934 resultados para DNA repair doublestrandbreak toxicology histone h2ax chromatin


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Kinetic parameters for uracil DNA glycosylase (E.coli)-catalysed excision of uracil from DNA oligomers containing dUMP in different structural contexts were determined. Our results show that single-stranded oligonucleotides (unstructured) are used as somewhat better substrates than the double-stranded oligonucleotides. This is mainly because of the favourable V-max value of the enzyme for single-stranded substrates. More interestingly, however, we found that uracil release from loop regions of DNA hairpins is extremely inefficient. The poor efficiency with which uracil is excised from loop regions is a result of both increased K-m and lowered V-max values. This observation may have significant implications in uracil DNA glycosylase-directed repair of DNA segments that can be extruded as hairpins. In addition, these studies are useful in designing oligonucleotides for various applications in DNA research where the use of uracil DNA glycosylase is sought.


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Mismatches that arise during replication or genetic recombination or owing to damage to DNA by chemical agents are recognized by mismatch repair systems. The pathway has been characterized in detail in Escherichia coli. Several homologues of the genes encoding the proteins of this pathway have been identified in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in human cells. Mutations in the human genes hMSH2, hMLH1, hPMS1 and hPMS2 have been linked to hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) and to some sporadic tumours. Mismatch repair also plays an antirecombinogenic role and is implicated in speciation.


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Differential organisation of homologous chromosomes is related to both sex determination and genomic imprinting in coccid insects, the mealybugs. We report here the identification of two middle repetitive sequences that are differentially organised between the two sexes and also within the same diploid nucleus. These two sequences form a part of the male-specific nuclease-resistant chromatin (NRC) fraction of a mealybug Planococcus lilacinus. To understand the phenomenon of differential organisation we have analysed the components of NRC by cloning the DNA sequences present, deciphering their primary sequence, nucleosomal organisation, genomic distribution and cytological localisation, Our observations suggest that the middle repetitive sequences within NRC are functionally significant and we discuss their probable involvement in male-specific chromatin organisation.


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Acid denaturation of calf thymus DNA in vitro followed by acridine orange (AO) binding induced a 112% increase in the emission of red, a 58% decrease in green, and a consequential decrease in the ratio of green:red fluorescences from 1.7 to 0.9. This metachromatic property of AO on binding to DNA following acid denaturation was utilized to study the susceptibility of normal and ovine follicle-stimulating hormone (oFSH) actively immunized bonnet monkey spermatozoa voided throughout the year. For analyses, the scattergram generated by the emission of red and green fluorescences by 10,000 AO-bound sperm from each semen sample was divided into 4 quadrant zones representing percentage cells fluorescing high green-low red (Q1), high green-high red (Q2), low green-low red (Q3) and low green-high red. (Q4). Normal monkey sperm obtained during the months of July-December exhibited 76, 13, and 11% cells in Q2, Q3, and Q4 quadrants, respectively. However, during January-June, when the females of the species are markedly subfertile, noncycling, and amenorrhoeic, the spermatozoa ejaculated by the male monkeys exhibited 38, 39, and 23% sperm in Q2, Q3, and Q4, respectively, the differences being highly significant (p < .01-.001). FSH deprivation induced significant shifts in fluorescence emissions, from respective controls, with 39, 33, and 28% cells in Q2, Q3, and Q4, respectively, during July-December, and 15, 48, and 37% sperm in Q2, Q3, and Q4 quadrants, respectively, during January-June. It is postulated that the altered kinetics of germ cell transformations and the deficient spermiogenesis observed earlier following FSH deprivation in these monkeys may have induced the enhanced susceptibility to acid denaturation in sperm.


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Fractionation of nuclear extracts from posterior silk glands of mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori. resolved the transcription factor TFIIIC into two components (designated here as TFIIIC and TFIIIC1) as in HeLa cell nuclear extracts. The reconstituted transcription of tRNA genes required the presence of both components. The affinity purified TFIIIC is a heteromeric complex comprising of five subunits ranging from 44 to 240 kDa. Of these, the 51-kDa subunit could be specifically crosslinked to the B box of tRNA(1)(Gly). Purified swTFIIIC binds to the B box sequences with an affinity in the same range as of yTFIIIC or hTFIIIC2. Although an histone acetyl transferase (HAT) activity was associated with the TFIIIC fractions during the initial stages of purification. the HAT activity, unlike the human TFIIIC preparations, was separated at the final DNA affinity step. The tRNA transcription from DNA template was independent of HAT activity but the repressed transcription from chromatin template could be partially restored by external supplementation of the dissociated HAT activity. This is the first report on the purification and characterization of TFIIIC from insect systems.


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Ferrocene-conjugated L-tryptophan (L-Trp) reduced Schiff base (Fc-TrpH) copper(II) complexes [Cu(Fc-Trp)(L)](ClO(4)) of phenanthroline bases (L), viz. 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy in 1), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen in 2), dipyrido[3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq in 3), and dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz in 4), were prepared and characterized and their photocytotoxicity studied. Cationic reduced Schiff base (Ph-TrpH) complexes [Cu(Ph-Trp)(L)(H(2)O)] (ClO(4)) (L = phen in 5; dppz in 6) having the ferrocenyl moiety replaced by a phenyl group and the Zn(II) analogue (7) of complex 4 were prepared and used as control species. The crystal structures of 1 and 5 with respective square-planar CuN(3)O and square-pyramidal CuN(3)O(2) coordination geometry show significantly different core structures. Complexes 1-4 exhibit a Cu(II)-Cu(I) redox couple near -0.1 V and the Fc(+)-Fc couple at similar to 0.5 V vs SCE in DMF-0.1 M [Bu(4)(n)N] (ClO(4)) (Fc = ferrocenyl moiety). The complexes display a copper(II)-based d-d band near 600 nm and a Fc-centered band at similar to 450 nm in DMF-Tris-HCl buffer. The complexes are efficient binders to calf thymus DNA. They are synthetic chemical nucleases in the presence of thiol or H(2)O(2), forming hydroxyl radicals. The photoactive complexes are cleavers of pUC19 DNA in visible light, forming hydroxyl radicals. Complexes 2-6 show photocytotoxicity in HeLa cancer cells, giving IC(50) values of 4.7, 10.2, 1.3, 4.8, and 4.3 mu M, respectively, in visible light with the appearance of apoptotic bodies. The complexes also show photocytotoxicity in MCF-7 cancer cells. Nuclear chromatin cleavage has been observed with acridine orange/ethidium bromide (AO/EB) dual staining with complex 4 in visible light. The complexes induce caspase-independent apoptosis in the HeLa cells.


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Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity during the successful development of a fertilized egg into a whole organism. To date, the mechanism of DSB repair in postimplantation embryos has been largely unknown. In the present study, using a cell-free repair system derived from the different embryonic stages of mice, we find that canonical nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), one of the major DSB repair pathways in mammals, is predominant at 14.5 day of embryonic development. Interestingly, all four types of DSBs tested were repaired by ligase IV/XRCC4 and Ku-dependent classical NHEJ. Characterization of end-joined junctions and expression studies further showed evidences for canonical NHEJ. Strikingly, in contrast to the above, we observed noncanonical end joining accompanied by DSB resection, dependent on microhomology and ligase III in 18.5-day embryos. Interestingly, we observed an elevated expression of CtIP, MRE11, and NBS1 at this stage, suggesting that it could act as a switch between classical end joining and microhomology-mediated end joining at later stages of embryonic development. Thus, our results establish for the first time the existence of both canonical and alternative NHEJ pathways during the postimplantation stages of mammalian embryonic development. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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DNA Ligase IV is responsible for sealing of double-strand breaks (DSBs) during nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). Inhibiting Ligase IV could result in amassing of DSBs, thereby serving as a strategy toward treatment of cancer. Here, we identify a molecule, SCR7 that inhibits joining of DSBs in cell-free repair system. SCR7 blocks Ligase IV-mediated joining by interfering with its DNA binding but not that of T4 DNA Ligase or Ligase I. SCR7 inhibits NHEJ in a Ligase IV-dependent manner within cells, and activates the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. More importantly, SCR7 impedes tumor progression in mouse models and when coadministered with DSB-inducing therapeutic modalities enhances their sensitivity significantly. This inhibitor to target NHEJ offers a strategy toward the treatment of cancer and improvement of existing regimens.


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Background & objectives: Pre-clinical toxicology evaluation of biotechnology products is a challenge to the toxicologist. The present investigation is an attempt to evaluate the safety profile of the first indigenously developed recombinant DNA anti-rabies vaccine DRV (100 mu g)] and combination rabies vaccine CRV (100 mu g DRV and 1.25 IU of cell culture-derived inactivated rabies virus vaccine)], which are intended for clinical use by intramuscular route in Rhesus monkeys. Methods: As per the regulatory requirements, the study was designed for acute (single dose - 14 days), sub-chronic (repeat dose - 28 days) and chronic (intended clinical dose - 120 days) toxicity tests using three dose levels, viz. therapeutic, average (2x therapeutic dose) and highest dose (10 x therapeutic dose) exposure in monkeys. The selection of the model i.e. monkey was based on affinity and rapid higher antibody response during the efficacy studies. An attempt was made to evaluate all parameters which included physical, physiological, clinical, haematological and histopathological profiles of all target organs, as well as Tiers I, II, III immunotoxicity parameters. Results: In acute toxicity there was no mortality in spite of exposing the monkeys to 10XDRV. In sub chronic and chronic toxicity studies there were no abnormalities in physical, physiological, neurological, clinical parameters, after administration of test compound in intended and 10 times of clinical dosage schedule of DRV and CRV under the experimental conditions. Clinical chemistry, haematology, organ weights and histopathology studies were essentially unremarkable except the presence of residual DNA in femtogram level at site of injection in animal which received 10X DRV in chronic toxicity study. No Observational Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL) of DRV is 1000 ug/dose (10 times of therapeutic dose) if administered on 0, 4, 7, 14, 28th day. Interpretation & conclusions: The information generated by this study not only draws attention to the need for national and international regulatory agencies in formulating guidelines for pre-clinical safety evaluation of biotech products but also facilitates the development of biopharmaceuticals as safe potential therapeutic agents.


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HU, a widely conserved bacterial histone-like protein, regulates many genes, including those involved in stress response and virulence. Whereas ample data are available on HU-DNA communication, the knowledge on how HU perceives a signal and transmit it to DNA remains limited. In this study, we identify HupB, the HU homolog of the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as a component of serine/threonine protein kinase (STPK) signaling. HupB is extracted in its native state from the exponentially growing cells of M. tuberculosis H37Ra and is shown to be phosphorylated on both serine and threonine residues. The STPKs capable of modifying HupB are determined in vitro and the residues modified by the STPKs are identified for both in vivo and the in vitro proteins through mass spectrometry. Of the identified phosphosites, Thr(65) and Thr(74) in the DNA-embracing beta-strand of the N-terminal domain of HupB (N-HupB) are shown to be crucial for its interaction with DNA. In addition, Arg(55) is also identified as an important residue for N-HupB-DNA interaction. N-HupB is shown to have a diminished interaction with DNA after phosphorylation. Furthermore, hupB is shown to be maximally expressed during the stationary phase in M. tuberculosis H37Ra, while HupB kinases were found to be constitutively expressed (PknE and PknF) or most abundant during the exponential phase (PknB). In conclusion, HupB, a DNA-binding protein, with an ability to modulate chromatin structure is proposed to work in a growth-phase-dependent manner through its phosphorylation carried out by the mycobacterial STPKs.


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The significance of G-quadruplexes and the helicases that resolve G4 structures in prokaryotes is poorly understood. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome is GC-rich and contains >10,000 sequences that have the potential to form G4 structures. In Escherichia coli, RecQ helicase unwinds G4 structures. However, RecQ is absent in M. tuberculosis, and the helicase that participates in G4 resolution in M. tuberculosis is obscure. Here, we show that M. tuberculosis DinG (MtDinG) exhibits high affinity for ssDNA and ssDNA translocation with a 5' -> 3' polarity. Interestingly, MtDinG unwinds overhangs, flap structures, and forked duplexes but fails to unwind linear duplex DNA. Our data with DNase I footprinting provide mechanistic insights and suggest that MtDinG is a 5' -> 3' polarity helicase. Notably, in contrast to E. coli DinG, MtDinG catalyzes unwinding of replication fork and Holliday junction structures. Strikingly, we find that MtDinG resolves intermolecular G4 structures. These data suggest that MtDinG is a multifunctional structure-specific helicase that unwinds model structures of DNA replication, repair, and recombination as well as G4 structures. We finally demonstrate that promoter sequences of M. tuberculosis PE_PGRS2, mce1R, and moeB1 genes contain G4 structures, implying that G4 structures may regulate gene expression in M. tuberculosis. We discuss these data and implicate targeting G4 structures and DinG helicase in M. tuberculosis could be a novel therapeutic strategy for culminating the infection with this pathogen.


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Here, we show that PARP inhibitor-mediated cell death of RAD51C-deficient cells occur by NHEJ-driven illegitimate repair of one-ended double-strand breaks, and the hypomorphic RAD51C pathological mutant cells can be targeted by `synergistic toxicity' induced by low-dose PARP inhibitor and IR.Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) inhibitors are actively under clinical trials for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancers that arise due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. The RAD51 paralog RAD51C has been identified as a breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene. The pathological RAD51C mutants that were identified in cancer patients are hypomorphic with partial repair function. However, targeting cancer cells that express hypomorphic mutants of RAD51C is highly challenging. Here, we report that RAD51C-deficient cells can be targeted by a `synthetic lethal' approach using PARP inhibitor and this sensitivity was attributed to accumulation of cells in the G(2)/M and chromosomal aberrations. In addition, spontaneous hyperactivation of PARP1 was evident in RAD51C-deficient cells. Interestingly, RAD51C-negative cells exhibited enhanced recruitment of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) proteins onto chromatin and this accumulation correlated with increased activity of error-prone NHEJ as well as genome instability leading to cell death. Notably, inhibition of DNA-PKcs or depletion of KU70 or Ligase IV rescued this phenotype. Strikingly, stimulation of NHEJ by low dose of ionizing radiation (IR) in the PARP inhibitor-treated RAD51C-deficient cells and cells expressing pathological RAD51C mutants induced enhanced toxicity `synergistically'. These results demonstrate that cancer cells arising due to hypomorphic mutations in RAD51C can be specifically targeted by a `synergistic approach' and imply that this strategy can be potentially applied to cancers with hypomorphic mutations in other homologous recombination pathway genes.


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Background. Pediatric glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is rare, and there is a single study, a seminal discovery showing association of histone H3.3 and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) 1 mutation with a DNA methylation signature. The present study aims to validate these findings in an independent cohort of pediatric GBM, compare it with adult GBM, and evaluate the involvement of important functionally altered pathways. Methods. Genome-wide methylation profiling of 21 pediatric GBM cases was done and compared with adult GBM data (GSE22867). We performed gene mutation analysis of IDH1 and H3 histone family 3A (H3F3A), status evaluation of glioma cytosine-phosphate-guanine island methylator phenotype (G-CIMP), and Gene Ontology analysis. Experimental evaluation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) association was also done. Results. Distinct differences were noted between methylomes of pediatric and adult GBM. Pediatric GBM was characterized by 94 hypermethylated and 1206 hypomethylated cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) islands, with 3 distinct clusters, having a trend to prognostic correlation. Interestingly, none of the pediatric GBM cases showed G-CIMP/IDH1 mutation. Gene Ontology analysis identified ROS association in pediatric GBM, which was experimentally validated. H3F3A mutants (36.4%; all K27M) harbored distinct methylomes and showed enrichment of processes related to neuronal development, differentiation, and cell-fate commitment. Conclusions. Our study confirms that pediatric GBM has a distinct methylome compared with that of adults. Presence of distinct clusters and an H3F3A mutation-specific methylome indicate existence of epigenetic subgroups within pediatric GBM. Absence of IDH1/G-CIMP status further indicates that findings in adult GBM cannot be simply extrapolated to pediatric GBM and that there is a strong need for identification of separate prognostic markers. A possible role of ROS in pediatric GBM pathogenesis is demonstrated for the first time and needs further evaluation.


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Mammalian RAD51 paralogs are implicated in the repair of collapsed replication forks by homologous recombination. However, their physiological roles in replication fork maintenance prior to fork collapse remain obscure. Here, we report on the role of RAD51 paralogs in short-term replicative stress devoid of DSBs. We show that RAD51 paralogs localize to nascent DNA and common fragile sites upon replication fork stalling. Strikingly, RAD51 paralogs deficient cells exhibit elevated levels of 53BP1 nuclear bodies and increased DSB formation, the latter being attributed to extensive degradation of nascent DNA at stalled forks. RAD51C and XRCC3 promote the restart of stalled replication in an ATP hydrolysis dependent manner by disengaging RAD51 and other RAD51 paralogs from the halted forks. Notably, we find that Fanconi anemia (FA)-like disorder and breast and ovarian cancer patient derived mutations of RAD51C fails to protect replication fork, exhibit under-replicated genomic regions and elevated micro-nucleation. Taken together, RAD51 paralogs prevent degradation of stalled forks and promote the restart of halted replication to avoid replication fork collapse, thereby maintaining genomic integrity and suppressing tumorigenesis.


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We isolated an 8 kDa mycobacterial hypothetical protein, Rv3423.1, from the chromatin of human macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Bioinformatics predictions followed by in vitro biochemical assays with purified recombinant protein showed that Rv3423.1 is a novel histone acetyltransferase that acetylates histone H3 at the K9/K14 positions. Transient transfection of macrophages containing GFP-tagged histone H1 with RFP-tagged Rv3423.1 revealed that the protein co-localizes with the chromatin in the nucleus. Co-immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that the Rv3423.1-histone interaction is specific. Rv3423.1 protein was detected in the culture filtrate of virulent but not avirulent M. tuberculosis. Infection of macrophages with recombinant Mycobacterium smegmatis constitutively expressing Rv3423.1 resulted in a significant increase in the number of intracellular bacteria. However, the protein did not seem to offer any growth advantage to free-living recombinant M. smegmatis. It is highly likely that, by binding to the host chromatin, this histone acetyltransferase from M. tuberculosis may manipulate the expression of host genes involved in anti-inflammatory responses to evade clearance and to survive in the intracellular environment.