913 resultados para Damage associated molecular proteins


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Bone, a hard biological material, possesses a combination of high stiffness and toughness, even though the main basic building blocks of bone are simply mineral platelets and protein molecules. Bone has a very complex microstructure with at least seven hierachical levels. This unique material characteristic attracts great attention, but the deformation mechanisms in bone have not been well understood. Simulation at nano-length scale such as molecular dynamics (MD) is proven to be a powerful tool to investigate bone nanomechanics for developing new artificial biological materials. This study focuses on the ultra large and thin layer of extrafibrillar protein matrix (thickness = ~ 1 nm) located between mineralized collagen fibrils (MCF). Non-collagenous proteins such as osteopontin (OPN) can be found in this protein matrix, while MCF consists mainly of hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoplatelets (thickness = 1.5 – 4.5 nm). By using molecular dynamics method, an OPN peptide was pulled between two HA mineral platelets with water in presence. Periodic boundary condition (PBC) was applied. The results indicate that the mechanical response of OPN peptide greatly depends on the attractive electrostatics interaction between the acidic residues in OPN peptide and HA mineral surfaces. These bonds restrict the movement of OPN peptide, leading to a high energy dissipation under shear loading.


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Clusterin (CLU) was initially reported as an androgen-repressed gene which is now shown to be an androgen-regulated ATP-independent cytoprotective molecular chaperone. CLU binds to a wide variety of client proteins to potently inhibit stress-induced protein aggregation and chaperone or stabilise conformations of proteins at times of cell stress. CLU is an enigmatic protein, being ascribed both pro- and anti-apoptotic roles. Recent evidence has shown that both secreted (sCLU) and nuclear (nCLU) isoforms can be produced, and that protein function is dependent on the sub-cellular localisation. We and others have shown that sCLU is cytoprotective, while nCLU is pro-apoptotic. It now seems likely that the apparently dichotomous functions of CLU result from the expression of different but related CLU isoforms and splice variants, and that cell survival depends in part on the relative expression of pro- versus anti-apoptotic CLU proteins. In cancer cells, increased sCLU expression is associated with increased resistance to apoptotic triggers and treatment resistance. CLU is a stress-induced protein upregulated after apoptotic triggers like androgen ablation and chemotherapy. Treatment strategies targeting stress-associated increases in sCLU expression enhance treatment-induced apoptosis and delay the emergence of androgen independence. Differential regulation of CLU isoforms and splice variants by androgens may be a pathway whereby cancer cells develop treatment resistance and evade apoptosis.


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For the past decade, an attempt has been made by many research groups to define the roles of the growing number of Bcl-2 gene family proteins in the apoptotic process. The Bcl-2 family consists of pro-apoptotic (or cell death) and anti-apoptotic (or cell survival) genes and it is the balance in expression between these gene lineages that may determine the death or survival of a cell. The majority of studies have analysed the role/s of the Bcl-2 genes in cancer development. Equally important is their role in normal tissue development, homeostasis and non-cancer disease states. Bcl-2 is crucial for normal development in the kidney, with a deficiency in Bcl-2 producing such malformation that renal failure and death result. As a corollary, its role in renal disease states in the adult has been sought. Ischaemia is one of the most common causes of both acute and chronic renal failure. The section of the kidney that is most susceptible to ischaemic damage is the outer zone of the outer medulla. Within this zone the proximal tubules are most sensitive and often die by necrosis or desquamate. In the distal nephron, apoptosis is the more common form of cell death. Recent results from our laboratory have indicated that ischaemia-induced acute renal failure is associated with up-regulation of two anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins (Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL) in the damaged distal tubule and occasional up-regulation of Bax in the proximal tubule. The distal tubule is a known reservoir for several growth factors important to renal growth and repair, such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). One of the likely possibilities for the anti-cell death action of the Bcl-2 genes is that the protected distal cells may be able to produce growth factors that have a further reparative or protective role via an autocrine mechanism in the distal segment and a paracrine mechanism in the proximal cells. Both EGF and IGF-1 are also up-regulated in the surviving distal tubules and are detected in the surviving proximal tubules, where these growth factors are not usually synthesized. As a result, we have been using in vitro methods to test: (i) the relative sensitivities of renal distal and proximal epithelial cell populations to injury caused by mechanisms known to act in ischaemia-reperfusion; (ii) whether a Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic mechanism acts in these cells; and (iii) whether an autocrine and/or paracrine growth factor mechanism is initiated. The following review discusses the background to these studies as well as some of our preliminary results.


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Caveolae and their proteins, the caveolins, transport macromolecules; compartmentalize signalling molecules; and are involved in various repair processes. There is little information regarding their role in the pathogenesis of significant renal syndromes such as acute renal failure (ARF). In this study, an in vivo rat model of 30 min bilateral renal ischaemia followed by reperfusion times from 4 h to 1 week was used to map the temporal and spatial association between caveolin-1 and tubular epithelial damage (desquamation, apoptosis, necrosis). An in vitro model of ischaemic ARF was also studied, where cultured renal tubular epithelial cells or arterial endothelial cells were subjected to injury initiators modelled on ischaemia-reperfusion (hypoxia, serum deprivation, free radical damage or hypoxia-hyperoxia). Expression of caveolin proteins was investigated using immunohistochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, and immunoblots of whole cell, membrane or cytosol protein extracts. In vivo, healthy kidney had abundant caveolin-1 in vascular endothelial cells and also some expression in membrane surfaces of distal tubular epithelium. In the kidneys of ARF animals, punctate cytoplasmic localization of caveolin-1 was identified, with high intensity expression in injured proximal tubules that were losing basement membrane adhesion or were apoptotic, 24 h to 4 days after ischaemia-reperfusion. Western immunoblots indicated a marked increase in caveolin-1 expression in the cortex where some proximal tubular injury was located. In vitro, the main treatment-induced change in both cell types was translocation of caveolin-1 from the original plasma membrane site into membrane-associated sites in the cytoplasm. Overall, expression levels did not alter for whole cell extracts and the protein remained membrane-bound, as indicated by cell fractionation analyses. Caveolin-1 was also found to localize intensely within apoptotic cells. The results are indicative of a role for caveolin-1 in ARF-induced renal injury. Whether it functions for cell repair or death remains to be elucidated.


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Bcl-x(l) and Bax play important roles in the regulation of apoptosis. This study investigated the involvement of the mitochondrial death pathway and the role of Bcl-x(l) and Bax in the escape from apoptosis after prolonged serum deprivation in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Low level apoptosis and basal activity of the mitochondrial death pathway were detectable in normal cell growth. In serum deprivation, mitosis was partially suppressed, and the mitochondrial activity was stimulated. The level of apoptosis continuously rose over 48 h. This rise was concomitant with the increasing presence of cytochrome c in cytosol. However, both apoptosis and cytosolic cytochrome c fell dramatically at 72 h. Elevation of whole cell Bcl-x(l) and redistribution of Bcl-x(l) protein from cytosol to the membrane at 48 h and 72 h was observed. Redistribution of Bax protein from the membrane to cytosol occurred at 24 h, and remained steady to 72 h. Bax/Bcl-x(l) coimmunoprecipitation by anti-Bax antibody showed reduced Bax/Bcl-x(l) interaction at the membrane at 72 h, but not at 24 or 48 h. These results suggest that apoptosis upon serum withdrawal results from the leakage of cytochrome c to cytosol. Amelioration of the leakage of cytochrome c and apoptosis requires not only the increase of Bcl-x(l)/Bax ratio, but also the release of Bcl-x(l) from Bax at the membrane.


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Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in Australian men. Treatment in the early stages of the disease involves surgery, radiation and/or hormone therapy. However, in late stages of the disease these treatments are no longer effective and only palliative care is available. Therefore, there is a focus on exploration of novel therapies to increase survival and treatment efficacy. Advanced prostate cancer is characterised by bone or other distant metastasis. Spreading of the primary tumour to a secondary location is a complex process requiring an initial loss in cell-cell adhesion followed by increased cell migration and invasion. One gene family that has been known to affect cell-to-cell contact in other model systems are the Eph receptor tyrosine kinases. They are the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases made up of 14 vertebrate Eph receptors that bind to nine cell membrane bound ephrin ligands. Eph-ephrin interaction is crucial in regulating cell behaviour in developmental processes and it is now thought that the underlying mechanisms involved in development may also be involved in cancer. Aberrant expression has been reported in many human malignancies including prostate cancer. Furthermore, expression has been linked with metastasis and poor prognosis in other tumour models. This study explores the potential role of the Eph receptor family in prostate cancer, in particular the roles of EphA2, EphA3 and ephrin-A5. Gene expression profiles were established for the Eph family in a series of prostate cancer cell lines using quantitative real time RT-PCR. A smaller subset of the most prominently expressed genes was chosen to screen a cohort of clinical samples. Elevated levels of EphA2, EphA3 and their ligands, ephrin-A1 and ephrin-A5 were observed in individual cell lines. Interestingly high EphA3 expression was observed in the androgen responsive cell lines while EphA2 was more prominent in the androgen independent cell lines. However, studies using 5-dihydrotestosterone suggest that EphA3 expression in not regulated by androgen. Cells expressing EphA2 showed a greater ability for migration and invasion while cells expressing EphA3 showed poor migration and invasion. Forced expression of EphA2 in the LNCaP cell line resulted in a more invasive phenotype while forced expression of EphA3 in the PC-3 cell line suggests a possible negative effect for EphA3 on cell migration and invasion. Cell signalling studies show activation of EphA2 decreases activity of proteins thought to be involved in pathways regulating cell movement including Akt, Src and FAK. Changes to the activation status of Rho family members, including RhoA and Rac1, associated with reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton, an important part of cell migration was also observed. As a result, activation of EphA2 in PC-3 cells resulted in a less invasive phenotype. A novel finding in this study was the discovery of a combination of two EphA2 Mabs able to activate EphA2. Preliminary results show a potential for this antibody combination to reduce prostate cancer invasion in vitro. A unique aspect of Eph-ephrin interaction is the resulting bi-directional signalling that occurs through both the receptor and ligand. In this study a potential role for ephrin-A5 mediated signalling in prostate cancer was observed. LNCaP cells express high levels of EphA3 and its high affinity ligand ephrin-A5. In stripe assays, used to study guidance cues, LNCaP cells show strong attraction/migration to EphA3-Fc stripes but not ephrin-A5-Fc stripes suggesting ephrin-A5 mediated reverse cell signalling is involved. Knockdown of ephrin-A5 using shRNA resulted in a decrease in attraction/migration to EphA3-Fc stripes. Furthermore a reduction in proliferation was also observed in vitro. A subcutaneous xenograft model using ephrin-A5 shRNA cells versus controls showed a decrease in tumour formation. This study demonstrates a difference in EphA2 and EphA3 function in prostate cancer migration/invasion and a potential role for ephrin-A5 in prostate cancer cell adhesion and growth.


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Current routine cell culture techniques are only poorly suited to capture the physiological complexity of tumor microenvironments, wherein tumor cell function is affected by intricate three-dimensional (3D), integrin-dependent cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. 3D cell cultures allow the investigation of cancer-associated proteases like kallikreins as they degrade ECM proteins and alter integrin signaling, promoting malignant cell behaviors. Here, we employed a hydrogel microwell array platform to probe using a high-throughput mode how ovarian cancer cell aggregates of defined size form and survive in response to the expression of kallikreins and treatment with paclitaxel, by performing microscopic, quantitative image, gene and protein analyses dependent on the varying microwell and aggregate sizes. Paclitaxel treatment increased aggregate formation and survival of kallikrein-expressing cancer cells and levels of integrins and integrin-related factors. Cancer cell aggregate formation was improved with increasing aggregate size, thereby reducing cell death and enhancing integrin expression upon paclitaxel treatment. Therefore, hydrogel microwell arrays are a powerful tool to screen the viability of cancer cell aggregates upon modulation of protease expression, integrin engagement and anti-cancer treatment providing a micro-scaled yet high-throughput technique to assess malignant progression and drug-resistance.


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Three cohorts of farmed yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) from South Australia were examined for Chlamydia-like organisms associated with epitheliocystis. To characterize the bacteria, 38 gill samples were processed for histopathology, electron microscopy, and 16S rRNA amplification, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis. Microscopically, the presence of membrane-enclosed cysts was observed within the gill lamellae. Also observed was hyperplasia of the epithelial cells with cytoplasmic vacuolization and fusion of the gill lamellae. Transmission electron microscopy revealed morphological features of the reticulate and intermediate bodies typical of members of the order Chlamydiales. A novel 1,393-bp 16S chlamydial rRNA sequence was amplified from gill DNA extracted from fish in all cohorts over a 3-year period that corresponded to the 16S rRNA sequence amplified directly from laser-dissected cysts. This sequence was only 87% similar to the reported "Candidatus Piscichlamydia salmonis" (AY462244) from Atlantic salmon and Arctic charr. Phylogenetic analysis of this sequence against 35 Chlamydia and Chlamydia-like bacteria revealed that this novel bacterium belongs to an undescribed family lineage in the order Chlamydiales. Based on these observations, we propose this bacterium of yellowtail kingfish be known as "Candidatus Parilichlamydia carangidicola" and that the new family be known as "Candidatus Parilichlamydiaceae."


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Histological analysis of gill samples taken from individuals of Latris lineata reared in aquaculture in Tasmania, Australia, and those sampled from the wild revealed the presence of epitheliocystis-like basophilic inclusions. Subsequent morphological, in situ hybridization, and molecular analyses were performed to confirm the presence of this disease and discovered a Chlamydia-like organism associated with this condition, and the criteria set by Fredericks and Relman's postulates were used to establish disease causation. Three distinct 16S rRNA genotypes were sequenced from 16 fish, and phylogenetic analyses of the nearly full-length 16S rRNA sequences generated for this bacterial agent indicated that they were nearly identical novel members of the order Chlamydiales. This new taxon formed a well-supported clade with "Candidatus Parilichlamydia carangidicola" from the yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi). On the basis of sequence divergence over the 16S rRNA region relative to all other members of the order Chlamydiales, a new genus and species are proposed here for the Chlamydia-like bacterium from L. lineata, i.e., "Candidatus Similichlamydia latridicola" gen. nov., sp. nov.


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Along with the tri-lineage of bone, cartilage and fat, human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) retain neural lineage potential. Multiple factors have been described that influence lineage fate of hMSCs including the extracellular microenvironment or niche. The niche includes the extracellular matrix (ECM) providing structural composition, as well as other associated proteins and growth factors, which collectively influence hMSC stemness and lineage specification. As such, lineage specific differentiation of MSCs is mediated through interactions including cell–cell and cell–matrix, as well as through specific signalling pathways triggering downstream events. Proteoglycans (PGs) are ubiquitous within this microenvironment and can be localised to the cell surface or embedded within the ECM. In addition, the heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) families of PGs interact directly with a number of growth factors, signalling pathways and ECM components including FGFs, Wnts and fibronectin. With evidence supporting a role for HSPGs and CSPGs in the specification of hMSCs down the osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic lineages, along with the localisation of PGs in development and regeneration, it is conceivable that these important proteins may also play a role in the differentiation of hMSCs toward the neuronal lineage. Here we summarise the current literature and highlight the potential for HSPG directed neural lineage fate specification in hMSCs, which may provide a new model for brain damage repair.


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Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are key components of the extracellular matrix that mediate cell proliferation, invasion, and cellular signaling. The biological functions of HSPGs are linked to their co-stimulatory effects on extracellular ligands (e.g., WNTs) and the resulting activation of transcription factors that control mammalian development but also associated with tumorigenesis. We examined the expression profile of HSPG core protein syndecans (SDC1–4) and glypicans (GPC1–6) along with the enzymes that initiate or modify their glycosaminoglycan chains in human breast cancer (HBC) epithelial cells. Gene expression in relation to cell proliferation was examined in the HBC cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 following treatment with the HS agonist heparin. Heparin increased gene expression of chain initiation and modification enzymes including EXT1 and NDST1, as well as core proteins SDC2 and GPC6. With HS/Wnt interactions established, we next investigated WNT pathway components and observed that increased proliferation of the more invasive MDA-MB-231 cells is associated with activation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Specifically, there was substantial upregulation (>5-fold) of AXIN1, WNT4A, and MYC in MDA-MB-231 but not in MCF-7 cells. The changes in gene expression observed for HSPG core proteins and related enzymes along with the associated Wnt signaling components suggest coordinated interactions. The influence of HSPGs on cellular proliferation and invasive potential of breast cancer epithelial cells are cell and niche specific. Further studies on the interactions between HSPGs and WNT ligands may yield clinically relevant molecular targets, as well as new biomarkers for characterization of breast cancer progression.


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A new wave energy flow (WEF) map concept was proposed in this work. Based on it, an improved technique incorporating the laser scanning method and Betti’s reciprocal theorem was developed to evaluate the shape and size of damage as well as to realize visualization of wave propagation. In this technique, a simple signal processing algorithm was proposed to construct the WEF map when waves propagate through an inspection region, and multiple lead zirconate titanate (PZT) sensors were employed to improve inspection reliability. Various damages in aluminum and carbon fiber reinforced plastic laminated plates were experimentally and numerically evaluated to validate this technique. The results show that it can effectively evaluate the shape and size of damage from wave field variations around the damage in the WEF map.


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Bone is characterized with an optimized combination of high stiffness and toughness. The understanding of bone nanomechanics is critical to the development of new artificial biological materials with unique properties. In this work, the mechanical characteristics of the interfaces between osteopontin (OPN, a noncollagenous protein in extrafibrillar protein matrix) and hydroxyapatite (HA, a mineral nanoplatelet in mineralized collagen fibrils) were investigated using molecular dynamics method. We found that the interfacial mechanical behaviour is governed by the electrostatic attraction between acidic amino acid residues in OPN and calcium in HA. Higher energy dissipation is associated with the OPN peptides with a higher number of acidic amino acid residues. When loading in the interface direction, new bonds between some acidic residues and HA surface are formed, resulting in a stick-slip type motion of OPN peptide on the HA surface and high interfacial energy dissipation. The formation of new bonds during loading is considered to be a key mechanism responsible for high fracture resistance observed in bone and other biological materials.