996 resultados para Demokratiamuuriliike - Kiina - 1978-1981


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The book describes a wide variety of students’ experiences in their practical year prior to entering University to study BSc Agriculture. Until comparatively recently it was the normal requirement for all such students, whether or not they already had home farming experience, to gain a full year’s experience of practical agriculture – and to write a report thereon. This record of 41 students’ reports of the pre-entry year begins with Paul’s own experience in the early 1950s before 41 reports from 30 or more years ago. The essays provide compelling and fascinating stories, well-articulated with clear acknowledgement for most part of the humanity and the warmth with which each student was treated by farmers and farm workers alike, despite the difference in both age and experience (considerable!). [This summary is an extract from the full overview which is archived here together with the book.]


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Chester Crocker was appointed as Reagan's Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in 1981. He had criticised the inconsistencies of US African policy and proposed a renewed emphasis on the balance between America's global interests with specific regional priorities. While the focus of Congressmen, journalists and public opinion centred on the issue of apartheid, it was the Namibian War of Independence (South African Border War) that initially drew the attention of the Reagan administration, and it was the resolution of this war that remained the priority for the US government in this region throughout Crocker's time in office.


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This article investigates fiscal policy responses to the Great Recession in historical perspective. We explore general trends in the frequency, size and composition of fiscal stimulus as well as the impact of government partisanship on fiscal policy outputs during the four international recessions of 1980-81, 1990-91, 2001-02 and 2008-09. Encompassing 17-23 OECD countries, our analysis calls into question the idea of a general retreat from fiscal policy activism since the early 1980s. The propensity of governments to respond to economic downturns by engaging in fiscal stimulus has increased over time and we do not observe any secular trend in the size of stimulus measures. At the same time, OECD governments have relied more on tax cuts to stimulate demand in the two recessions of the 2000s than they did in the early 1980s or early 1990s. Regarding government partisanship, we do not find any significant direct partisan effects on either the size or the composition of fiscal stimulus for any of the four recession episodes. However, the size of the welfare state conditioned the impact of government partisanship in the two recessions of the 2000s, with Left-leaning governments distinctly more prone to engage in discretionary fiscal stimulus and/or spending increases in large welfare states, but not in small welfare states.


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Fiorello's Flute is the official student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. It is published by an independent student staff and financed by student activity funds. Opinions expressed in the paper are not necessarily those of the College administration, faculty, or the student body. Editorial opinion expressed herein is determined by a majority vote of the Flute staff.


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- Contributors to this issue: John Buckley, Adjunct Lecturer, English Department, LaGuardia Community College. John David Cato, Professor of Social Science, LaGuardia Community College, Editor of The La Guardia Review. Susan C. Fawcett, Lecturer, Englis


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Vol. 10 No, 1 Fall 1981; Perspective is a quarterly publication of LaGuardia Community College / CUNY which is designed and edited by the Office of Communications, Bill Freeland, director. Information on news and features stories should be addressed to the office In room M194. Faculty and staff news items should be sent to Dr. Roberta Matthews, Associate Dean of Faculty, room SB65.


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Vol.9 No.1 Spring 1981; Perspective is a quarterly publication of LaGuardia Community College / CUNY which is designed and edited by the Office of Communications, Bill Freeland, director. Information on news and features stories should be addressed to the office In room M194. Faculty and staff news items should be sent to Dr. Roberta Matthews, Associate Dean of Faculty, room SB65.


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A partir da leitura de jornais portoalegrenses do período de instalação do governo republicano, procura-se identificar quais as práticas e prepresentações articuladas pela população urbana sobre o que seja a identidade do cidadão e o exercício da cidadania. Através de uma ‘descrição densa’ faz-se uma ‘micro história’ das perspectivas de atuação política da população urbana. Percebemos em nossa pesquisa uma intensa movimentação popular em torno do debate político nacional e regional de onde concuímos que estes setores não ficaram apáticos diante da República. Ao contrário, diferentes grupos sociais mobilizam-se para defender suas representações para a identidade do cidadão, ou seja, manifestam uma ‘cidadania informal’. Assim age o PRR ao formula a identidade do ‘cidadão educado’, aquele que, por respeito e subimissão ao partido, vota em seus candidatos e obedece as determinações desses líderes. Já a dissidência republicana articula a identidade do ‘cidadão eleitor’, esse deve ser convencido pela campanha política das propostas por ela defendida. De outro lado entidades dos trabalhadores da cidade evocam a identidade de um ‘cidadão coletivo’ que, como ‘multidão’, expressa seus interesses políticos em diferentes manifestações de rua. Essas entidades ainda formulam a identidade do ‘cidadão candidato’ que se lança na disputa de vagas no Congresso Estadual Constituinte. Contudo a fraude eleitoral promovida pelo PRR expressa a existência apenas daquela primeira identidade. As outras manifestações de cidadania são sumariamente ignoradas e sufocadas pelo partido que entende-se o único representante legítimo da República na cidade. Percebemos, assim, a existência de uma visão autoritária da prática política, contudo, não podemos ignorar a existência e a legitimidade dessas outras representações da cidadania em Porto Alegre.


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Collective bargaining, it is widely claimed, has been on the increase in Brazil since the late 1970s. This is seen as part of a broader change in Brazilian industrial relations towards a hybrid system of interest representation, in which elements of both the old state corporatism and pluralism now coexist. However, there is little or no systematic empirical evidence available to support this conclusion. This thesis addresses the question of the strengthening of collective bargaining as a method of job regulation in Brazil by providing a detailed empirical study. The questions of this study are: (a) how important has collective bargaining become in establishing provisions on the terms and conditions of the employment relationship which are not simply reproducing rules established via state regulation?; and (b) what factors accounted for changes in the content of these provisions? An analysis of 10,734 provisions in 287 collective agreements in manufacturing industries in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre, the capital of the southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, was carried out for the period of 1978-95. This analysis offers support for the thesis that the significance of collective bargaining has increased. It shows that: (a) most substantive provisions created rules that were not established in other forms of regulation; (b) provisions that replicate the contents of regulatory legislation accounted for one out of seven substantive provisions, but in spite of being a copy of the law, these provisions are not entirely neutral for job regulation; (c) collective agreements also laid down substantive provisions benefiting employers, and not simply employees; and (d) the pace of change in bargaining outcomes oscillated with changes in the economic, legal and judicial contexts. This pace of change was mostly affected by (i) the rate of unemployment, (ii) the degree of openness of the economy to foreign competition, (iii) the capacity of employers to pass on costs to costumers, (iv) stabilisation policies aimed at curbing inflation, (v) the Federal Constitution made in 1988, (vi) the official rate of minimum wages, and (vii) the conduct of the labour judicial system in settling collective disputes.