947 resultados para DRUG TRAFFICKING


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Unique microneedle arrays prepared from crosslinked polymers, which contain no drug themselves, are described. They rapidly take up skin interstitial fluid upon skin insertion to form continuous, unblockable, hydrogel conduits from attached patch-type drug reservoirs to the dermal microcirculation. Importantly, such microneedles, which can be fabricated in a wide range of patch sizes and microneedle geometries, can be easily sterilized, resist hole closure while in place, and are removed completely intact from the skin. Delivery of macromolecules is no longer limited to what can be loaded into the microneedles themselves and transdermal drug delivery is now controlled by the crosslink density of the hydrogel system rather than the stratum corneum, while electrically modulated delivery is also a unique feature. This technology has the potential to overcome the limitations of conventional microneedle designs and greatly increase the range of the type of drug that is deliverable transdermally, with ensuing benefits for industry, healthcare providers and, ultimately, patients.


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During the past century, several epidemics of human African trypanosomiasis, a deadly disease caused by the protist Trypanosoma brucei, have afflicted sub-Saharan Africa. Over 10 000 new victims are reported each year, with hundreds of thousands more at risk. As current drug treatments are either highly toxic or ineffective, novel trypanocides are urgently needed. The T. brucei galactose synthesis pathway is one potential therapeutic target. Although galactose is essential for T. brucei survival, the parasite lacks the transporters required to intake galactose from the environment. UDP-galactose 4'-epimerase (TbGalE) is responsible for the epimerization of UDP-glucose to UDP-galactose and is therefore of great interest to medicinal chemists. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the atomistic motions of TbGalE in both the apo and holo states. The sampled conformations and protein dynamics depend not only on the presence of a UDP-sugar ligand, but also on the chirality of the UDP-sugar C4 atom. This dependence provides important insights into TbGalE function and may help guide future computer-aided drug discovery efforts targeting this protein.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are at great risk of opportunistic lung infection, particularly by members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc). This group of bacteria can cause damage to the lung tissue of infected patients and are very difficult to eradicate due to their high levels of antibiotic resistance. Though the highly virulent B. cenocepacia has been the focus of virulence research for the past decade, B. multivorans is emerging as the most prevalent Bcc species infecting CF patients in North America. Despite several studies detailing the intramacrophage trafficking and survival of B. cenocepacia, no such data exists for B. multivorans. Our results demonstrated that clinical CF isolates, C5568 and C0514, and an environmental B. multivorans isolate, ATCC17616, were able to replicate and survive within murine macrophages in a manner similar to B. cenocepacia K56-2. These strains were also able to survive but were unable to replicate within human THP-1 macrophages. Differences in macrophage uptake were observed among all three B. multivorans strains; these variances were attributed to major differences in O-antigen production. Unlike B. cenocepacia-containing vacuoles, which delay phagosomal maturation in murine macrophages by 6 h, all B. multivorans containing vacuoles co-localized with late endosome/lysosomal marker LAMP-1 and the lysosomal marker dextran within 2 h of uptake. Together, these results indicate that while both Bcc species are able to survive and replicate within macrophages, they utilize different intramacrophage survival strategies. To observe differences in virulence the strains were compared using the Galleria mellonella model. When compared to the B. multivorans strains tested, B. cenocepacia K56-2 is highly virulent in this model and killed all worms within 24 h when injected at 107 CFU. B. multivorans clinical isolates C5568 and C0514 were significantly more virulent than the soil isolate ATCC17616, which was avirulent, even when worms were injected with 107 CFU. These results suggest strain differences in the virulence of B. multivorans isolates.


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Purpose. The pH-dependent physicochemical properties of the antimicrobial quinolone, nalidixic acid, were exploited to achieve ‘intelligent’ drug release from a potential urinary catheter coating, poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) (p(HEMA)), in direct response to the elevated pH which occurs at the onset of catheter infection.
Methods. p(HEMA) hydrogels, and reduced-hydrophilicity copolymers incorporating methyl methacrylate, were loaded with nalidixic acid by a novel, surface particulate localization method, and characterized in terms of pH-dependent drug release and microbiological activity against the common urease-producing urinary pathogen Proteus mirabilis.
Results. The pH-dependent release kinetics of surface-localized nalidixic acid were 50- and 10-fold faster at pH 9, representing the alkaline conditions induced by urease-producing urinary pathogens, compared to release at pH 5 and pH 7 respectively. Furthermore, microbiological activity against P. mirabilis was significantly enhanced after loading surface particulate nalidixic acid in comparison to p(HEMA) hydrogels conventionally loaded with dispersed drug. The more hydrophobic methyl methacrylate-containing copolymers also demonstrated this pH responsive behavior, but additionally exhibited a sustained period of zero-order release.
Conclusions. The paradigm presented here provides a system with latent, immediate infection-responsive drug release followed by prolonged zero-order antimicrobial delivery, and represents an ‘intelligent’, infection-responsive, self-sterilizing biomaterial.


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Existing drugs for Alzheimer's disease provide symptomatic benefit for up to 12 months, but there are no approved disease-modifying therapies. Given the recent failures of various novel disease-modifying therapies in clinical trials, a complementary strategy based on repositioning drugs that are approved for other indications could be attractive. Indeed, a substantial body of preclinical work indicates that several classes of such drugs have potentially beneficial effects on Alzheimer's-like brain pathology, and for some drugs the evidence is also supported by epidemiological data or preliminary clinical trials. Here, we present a formal consensus evaluation of these opportunities, based on a systematic review of published literature. We highlight several compounds for which sufficient evidence is available to encourage further investigation to clarify an optimal dose and consider progression to clinical trials in patients with Alzheimer's disease.


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BACKGROUND: The evolutionarily conserved septin family of genes encode GTP binding proteins involved in a variety of cellular functions including cytokinesis, apoptosis, membrane dynamics and vesicle trafficking. Septin proteins can form hetero-oligomeric complexes and interact with other proteins including actin and tubulin. The human SEPT9 gene on chromosome 17q25.3 has a complex genomic architecture with 18 different transcripts that can encode 15 distinct polypeptides. Two distinct transcripts with unique 5' ends (SEPT9_v4 and SEPT9_v4*) encode the same protein. In tumours the ratio of these transcripts changes with elevated levels of SEPT9_v4* mRNA, a transcript that is translated with enhanced efficiency leading to increased SEPT9_i4 protein.

METHODS: We have examined the effect of over-expression of SEPT9_i4 on the dynamics of microtubule polymer mass in cultured cells.

RESULTS: We show that the microtubule network in SEPT9_i4 over-expressing cells resists disruption by paclitaxel or cold incubation but also repolymerises tubulin more slowly after microtubule depolymerisation. Finally we show that SEPT9_i4 over-expressing cells have enhanced survival in the presence of clinically relevant microtubule acting drugs but not after treatment with DNAinteracting agents.

CONCLUSIONS: Given that SEPT9 over-expression is seen in diverse tumours and in particular ovarian and breast cancer, such data indicate that SEPT9_v4 expression may be clinically relevant and contribute to some forms of drug resistance.


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GC-MS data on veterinary drug residues in bovine urine are used for controlling the illegal practice of fattening cattle. According to current detection criteria, peak patterns of preferably four ions should agree within 10 or 20% from a corresponding standard pattern. These criteria are rigid, rather arbitrary and do not match daily practice. A new model, based on multivariate modeling of log peak abundance ratios, provides a theoretical basis for the identification of analytes and optimizes the balance between the avoidance of false positives and false negatives. The performance of the model is demonstrated on data provided by five laboratories, each supplying GC-MS measurements on the detection of clenbuterol, dienestrol and 19 beta-nortestosterone in urine. The proposed model shows a better performance than confirmation by using the current criteria and provides a statistical basis for inspection criteria in terms of error probabilities.


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The ProSafeBeef project studied the prevalence of residues of anthelmintic drugs used to control parasitic worms and fluke in beef cattle in Ireland. Injured (casualty) cattle may enter the human food chain under certain conditions, verified by an attending veterinarian and the livestock keeper. An analytical survey was conducted to determine if muscle from casualty cattle contained a higher prevalence of anthelmintic drug residues than healthy (full slaughter weight) cattle as a result of possible non-observance of complete drug withdrawal periods. A validated analytical method based on matrix solid-phase dispersive extraction (QuEChERS) and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to quantify 37 anthelmintic drugs and metabolites in muscle (assay decision limits, CCa, 0.15-10.2 µg kg -1). Of 199 control samples of beef purchased in Irish shops, 7% contained detectable anthelmintic drug residues but all were compliant with European Union Maximum Residue Limits (MRL). Of 305 muscle samples from injured cattle submitted to abattoirs in Northern Ireland, 17% contained detectable residues and 2% were non-compliant (containing either residues at concentrations above the MRL or residues of a compound unlicensed for use in cattle). Closantel and ivermectin were the most common residues, but a wider range of drugs was detected in muscle of casualty cattle than in retail beef. These data suggest that specific targeting of casualty cattle for testing for anthelmintic residues may be warranted in a manner similar to the targeted testing for antimicrobial compounds often applied in European National Residues Surveillance Schemes. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Anthelmintic drugs are widely used to control parasitic infections in cattle. The ProSafeBeef project addressed the need for data on the exposure of European consumers of beef to potentially harmful drug residues. A novel analytical method based on matrix solid-phase dispersive extraction and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was validated for 37 anthelmintic drugs and metabolites in muscle (assay decision limits, CCa, = 0.15-10.2 µg kg -1). Seven European countries (France, Spain, Slovenia, Ireland, Italy, Belgium and Portugal) participated in a survey of retail beef purchased in local shops. Of 1061 beef samples analysed, 26 (2.45%) contained detectable residues of anthelmintic drugs (0.2-171 µg kg -1), none above its European Union maximum residue limit (MRL) or action level. Residues detected included closantel, levamisole, doramectin, eprinomectin, moxidectin, ivermectin, albendazole and rafoxanide. In a risk assessment applied to mean residue concentrations across all samples, observed residues accounted for less than 0.1% of the MRL for each compound. An exposure assessment based on the consumption of meat at the 99th percentile of consumption of adults in 14 European countries demonstrated that beef accounted for less than 0.02% of the acceptable daily intake for each compound in each country. This study is the first of its kind to apply such a risk-based approach to an extensive multi-residue survey of veterinary drug residues in food. It has demonstrated that the risk of exposure of the European consumer to anthelmintic drug residues in beef is negligible, indicating that regulation and monitoring is having the desired effect of limiting residues to non-hazardous concentrations. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Anthelmintic drugs are widely used for treatment of parasitic worms in livestock, but little is known about the stability of their residues in food under conventional cooking conditions. As part of the European Commissionfunded research project ProSafeBeef, cattle were medicated with commercially available anthelmintic preparations, comprising 11 active ingredients (corresponding to 21 marker residues). Incurred meat and liver were cooked by roasting (40 min at 190°C) or shallow frying (muscle 8-12 min, liver 14-19 min) in a domestic kitchen. Raw and cooked tissues and expressed juices were analysed using a novel multi-residue dispersive solid-phase extraction method (QuEChERS) coupled with ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. After correction for sample weight changes during cooking, no major losses were observed for residues of oxyclozanide, clorsulon, closantel, ivermectin, albendazole, mebendazole or fenbendazole. However, significant losses were observed for nitroxynil (78% in fried muscle, 96% in roast muscle), levamisole (11% in fried muscle, 42% in fried liver), rafoxanide (17% in fried muscle, 18% in roast muscle) and triclabendazole (23% in fried liver, 47% in roast muscle). Migration of residues from muscle into expressed cooking juices varied between drugs, constituting 0% to 17% (levamisole) of total residues remaining after cooking. With the exception of nitroxynil, residues of anthelmintic drugs were generally resistant to degradation during roasting and shallow frying. Conventional cooking cannot, therefore, be considered a safeguard against ingestion of residues of anthelmintic veterinary drugs in beef. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac is extremely toxic to Old World Gyps vultures (median lethal dose -0.1-0.2 mg/kg), evoking visceral gout, renal necrosis, and mortality within a few days of exposure. Unintentional secondary poisoning of vultures that fed upon carcasses of diclofenac-treated livestock decimated populations in the Indian subcontinent. Because of the widespread use of diclofenac and other cyclooxygenase-2 inhibiting drugs, a toxicological study was undertaken in turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) as an initial step in examining sensitivity of New World scavenging birds. Two trials were conducted entailing oral gavage of diclofenac at doses ranging from 0.08 to 25 mg/kg body weight. Birds were observed for 7 d, blood samples were collected for plasma chemistry (predose and 12, 24, and 48 h and 7 d postdose), and select individuals were necropsied. Diclofenac failed to evoke overt signs of toxicity, visceral gout, renal necrosis, or elevate plasma uric acid at concentrations greater than 100 times the estimated median lethal dose reported for Gyps vultures. For turkey vultures receiving 8 or 25 mg/kg, the plasma half-life of diclofenac was estimated to be 6 h, and it was apparently cleared after several days as no residues were detectable in liver or kidney at necropsy. Differential sensitivity among avian species is a hallmark of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, and despite the tolerance of turkey vultures to diclofenac, additional studies in related scavenging species seem warranted.


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Transcription byRNApolymerase I (Pol-I) is the main driving force behind ribosome biogenesis, a fundamental cellular process that requires the coordinated transcription of all three nuclear polymerases. Increased Pol-I transcription and the concurrent increase in ribosome biogenesis has been linked to the high rates of proliferation in cancers. The ellipticine family contains a number of potent anticancer therapeutic agents, some having progressed to stage I and II clinical trials; however, the mechanism by which many of the compounds work remains unclear. It has long been thought that inhibition of Top2 is the main reason behind the drugs antiproliferative effects. Here we report that a number of the ellipticines, including 9-hydroxyellipticine, are potent and specific inhibitors of Pol-I transcription, with IC50 in vitro and in cells in the nanomolar range. Essentially, the drugs did not affect Pol-II and Pol-III transcription, demonstrating a high selectivity.Wehave shown that Pol-I inhibition occurs by a p53-, ATM/ATR-, and Top2-independent mechanism. We discovered that the drug influences the assembly and stability of preinitiation complexes by targeting the interaction between promoter recognition factor SL1 and the rRNA promoter. Our findings will have an impact on the design and development of novel therapeutic agents specifically targeting ribosome biogenesis.