to design an optimized thermoacoustic primemover with better performance. The study presented here aims to optimize the thermoacoustic primemover using response surface methodology. The influence of stack position and its length, resonator length, plate thickness, and plate spacing on pressure amplitude and frequency in a thermoacoustic primemover is investigated in this study. For the desired frequency of 207 Hz, the optimized value of the above parameters suggested by the response surface methodology has been conducted experimentally, and simulations are also performed using DeltaEC. The experimental and simulation results showed similar output performance.


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Introduction of processor based instruments in power systems is resulting in the rapid growth of the measured data volume. The present practice in most of the utilities is to store only some of the important data in a retrievable fashion for a limited period. Subsequently even this data is either deleted or stored in some back up devices. The investigations presented here explore the application of lossless data compression techniques for the purpose of archiving all the operational data - so that they can be put to more effective use. Four arithmetic coding methods suitably modified for handling power system steady state operational data are proposed here. The performance of the proposed methods are evaluated using actual data pertaining to the Southern Regional Grid of India. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The detection of sound signals in vertebrates involves a complex network of different mechano-sensory elements in the inner ear. An especially important element in this network is the hair bundle, an antenna-like array of stereocilia containing gated ion channels that operate under the control of one or more adaptation motors. Deflections of the hair bundle by sound vibrations or thermal fluctuations transiently open the ion channels, allowing the flow of ions through them, and producing an electrical signal in the process, eventually causing the sensation of hearing. Recent high frequency (0.1-10 kHz) measurements by Kozlov et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109, 2896 (2012)] of the power spectrum and the mean square displacement of the thermal fluctuations of the hair bundle suggest that in this regime the dynamics of the hair bundle are subdiffusive. This finding has been explained in terms of the simple Brownian motion of a filament connecting neighboring stereocilia (the tip link), which is modeled as a viscoelastic spring. In the present paper, the diffusive anomalies of the hair bundle are ascribed to tip link fluctuations that evolve by fractional Brownian motion, which originates in fractional Gaussian noise and is characterized by a power law memory. The predictions of this model for the power spectrum of the hair bundle and its mean square displacement are consistent with the experimental data and the known properties of the tip link. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4768902]


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We investigate the effect of a prescribed tangential velocity on the drag force on a circular cylinder in a spanwise uniform cross flow. Using a combination of theoretical and numerical techniques we make an attempt at determining the optimal tangential velocity profiles which will reduce the drag force acting on the cylindrical body while minimizing the net power consumption characterized through a non-dimensional power loss coefficient (C-PL). A striking conclusion of our analysis is that the tangential velocity associated with the potential flow, which completely suppresses the drag force, is not optimal for both small and large, but finite Reynolds number. When inertial effects are negligible (R e << 1), theoretical analysis based on two-dimensional Oseen equations gives us the optimal tangential velocity profile which leads to energetically efficient drag reduction. Furthermore, in the limit of zero Reynolds number (Re -> 0), minimum power loss is achieved for a tangential velocity profile corresponding to a shear-free perfect slip boundary. At finite Re, results from numerical simulations indicate that perfect slip is not optimum and a further reduction in drag can be achieved for reduced power consumption. A gradual increase in the strength of a tangential velocity which involves only the first reflectionally symmetric mode leads to a monotonic reduction in drag and eventual thrust production. Simulations reveal the existence of an optimal strength for which the power consumption attains a minima. At a Reynolds number of 100, minimum value of the power loss coefficient (C-PL = 0.37) is obtained when the maximum in tangential surface velocity is about one and a half times the free stream uniform velocity corresponding to a percentage drag reduction of approximately 77 %; C-PL = 0.42 and 0.50 for perfect slip and potential flow cases, respectively. Our results suggest that potential flow tangential velocity enables energetically efficient propulsion at all Reynolds numbers but optimal drag reduction only for Re -> infinity. The two-dimensional strategy of reducing drag while minimizing net power consumption is shown to be effective in three dimensions via numerical simulation of flow past an infinite circular cylinder at a Reynolds number of 300. Finally a strategy of reducing drag, suitable for practical implementation and amenable to experimental testing, through piecewise constant tangential velocities distributed along the cylinder periphery is proposed and analysed.


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In large flexible software systems, bloat occurs in many forms, causing excess resource utilization and resource bottlenecks. This results in lost throughput and wasted joules. However, mitigating bloat is not easy; efforts are best applied where savings would be substantial. To aid this we develop an analytical model establishing the relation between bottleneck in resources, bloat, performance and power. Analyses with the model places into perspective results from the first experimental study of the power-performance implications of bloat. In the experiments we find that while bloat reduction can provide as much as 40% energy savings, the degree of impact depends on hardware and software characteristics. We confirm predictions from our model with selected results from our experimental study. Our findings show that a software-only view is inadequate when assessing the effects of bloat. The impact of bloat on physical resource usage and power should be understood for a full systems perspective to properly deploy bloat reduction solutions and reap their power-performance benefits.


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This paper presents analysis and design of multilayer ultra wide band (UWB) power splitter suitable for wireless communications. An UWB power splitter is designed in suspended substrate stripline medium. The quarter wave transformer in the conventional Wilkinson power divider is replaced by broadside coupled lines to achieve tight coupling for broadband operation. The UWB power splitter is analyzed using circuit models of coupled lines and full wave simulator. Experimental results of 3dB power splitter designed using the proposed structure have been verified against the results from circuit simulation and full wave simulation. The return loss is better than 12 dB across the band 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz. Size of the power splitter is 30mm× 20mm×6.38mm.


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In a cooperative system with an amplify-and-forward relay, the cascaded channel training protocol enables the destination to estimate the source-destination channel gain and the product of the source-relay (SR) and relay-destination (RD) channel gains using only two pilot transmissions from the source. Notably, the destination does not require a separate estimate of the SR channel. We develop a new expression for the symbol error probability (SEP) of AF relaying when imperfect channel state information (CSI) is acquired using the above training protocol. A tight SEP upper bound is also derived; it shows that full diversity is achieved, albeit at a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Our analysis uses fewer simplifying assumptions, and leads to expressions that are accurate even at low SNRs and are different from those in the literature. For instance, it does not approximate the estimate of the product of SR and RD channel gains by the product of the estimates of the SR and RD channel gains. We show that cascaded channel estimation often outperforms a channel estimation protocol that incurs a greater training overhead by forwarding a quantized estimate of the SR channel gain to the destination. The extent of pilot power boosting, if allowed, that is required to improve performance is also quantified.


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This paper presents comparative evaluation of the distance relay characteristics for UHV and EHV transmission lines. Distance protection relay characteristics for the EHV and UHV systems are developed using Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) program. The variation of ideal trip boundaries for both the systems are presented. Unlike the conventional distance protection relay which uses a lumped parameter model, this paper uses the distributed parameter model. The effect of larger shunt susceptance on the trip boundaries is highlighted. Performance of distance relay with ideal trip boundaries for EHV and UHV lines have been tested for various fault locations and fault resistances. Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) program has been developed considering distributed parameter line model for simulating the test systems. The voltage and current phasors are computed from the signals using an improved full cycle DFT algorithm taking 20 samples per cycle. Two practical transmission systems of Indian power grid, namely 765 kV UHV transmission line and SREB 24-bus 400kV EHV system are used to test the performance of the proposed approach.


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Identical parallel-connected converters with unequal load sharing have unequal terminal voltages. The difference in terminal voltages is more pronounced in case of back-to-back connected converters, operated in power-circulation mode for the purpose of endurance tests. In this paper, a synchronous reference frame based analysis is presented to estimate the grid current distortion in interleaved, grid-connected converters with unequal terminal voltages. Influence of carrier interleaving angle on rms grid current ripple is studied theoretically as well as experimentally. Optimum interleaving angle to minimize the rms grid current ripple is investigated for different applications of parallel converters. The applications include unity power factor rectifiers, inverters for renewable energy sources, reactive power compensators, and circulating-power test set-up used for thermal testing of high-power converters. Optimum interleaving angle is shown to be a strong function of the average of the modulation indices of the two converters, irrespective of the application. The findings are verified experimentally on two parallel-connected converters, circulating reactive power of up to 150 kVA between them.


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This paper deals with the coupling of High Power Microwaves with a buried twisted pair cable. The electric field at a distance of 1km from the HPM antenna has been computed and is used for further computation of induced voltage and current. It is found that the peak of the induced current and voltage in a buried unshielded twisted pair cable at a distance of 1km from an HPM antenna of power level 10GW is 20A and 2kV respectively.